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Mike Schmidt (vocals)
Jürgen Graf (guitar)
Robert Eilenberger (bass)
Christian Ludwig (drums)


Without ANY doubt Bad Dürrenberg's M.A.D. must be counted to the upper league of the ex-GDR's Thrash elite, calling them the eastgerman Protector wouldn't even be wrong at all, as both bands almost shared the same style and sound. Early 1986 Mike Schmidt, Jürgen Graf, Robert Eilenberger and Christian Ludwig formed the band Speed, that soon would be renamed to first MAD, and then M.A.D. (which doesn't stands for anything). Lutz Hommel (guitar) joined the foursome late '86 and as quintet they rehearsed and either played a few live shows, till Mike Schmid quit early '87 and Robert Eilenberger also took the micro duties. Inspired by Slayer and Celtic Frost the lads in spring 1988 attended the national band classification and easily passed. Either song material of these times exists, featuring the ferocious "Labyrinth of death", "Hangar of death" and "Night of nothing" from 1988, that could easily competite with western Death/Thrash standards of Kreator or the already mentioned Protector. When Lutz Hommel then in May '88 was called to weapons, M.A.D. continued as a trio and spread the name on certain underground stages, making M.A.D. a honored live act behind the wall. Hommel returned late '89 and still played with the guys till early 1990 when he was asked to leave due to personal and musical differences. He formed Overlord shortly afterwards, while the remaining M.A.D. trio went into a studio to record their Demo "Of life in death" still in spring that year. But either M.A.D.'s star, despite of getting airplay with that tape in the bag, that went even more brutal then in the years before (like early Bolt Thrower), started sinking after the political change and the band was seen less and lesser on stage. Christian Ludwig left M.A.D. to join Feuerstein for a short wile and got replaced by MCB's Jörg Borchert during that time, but returned after just a few weeks keeping up with Feuerstein still in 1990. Summer '92 M.A.D. evenually disbanded and Robert Eilenberger joined Hommel in Overlord. Christian Ludwig formed Senistro. Jürgen Graf quit the music business for good. 2006 some of the guys revived M.A.D. once again.

Please check out M.A.D.'s Homepage


"Of life in death" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)

Unreleased Recordings:
"Labyrinth of death" (1987)
"Hangar of death" (1988)
"Night of nothing" (1988)

M.T. Eyes


Frank Ruhland (vocals)
Franz Otten (guitar)
Petetr Rittner (guitar)
Heino Krasting (bass)
Günter Euringer (drums)


An AC/DC inspired band I guess from Munich, or Munich area, who recorded their debut 7" in March '85 privately. Both trax are domiliciled in midpaced slightly bluesy Hard Rock fields, with metallic AC/DC touch and a few little Scorpions hints on the title track. Average stuff and nothing earthshaking. M.T. Eyes returned in 1994 with a fullenght CD entitled "First look" on Lobster Records.




A melodic Speed Metal band from the Tübingen area, that was active during 1990. Further info is needed.





A highly obscure Hard Rock troop from Saarland on the border to France we have here. There's sadly no info to find on the sleeve or anywhere on their 7". They played a sort of Kraut/Hard Rock with the main riff of "Roadrunner" showing similarities to the Scorpions's famous "Rock you like a hurricane", but not as heavy. The flipside Boogie Hard Rocker "C'est la vie" was sung in german, but the saxophone solos are truly annoying. Nothing essential at all. Guess the 7" was released between 1980-83.


"Roadrunner/C`est la vie" 7" EP 198x (selfreleased)

Macbeth (Ennepetal)


Markus Steinhut (vocals)
Uwe Hett (guitar)
Markus Hiller (bass)
Daniel Braselmann (drums)


These Macbeth was a shortlived Power Metal foursome from Ennepetal in North Rhine Westphalia, that formed in 1989 and after a selfproduced Demo in 1990, could record an album for the D&S label, before they already disbanded in the early 90's. The production of the album sadly appears rather dry, but nevertheless these guys delivered a typically 80's sounding mid and uptempo Power Metal in the vein of italians Astaroth and Running Wild.


"Savage dreams" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)
”Beware of human aggression” CD 1991 (D&S)

Macbeth (GDR)


Tobias Nehmer (vocals)
Ralf Zeidler (guitar)
Hanjo Papst (bass)
Frank Fiebach (drums)


Macbeth from Erfurt was one of the first band that got prohibited by the ex-GDR's officials. Founded by Tobias Nehmer, Ralf Zeidler, Hanjo Papst and Frank Fiebach, Michael Werner was found quickly, while Tobias Nehmer left the band already during autumn '85 to form Rochus. But the guys already had organized a very charismatic vocalist, whose name was Detlev Wittenburg and who in future should be responsible for the band's very intelligent and above average lyrics. Hanjo Papst also had to leave in late '85 because of army duties, but Michael Fleischmann joined instead. Macbeth recorded a 4 track Demo and started playing live, which soon caused several stage bans due to the "wrong people" being in the crowd and causing trouble, driven by Macbeth's raw Heavy Metal sound, which soon resulted in Macbeth got completely denied to play live. Due to that fact, Fleischmann left the band in June '86, who in the meanwhile hired ex-Rocksack Carsten Tauchert (bass) and decided to cooperate with the local office of the FDJ (a youth organization), that gained the guys a first live gig after the break in September '86, which though should become the nail to Macbeth's selfmade coffin. After the band got denied any further extra song, the crowd completely raged out, that officials took as reason to deny Macbeth any further gigs, their rehearsal room cancelled and so on. Carsten Tauchert then subsequently applicated to leave the GDR for good and Frank Viehbach joined Prinzz/Blitzz. Michael Werner even was forced to cut his hair and had to join the army. Only Wittenburg and Zeidler remained and started from zero. Hanjo Papst rejoined 1987 after he eventually had returned from the army and new members Lutz Rödiger (guitar) and Frank Basner (drums) also came in, while the band was called to apply the national ministry to talk about the future of Macbeth, which ended in Macbeth changing name to Caiman in May '87 and finally was allowed to play live again. German Democratic Recordings re-released all of the band's Demos on a CD entitled "Zeit der Zeiten" 2006.


"Demo 1985" (selfreleased)

Macbeth (Ingolstadt)


Christian Ptach (vocals)
Roland Süß (bass)
Harald Schmidl (guitar)
Thomas Glas (drums)


These 1983 founded Macbeth was from Ingoldstadt in Bavaria and released a first Demo "Into the light", that suffered from bad recording quality. The second tape "Shinin' through" offered some standard Heavy Metal with a huge US Glam Metal edge on the 3 songs and was released in 1986. The guitarist seemed quite good but for the midpaced rocking melodic style the band used to play he wasted his talent imo. You can hear him in action better during the solos parts. What's kinda annoying are the vocals, the guy wanted too much, that the range of his voice didn't allow at all.


"Into the light" Demo 1985 (selfreleased)
”Shinin’ through” Demo 1986 (selfreleased)

Machine Head


Andy Atkins (vocals)
Peter Wolf (guitar)
Chris (bass)
Andreas (keyboard)
Mike (drums)


After West Berlin's Chaser started crumbling late '85 and eventually split up early '86, the ex-Tyrant (pre-Chaser) mates Andy Atkins and Peter Wolf formed the band Machine Head right afterwards and added 3 new members. The lads also quickly recorded a Demo tape still in 1986, by keeping Chaser's musical concept. Means melodic Heavy Rock was their recipe. If you have more info, please get in contact.


Machine Head



We guess these Machine Head from the Edenkoben/Mannheim/Karlsruhe area, who played there in the region during 1986/87 had been a kinda local Hard Rock or even Metal band. Further info is required.




Arne (guitar)
Thorsten Klöpfer (guitar, vocals)
Rainer (bass)
Jarle Böe (drums)


A classic Thrash band with american influences from Auenwald, east of Ludwigsburg/Stuttgart, that was formed already in 1984 and relased 3 equivalent Demo tapes throughout the late 80's, with a sound close to thrashier Metallica and Toranaga. On "World of confusion" new vocalist Jonny appeared the first time. Not sure when these guys quit the band, but most probably during the early 90's. Nevertheless, fans of Metallica will enjoy Machinery's material for sure.


"The immutable fall" Demo 1988 (selfreleased)
”World of confusion” Demo 1989 (selfreleased)
"Read between the lines" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)

Mad Alien


Raico Ebel (vocals, guitar)
Ulrich Schulz (guitar)
Patric Hampe (bass)
Karsten Nagel (drums)


Raico Ebel (ex-Ill Prophecy, ex-Not Fragile) founded Mad Alien in 1989 in Hamburg as a project after he left Not Fragile and had enough material written for an album, but didn't wanted to join another band anymore. He asked his old band mate Patric Hampe (ex-Ill Prophecy) to join his band and found in Ulrich Schulz and Karsten Nagel 2 more session musicians who helped him recording the first MCD "We are alive". Usually a guy called Torsten should sing the vocal lines but 2 weeks before the they wanted to record the songs he disappeared and Raico had no other choice than to do the vocals himself. Due to the engineer who knew a few actors of the musical Cats, the back ground choirs was sung by 11 of them. The result of that crazy studio session was a melodic Power Metal EP (limited edition 1000 copies) that's sounding quite close to early Gammaray and even later Helloween, stylistically a typical Hamburg Metal product so to say, with many many twin leads. After some line up changes they released their first album "Qui Habet Aures Audiendi, Audiat" 1995 again privately.


"We are alive" MCD 1989 (selfreleased)

Mad Axeman


Ulrich Dreyer (vocals)
Peter Esser (guitar)
Norbert Kribus (guitar)
Ulrich Grzeschik (bass)
Stefan Schneider (drums)


A shortlived act from Leverkusen that was active from 1983 to '86, but made it at least to 2 vinyls on the Mausoleum label, which doesn't surprise me much as these guys' sound was close to the typical Benelux Metal style. I'm pretty sure Mad Axeman at least recorded one Demo tape, but so far I couldn't find any trace of it. Nevertheless, Mad Axeman played a rather unspectacular midpaced pounding Hard Rock/Metal style, that for 1984 sounded quite outdated. Here and there when they raised the tempo they at least enter the average middle field, but there's the problem, they refused to play the speedy stuff. In the end the album appears quite disappointing, but at least the B-side of the Maxi "Hell raiser" (The Sweet cover) contains two non album trax, and "Fight it out" is a listenable powerful song, that the album should have had featured more of this sort to have been successful. Kribus and Grzeschik later appeared in Power Metallers Alyson Hell in the early 90's.


"Mad Axeman" LP 1984 (Mausoleum)
"Hell raiser" 12" EP 1984 (Mausoleum)

Mad Butcher


Harry Elbracht (bass, vocals)
Sidney Keller (guitar)
Guggi Schirrmacher (guitar)
Manfred Salhöfer (drums)


Mad Butcher from Essen has been active since January 1981, founded by Harry Elbracht, Sidney Keller, Guggi Schirrmacher, and Manfred Salhöfer. When ex-Lions Breed drummer Reinhard Gollan and Rolli Borchert (guitar) joined in 1983, they recorded their first Demo (featuring a studio and live side), that earned them a record deal with Gama Records. Stylistically the lads sounded similar to Metal Sword, playing an upbeat Heavy Metal style with Motörhead influences. Vocalist Metal Harry Elbracht was either writing for the Metal Hammer magazine in the early days. However, "Metal lightning attack" was recorded in April '85 and refined the early Demo sound by raising speed drastically, though stylistically the speedy Motorhead direction was continued and either very early Metallica influences are audible. Nevertheless, the album was just a classic middle league product, that couldn't set any new standards at all. There is also a live tape (from 26/1/'85) in my archives that contains a handwritten sheet of Harry Elbracht and is entitled "Metallic Attack", but since I'm not sure if it's any officially sold tape, I only mention it here. Mad Butcher's second album "Metal meat" was released on Metal Enterprises in 1987 and the band's sound had changed to a more up to date style Power Metal influenced Heavy Metal in the vein of Anvil, that knows to attract during the speed parts, which are sadly rare on the album. A listenable average underground Metal album so to say, that marked their last album either. 1988 Mad Butcher called it a day and became Loud 'N' Proud, playing ZZ Top style Biker/Southern Rock stuff throughout the 90's.


"Demo 83" (selfreleased)
"Metal lightning attack" LP 1985 (Earthshaker)
"Metal meat" LP 1987 (Metal Enterprises)

Mad Chat


Stefan Singer
Thomas Eberl
Christoph Simons
Stefan Simons
Christian Eger


A shortlived Hard Rock band from Augsburg that existed from 1983-84 and was influenced by the classic 70's Hard Rock of ZZ Top and Deep Purple. The young band also played a few rare live shows. If you got more info, please get in touch.


Mad Crew



A Metal band from southern Germany (greater Stuttgart area most probably), that was actively playing live gigs during 1988. If you got more info, please get in touch.


Mad Crumble Gang, The



A local Thrash Metal/Hardcore troop from Münster, that was active during 1989. Further info is needed.


Mad Evil


Peter Rummel (vocals)
Jörg Hetzig (guitar)
Ralf Gehring (bass)
Tom Will (drums)


Thrashers from Ludwigshafen/Maubach, who started during 1988 as a fourpiece and was seen playing live the following year. November '88 they already recorded the debut tape "Suicidal future" and later added a second guitarist (Lotte) in 1989, who didn't stay for long in the band. Holger Köster replaced him and also recorded the band's second Demo "Violent world" during February 1990. Not sure what happened after that Demo, but the band totally fell apart. Just Köster remained tried till 1992 with new members Andreas Leitner (bass), Juste (drums) and Markus Seitz (vocals). Mad Evil's style was obviously Kreator and Protector influenced extremely raw Thrash Metal, that reminds slightly of Morbid Saint. Some of the first incarnation of Mad Evil tried to revive the band under the monicker Depraved in 1993, but Rummel and Will already started the more successful Nyctophobic in 1992.


"Suicidal future" Demo 1988 (selfreleased)
”Violent world” Demo 1990 (selfreleased)

Mad Max


Andreas Baesler (vocals)
Jürgen Breforth (guitar)
Wilfried Schneider (guitar)
Thomas Hoffmann (bass)
Uwe Starck (drums)


Mad Max originally started as the cover band Way Out in Münster 1980, till Jürgen Breforth, supported by Andreas Baesler, Wilfried Schneider, Thomas Hoffmann and Uwe Starck, suggested to change the band's name to Mad Max in 1981, because he loved the cinematic end time classic "Mad Max". The lads threw all their money into one pot and recorded 4 trax at the Unit Art studio that was probably just planned as Demo I bet, but like Railway and many many other bands either, Unit Art pressed a number of limited 7" vinyls, that nowadays are bitches to find. The early Mad Max sound could be described a highly NWOBHM influenced early Heavy Metal in the vein of bands like Turbo with influences of early Maiden/Priest, while the number "Cry for today" with it's all crushing doublebass part almost entered the Power Metal stage. The guys just one year later produced their debut album "Heavy Metal" independently at the Tonstudio Greven and released the vinyl privately in 1982, which was released one more time in early '83 with different cover on the Indie label Roof Music. Baesler and Hoffmann broke with the music business, so both found substitutes in ex-Hydra Michael Voss (vox) and Jürgen Sander on bass. The album went slightly more melodic ways than the first single, still with NWOBHM hints all along. The band called up interest of Roadrunner Records who would become the band's label partner throughout the following years. "Rollin' thunder" and "Stormchild" got released between 1984 and '85 and introduced a grown up band, that had established within the german Heavy Metal scene. Though their early NWOBHM influences was completely suffocated, Mad Max became trailblazers of the Melodic Metal scene, combining commercial influences with Heavy Metal in the vein of Dokken. On "Stormchild" there was only Jürgen Breforth left of the original line up, Axel Kruse (drums), Christoph Wegmann (guitar) and Roland Bergmann (bass) replaced the 1984 resigned Sander as well as Schneider and Starck, who both founded the band Carrie. After a tour with Steeler in December '85, Mad Max got invited to start a club tour through England in 1986, but Christoph Wegmann due to his studies was hindered to participate, so he fully quit Mad Max. Vocalist Michael Voss took the part of the lead guitarist also and the last album "Night of passion" was recorded in 1986, with the Sweet cover "Fox on the run" being lifted as single, containing with "Can't stop taking" a non album track. "Night of passion" was fully finished and published in March '87 with help of Gerhard Schleifer (Sinner) and Joshua Perahia (Joshua) who both was helping with additional guitar and solo parts. Incited by the rather ambivalent reviews of "Stormchild", especially by german Metal Hammer mag, the Mad Max guys put alot of passion into the compositions on the album and retrospectively viewed "Night of passion" was the best album they ever recorded. The Melodic Metal of "Stormchild" merged with newly found power and either melodic speed elements, that in places Mad Mad sounded close to Helloween or Mania. 1987 Mad Max concluded a contact with american major label RCA, but Roadrunner blocked that contract. As a result of that and fully convinced the international career got torpedoed by Roadrunner, Michael Voss quit in September 1987. He later, after playing in several coverbands in the meanwhile, formed the band What? during late 88/89 and subsequently joined Casanova in 1990. With Ralf Heyne (guitar) and Keith Ellis (vox) to replace songwriter Voss, Breforth started a last attempt and another album was planned to be recorded in 1988 in Los Angeles and published in April '89, but none of these plans got implemented, as Roadrunner let the band fall, thus Mad Max split up in 1989. Breforth and Ralf Heyne subsequently founded the Hard Rock band Tanner. 2005 Breforth and Voss eventually reactivated Mad Max who are active till nowadays.


"In concert" 7" EP 1981 (Unit Art)
"Heavy Metal" LP 1982 (selfreleased)
"Shake some action" Comp.-LP Track 1982 (Upgefahr'n)
"Mad Max" LP 1983 (Roof Music)
"Rollin' thunder" LP 1984 (Roadrunner)
"Rollin' thunder" (Comp.-LP Track 1984 (100% Pure Metal Sampler)
"Losing you" Comp.-LP Track 1984 (The Metal Machine)
"Stormchild" LP 1985 (Roadrunner)
"Fox on the run" 7"/12"/Pic 12" EP 1986 (Roadrunner)
"Night of passion" LP 1987 (Roadrunner)

Mad Moon


M. Pesch


Most probably an AOR or Hard Rock act from Mayence that was featured on a local Mayence compilation album, with the catchy Hard Rock ballad "Atomic nuclear". If you got more info, please get in touch.


"Atomic nuclear" Comp.-LP Track 1988 (Mayence Rock '88)

Mad Rosa


Reiner Nothelfer (vocals)
Gerd Nowka (guitar)
Rolf Schwark (keyboard)
Peter Binetsch (bass)
Klaus Peter Harbort (drums)


A classic AOR band from Weingarten/Ravensburg, who positively surprised with their song “Deine Liebe" on the local underground sampler “Ravensburg Silhouette”, that rocks straight ahead with a driving Hard Rock beat, highly influenced by the typical american Arena Rock bands. Further info is needed.


"Deine Liebe" Comp.-LP Track 1988 (Ravensburg Silhouette)

Mad Slaughter


Axel Becker (vocals, guitar)
Jens-Uwe Schnorr (guitar)
Oliver Gerds (bass)
Thomas Heisenberg (drums)


Mad Slaughter from Rostock (ex-GDR) found together during October '85 originally as Heavy Hammer first and spent the first two years to handle their instruments, influenced by AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Metallica and Motörhead. The guys played a technically minor skilled Thrash Metal and in summer 1987 Patrick Wittkowski joined as vocalist. First Heisenberg during early '88 and later in autumn also both guitarists Schnorr and Becker was called to arms to defend the "anti-capitalistic firewall", but the band found Kai Sass to replace Heisenberg, though they had to pause without any guitarist later that year and just reformed in January 1990 when all returned, without vocalist Patrick Wittkowski under the monicker Mad Slaughter. The guys finally had refined their Crossover style Thrash Metal and opened March '90 for Rumble Militia in their hometown, sollowed by many other gigs throughout the area. The band's style during the following years turned into more classic Power/Thrash Metal with either melodic and modern touch and Mad Slaughter's debut Demo "What we know" got released in 1993, shortly before the guys could release their first album "Mind intensive x-tract" independently 1994. 1995 after being slightly disillusioned about the band's further future, they changed name to Crushing Caspars.


”What we know” Demo 1993 (selfreleased)

Madam I'm Adam


Arwed Fischer (bass, vocals)
Oliver George-Siedler (guitar, vocals, drums, keyboard)
Richard Maciossek (guitar, vocals)
Klaus Nass (drums)
Rainer Waldinger (keyboard, vocals)


This band from Marburg with the ultra strange name Madam I'm Adam was a AOR/Melodic Rock band that released 3 albums till 1990 which contained poppy mainstream AOR like a mix of Asia, Mr. Mister and Survivor. Unfortunately the band live sounded way harder than on the pimped albums. But Melodic Rock/AOR fans will surely make a discovery here.
Check out Madam I'm Adam Live


"Madam I'm Adam" LP/CD 1987 (MerkTon)
"Movin'" LP/CD 1990 (Scrifis)
"Sarah" 7" EP 1990 (Scrifis)
"The Jägerschnitzel" CD 1993 (Labels Germany)




A local band originating most probably from the greater Karlsruhe/Mannheim area, that was actively playing live during 1988/89. If you got more info, please get in touch.


Madhouse (Erlangen)


Rüdiger Leppert (vocals)
Kay Ernst (guitar)
Mathias Großer (keyboard)
Rüdiger Sickenberg (bass)
Michael Emig (drums)


A Metal band from Erlangen, that was founded in 1986, with most of the guys already being previously active in the band S.E.E.K., that just used to play coverversions. Vocalist Rüdiger "Def" Leppert just joined in 1987, so the lads started recording their debut Demo "First damage" in summer '88. Often refered a Thrash band, originally Madhouse's style was kinda Power Metal/Crossover with R'n'R touch and either slightly Punk influences, though certain Thrash parts I won't deny at all. Especially on "Pain without mercy" they ripped off "Raining blood". One year after the "No more Antis" Demo followed and 1990 one more tape with the funny title "So soft, so good, so what...?" was published. The "First damage" Demo got re-released in 2009 on splatter vinyl in a limited edition of 300 copies, published on Beer and Jesus Records.


”First damage” Demo 1988 (selfreleased)
"No more Antis" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)
"So soft, so good, so what....?" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)

Madhouse (GDR)


Mario Hänig (vocals)
Heiko Hesse (guitar)
David Sommer (bass)
Frank Oswald (drums)


A Thrash Metal band from Freital (ex-GDR), that formed back in 1987, initiated by schoolboys, but the guys quickly learned to handle their instruments and could start playing several live gigs till November 1989, when caused by the political change some massive problems occured. Initially during earlier in 1989 a Demo tape with the title "T.F.O." was recorded and sold at gigs of the troop, who painted the sound of (the fast) Metallica and especially Slayer on their flag of hate, offering a murderous Destruction/Slayer Thrash sound from hell, that leaves no questions unanswered. Unfortunately during 1990 the guys lost their practise room and seems like the band did not survive that adventure at all.


"T.F.O." Demo 1989 (selfreleased)
"Deaf Tape Sampler No. 1" Comp.-Tape Tracks 1991 (Morbid Records)

Madhouse (Hamburg)


Carsten Krekow (guitar, vocals)
Thomas Gamlien (guitar)
Lars Rothbarth (bass)
Paul Slabiak (drums)


One of the special tips of the 80's Hamburg scene was the band Madhouse who used to call their style "Pure Metal". Founded in 1986 as Erection the guys changed name to Madhouse in March '87 and recorded their debut Demo during September the same year. While the lads saw themselves influenced by Metallica and Slayer, musically a cross of Whiplash and Helloween would fit better here. The band was playing a very tight performed sort of Speed Metal with a lethal dose of Power, that made them standing out of the middle field. Madhouse also played on the 4th Oxmox/Metal Star band contest in Hamburg '89 and recorded another Demo of the same caliber during that year. Though plans for an album was dreamt, they either succeeded to score a deal after the second Demo, while they've been favorites of the magazines in national Demo reviews sections. Unfortunately the label went bankrupt shortly after the agreement. What had to happen happened naturally, Madhouse called it a day in 1991, but reformed 2014 and so far released 3 CD's.


"Goin' crazy" Demo 1987 (selfreleased)
"Madhouse" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)

Madison Head


Fonzo (bass, vocals)
Smash (guitar, vocals)
Zuzy (drums)


Unfortunately the band logo of this trio from Celle in the Hannover region suggests a much heavier impression than these guys in the end are able to deliver. And either both their songs on the local sampler "Celler Rockmusik Initiative 2" couldn’t be much more far from each other stylewise, so it's difficult to label these guys. With "Close 2 U” they still are able to start with a melodic uptempo Heavyrocker based on a R’n'R backbone, but what's their goal with “Much hotter than hell” you better don’t dare to ask us. Hardrock Rap? We don’t have a clue either…


"Celler Rockmusik Initiative 2" Comp.-LP Tracks 1989 (Pirol)



Burkhardt Lehmann (vocals)
Bernd Danzenbacher (guitar)
Bernd Schneider (bass)
Uwe Gabel (drums)


A Metal band from Frankfurt/Oder (ex-GDR), that formed slightly after the fall of the wall in February 1990. Madisson's style was Thrash Metal influenced and the guys already got airplay at the “Tendenz Hard bis Heavy” radio show in July ’91 with the track “Intellectuals”, meaning that Demo recordings was made in the first part of 1991. The band additionally produced an independent Cassette and CD with the title "Suffering" in 1993, before they split up the following year. Some guys reformed Madisson in 2002 and keep on playing till nowadays, but without further releases. If you got further info, please get in touch.
(Thanx to sovdat for the heads up)


"Suffering" CD 1993 (selfreleased)



Manuela Schewitz (vocals)
Matthias Schwind (guitar)
Bernd Mayer (guitar)
Joe Hagl (bass)
Jürgen Guckert (drums)


A quite unique band originating from Herxheim, south of Mannheim, who recorded their first 3 song tape during 1989, that featured an inimitable sort of Heavy Metal, that a magazine decribed as "Opera meets Metal". The reason for that strange description was Madvisions female singer Manuela, whose voice was sounding somehow comparable to Kate Bush's, ranging in highest fields. The song "Modern world" either adopted speed elements. In 1991 a second 3 track demo followed in an equally eclectic, melo-metal style, and in 1993 their one full-length CD was released, then under their new monicker Kings Head. If you got further info, please get in touch.


"Madvision" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)
"Crazy Down Town" Demo 1991 (selfrealeased)



Hans-Joachim Kneis (vocals)
Dietrich Kessler (saxophone, flute, keyboard)
Gisbert Piatkowski (guitar)
Klaus Weigert (bass)
Hans-Peter Dohanetz (keyboard)
Detlef Kessler (drums)


The Hard Rock band Madgeburg was formed in the city of Magdeburg (ex-GDR) 1975, out of the ashes of the band Klosterbrüder who got more and more in trouble with the GDR's authoritys. After first recordings for the national broadcast service of the GDR a first 7" "In meinem Land" was released, and postdoctorate Hans-Peter Dohanetz left in 1976 to get replaced by the later Silly keyboarder Rüdiger Barton. Either Detlef Kessler 1976 quit and emigrated to the western part of Germany 2 years later. He was playing drums on Herbert Grönemeyer's famous "4630 Bochum" album. Waldemar Janicki replaced him and the later founding member of MCB, Bernd Schilanski took his part. A number of several singles was produced from 1978-'79 as well as Magdeburg's debut LP 1980, that featured some of the trax on the early singles either.The album was also re-released as "Verkehrte Welt" in western Germany with a slightly different tracklist. Gisbert Piatkowski and Rüdiger Barton after the album left the band and joined the Rock band City in 1980. Hans Wintoch (violin) and Hans-Jürgen Ludwig (guitar) newly joined and another 7" with the title "Hundsgemein" was produced in the following year 1981, featuring non album trax. When the lads was about to finish their second album "Grand Hand" in 1981, the authoritys started harassing the musicians again, due to the lyrical content and their optical appearance. All of the guys officially requested to leave the GDR, which caused a total stage ban for all of them and the band got officially prohibited. Dietrich Kessler and Hans-Joachim Kneis got jailed for almost 2 years and later left GDR. Hans-Jürgen Ludwig and Bernd Schilanski 1983 formed one of the first GDR's Heavy Metal bands, MCB, together with Mike Demnitz. Hans Wintoch joined Lift in 1984 and later started a solocareer. The sound of Madgeburg on all of their releases was epic 70's Hard Rock in the vein of early Berluc and Prinzip with either Prog Rock influences. 1992 some of the members started a live comeback and since 2000 they are active again under their original monicker Klosterbrüder.


"In meinem Land" 7" EP 1976 (Amiga)
"Ebbe und Flut" 7" EP 1978 (Amiga)
"Verkehrte Welt" 7" EP 1979 (Amiga)
"Magdeburg" LP 1980 (Amiga)
"Hundsgemein" 7" EP 1981 (Amiga)
"Verkehrte Welt" LP 1981 (Teldec)



Christian Deska (vocals, guitar)
Michael Schmackler (guitar, keyboard)
Thomas Lerche (bass)
Dirk Götschelt (drums)


Munich based Heavy Rockers with a melodic sound that in places was leaned on US bands like early Crüe or Cinderella but having it's heavy moments as well. The weak point of the band was the vocalist who sounded partly like Vince Neil and that didn't fit so well to their heavier songs at all. Magenta released a private album in 1989 with the title "Hard Rockin' Phoenix", limited to 1000 copies in red vinyl. One year later they also participated on the "Rock Feierwerk Sieger 90" Split LP with the 2 non album trax "Let it go" and "Shake me" with new members Charly Barth (ex-Challenge) replacing Dirk Götschelt on drums and B. Schillmer on keyboards. Despite the album sound still was well executed Melodic Metal, on these 2 new trax from November '90 the bands sound completely turned into Glam Metal like Mötley Crüe. Charly Barth, Michael Schmackler and Thomas Lerche (also active with Phantom Lord) afterwards resurfaced in the heavier acting Aiming High.


"Hard Rockin' Phoenix" LP 1989
"Rock Feierwerk Sieger 90" Comp.-LP Tracks 1990 (Feierwerk)

Maggie’s Madness


Michael Dudek (vocals)
Franz Zellner (guitar)
Jochen Bleicher (guitar)
Peter C. Tobolla (bass)
Hans Georg von Schuh (drums)


One of Nuremberg's first Hard Rock bands, Maggie's Madness, was originally founded already in 1974 and produced their selftitled debut album independently in 1981. Due to the quite ugly cover artwork that's screaming in yellow Pop music all along, the album could be easily overlooked, but that would be a slight mistake, as especially for the NWOBHM clientele Maggie's Madness' compositions might be of major interest. Though the album was dominated by the Boogie influenced heavy Hard Rock in the vein of Dark Star, there are either songs like f.e. "One more time" that are close to the style that Iron Maiden performed in the late 70's. Mausoleum was responsible for their second album "On fire", that featured Wolfgang Lang (later in Dynasty) on the keyboard and heralded Maggie's Madness new era, by completely diving into the Heavy Metal seas. Just like the debut, the style on "On fire" was highly NWOBHM influenced melodic Heavy Metal with slightly commercial edge, or in other words, the lads was focussed to compose songs with remarkable refrains. 1985, when Maggie's Madness prepared the 3rd album "Love attack" for Roadrunner Records with new members Michael Andrasch (bass) and ex-Revolver/Raindancer Friedel Amon (keyboard), the label simply changed the band's name single-handedly on the cover to Wild Cat, to avoid juridical complications with the band Madness. They constantly carried on where they started with Maggie's Madness and fully focussed on the midpaced Heavy Rock and Heavy Metal, with diverse song parts sounding close to Scorpions, Maiden and either didn't forget to bring some power bangers like "Run for your life" or "Turn on you" (very Maiden-ish). Michael Andrasch left the band shortly after "Love attack" was released and their ex-bass player Peter Tobolla returned. After the band dissolved the contract with Roadrunner, Bleicher and Hans Georg von Schuh left as well and the latter got replaced by ex-Dynasty Daniel Zimmermann (later Gammaray, Freedom Call) and they kept on playing till 1987 when they called it quits.


"Maggie's Madness" LP 1981 (selfreleased)
"On fire" LP 1984 (Mausoleum)

Magic Cicero


Andreas Treichel (guitar)
Michael Bayer (guitar)
Thomas Platz (bass)
Jürgen Croissant (drums, vocals)


Magic Cicero formed during 1979 in Edenkoben (Mannheim/Karlsruhe region) and had been just shortlived, since the band changed name already in 1981 to Zugluft (“draught”) in 1981. Members of the group being Andreas “Dru” Treichel (guitar), Michael Bayer (guitar), Thomas „Scooter“ Platz (bass) and Jürgen „Fips“ Croissant (drums, vocals), who together built a sort of “sound union” to say at least, performing a sort of progressive Hard Rock with already early Metal elements. Quite tight performance honestly judging by the only Zugluft live cut that’s available from June ’82, taken at the “Rock gegen Drogen“ Open Air Festival in Edenkoben. Zugluft’s time already ran out during 1984, but all of the guys went to play in other local acts like Steel Preacher (Andreas Treichel), while Bayer, Platz and Croissant formed the incredible Merlin/Merlyn during 1986, that in a way continued what Zugluft has started.


Magic Lane


Henry Schumann (vocals)
Guido Brülls (guitar)
Günther Peschau (guitar)
Steve Carrington (bass)
Günther Victorin (drums)


A Hard Rock band from Hannover that had the luck to produce an album for the rather Rock music oriented label Lava Records. Though when being from Hannover, what else would be closer than to adopt a similar style to Germany's most successful Rockers? Indeed, Magic Lane's sadly only album even featured with "Steamrock fever" a Scorpions cover, though I don't need to reduce this good band to a Scorpions clone at all. These guys are well worth to stand for their own fame, as their sound for 1981 was really powerful Hard Rock with either strong NWOBHM twin leads, which definitely should encourage the NWOBHM mongers to test these lads album. It for sure belongs to the best of the early metallic teutonic Hard Rock albums, that you can't do anything wrong with. Steve Carrington later would surface in the line up of Melodic Metallers Cannon.


"Can't get enough" LP 1981 (Lava)

Magic Power


Horst Stabenow (bass)


This Bochum band was previously known as Split Brain, but changed their name to Magic Power in 1985, possibly "borrowing" the monicker from ex-Faithful Breath now M.P. bassist Horst Stabenow's old band from the 60's, The Magic Power. Their supposedly well-produced 1985 demo was a 4-song affair described as 'melodic heavy rock' in an old issue of Rock Hard, but there are also rumours of a 2nd release called "Hymn Of Victory". Some have even suggested this was a vinyl EP, but seeing is believing... That title track did however carry over onto the LP they released 1990, after their 2nd name-change to Syntra in 1988. Exactly which other Syntra- or Split Brain-members were part of this chapter of the band's history is still unconfirmed from reliable sources though. If you have more info, please get in contact.


Demo 1985 (Selfreleased)

Magnum Opus


Irene (vocals)
Jürgen Kühn (guitar)
Bernd Eckholt (guitar)
Andreas Sturm (bass)
R. Max (drums)


We guess these lads was originating from the Wiesbaden area, most probably from either Hünstetten, as in the female fronted Magnum Opus two later AIZZ members was playing during the very early 80's. We guess they already started around 1982 since the band went on stage in 1983 and performed at a higher musical level, delivering a slightly Saxon influenced powerful Heavy Metal. There's a live tape existing, with recordings from 1983/84, yet we can't tell it's official or not. Jürgen Kühn and R. Max around 1984/85 then eventually formed AIZZ. Further info would be highly appreciated.


"Tabula Rasa" Live Tape 1984



Bernhard Schimunek (vocals)
Martin Reichelt (guitar)
Hans Reichelt (guitar)
Jan Rehwinkel (guitar)
Robert Anwander (bass)
Peter von Mende (drums)


The Hard Rock band Mahailia from Augsburg in southern Germany used to start as a pure cover act back in 1985, with certain Deep Purple, UFO and Judas Priest songs being main parts of their repertoire, while the troop slowly began to write own songs, that step by step replaced the cover versions further. Peter von Mende left the guys after a while and instead joined the Black Knights. Johannes Litzl then subsequently filled the spot of the drummer. In the beginning Mahailia was fronted by Bernhard Schimunek and later Ralf Oelze, before Markus Meißner became their steady vocalist until Mahailia’s decline in late 1987, when most of the guys like Martin Reichelt, Robert Anwander, Hans Reichelt and Jan Rehwinkel formed the classic Heavy Metal band Snow Dog respectively. During the Augsburger Rock Tage Festival in April 1986 the guys played together with Veto, Manalishi, Croming Rose, Cyclone, Black Knights and Kick Down, but also was seen during the “Rock-Hours” Festival happening in June '86, as well as on many other locations during the mid 80’s.




Andreas Kromschröder (vocals)
Andreas Pollak (guitar)
Alexander Daube (bass)
Alexander Haas (drums)


Another obscure local Thrash combo hailing from Frankfurt/Main, who created their own style being called “Mähtrash", later they claimed to have established a very own genre entitled “Uffplack Metal”. You see, you shouldn’t take these guys too serious at all, who already formed loosely during 1985, initiated by Andreas "Prolak" Pollak (guitar), Alexander “Sandy" Daube (bass) and Andreas "A.-Kro" Kromschröder on drums, who later jumped behind the micro when Alexander “Haasen" Haas joined as drummer for the foursome. The official birth of Mähtrasher on another band info was claimed to happen in December ‘88 though, so we guess prior to this date the lads just casually rehearsed together. There’s a Demo tape being recorded during 1989 as well, most probably with songs featured on the underground compilation "Frankfurt Hit Collection", coz Mähtrasher appear with 4 of their songs on that record. Musically not so shabby, straight forward Speed’n'Thrash, though with slightly Crossover edge nevertheless, the material of the band reminds of bands like I.N.C. or in the first brazilian Armagedom on their late 80’s Thrash Metal phase of corpse. After the sampler appearance the path of Mähtrasher completely gets lost since the band already disappeared around 1990. During the late 2000's some members of the hard core of Mähtrasher reunited to re-record some old material once again, now consisting of Prolak (guitar), Sandy (guitar), Haasen on vocals and new member Stefan on bass guitar. Yet their status is unknown, they seem have split up once again.


“Frankfurt Hit Collection" Comp.-LP Tracks 1989 (Alm Räcords)

Main Force


Dirk Schnell


A Heavy Metal band from Dickendorf/Westerwald active around 1985. If you have more info please get in touch.


Main Streak



Main Streak was a Heavy Metal band that is known to have performed on stage at the Open Air Festival in Ensdorf 1989. If you got more info, please get in touch.


Main Voice


Karsten Pohler (vocals)
Stephan Wuits (guitar)
Thomas Rüth (guitar)
Norbert Rüth (bass)
Bernd Recht (keyboard)
Roman Götsch (drums)


A melodic Heavy Rock band of the early 90's from Cologne, with musicians from surrounding cities like Brühl, Bergisch Gladbach or Euskirchen. The first Demo was still recorded with a different vocalist in late 1990, featuring that easy sort of melodic Hard Rock with commercial edge but catchy melodies. For the second tape "The cut" Karsten Pohler took the vocalists position, while musically the music became slightly more profound. The 3rd selftitled Demo was recorded during December '93 with the line up: Stephan Wuits (vocals), Thomas Rüth (guitar), Norbert Rüth (bass, drums) and Bernd Recht (keyboard) and was going back to their commercial Heavy Rock roots once again. After successfully participating at the local Cologne festival "Rock De Cologne" in 1994, their song "These bleeding shoulders" appeared on the related compilation LP/CD "Rock De Cologne - Die Sieger '94", featuring Roman Götsch on drums and Stephan Wuits additionally on guitar/vocals.


"The gap" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)
"The cut" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
”Main Voice” Demo 1993 (selfreleased)



Andrew Hanke


Traditional Heavy Metal latecomers from the village of Bützfleth, northern Germany. Monotonous vocals and not too original music is the one description we've come across so far. If you have more info, please get in contact.


Demo 1989 (selfreleased)




A Metal band from the Speyer area, that was active in the mid/late 80's. If you got more info, please get in touch.





A local Hard Rock band from southern Germany with strong 70's Prog edge, that was featured with the track "Black out" on the obscure Talent Show '83 sampler. The thing that makes these guys remarkable are the vocals, that remind me of the Salem's Law guy. The guy seems to have had quite a loud voice. If you got more info, please get in touch.


"Black out" Comp.-LP Track 1983 (Talent Show '83)

Mainstream (Herne)


Horst Schröder (vocals)
Ernst-Josef Kammann (bass)
Torsten Knittel (drums)
Detlev Förster (guitar)
Marco Güning (guitar)


A Heavy Metal band from Herne that released a Demo tape in 1985. If you got more info, please get in touch.




Horst Schröder (vocals)
Marko Grüning (guitar)
Detlev Förster (guitar)
Ernst-Josef Kammann (bass)
Torsten Knittel (drums)


Originally none of the guys mentioned to the left was any founding member of Mainstreet. The band was founded by 2 guys 1980 in Wanne, till Horst Schröder joined as vocalist. The lads started covering wellknown Rock hits, but when it was about to compose own songs, the band broke apart at around 1981/82 due to different musical opinions. Horst Schröder a while later in 1982 started a second attempt with a new guitarist. Ernst-Josef Kammann and drummer Torsten Knittel joined and second guitarist Marko Grüning was added too. 1983 the new Mainstreet recorded a 3 track Demo and with new guitarist Detlev Förster another one in late '84 or early '85, that impressed Wishbone Records, so they produced their debut EP in August '85, entitled "Black dream". Like all the Wishbone stuff nowadays a hard to find piece, but featuring fresh sounding Heavy Metal that's not really trying to copy the at that time all ruling Gama bands style. After the EP was available, Detlev Förster who composed most the trax on "Black dream", left Mainstreet and Marko Grüning remained the only guitarist in the band. As a fourpiece the lads recorded their fullenght "Deadly games at night" at the D&S studio for the new label Freeway Records in 1988, that naturally featured a different type of Metal, compared to the debut. Between Power Metal ("Wrong is right"), Hard Rock ("Deadly games at night") or the Accept influenced "Throne of fire", the album showed many facets and is hard to categorize, though it's Heavy Metal all the way, celebrating a very riff oriented style. But with the fall of the 80's either Mainstreet vanished in the mists of oblivion.


"Black dream" 12" EP 1986 (Wishbone)
"Deadly games at night" LP 1988 (Freeway)

Mainzel Maniacs


Heinzi Steinke (guitar)
Many Tennhoff (guitar)
Rainer Gosseling (drums)
Ingo Jonscher (bass)
Mario Hübner (vocals)


This young Leer Thrash/crossover act was formed in August 1987 by guitarist Heinzi Steinke who had just left his previous band Phalanx, together with Many Tennhoff (guitar), Rainer Gosseling (drums) and Bernd de Vries (vocals). They had their first gig in January 1988, after which original singer Bernd left and instead Sven Stiekel stepped up to the mike. A bassist in the form of Ingo Jonscher was also added, and right before the recording of their debut demo in December 1988 the vocalist spot was replaced again by Mario Hübner. A second "Poperze" tape has been mentioned, but only as an 'unofficial' release. The band broke up in 1990, at which time Heinzi and Ingo instead joined Aborted Brains.


"H.I.V." Demo 1988 (selfreleased)
"Poperze" unofficial Demo 1989 (selfreleased)



Roland Faißt (vocals)
Alex Holzmann (guitar)
Oliver Lang (keyboard)
Philip Metz (bass)
Jochen Weinacker (drums)


One of these melodic bands that turned up with vinyl around 1990. The guys should be from the Karlsruhe area and their album "Illusion of fantasy", that was published on the Rockwerk label, offers a mix of different styles of the heavy music genre. Keyboard ruled Melodic Metal meets AOR, melodic Hard Rock, Pop Metal etc., but on high level with well worked out melodies. Definitely an above average album in that genre, well worth to search for.


"Illusions of fantasy" LP 1991 (Rockwerk)



Andreas Baum (vocals)
Andrè Kecker (guitar)
Stefan Leiste (guitar)
Thomas Klaus (bass)
Jörg Heinrich (keyboard)
Andreas Breindl (drums)


A Melodic Metal band from West Berlin, that started at around 1987/88 and debuted with a 3 track Demo in mid 1988, which immediately gained them a record deal with independent Berlin label 99 Records who produced their "Crusaders of the crown" 12" (limited edition in clear vinyl) still in the same year. Originally Majesty started with Andreas Baum being the drummer, but he switched over to the micro and instead ex-Dark Avenger/Black Burn drummer Andreas Breindl joined. Both of the trax as well as the 3 Demo songs featured highly melodic, but still powerbreeding Metal in the vein of Dortmund's Pride with US american influences like Dokken. After the 12" a long silence followed till the guys returned 1991 with the selftitled debut album, that they produced independently without keyboarder Jörg Heinrich and the new bassman Mario Hassebrauck. Musically nothing changed, though the Heavy Rock touch of the previous releases was completely gone the Majesty's was fully concentrating on the midpaced creeping melodic guitar driven Heavy Metal with slightly Hard Rock edge, still american style material. Yet, 1991 was the most crappy year for that kind of Metal, so the lads called it a day a while later.


"Crusaders of the crown" 12" EP 1988 (99)
"Majesty" LP/CD 1991 (selfreleased)

Major Knockout


Georg Uebler (vocals)
Helmut Spörl (guitar)
Michael Schenk (guitar)
Jürgen Dammer (bass)
Hubert Stepper (drums)


This Amberg formation already exists since 1974, formed by members of the bands Pontius Pilatus and Holy Slow Train, who split up at around that time, so a merge of the human remants was more than logic. Major Knockout were influenced more by the typical Rock of the 60s and 70s, whereby in the early years they mainly played songs by the Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, The Who or Free, before they later started composing their own songs bit by bit and concentrated exclusively on that undertaking during the following years. Singer Georg Uebler and guitarist Helmut Spörl always remained the fixpoint of the band throughout its history, which continues to this day, even though Georg Uebler has since passed away. In the mid 80's, the Ambergers released the Demo "MKO" with the line up Georg Uebler (vocals), Helmut Spörl (guitar), Michael Schenk (guitar), Jürgen Dammer (bass) and Hubert Stepper (drums), which contained their typical Rock'n'Roll and Blues Rock of the 70's influenced Hard Rock. The somewhat succinct and antiquated song "Backstreet lover" from that Demo was also used again in 1988 for the local sampler "5 Jahre Snäp", before Major Knocknout finally released their only independently produced, selftitled album on the indie Rockwerk Records in 1990, 16 years after the band was founded. Sony Sonsalla could be heard on bass this time. Here too, various Hard Rock songs in the sound of heavier Rolling Stones, with lots of Blues Rock and Rock'n'Roll borrowings from the 70’s, were mixed with a more modern 80’s sound. However, the band never quite got rid of their oldfashioned touch. After that the fivepiece around Georg Uebler and Helmut Spörl returned to live concerts and survived the coming decades unscathed with various changes of musicians. When Georg Uebler passed away, Spörl continued under the name The Lucky Punch, but renamed the band Major Knockout again in August 2023.


“MKO” Demo 1985 (selfreleased)
“Backstreet lover” Comp.-LP Track 1988 (5 Jahre Snäp)
“Major Knockout” LP 1990 (Rockwerk)




A local Thrash Metal band from most probably southern Germany, that was playing live gigs during 1986/87. If you got more info, please get in touch.


Malicious Marauder


Schrammel (drums)
Chef (vocals, guitars)


Unknowns from the Dortmund-area, active in the mid/late 80's and said to have included two members who later turned up in Angel Dust-bassist Frank Banx's joke-Thrash side project Monestery Brew, so we're guessing they were sorta kinda in the Thrash-vein? ...though probably not very good. If you have more info, please get in touch.




Manfred Dünzl (bass, guitar)
Peter Wenke (vocals, keyboard, guitar)
Stefan Ohnhaus (guitar)
Hansi Wuttke (keyboard)
Wilmont Schulze (drums)


The Wiesbaden based Hardrockers Mallet was founded by the schoolfriends Manfred Dünzl, Peter Wenke, Stefan Ohnhaus, Hansi Wuttke and Wilmont Schulze in 1979 and after a few first gigs Daniel Zehm joined on lead guitar. In the beginning the lads covered songs of the Stones, AC/DC or Bad Company, before they started composing own songs. Stefan Ohnhaus left the band to join The Crackers and since they already had 2 guitarists in their rows, their roadie Porky Kronier (later in Nice Boyz) was forced to sing their songs. 1982 Mallet began to record their debut LP "Dance with the devil" with the line up consisting of Porky Kronier, Daniel Zehm, Hansi Wuttke and Wimont Schulze, that was published on the local Wiesbaden label Luzifer Records and still features classic Rock, but with either a few AC/DC influenced songs. In the beginning of 1983 the band split up with only Wilmont and Dünzl remaining, who hired the guitarist Simon Sobkowiak, who shouldn't be any unknown guy to all Metal Enterprises releases fans at all. Manfred Dünzl on bass and vocals, Sobkowiak (guitar) and Wilmont Schulze on drums built Mallets line up at that time, spent some time in northern America to play some live shows at the US clubs.1984 Schulze and Dünzl left Mallet also, which led to a short break, before Dünzl contacted Sobkowiak again, who was still playing Mallet songs but under a different monicker, with Rainer Fey (drums) and ex-Strassenjungs/Tiger B. Smith Holker Schmitt (bass, vox). Manfred Dünzl rejoined on bass, vocals and guitar, but Holger Schmitt a few months later quit Mallet to join the famous Hard Rock band Tokyo. Old fellows Peter Wenke (keyboard) and Stefan Ohnhaus (guitar) rejoined Mallet in 1985 for a short time, as well as the native american female vocalist Christine Currier. Mallet's style went way heavier, Mötley Crüe, Dokken and Quiet Riot influenced. But Wenke and Ohnhaus wasn't pleased with that stylistical change and both quit still in 1985. The band subsequently engaged the american guitarist Kurt Harley and started playing a Hard Rock/Heavy Metal set. When they finally was offered a record contract, Christine Currier got kinda mad which resulted in guitarist Harley leaving Mallet. With hindsight the band fired Currier also and was playing till 1986, when new guitarist/singer Jügen Rehberg joined, as a trio with Manfred Dünzl (bass), Simon Sobkowiak (guitar) and Rainer Fey on drums. Of course they lost their former deal when the newly composed material got slightly softer, but instead Tanit Records wanted to produce an album of Mallet in the fall of the 80's. Right in this sensitive period, Rainer Fey decided to join melodic Hard Rockers Roko, who just scored a major deal and needed a drummer, so Rudi Dölsch recorded the drums on Mallet's second album "Everybody needs somebody", that was ready in 1990. Stylistically Mallet wasn't too far away from either Roko's style, quite melodic Hard Rock/Heavy Rock with nice guitar solos and american style choruses dominated the album, that often reminded of bands like Vice or Bonfire either. After the album, the french drummer Jacky Voutay got hired and the guys relocated to L.A. in 1992 for some months to produce Demos with famous producer Val Garay. But the times was over for their kind of Heavy Rock, so without the desired record deal they went back to Germany and released the Live CD "Live on the road" on Rockwerk Records in 1993. When Simon Sobkowiak left together with Jacky Voutay in 1994, a new era for the Mallet started. New musicians was coming and going and Mallet recorded several other albums until nowadays.
For further info, check out Mallet's homepage here


"Dance with the devil" LP 1982 (Luzifer)
"Everybody needs somebody" LP/CD 1990 (TRC Tanit)
"Live on the road" CD 1993 (Rockwerk)



Kai Arnold Auhagen (vocals, guitar)
Dirk Fleck (bass)
Martin Köhmstedt (guitar)
Kay Flohr (drums)


A Wuppertal based Hard Rock band, that for some unknown reason got picked up by the Rooceter label, who thought that kind of stuff might be the formula to sell a million records. Dirk Fleck, their bassist, was previously playing in the Hard Rock band Empire in the early 80's and also Kay Flohr was playing in a band called Grandee in the early 80's. Basically all of the guys previously worked as studio or hired musicians, but decided in early '87 to finally start a band to play the music that they do prefer. After a Demo tape, recorded during summer 1987, the next step was their first vinyl "Limited Edition", recorded from 1987-'88, that covers different styles in the Heavy genre. There's mainly the Mainstream AOR/Hard Rock and Heavy Rock prevailing on the album, but the lads with "Take you up" either made it happen to produce a speedy Heavy Metal song. In the total the majority of the trax won't really attract Heavy Metal ears, though "Foolin" offers an Accept-ish beat. It would have been the better choice if Mama would have had focussed on just one of the styles they tried to perfom. 1990 a 2 track Promo tape was mailed out to magazines and 1992 they released a second album "Mama II". 1994 even a third one entitled "Mama III - Mach 'ma' los ey!!!", before the band split up in the mid 90's‎. The band name Mama refers to the phrase "Mach mal" which is shortened spoken in their local slang "MaMa" and means something like "Get a move on". Dirk Fleck also released the single "Whole lotta love" together with his ex-Empire mates Bernd Kaspers, Roland Lange, Oliver Petry and Fred Otto in 1988 on Rooceter Music.


"Limited Edition" LP 1988 (Rooceter)
"Stand up" 7" EP 1988 (Rooceter)
"Mama II" CD 1992 (Expander)




A local band that was seen on stage, performing live at the "1. Herbstrock 1989"Festival in Senden (Ulm area). If you got further info, please get in touch.




Dietmar Heiler (vocals)
Wolfgang Schludi (guitar)
Wolfgang Bartl (bass)
Alwin Rainer (drums)


A band from Augsburg/Bavaria, that you could see often playing live at any venue back in the mid 80's and who seems to have provided many bands of the area with musicians, though Overdose's Wolfgang Bartl was playing with Manalishi as well. After forming the band in Winter '82/83 as Exodus, the Manalishi guys constantly haunted Bavaria from 1985 to 1987. The band recorded a well respected 3 track Demo back in October '85, whose melodic Heavy Rock style often got compared to bands like Statetrooper and Sinner. They either announced to have plans to record songs for a sampler participation during May '86, that originally should appear on the 3rd part of D&S Records' underground compilations. Wolfgang Schludi later was found in Stormwitch, while earlier members like Alwin Rainer (ex-Grim Reaper/Waxx) and Dietmar Heiler joined the band Veto, that once Steve Hatton (ex-Jailbreak), one of the Manalishi drummers, started. If you got more info, please get in touch.


"Some like it hot - we need it heavy" Demo 1985 (selfreleased)



Ramona Dreyer (vocals)
Andreas Kowalzik (guitar)
Eric Scheufele (guitar)
Raoul (bass)
Stephan Kowalzik (drums)


Mandrake from the greater Bremen area was a quite talented band with a female vocalist who could indeed call herself a vocalist as her strong voice (like Morgana) spread simply sheer power that perfectly interacted with Mandrake's powerful epic Heavy Metal, featured on the Demo "5-4 rocks sake". The band also recorded a MLP 1990 with new bassist Maxi, that included 4 new trax, which offered a slightly softer, more melodic, Hard Rock influenced style than the Demo material, slightly reminding in places of Mordor. The EP features with the heavyrocker "Revolutioner's grave" a true gem. An interesting fact is that on the backsleeve is noted that this record was made and will be spread for promotional purposes only. This might explain why the record is such a rarely seen guest on the open market nowadays. Probably it was not even sold regulary back in the day.


"5-4 rocks sake" Demo 1988 (selfreleased)
"...far beyond the point" MLP 1990 (selfreleased)

Mandrake (Augsburg)


Michael Buhl (vocals)
Roberto Livieri (guitar)
Franz Zsolt (guitar)
Oliver Fuchs (bass)
Stefan Bühler (drums)


A Heavy Rock band from Augsburg, that was active between 1987-1990 and recorded a 3 track Demo in June, 1 month after their first gig in Mai '88. The tape was entitled "Back to roots" and features just typcal southern german midpaced melodic Hard Rock/Metal with a for the mid/late 80's typical sound. Mandrake split up during 1990 again, but there was another independently produced live album ("Live Roots I") released posthumously in the mid 90's, that was recorded during a gig from January '89. During 1989 till the band's fall 1990 Robert Pschorr (ex-Lyrock/Exodus/Cyclone) replaced Roberto Livieri on guitar, before Michael Buhl (ex-Black Knights) left the band late '89, that eventually shortly after dissolved.
You can download Mandrake's Demo here


"Back to the roots" Demo 1988 (selfreleased)



Helmut Schütt (guitar, vocals, keyboard)
Udo Schwertfeger (guitar)
Erk Gregersen (bass)
Werner Schlott (drums)


A quite impressive band from Leck, west of Flensburg, founded in 1988, who already got the Jury's attention at their first gig ever at a local band contest. During 1989 the guys most probably recorded a Demo tape, coz their songs "Crossroads" and "The irreversible law" was recorded for the local obscure compilation "The Desert's still alive Vol. II - Hard and Heavy", initiated by Hamburg's Metal Star mag, who picked up only Demo stage bands. Manewind easily slay all of the featured bands on that CD, offering a topnotch style of keyboard driven unique Melodic Metal with Prog Metal touch and incredible power (like "Final countdown" era Europe goes Heavy Metal). Both of the trax are played in a very tight way, that it's nothing but stunning to see such a young band playing already on such a high level. Further info are needed here.


"The Desert's still alive Vol. II - Hard and Heavy" Comp.-CD Tracks 1990 (Baierle Special)

Manfred Mikonya


Manfred Mikonya


A one-man project releasing a 'concept-demo' of sorts in 1987. The style was hard rock/Metal. Manfred came to form the band Bay Leaf shortly after, who are still active to this day.


"Freddy XXX" demo 1987 (selfreleased)



Lade (vocals)
Tom (guitar)
Henrik Frey (bass)
Fred (drums)


Shortlived Death Metal band from Zwenkau, south of Leipzig, that formed directly after the political change right during the beginning of the 90’s and lasted just for 2 or 3 years with the professionally produced “Eternal stench” Demo from 1993 being their effort. The first Demo though already was recorded the year before, entitled "Mortal agony of death" and could be compared stylistically to bands like Eternal Darkness, Bolt Thrower and Asphyx, a rather enjoyable sort of Death Metal with ferocious underproduced sound. After the first release Theo joined on guitar while bassist Henrik “Henne" Frey left the guys, so on the “Eternal Stench” tape there's Lade on vocals, Tom and Theo on guitars and Fred still on the drums.


“Mortal agony of death” Demo 1992 (selfreleased)
"War" Comp.-MC Track 1992 (Thrashing East Attack Vol. II)
“Eternal stench” Demo 1993 (selfreleased)



Uli Kurth (vocals)
Frank Nottelmann (guitar)
Thies Bendixen (guitar)
Didy Mackel (bass)
Matthias Eisele (drums)


With Mania one of Hamburgs Metal primitive rocks was founded in 1982, that was mainly swimming in Helloween's fairway. Has the lads been still highly NWOBHM influenced on their early Demos and their independently pressed "Message" 7" from 1987 (actually the "Heavy Metal" Demo pressed on vinyl), when Noise International signed the band, their style changed towards a way more Helloween-ish melodic Power/Speed Metal, that Mania later got mostly known for. 1986 Sven Wendland replaced Uli Kurth on vocals and either ex-Roy Last Group drummer Rainer Heubel joined, that both appeared on the "Heavy Metal" Demo and the 7". 1987 Wendland left to join Snakebite, so the way was free for Chris Klauke, who was formerly singing in Ill Prophecy. With the line up Heubel (drums), Klauke (vocals), Mackel (bass) plus Nottelmann & Bendixen on guitars, their debut "Wizard of the lost kingdom" got recorded in February '88 and might be seen as true concurrence for Helloween, who went on to play different stuff than their early raging Speed Metal with both the "Keeper ..." albums, so Mania who fully carried on where Helloween stopped with "Walls of Jericho", had good cards to gain a piece of Helloween's success too, that their convincing performance on the mini album fully had justified. But when it was about to prove their newly acclaimed status with the follow up album, recorded in summer '89, already the title "Changing times" left a questionmark in the headbanger's heads. Mania just like Helloween, though here and there some Speed Metal indeed was still shining through, went "softer". Midpaced melodic Power Metal in places reminding of Metal Church took the scepter and degraded one of Hamburg's Speed Metal hopefuls, which doesn't mean that "Changing times" has been a bad album at all. But compared to "Wizard of the lost kingdom", truly a little step backwards. Chris Klauke subsequently joined Abraxas in 1989 and also Frank Nottelmann plus Didy Mackel left Mania. Mackel did vocals for Mad Alien and was later playing with Not Fragile. Rainer Heubel and Thies Bendixen in the meanwhile merged with the ex-Airless members Thomas Ebbert (guitar), Thomas Hinrichs (bass) and Thomas Eyck (vocals) to keep Mania going for one more year, before they eventually called it quits in 1990, while Heubel, Eyck and Hinrichs subsequently formed "Sign of the A".


"1st Demo" Demo 1983 (selfreleased)
"Break the silence" Demo 1984 (selfreleased)
"Mania" Demo 1986 (selfreleased)
"Heavy Metal" Demo 1986 (selfreleased)
"Message" 7" EP 1987 (selfreleased)
"Wizard of the lost kingdom" MLP 1988 (Noise)
"Changing times" LP/CD 1989 (Noise)
"Break out" Comp.-LP Track 1989 (Doomsday News II)



Klaus Bolz (vocals)
Mättes Lorenz (guitar)
Peter Stein (bass)
Dirk Assmuth (drums)


Dortmund locals that formed during 1983/84, but already disbanded late in 1984, when Dirk Assmuth decided to join Angel Dust. Their lead guitarist at the same time left Germany, so the remaining members Klaus Bolz, Mättes Lorenz and Peter Stein changed name to Desaster Area. Further info is required.




Mike Andrae (guitar, vocals)
Andreas Löhne (guitar)
Thomas Thrun (vocals, bass)
Jan Berendt (drums)


The eastgerman Manos started as Löwenherz back in 1984 in Querfurt (ex-GDR) and changed name to Manos in late 1988. The lads was playing a rather raw style of Motörhead inspired Metal with Power Metal influences on the 88er Demo track "Metal invade", that as far as I know wasn't released officially. Within the political change inside the GDR and either a change of the personnel change, Manos recorded their first Demo "Kranker Tannenbaum" with Mike Andrae (guitar, vox), Andreas Löhne (bass) and Carsten Rothweiler (drums) in 1989, that was shortly followed by "Frust" in 1990. The guy's style either changed into a raw underground style Thrash Metal by that time, and Manos had become an insider tip due to their sometimes quite insane live shows. The whole insanity resulted in an single on the Poserslaughter Records label in 1991, that featured 5 tracks in an even more rude Death/Thrash style. The band's debut album "La Bumm - Die Fette" otherwise took till 1994 to be released, but the album got legal problems and has to be taken off the market a while later. Manos are still active nowadays, releasing albums every now and then.


"Kranker Tannenbaum" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)
"Frust" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)
“Thrashing East Attack Vol. I” Comp.-MC Tracks 1991 (selfreleased)
"Manos" 7" EP 1991 (Poserslaughter)
"Deaf Tape Sampler No. 1" Comp.-Tape Tracks 1991 (Morbid Records)
"Trade in the blood" Comp.-MC Track 1992 (Thrashing East Attack Vol. II)

Unreleased recordings:
"You don't let me sleep"
"Terror irradiates terror"
"Metal invade" (1988)



Oliver Hellwig (vocals)
Zeli Karalic (guitar)
Arne Klement (bass)
Randy Tomlin (drums)


Manticore was a Melodic Metal band from the late 80's that formed wether late ‘88 or early in 1989 in Düsseldorf, featuring the ex-Warrant/Metal Sword drummer Randy Tomlin, and already recorded a Demo during early ‘89, before the guys produced the EP "The children after war" independently in 1990. Tomlin after playing throughout 1989, got later replaced by Olaf D. Schröder in the meanwhile and the band needed till 1995 to produce the next output "Somebody told me that", introducing an almost completely different band. Manticore on "The children after war" offered highly melodic Heavy Metal that mainly used to feature midpaced tempos, but on the title track strongly reminds of Accept. In autumn '91 the band got reformed. Oliver Hellwig and Arne Klement had left the band and got initially replaced by Stefan Walterscheid (bass) and Markus Breitbach (guitar), while Manticore started searching for a new vocalist, because a new studio production was scheduled for March '92. The band split up in the mid/late 90's but got reunited by Randy Tomlin in 2013.




A Metal band from the Speyer area, that was active in the mid/late 80's. If you got more info, please get in touch.




Jack Stein (vocals)
Andreas Schwichtenberg (guitar)
Oliver Schwenke (guitar)
Michael Dobbertin (bass)
Andreas Hoyer (keyboard)
Roger Ulbrich (drums)


Marilynn from Berlin were a 6-man melodic, US-style Hard Rock band that started out in April or May of 1987 (sources do differ here), initiated by a group of skilled musicians namely Andreas Schwichtenberg (guitar), Oliver Schwenke (guitar), Michael Dobbertin (bass), who aimed to create a sort of melodic Heavy Rock in the Europe vein and quickly found Roger Ulbrich on drums for that undertaking. Not much later keyboarder Andreas Hoyer joined the pack, that right in the late summer of ’87 started with the studio recordings of their debut Demo. During those recordings singer Jack Stein, who had lots of choir experiences and anyway had plans to join a Heavy act, was asked by one of the guys to try singing those songs, which worked out so well in the end that he became Marilynn’s frontman. The Demo was finished in October and included 4 songs in total, that raised interest in the band not just by the underground press but also several record companies looking for these kind of american Hard Rock bands, despite Marilynn’s material featured songs right in the middle of Melodic Metal and Hard Rock, sounding like the heavier Europe or Bonfire, Heartlyne, Mydra, Karo and Fate. On May 14th 1988 the Marilynn guys organized their first live concert at the legendary Quartier Latin in Berlin, which was sold out by the way. But Jack Stein left the band afterwards and turned up shortly later in another Berlin act called Preussen. His replacement being the former Ballantinez shouter Achim Hemme, with whom a preproduction session was recorded at the Powerplay Studios in Berlin. The guys surprisingly could either participate at a Peace Festival in Moscow in late 1989, while the year after, Marilynn, despite aiming for their highest goal to score a record contract on a major label, already broke apart due to the usual band internal tensions and different views concearning their musical future direction. During 1999/2000 with Oliver Schwenke (now being called Oliver Christopher) on vocals, Andreas Schwichtenberg (guitar), Michael Dobbertin (bass) and Andreas Hoyer (keyboards), Marilynn played a few reunion gigs with diverse session drummers, while in 2011 the band decided to re-record some of their old songs together with Thomas Parchem and Ingo Cress of the band Metal Law for the band’s debut album "Back where you belong", whic was released on CD on Firefield Records. The lads main focus on that album was to bring back the classic Hard Rock sound of the 80's, and therefore all fans of that genre are the ones that album was mainly dedicated to.




Rüdiger Hummel (vocals)
Patrik Fey (guitar)
Daniel Jochum (guitar)
Ralf Dzionsko (bass)
Ferdinand Stapenhorst (drums)


The band Mariner from Bexbach (between Homburg and Neunkirchen) got started exactly on December 23rd 1985 by all the guys to the left. The first gig of the band happened late August '86 in Homburg at a local school party and more followed, till in later 1987 Mariner recorded their first Demo at the Blue Cue studio in their hometown, featuring 4 classic Heavy Metal numbers with Iron Maiden influences. The tape was not for sale and just made for promotional purposes. The more complex and heavier "Beware of future" followed 1990, while Mariner drifted into the progressive corner. Bands like Anthrax and Metallica had an input on the band's recent Power Metal style at that time. Drummer Ferdinand Stapenhorst then 1990 quit and first Sascha Waack joined, just to get replaced by Alexander Deutsch in 1992. With the "Demo 1992", recorded at the Infernal Row studios in Wuppertal, the Mariner guys wanted to impress record companies to get an album deal. But the lads couldn't really succeed and once again produced their debut CD "No good citizen" (released 1994) independently at the Blue Cue studio during autumn '93. Rüdiger Hummel and Daniel Jochum had left the band, shortly followed by bassist Ralf Dzionsko. Patrik Fey sung on the recordings, while Stefan Mühlberger (guitar) and Thomas Weber (bass) joined, who got later that year already replaced by Kay Schindler. Naturally due to that drastic line up change the musical line of Mariner changed too. On "No good citizen" the band adopted a way more Melodic Metal sound. Rüdiger Hummel then returned to the band for a short time 1994, but Thomas Sorge sung during the last phase of Mariner till their end in 1995.


"Demo '87" Demo 1987 (selfreleased)
"Beware of future" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)
"Demo 1992" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)

Mark Terry


Mark Terry (vocals, guitar)
Armin Donderer (bass)
Andrè Kürzel (drums)


Though the band name was the one of the vocalist/guitarist, I'm not sure if this was just a project or something. The other musicians are named right equal to Mark Terry on the back sleeve, so let's see this Crailsheim based trio as a real band. Their only vinyl release was a 12" with 4 tracks that contains typical (incl. vocals) german Heavy Metal somewhere between Running Wild, Gravestone, early Mad Max and such bands. All tracks are midpaced stuff, but powerful bangers with "Streetfighter" imo being the best of all. The 12" was produced by an indie label that absolutely had nothing in common with Heavy Metal at all and the record itself could be considered amoungst the most obscure from Germany. It's worth searching for. Mark Terry later released another album with the melodic Metallers Baton Rouge and Kürzel joined Stranger to record the lame "Pretty angels" LP. Armin Donderer (ex-Arkham) later went to play with Paradox and Freedom Call in the 2000's.




A band from southern Germany (greater Frankfurt/Main and Trier area most probably), that was actively playing live gigs during 1988. If you got more info, please get in touch.


Marmaduque Grove


Eric (vocals)
Wolfgang (guitar)
Andi (bass)
Olaf Bösel (drums)


A Crossover act from Frankfurt/Main who’s been acting directly between the twilight zone of Speed Metal and Hardcore and yet, their material is quite interesting to be honest. Despite the Hardcore edge the entire package appears quite technical, reminding a bit of Leeway probably. The featured songs “Nightmare”, “You make me sick” and “Untitled” that appeared on the underground sample “Frankfurt Hit Collection had been all recorded during June ’89.


“Frankfurt Hit Collection" Comp.-LP Tracks 1989 (Alm Räcords)

Marquis De Sade


Mike Callaway (vocals)
Herbert Kaldener (guitar)
Danny Kisker (guitar)
Wolfgang Nikolaus (bass)
Ralph Imré (drums)


This Wuppertal melodic Hard Rock act was formed in 1981 by guitarist Herbert Kaldener. Massimo de Matteis, later in Darxon was part of an early line-up, but was soon replaced by Mike Callaway and by mid 1982 the line-up had stabilized and they became an active live band in the western part of BRD as well as France and the Benelux countries. Their '83 demo was mostly in the commercial/melodic Hard Rock vein, but included a couple of heavier tracks like "Man With The Golden Sword" and "Hard Timer". An LP with the title “Shock timer” was planned to be recorded in December 1983, as well as a 7", "Fed By The Sun"/"Crazy Game", but it's highly unlikely that these releases ever saw the light of day. The band mentioned January ’84 as the release date of the album though. After this comes several blank pages in the history-book of the band, until they suddenly reappeared with the melodic uptempo banger "Talking is over - action is on" (sort of kinda "polished" Tyrant stuff) on the local Bochum compilation "Rock Around Bochum" in 1989. By now the band had relocated to Bochum and original drummer Ralph had been replaced by Boogy Alteney. Some time after this brief appearence the band shortened its name to Marquis and changed most of its remaining original members, apart from original vocalist Mike. As Marquis they recorded 2 CD's in 1993, then in a more Melodic/Power Metal style. If you have more info, please get in contact.


"Demo 1983" (selfreleased)
"Talking is over - action is on" Comp.-LP Track 1989 (Rock Around Bochum)



Stefan Ossenkop
Frank Serbent


Undoubtly one of the most unique and exciting Prog Metal acts from Germany and noone ever heard of them! And one of the sinners who did not print full info on the booklets of their Demo tapes. According to the telephone number they should have been from Hessen, greater Mayence or Frankfurt area. It's honestly hard to categorize Marriot since they act between all chairs on the 4 songs of the tape, gathering influences from Prog Rock to AOR, Hard Rock or even galopping Metal riffs, but everything they did got an unbelievable epic undertone driven by keyboards that deeply pierce your soul. The highlight without doubts is the stunning ballad "God only knows" with a felt 666 minutes lasting guitar solo that will drain your last tears (I'm not joking here). 1992 they appeared with the 2 live trax "Hungry days" and "God only knows" on the "Rock Festival - Music Hall - 9. Februar 1992" CD compilation, to promote the festival these songs has been recorded at.


”Def, blind and insulting” Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"Rock Festival - Music Hall - 9. Februar 1992" Comp.-CD Tracks 1992 (Frankfurter Sparkasse)



Lars Plegge (vocals)
Maik Kalkmann (guitar)
Matthias Puhr (bass)
Neophyte (drums)


Not to be confused with Martyrium from Annaberg-Buchholz, who recorded a Demo in 1994, this fourpiece from Osnabrück belonged to the first wave of modern Black Metal bands from Germany and was active between 1990 to 1995, while certain guys previously played in the Death Metal band Morbid Violence. This occult band consisted of Daevas (vocals), Aharon (guitar), Ferneus (bass) and Neophyte (drums) and recorded the Demos “Through the aeon“ (1992) and ”Arcanum De Via Occulta” (1993), that both offered a special style, way more complicated and full of irreproducible breaks, compared to the prevailing nordic sound back in day that was ruling the scene. If you imagine a cross (inverted of corpse) of the slow parts of Samael on "Worship him" and Immortal on "Pure Holocaust", you might get a hint of a glimpse of what's to expect. Nevertheless, the quartet could record the album "L.V.X. Occulta" for Merciless Records in 1994 and split up afterwards during 1995, while 2 new Black Metal bands evolved that way, Ferneus' Mosu Quma and Daevas' Secrets of the Moon. There's also a Reh/Demo with the title "Invocation of Maat" mentioned in MA, but no copy surfaced so far (not even in tapetrading circles back in day), so we'd just list it here under reservation.


"Invocation of Maat" Reh/Demo 1992 (selfreleased)
"Through the aeon" Demo 1992 (Malkuth Promotion)
"Arcanum De Via Occulta" Demo 1993 (Malkuth Promotion)



Thomas Presch


A Heavy Rock band from Düsseldorf, who recorded a professional Demo tape during spring 1987. If you got more info, please get in touch.





A Heavy Metal band from West Berlin, that was active during 1989/90. If you got more info, please get in touch.




Frank Eisenmann (vocals)
Olaf Adami (guitar)
Frank Hildenbrand (bass)
Gogo (keyboard)
Lilli (drums)


A melodic Hard Rock/Metal band from Fellbach, north of Stuttgart, that formed originally under the name Invader during 1985, but changed it to Mascot when Bremen's Invader debuted with their album. Frank Eisenmann left the band to join the locals Honeytrap and Martin Obermeier took over the vocals. Since December '87 the line consists of Frank Eisenmann (vocals), Olaf Adami (guitar), Frank Hildenbrand (bass), Gogo (keyboard) and Lilli (drums). The guys recorded a 4 track Demo in 1988 and actively played live at several venues to perform their Whitesnake influenced material. After being 3rd winner of the national newcomer contest at the Rockfabrik initiated by the Metal Hammer magazine, that featured countless german newcomer acts and included several previous contests during late 1988 as well, Mascot seem to have started negotiations with several labels for a debut album but the band dissolved due to internal issues before it came to that. Martin Obermeier and Bassist Franke Hildenbrand hooked up with two members of Sharon and formed Letter X, while Olaf Adami went to join Glenmore. If you got more info, please get in touch.
(Thanx to ObsessedByCruelty for the additional info and picture material)


"Back on the streets again" Demo 1988 (selfreleased)

Mash Mallow


Thomas Neuhaus (guitar, vocals)
Bernd Brünninghaus (bass)
Hubert Hopf (guitar)
Daniel Grunwald (keyboard)
Rainer Marquardt (drums)


A mid 80's AOR/Hard Rock act from the Witten area, whose single album "Modern world" got heavily promoted with several singles by Steps Records back in the day. The bands style is hard to categorize as Pop/Rock meets Hard Rock and AOR here. The LP was already recorded in summer '86, but released in early 1987. For the audience it surely hasn't been a real treat as the ones who enjoyed the Hard Rock/AOR material of the band truly would have get into trouble with the poppy Rock stuff and vice versa. The early promotional single "Hungry heart", that features an "Ewig und 3 Tage" cover version, neither knew to attract with it's Pop/Rock style. In the end I'd only suggest the Melodic Rock clientele to maybe check out the album.


"Hungry heart" Promo 7" EP 1985 (Steps)
"Modern world" LP 1987 (Steps)
"Modern heroes" 7" EP 1987 (Steps)
"In the night" 7" EP 1987 (Steps)



Thomas Zigann (vocals, guitar, bass)
Marc Alvino (guitar, bass)
Michael Thüringer (drums)


Pforzheim based melodic Hard Rockers who was heavily flirting with the US Glam scene and if you wouldn't know they are Germans you'd say they are american because they did it very well on their 4 track Demo "Three rocks". When the first tunes of "America" echo thru your room you think that Van Halen's "Jump" would start now, but fortunately they deliver a melodic Rocker par excellence. Another killer totally US style sounding Melodic Metal highlight is "Sarah". After the Demo Michael Thüringer left and Rick Simoni (keyboard) and Mike Parson (drums) joined them. In March 1992 they recorded their first album "Big illusion" on the indie label Andric Stanelle Production as well as a CD Single with 3 tracks from the album. Basically they continued the melodic Hard Rock direction from the Demo but unfortunately the sound was now way more polished. On the last album "Inside your head" on Secoyah Records (1995) you'll get the same picture, they even re-recorded "Sarah", "Can't cry anymore" and "America" from the Demo. So all in all 3x 80's style melodic Hard Rock. Mason then did split up right in the following year 1996.


”Three rocks” Demo 1990 (selfreleased)
"Big illusion" CD 1992 (Andric Stanelle Production)
"Hard life" CD Single 1992 (Andric Stanelle Production)



Josef Hartl (vocals)
Günther Radny (bass)
Walter Speck (guitar)
Charles Frey (drums)


Günther Radny in 1973 started searching for musicians in Lappersdorf (near by the city of Regensburg) to form a Rock band. He found some first nominees in Josef Hartl (vocals), Walter Speck (guitar) and swiss drummer Charles Frey and incited by the occult Black Sabbath, the name Black Mass was chosen. When Walter Speck committed suicide, Gerd Schneider became their new guitarist till he got fired due to his massive consuming of drugs and british born Mick Thackeray (ex-The Merseys) joined instead. Frey either got replaced by Johannes Eder (ex- I Drive) in 1975 and the band's name got shortened to just Mass. With the line up consisting of Hartl, Eder, Radny and Thackeray the lads recorded a first album in April '75 at the Studio 70 in Munich, but due to the drug and alcohol problems of Josef Hartl and Mick Thackeray that album was never released and either the master tapes are lost forever. As a result of their unprofessional behavior both Hartl and Thackeray got fired in 1976. Guitarist Detlef Schreiber was hired in August '76, so Radny, Schreiber and Eder in the meanwhile continued as trio and got signed by United Artists to record their debut album "Back to the music" in October '76. Like in the previous years the lads sound was still Blues Rock, which just changed with the following album "Rock’n’Roll power at 25th hour", released in 1978, when first Hard Rock influences was added. After "Rock’n’Roll power at 25th hour" was just finished as trio, Jack E. Burnside joined Mass in August '78 on vocals. Though he's part of the band pic on the sleeve, but he didn't participate on that album at all. The musical direction of the band from this day forward changed towards Heavy Rock. First the album "Slaughter house" in 1979, then "Angel power" (1980) and eventually "Swiss connection" (1981) got published, that all was tending between Boogie influenced Hard Rock and early Heavy Metal tunes till the quartet with "Metal fighter" finally arrived at the german Heavy Metal scene and either repeated the same with the powerful album "War law" in 1984, that also marked their heaviest effort so far in Mass' history. Though the band was constantly producing albums like a bakery is baking bread, the international success got them refused and as a result of that, after a big tour with Beast and Celtic Frost in Mai '85 and the recordings for the last Mass album "Kick your ass" in January '86, Jack Burnside and Detlef Schreiber left the band due to health reasons. Besides "War law", either "Kick your ass" must be counted to the best of Mass' albums, featuring a yet typical and highly professional sounding german Heavy Metal with melodic edge, that marked the peak of Mass musical legislating. Günther Radny once again tried to keep Mass alive and found ex-Tyrax vocalist Ritchie Newton plus Heinz Götz and Bernie Hohenester on the guitars. A Demo tape entitled "We rock the party" was recorded in 1987, but soon the distribution was stopped coz either Johannes Eder was in health troubles. Radny disbanded Mass, but formed a new band called Monsters, who released one album in 1990. 2017 Günther Radny revived Mass with new musicians.
Please check out the homepage of Mass


"Back to the music" LP 1977 (United Artists)
"Rock’n’Roll power at 25th hour" LP 1978 (Hot Stuff)
"Slaughter house" LP 1979 (Strand)
"Rock now" ‎7" EP 1979 (Strand)
"Angel power" LP 1980 (Strand)
"Swiss connection" LP 1981 (Strand)
"Metal fighter" LP 1983 (Strand)
"War law" LP 1984 (Macho)
"Kick your ass" LP 1986 (GVR)
"Pay it" Comp.-LP Track 1987 (Iron Tyrants III)
"We rock the party" Demo 1987 (selfreleased)




An obscure local Thrash band, that shouldn't be unknowns to die-hard tapetraders back in the day, yet we don't have any info where these guys was originating from. Musically seen it's not either a tragedy, as the lads followed that DIY spirit and homerecorded all the 3 featured tracks, that in the end sounded like coming directly out of the abyss, with out of tune guitars, wannabe Celtic Frost and hyperspeed attempts, that indeed remained only attempts. In autumn '86 another Demo was produced and the same time a rumour made the round that Massacre signed a contract with G-Point Record, so their debut LP "No welcome for the fisherman" had been announced. Further info is welcome.


”Demo 1 ‘85” (selfreleased)

Master's Child


Ursi-Lia Ingold (vocals)
Tom Aston (guitar)
Jimmy McBarron (bass)
Thomas Schmid (keyboard)
Harry Gain (drums)


A Melodic Metal band that was originating directly from the swiss border. Some say that Master's Child was a swiss band, but we found evidence that their contact address was from Lottstetten, west of Singen (Germany) and north of Zürich (Switzerland). This female fronted act debuted with a 3 song Demo 1990, featuring the trax "Distant thunder", "Storm of desire" and "Love pretender", that all was later found on their independently produced CD "Distant thunder" from 1992. Stylistically Master's Child belonged to the melodic faction with keyboard influenced material, but definitely owned a heavy edge nevertheless, with several charismatic twin leads and overall good guitar work. Further info is needed.


"Demo '90" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)
"Distant thunder" CD 1992 (Battery)




The Crash magazin was refering Masterplan as the german answer to the Beastie Boys, hard Metal Rap with groove and melody. The band seemed to be around since late 1986, most probably inspired by hits like "No sleep till Brooklyn" and "Fight for your right", producing a Demo tape and entering the stage for the first time early in 1987. Further info is needed though.


Mat Sinner


Matthias Lasch (vocals)
Tommy Geiger (bass)
Alexander Beyrodt (guitar)
Tom Naumann (guitar)
Tommy Resch (drums)


When Mat Sinner (Matthias Lasch) took a break with Sinner in the late 80's, he was focussing on his solo career and gathered Tommy Geiger, Alexander Beyrodt (ex-Wild Axes/Princess), Tom Naumann and ex-Talon drummer Tommy Resch around himself as vocalist of the band. He just produced one album as Mat Sinner, before he went back to revive Sinner afterwards in the early 90's. Unlike Sinner who went more melodic ways in the last period of the 80's, with Mat Sinner Lasch tried to combine the classic Heavy Metal with either commercial influences for the american market most probably, that resulted in "Back to the bullet" wa sounding like a cross of old Sinner and Steeler in the mid 80's, with lots of these "wohoho refrains". Nevertheless a solid album.


"Back to the bullet" LP/CD 1990 (Ariola)
"Call my name" 7"/12"/MCD 1990 (Ariola)
"Back to the bullet" Promo MCD 1990 (Ariola)
"Every second counts" 7" EP 1990 (Ariola)



Günther Meister
Ulrich Gehlsdorf
Patrick Leuschner


Rather unknown local Heavy Rockers from the area around Diez, east of Koblenz, who most probably either recorded a Demo tape at the fall of the 80's, because their song "Big black hole" was used for the 1989er underground compilation "Rock aus'm Kalk". Musically the Mätress material could be compared to Mandrake or similar Metal acts, a pretty solid affair. Further info is desired.


"Big black hole" Comp.-LP Track 1989 (Rock aus'm Kalk)



Sven Sternberger


A Metal band from Wiesbaden, that was active during 1986/87. If you got more info, please get in touch.




Vera Nicolay (vocals)
Karsten Hartdegen (guitar)
Benno Wedel (guitar)
Ronald Wedel (bass)
Jo Lisken (drums)


A female fronted Power Metal band that was originating from Düsseldorf and was founded there sometime during 1985. Benno Wedel got replaced still in 1986, before the band recorded the only Demo "Savage maniacs" in December that year, while the ex-Red Hot axeman Rüdiger Blindert replaced him. Matrix' sound surprisingly wasn't much unlike the early Warlock stuff when Doro's boys still focussed on powerful Heavy Metal, though Vera Nicolay's voice wasn't sounding like Doro's at all. But nevertheless, Matrix have had potential, that the guys sadly wasn't willing to develop any further. Later in 1987 or either in early 1988 the band already split up, while both Ronald Wedel and Rüdiger Blindert (1987) instantly joined Forced Entry to start a way more successful career than Matrix' short appearance within the german scene.


”Savage maniacs” Demo 1987 (selfreleased)



Heli Reißenweber (vocals)
Klaus Kahlert (guitar)
Werner Haberstrumpf (bass)
Günter Reißenweber (keyboard)
Jürgen Detzel (drums)


Melodic Hardrockers from the Coburg area in Bavaria, with a for Bavaria just typical sound, who was active during the early 90's. The debut album "Monk Rock" was selfproduced and released through the Rockwerk label, featuring stuff in Kingdom vein, without reaching their class at all. Commercial Heavy Rock with keyboards that a no minute left the middle league. 1995 Long Island Records released the band's second CD "Behave yourself" which was recorded with the same line up like the debut.


"Monk Rock" CD 1992 (Rockwerk)



Stefan Neubert
Christian Gill
Karin Fitros
Helmut Diesel
Klaus Lanny


An AOR band from Würzburg featured on the local compilation "Musik aus Würzburg" that sounded similar to heavier Foreigner f.e., seriously that song sounds pretty good.


"Friends" Comp.-LP Track 1987 (Musik aus Würzburg)

Mayday (Bonn)


Conny Schmitt (vocals)
Ralf Tzschoppe (guitar)
Ralf Gümnich (guitar)
Bernd Begin (bass)
Tommy Wilson (drums)


A band from Bonn, formed by ex-Cutty Sark vocalist Conny Schmitt in 1988, though it's doubtful this was a long-lived project. Late '88 the quintet released a 4 track Demo that often reminded of the deceased Cutty Sark, not just due to Schmitt's vocals. Musically all of these songs covered all kinds of styles from speedy, midtempo or slow sluggish Metal up to naturally a ballad. If you have more info, please get in contact.


"Demo '88" Demo 1988 (selfreleased)



Antichrist (vocals, guitar)
Agi (bass, vocals)
Damien 666 (drums)


The Eislingen Thrash troop Mayhem was founded in January 1985 by Klaus and Manuel Kreissig. The only Demo of Mayhem with the title "Chains of death", was recorded in March 1985 still as trio without Uwe Dießenbacher, who joined in June '86, before they changed name to Toxic Shock in 1986.
Please note, there was another Demo "Evil pentagram" from 1986 spread within the trapetrader scene, but no info source that we found ever mentioned a Demo with that title. If you own a Demo with booklet, it would be highly appreciated to forward a scan/pic of it to us.


"Chains of death" Demo 1986 (selfreleased)




And one more Mayhem act, now from Oldenburg, who just formed during the very late 80's and in 1989 played as a 4 piece. At that time a Demo wasn't recorded yet, but musically influences of Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple merged with Chastain-ish speed driven Power Metal, as a certain info source confirmed. Further info is needed please.


Mayhem (Frankfurt)


Monstrula (bass, vocals)
Dynosaur (drums)
Reptile (guitar, vocals)


These are the Mayhem from the Frankfurt/Main area (some info says Frankenthal, but it's not confirmed yet), featuring Mem von Stein (Exumer) on bass/vox. He started this shortlived Celtic Frost/Slayer influenced Thrash Metal side project while he was still active with Tartaros/Exumer. Don't confuse this band with the pre-Toxic Shock band Mayhem from Eislingen who recorded the "Chains of death" Demo in 1986.


"Mega Metal" Demo 1985 (selfreleased)





A local melodic Hard’n’Heavy band from Peine/Hannover region, that was active during the mid 80’s. Any further info would be welcome.




Hans-Jürgen Ludwig (guitar, vocals)
Bernd Schilanski (drums)
Mike Demnitz (bass)


Ex-Reform bass player Mike Demnitz got the idea in May '83 in Madgeburg to form a Heavy Metal band which was originally planned with Jörg Skaba (drums) and Sebastian Baur (guitar, vocals), but in the end Hans-Jürgen Ludwig and Bernd Schilanski, both ex-members of the prohibited Hard Rock band Madgeburg, completed the first MCB line up in November '83. The band was called MCB due to M = Mike, C = Charlie (Ludwig's nickname was Charlie) and B = Bernd. Right from the start the lads didn't hide that the sound of Motörhead was their favorite one and soon after a number of gigs, MCB got the reputation to be the Motörhead of the GDR. One of their shows from January '85 was even broadcasted on a national radioshow. For a while in 1985 MCB got chosen to publish the first Heavy Metal LP of the ex-GDR, featuring 5 studio trax (partly recorded inside an empty pool) plus live recordings of their famous radio broadcast from the Schönebeck gig January '85. But that idea was soon cancelled and later a Split LP with Formel 1 was under discussion, but either that project got cancelled and Formel 1 instead got the album deal. In October '85 Ludwig and Demnitz got in trouble with each other, resulting in Ludwig leaving MCB to form his own band Charlie's Crew. The ex-Keks/Monokel guitarist Sebastian Baur replaced him, so December '86 the song "Heavy Mörtel Mischmaschine" was recorded for the national broadcast service before Schilanski also quit in March '87 and joined Scheselong. When the band relocated to Dresden, with Jörg Borchert (ex-Fam) on drums, 4 more trax was recorded, while 3 of them ended up together with "Heavy Mörtel Mischmaschine" on the Kleeblatt No. 22 Split LP with Cobra and Plattform in 1987. Due to the new guys in the band their former slightly R'n'R influenced Motörhead style turned into a heavier direction, either Speed Metal oriented. But since the Amiga refused to allow MCB to record an album, Sebastian Baur did quit in May '89 and former Doctor Rock guitarist Jens Berg joined, which also meant MCB's style changed once again. Proof of that was the furious deathrashing track "Rage out" on the Rock Bilanz '89 sampler, that sounded close to early Kreator. Either benefiting from the political change inside GDR, the lyrics now was sung in english, but what first looked promising, turned into a boomerang and the success started ebbing. One lesser known fact nowadays is that MCB supported Mayhem on one of their 3 Germany gigs during November ’90 in Annaberg, while the band actually provided the whole PA that evening. But Jens Berg left the band after just 1 year, and Jörg Borchert briefly followed his example to firstly join M.A.D. and later Death/Thrashers Overlord. A bunch of ex-Danger musicians (Erik Sommer - guitar, Maik Zühlke - guitar, Andreas Glück - drums) joined instead to reform MCB. A record contract with K&P Records was signed, but lead to nothing. After the "Bloody kisses" Demo recorded in 1991, that included several old MCB tracks in modern versions sung in english, the band split up. Demnitz several times revived MCB, who every now and then are playing some gigs. Sebastian Baur founded the more successful chaos troop Knorkator. A compilation with all their essential 80’s recordings was eventually unleashed upon mankind by once again the German Democratic Recordings label in 2019.


"Kleeblatt No. 22 - Hard & Heavy" Split LP 1987 (with Cobra/Plattform, Amiga)
"Rage out" Comp.-LP Track 1989 (Rock Bilanz '89)
"Bloody kisses" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"The Old Wolf" Comp.-CD Track 1991 (Peace-Eater Vol. I)

Broadcast recordings:
"Live in Schönebeck 28/1/1985"
"Vergiss es" (1987)
"Der alte Wolf" (1987)
"Fest des Wüstlings" (1988)

Mean Machine



A Power Metal band that was active during 1988/89. If you got more info, please get in touch.




Ralf Geschke (vocals)
Thomas Kretzschmer (guitar)
Achim Tillmann (bass)
Rudi Schäberle (drums)


A Speed Metal band from Stuttgart, that was originally formed back in 1987, but already in 1989 the guys changed name to Bombard and recorded a 4 track Demo tape with the title "Fly until ya 'xplode". Further info is welcome.




Harry Cocetti (bass)


A commercial pounding Hard Rock act with serious Dio influences originating from the wider Munich area, who got picked up by the D&S label to contribute the tracks "Love hunter" and "Remember my name" on one of their underground compilations. Unfortunately the latter ballad being not exactly a good choice. But nevertheless "Love hunter" on the other hand reveals the skills of that obscure band. The whole songwriting was early Dio inspired. Since D&S only picked up bands with Demo tapes available for their compilations, Meanstreak at least released one Demo during 1987. Bassist Harry Cocetti (ex-Stranger/Sacrifice) afterwards joined Pretty In Pink and late '88 the Munich based Loud & Proud. If you got more info, please get in touch.




A Glam influenced Metal band from ex-GDR (probably from the Magdeburg area), that was active in the late 80's, playing live shows. If you got more info, please get in touch.





A young Thrash Metal outfit from the wider Regensburg area, that was active during 1988. The band according to their own info, was influenced by Bathory, Voivod and Kreator. If you got more info, please get in touch.




Martin Adam (vocals, guitar)
Jörg Schmitt (guitar)
Rainer Dahlem (bass)
Rainer Langenbahn (drums)


A classic Heavy Metal band from Sulzbach, north of Saarbrücken, that was active during the late 80's and only recorded a single Demo tape in 1989. If you got more info, please get in touch.


"Medusa" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)

Medusa (Hamburg)


Bettina Phillip (vocals)
Stephan Phillip (guitar)
André Phillip (bass)
Rainer Behn (drums)


Hamburg's Medusa is kinda post-Xandril. After Jörg Schrör left the band in 1988, the rest of the bunch continued for another year and eventually split up, while Bettina and Stephan Phillip formed Medusa with former Xandril bassist André Phillip. To record the debut demo they needed a drummer, but their original drummer was just fired, so Rainer Behn from Kilgore helped them out, while he was still member of Megace, but soon would switch over to become a steady member of Medusa, who in a way continued Xandril's musical direction with just a slightly more melodic teutonic Power Metal style incl. Speed/Thrash elements. Also the second guitarist who still played on the debut "Ghosts I have been", was fired after the recording session and Ralf Schmeckel got the job instead. "Prisoners of the system" was recorded in the following year, 1991, and the title track as well as "Second skin" was taken for the local Hamburg compilation CD "Brown bottles go ape - Apish Excursion". Though the second tape exactly hit into the same nick like "Ghosts I have been", the guys failed to get signed. Their last effort, the "Saviour" Demo from 1995, featured a certain Bodo on bass and Rainer Heubel played the drum parts, while he hasn't been member at all anymore when the tape was available. Achim Gröger was the new drummer, but nevertheless the material on "Saviour" offered the typical Medusa melodic Power Metal style of the 80's, with slightly Metallica touch, but less speed elements than before. But either that helped the lads anymore, the days of that kind of Metal was long time being counted...


"Ghosts I have been" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)
"Prisoners of the system" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"Brown bottles go ape - Apish Excursion" Comp.-CD Tracks 1991 (Tipsy Apes)

Medusa (Konstanz)


David Linder (guitar, vocals)
Rolf Häse (guitar)
Thomas Wiegand (bass)
Dennis Mahn (drums)


A Death/Thrash Metal band from Konstanz, that was founded in 1990, but recorded their first Demo "Revenge" not before 1994. Some more Demos later followed and the band seems to be still active nowadays. If you got more info, please get in touch.


Mega Grave


Chris Hofmann (vocals)
Uwe Grunert (guitar, drums)
Diana Hofmann (bass)


The Mega Grave single was recorded in February '92 and features some in places weird sounding Thrash, that also surprises with good solo guitars. I can't say what makes this EP sounding like it does, probably the hilarious female vocals. Actually the guitarist is pretty good, but the funny songstructures probably kill the last sparkle of hope here. Uwe Grunert got sandwiched by two females Diana and Chris Hofmann, but if it was the best for him I can't really confirm. The band was greeting from the greater Frankfurt/Main area and just offers average underground Thrash Metal, that due to it's sound reminds me of eastgerman Thrashers Defcon. A really rare piece nevertheless, Woodland was the name of the studio they recorded the songs at. 1995 the guys also released the "Underground graveland" Demo.


"Grave terror" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"Trauma in blood" 7" EP 1992 (Woodland)

Mega Mosh


Beck (vocals)
Matthias Dörner (guitar)
Ussi (bass)
Johnny (drums)


Bamberg Thrashers that formed in 1988 and already recorded their debut EP "Fight the epidemic prince" in October '88 independently as well as a full album "Call to account" one year later. Surprisingly the lads didn't sound that german at all, I guess they took their influences from rather the US HC/Crossover scene. Especially D.R.I.'s "Crossover" and "Four of a kind" albums could be mentioned as godfathers of Mega Mosh's sound. On their last effort "A different kind of meat" from 1992 a guy called Steve got added as second guitarist, while the guys drifted away even deeper into the US style HC/Thrash. But that album either marked their decline as Mega Mosh split up the same year. Beck and Matzer was also active in the other Bamberg Thrashcore band Atrocity (later Atrocity Exhibition), that never left the Demo stage.


"Fight the epidemic prince" MLP 1988 (selfreleased)
"Call to account" LP 1989 (selfreleased)
"A different kind of meat" LP/CD 1992 (Semaphore)



Melanie Bock (vocals)
Jörg Schrör (vocals, guitar)
Dirty (guitar)
Michael Müller (bass)
Kai Alexander Spiekermann (drums)


The female fronted Thrashers Megace was founded in early 1988 by ex-Xandril/Torment Jörg Schrör in Hamburg, and produced their debut "Sign of the ape" demo still within the same year. In contrary to the band's later by far more controversial Techno Thrash style, the "Sign of the ape" tape revealed a technically above average acting Thrash Metal band, whose sound, style and especially vocals, was close to Holy Moses' "The new machine of Liechtenstein" phase. Unfortunately, though the guys pretty much deserved an album deal right in that early stage of the band's phase, it took one more Demo ("This is the news" 1990) with new members Rainer Behn (drums) and Christian Wulff (ex-Drowning In Real, bass), plus a complete stylistical change till the debut album "Human errors" was ready in 1991, featuring Carsten Bachorz behind the drums now. Megace's stylistical break, away from straight rude Thrash to a more technically extraordinary version, and especially the change in Melanie's vocal performance, when she was more trying to sing clean, instead of her earlier raw Sabina Classen style shouts, made the album in places kinda hard to bear. Techno Thrash fans on the other hand might enjoy "Human errors". Nevertheless, the band got dropped by the label and 1994 they tried with another selfproduced Promotape called "Pseudo identity", till 1999 the band's last album "Inner war" was released on Angular Records before the guys split up in 2002.


"Sign of the ape" Demo 1988 (selfreleased)
"This is the news" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)
"Brown Bottles go ape: Apish excursion" Comp.-CD Tracks 1991 (Tipsy Apes)
"Monofaces" Comp.-CD Track 1991 (Peace-Eater Vol. I)
"Human errors" LP/CD 1991 (1MF)



Thomas Beyert (vocals)
Gunnar Kalb (guitar)
Gunnar Pelshenke (guitar)
Bert Bera (bass)
Axel Trapp (drums)


A Crossover band from Frankfurt/Main, that was around since October '87 and played a Thrash and Punk influenced style of Metal in the beginning, called by the guys themselves "Happy Metal". The band seems to have had recorded several Demos prior to their later career on a major label, but we atm only know that their most recent tape from summer '89 featured 4 songs. Either for summer 1989 a Megalomaniax LP was mentioned to be soon released. After working on a strange Theater project during 1989 that they composed music for, vocalist Tommy Beyert left the band and Bert Berta switched over to the micro, while Andreas Wilda joined on bass instead. At the Musiclab Studio in Berlin with Harris Johns the Megalomaniax produced their "Demo '91" which was spread as CD and gained them attention of several major labels who was looking for new acts of that Nu Metal style in the vein of Rage Against The Machine and certain Grunge acts, as the sound of the Megalomaniax had moved now more into that modern Funk influenced Hard Rock/Metal camp. During the band's later career, that lasted till 1997, they also added Hip Hop influences and created a band (Megavier) together with Germany's Hip Hop band numero uno Die Fantastischen Vier. If you got further info about the band's early phase, please get in touch.


"Demo '91" MCD 1991 (selfreleased)
"Information overload" MCD 1992 (Vertigo)
"Dreamland" CD 1993 (Vertigo)



Mario De Beer (vocals)
Frank (guitar)
L.O.P. (guitar)
Bulldock (bass)
Al (drums)


A Hardcore Thrash Metal band from Wiesbaden, active since 1984 and featured the former Tartaros guitarist L.O.P. Even Exumer's Syke Bornetto played on the Intro of their first Demo "Voices of the human decay", that featured pretty welldone straight Thrash with Destruction edge. One more Demo was recorded in 1989, but Megatherion soon disappeared. If you have more info please get in touch.


"Voices of the human decay" Demo 1987 (selfreleased)
"From beyond..." Demo 1989 (selfreleased)



Helmut Buhl (guitar, voc)
Martin Stang (guitar)
Thomas Emde (bass, vocals)
Carsten Bald (drums, vocals)


I'm not sure what's the correct title of the privately pressed Meilenstein 7". The trax are twisted on sleeve and labels. So wether it's "Firestone fever" as the label says, or "Stone hearted lady" as the backsleeve claims. Probably it's either just called Meilenstein, like the band. The guys hailed from Bremen and delivered an early NWOBHM inspired Hard Rock sound with certain twin leads and the jaunty "Firestone fever" will ecstasize any late 70's NWOBHM lover for sure. According to their style and sound the single should be from around 1980/81 or even from the late 70's.


"Stone hearted lady” 7” EP 8x (selfreleased)

Mekong Delta


Wolfgang Borgmann (vocals)
Jochen Schröder (guitar)
Peavy Wagner (bass)
Jörg Michael (drums)


The "mystery" band Mekong Delta was founded by sound engineer, and owner of the Aaarrg Records label, Ralf Hubert in the fall of 1985, when he gathered several german Metal musicians to record some first demos with members of Avenger/Rage like Jochen Schröder, Peavy Wagner, Jörg Michael plus additional vocalist Wolfgang Borgmann. Soon the Living Death guys Reiner Kelch and Frank Fricke replaced Jochen Schröder and Hubert himself handled the bass when Peavy left too. With the line up of Björn Eklund (Ralph Hubert), Gordon Perkins (Jörg Michael), Rolf Stein (Frank Fricke), Vincent St. Johns (Reiner Kelch) and Keil (Wolfgang Borgmann) the first selftitled Mekong Delta album was recorded in 1986 and released on Hubert's own label Aaarrg Records in 1987. It was obvious, what the lads tried to achieve, as their technical Thrash Metal style was sounding like no other one of the german Thrash bands at that time, except perhaps Sieges Even on their debut. And if you listen closer, even though back in the day noone knew who's been on guitars, Kelch's and Fricke's guitar work, though by far more technically experienced executed, was similar to Living's Death's "Protected from reality" material. Eklund, I mean Hubert ofc, kept the real names of the guys secret and "The gnome" Pic 12", due to Jörg Michael's undertaking with Rage, was recorded in 1987 with Holy Moses' drummer Uli Kusch (as Patrick Duval). In December '87 again with Jörg Michael behind the drums, the guys recorded their second album "The music of Erich Zann", that even overtrumped the debut in terms of technical finesse. If Destruction and Sieges Even was the most technical playing german Thrashers back in the day, then Mekong Delta impressively relegated them to lower ranks. Reiner Kelch, after delivering probably the best guitar job of his entire life with "The music of Erich Zann", quit Mekong Delta afterwards due to personal reasons. Uwe Baltrusch (Target/Sodom) inherited his job late 1988 and debuted on the "Toccata" 12", shortly followed by "The principle of doubt", released spring '89. Frank Fricke either called it a day, to concentrate on his own bands and Baltrusch remained Mekong's Delta's only guitarero so far. The remaining lads started working on the next album in the meanwhile, that planned under the working title “Rondo for Rockgroup” first, was published in the end as "Dances of death" in 1990. During the recordings Wolfgang Borgmann felt that he wasn't very fond of the band's recent style and quit, but Doug Lee of Siren was immediately brought in to finish the vocals parts. "Dances of death" compared to Mekong's Delta's previous efforts, appeared slightly more "straight" (if I may be allowed to use that word for this band's music), and reminded slightly of the last 2 Destruction albums of that decade. Jörg Michael shortly after left the band when they was about to start doing more live gigs and ex-Calhoun Conquer/Krokus drummer Peter Haas joined instead. After the "Kaleidoscope" album in 1992 Mekong Delta needed a 2 years break to return in 1994 with "Visions fugitives". In the following decades Hubert kept the band going with different musicians and released Mekong Delta's most recent album "Tale of a future past" just within this year 2020.


"Mekong Delta" LP 1987 (Aaarrg)
"The gnom" Pic 12" EP 1987 (Aaarrg)
"The music of Erich Zann" LP/CD 1988 (Aaarrg)
"Toccata" 12" EP 1988 (Aaarrg)
"The principle of doubt" LP/CD 1989 (Aaarrg)
"Dances of death (and other walking shadows)" LP/CD 1990 (Aaarrg)
"Live at an Exhibition" CD 1992 (Metal Machine)
"Kaleidoscope" CD 1992 (Intercord)
"Transgression" Comp.-CD Track 1992 (From Heaven to Hell)
"Dance on a volcano" MCD 1993 (Intercord)
"Classics" Compilation CD 1993 (Aaarrg)



Wolfgang Weber
Lutz Korndörfer (keyboard)


A late 80's AOR band from Mayence that was featured on 2 parts of a local Mayence compilation series, with 2 catchy melodic AOR tracks with hints of Foreigner and Journey. They could be also interesting for melodic Hard Rock fans. Lutz Korndörfer was also doing the keyboards for the Heavy Rockers Villain, that was featured on the Mayence Rock '88 album. If you got more info, please get in touch.


"I can't wait" Comp.-LP Track 1988 (Mayence Rock '88)
"Two hearts" Comp.-LP Track 1989 (Mayence Rock '89)




A local Heavy Rock band from the wider Trier region, that was active during 1990/91. Further info is required.





Melissa was a rough Thrash band of the late 80's from Magdeburg in the ex-GDR. The guys has been known for notoriously wearing steel helmets on stage. Just recently a very obscure yet completely unknown Demo tape of this band surfaced, featuring the tracks "Medusa" and "Samhain", that both was recorded at the Burgh Studios in April '89. If you got more info, please get in touch.
(Thanx for the kind help and info to ZZF/Nachlass Matthias Hopke and Nikolai Okunew)


"Melissa" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)



Uwe Kohrs (guitar, vocals)
Jochen Tambosi (guitar)
Pit Hensel (guitar)
Cord Kunze (bass)
Frank Eule (drums)


Frankfurt's Memphis originally was founded as a Folk Rock trio back in 1974 with just a piano and 2 guitars, but already 1975 they added a bassist and drummer. Since 1978 Memphis played with the line up seen to the left, featuring both ex-Octopus members Pit Hensel and Frank Eule, who gave Memphis a rather hardrocking impulse. After winning the Festival of Youth in Dortmund, the band got invited to record some songs for the WDR broadcast service during November '79. Those trax ended up on the Rock Studio 2" Split LP and Memphis surprised with the rough Hardrocker "I'll be on my way", that almost offers international format. 1982 their debut album was published on X Records, but the band disappeared afterwards.


"Monday morning" Comp.-DLP Track 1979 (Pop Nachwuchs Festival '78)
"Rock Studio 2" Split LP 1981 (Harvest)
"Memphis" LP 1982 (X)
"Monday morning" 7" EP 1982 (X)




Most probably just a local Hard Rock/Metal act, but the band was seen live on stage back in summer 1990, supporting the Hannover bands Joal, Victory and Thunderhead in Ulm, so we guess they wether was originating from Hannover as well or Bavaria. Either it's more likely that Menace also had a Demo available, dating from that time. Further info is needed.


Mendacious Messiah


Kai Ogiermann (vocals)
Michael Detert (guitar)
Eric Brandsmeier (guitar)
Ralf Lange (bass)
Frank Ullrich (drums)


A Speed/Thrash Band from Löhne/Bielefeld, that formed around 1986/87. Drummer Frank Ullrich was previously member of Bielefeld’s Charger, but 1987 wanted to form an own band (Fairywhite), after playing in Stainless Steel for a short while. He joined Mendacious Messiah instead, who performed an a lot more Thrash inspired style compared to Charger. Frank Ullrich already left Mendacious Messiah before the lads recorded their “Nightmare” Demo between 1990/91 and joined the newly reformed Living Death in 1989. He’d later in 1991 also help out the Holy Moses crew on their “Terminal terror” album. Also Michael Detert left the band at the same time, but vocalist Kai Ogiermann took the second guitar part as well, while Michael Kassing joined on drums in 1990, recording the band’s first Demo with the line up Kassing, Ogiermann, Brandsmeier and Lange. Musically the guys seemed rather american influenced, but still featured enough european influences, while the material was more or less average sounding. 1992 Kai Ogiermann’s guitar was handed over to Tim Menzel and Michael Kassing (drums), who also left that year, got replaced by ex-Ninja Andre Hilgers. But after the second Demo “Return to realiy” (1994) Mendacious Messiah fell apart. Eric Brandsmeier tried to reform the band 1996 once again with Markus Wilde (drums) and Bernhard Rigelsky (bass, vox), but either that last attempt ended 1998 abruptly.


“Nightmare" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)

Mental Case



This was a sideproject of Chainsaw Orchestra members from Eberswalde-Finow. We’re not completely sure if the whole band had been involved, but the guys recorded the Demo tape “Dead faces” in their practice room during 1991, offering powerfull Death Metal, that though suffered by the poor recording quality.


“Dead faces” Demo 1991 (selfreleased)

Mentally Damaged


Jens (guitar)
Ingo (guitar)
Matthias Schäfer (bass, vocals)


Thrashers from Brackel, outside of Hamburg whose exact year of formation is unknown, but they stabilized semo-properly as a band in Febuary 1988 with the line-up listed here and later the same year their debut demo was produced. Session drummer for this recording was Jörn "Onkel Möh" Buhr from local crossover friends Jehova and the musical format was decent but unspectacular Thrash with average production as far as we can tell. A few years later they returned as a punk/alternative band, producing a 7" in 1992, another demo as well as a full-lenght CD in 1994.


"Simon Woz 'ere" Demo 1988 (Selfreleased)
"I Watch TV" 7" EP 1992 (Red Rossetten Records)



Stefan Zant (vocals)
Christian Ritter (guitar)
Robert Zant (guitar)
Bastian Rüth (bass)
Hans-Jörg Schiffmann (drums)


Mentor was a late Thrash Metal unit from Tirschenreuth, near Bayreuth in Bavaria. There's a Demo tape from 1993 known that featured 5 songs. We lack of info on this one, if you got anything to add, please drop us a line.


"The obituary ... of mother earth" Demo 1993 (selfreleased)




A Thrash Band from Northrhine-Westphalia, most probably originating from the Bonn/Cologne area, that was active during the early 90's and during summer '92 started working on their debut CD. Further info is required.




Uwe Suerick (guitar, vocals)
Andreas Hladik (guitar)
Andreas Rippelmeier (guitar)
Marc Schulz (bass)
Wolfgang Mann (drums)


A Power/Speed Metal band from Krefeld/Oberhausen, that was previously active as Roy Bean since the early mid 80's and changed name to Mephisto in 1986, when their first Demo was published either. In 1988 they got signed by the indie label Miracle Records and the debut album "Mephisto" was recorded still in late summer of the same year. With a couple of US Metal influences and playing on highest technical level, their excessive speed ornated Power Metal knew to convince and left it's traces in the underground scene, though major labels closed their ears nevertheless. Still viewed in retrospective ways, one has to acknowledge that Mephisto's debut easily must be counted to the creme de la creme on the german Power Metal vinyl sector, remaining a timeless classic. The lads started recordings for the second album "In search of lost refuge" in 1990, that would be published on Energy Records in 1991, yet the band wasn't able to repeat the masterpiece "Mephisto" once again. Dirk Welke (ex-Ravage and Burning Ambition) joined on bass as well as Markus Brüker on guitar, to replace Rippelmeier and Schulz, who both had left Mephisto around 1989/90 to form the blessed Heavenward. "In search of lost refuge" still tried to tie in with the style on the debut, but the lads changed down at least one gear and went more melodic Power Metal paths like f.e. Sacred Warrior on "Wicked generation". Yet, the line up didn't seem to be stable enough, as Mephisto disbanded still in 1991.


"Demo 1986" (selfreleased)
"Mephisto" LP 1988 (Miracle)
"In search of lost refuge" LP 1991 (Energy)



Manfred Langner (vocals, keyboard)
Manfred Blank (guitar)
Thomas Braun (bass)
Alex Mashowsky (drums)


One of Augsburg's premier Hard Rock bands of the later 70's, that started during 1976 and featured a number of local musicians till Mephisto's split 1981. In 1978 Buddy Brudzinsky had replaced Thomas Braun. Either the later Headstone/Veto singer Harry Liebhäuser used to be a member of the band. According to an old press info Mephisto played "fast, thoroughbred, hammering Rock without compromises", including live coverversions of the Rolling Stones, Uriah Heep and Deep Purple. Manfred Langner subsequently formed the shortlived Hard Rock band Lionheart. During 1988 Mephisto reformed as revival band once again, but split up shortly later after their drummer died in an tragic accident. The guys kept on trying to keep the band going in the coming years every now and then, in 1993 f.e. with Tom Häring on vocals.


Mephisto (GDR)


Jens Schuwerk (vocals)
Thomas Hoffmann (guitar)
Michael Sündermann (guitar)
Christian Schubert (bass)
Andreas Korte (drums)


A Hard Rock/Heavy Metal band from East Berlin, that belongs to the very first acts of the ex-GDR, that went heavier ways, and that most musicians of the Berlin scene have played in. The band was already founded during January '79, but adopted the Heavy Metal influenced style first during 1982, by covering bands such as Judas Priest, Saxon, Ted Nugent, Scorpions or Accept. Already during 1983 was in negotiations with the national broadcast service to record their song "Frieden der Welt". Since the band tried to sing in english, they often had to struggle with stage bans. Guys that played in Mephisto was amongst others Frank Eichhorn (ex-Vantom/Cobra/Love Gunn/Rocket), Mario Schneider (ex-Dynastie/Merlin), Rocco Stellmacher (Merlin), Frank Lebe (Merlin), Marcell Thiele (Merlin), Roland Tschech (Metall), Reinhard Repke (Rockhaus), Ralf Dohanetz (Regenbogen/Berluc/V2) or Ronald Pilgrim (Regenbogen/Berluc). During 1984 the Mephisto members Jens Schuwerk, Michael Sündermann (later in Formel 1/Pharao) and Reinhard Repke founded Vantom, so the band was forced to reform with other musicians and this game continued throughout the years. During 1986 and '87 Mephisto also produced 4 songs (most titles are unknown) for the national broadcast service, while their early Heavy Rock got much heavier as songs like the Queensryche influenced "Höllenengel" proves. Then after the fall of the wall in 1990 the band recorded a Demo tape (released 1992) that led to one of the highlights in Mephisto's career, which undoubtly was their support gig for Dio and Metallica May 1990 in Hannover, that the band positively could use to spread their name, while the Krefeld Mephisto immediately judicial prohibited the band to use the name Mephisto any longer. 1991 eventually they had to change the name to Double Action and finally officially released the 1990 Demo recordings as "Demo 1992". If you got more detailed info, please get in touch.


Broadcast Recordings:
“Pferdekur” (1986 or 87)



Thomas Mann (vocals)
Frank Mellmann (guitar)
Matthias Wiese (guitar)
Claas Rüscher (bass)
Thomas Schröder (drums)


Mercenary was a teenager Thrash band from Nienburg that was founded in December 1986, and released a 4 track Demo tape in late 1987, recorded on an 8-track in their rehearsal room. If you got more info, please get in touch.


"Demo 1987" (selfreleased)



Bernd Schneider (bass, vocals)
Eddy guitar)
Haaky (drums)


A Crossover/Thrash trio from Itzehoe that used to record 2 Demo tapes in the late 80's, which both do contain absolutely underproduced and highly amateurish basement "Thrash", that would make any ears bleed. If you got more info, please get in touch.


"Satan's death" Demo 1987 (selfreleased)
"We hate..." Demo 1988 (selfreleased)

Merciless Death



A Hardcore Thrash-act from Dietzenbach, greater Frankfurt area, active during the mid 80's, who changed name to Rampage in early 1987 and afterwards released an 8 track Demo in 1988. If you have more info, please get in contact.




Christian Eger (vocals)
Achim Zwirner (guitar)
Herbert lrouscheck (bass)
Peter Koller (guitar, keyboard)
Adolf lrouschek (drums)


A Heavy Rock band from Augsburg, that existed since 1984 and recorded a Demo tape the following year. According to certain info sources their style was influenced by the classic Hard Rock sound. Achim Zwirner was previously part of the just shortlived Hardrockers Request and also played in Waxx. If you got more info, please get in touch.


"Ready for fame" Demo 1985 (selfreleased)



Mario Schneider (vocals)
Dan Uhden (guitar)
Rocco Stellmacher (guitar)
Frank Lebe (bass)
Frank Fink (drums)


Merlin gathered with Mario Schneider (ex-Dynastie), Rocco Stellmacher, Frank Lebe and Marcell Thiele quite a number of ex-Mephisto musicians while Stellmacher (ex-Schottenrock, ex-Etui) also was one of the founding members of Countdown in 1984. Dan Uhden was playing with Metall in 1983 and joined Countdown later in 1985. Both Stellmacher and Uhden knew bassist Frank Lebe from their time in Etui, Metall and Mephisto. These 4 founded Merlin in November 1986 in East Berlin (ex-GDR). Their first drummer Frank Fink later had to join the army, while Oliver Grossmann took his duties and stayed in the band till at least early '89. The last drummer Marcell Thiele, who joined the band later in 1989, was formerly making music with Dynastie (1982) and Tequila. 1987 Merlin could record 2 first songs ("Goldrausch" & "In ihr gelebt (Berlin)") for the national broadcast service, that still showed a little different side of what they later got known for, to be the eastgerman Helloween. Both being midpaced heavy galopping numbers with a guitar style that already showed similarities to the later famous "Der Zauberer". June 1988 they again recorded 3 more tracks "Die Welt von morgen", "Der Zauberer" and "Excalibur" that clearly showed the new direction, the speed ladden Power Metal, that gave them the stamp to copy Helloween. I wouldn't mark them as copycats to be honest. I'd say their styles just showed similarities and one being Schneider's voice that here and there pretty much sounded close to Kiske's. The band was pretty much able to hold even western standards and right at that time had deserved to record a full album. The Heavy Metal hymn "Der Zauberer" was featured on the "Rockbilanz '89" Compilation and with Marcell Thiele (drums) who joined them in January '89 they recorded 2 more tracks "Crying in the night" and the ballad "After the war" in May 1989. Due to the political change that was coming that year the band was allowed to use english lyrics now and Merlin used their possibilities to get a more international sound. The 2 songs even refined the chosen melodic Power/Speed direction in the vein of Helloween or hungarian Pokolgep's track "Tökfej" from the "Pokoli szinjatek" album. Unfortunately Frank Lebe left the country after the borders got opened and Merlin disbanded. After the split Zong Records put some of their songs from the 2 last recording sessions on a triple Split LP with Hardholz and Headless called "Speed up - Heavy News" which got released in 1990. Stellmacher joined Headless, Dan Uhden tried with Sudden Death and Pharao, Marcell Thiele went on to Headless, later Sudden Death as well and Frank Lebe joined Splinter/Gracious Violence where he met Mario Schneider again. He's now again united with Dan Uhden in Mind Odyssey and Pandea.


"Der Zauberer" Comp.-LP Track 1989 (Rockbilanz '89)
"Speed up - Heavy News" Split LP 1990 (Zong)
Broadcast Recordings:
"Goldrausch" (1987)
"In ihr gelebt (Berlin)" (1987 )
"Die Welt von morgen" (1988)



Peter Lang (guitar, keyboard, vocals)
Michael Bayer (guitar)
Thomas Platz (bass)
Jürgen Croissant (drums, vocals)


Seriously a proggy Hard Rock act with outstanding material had been Merlin from Edenkoben in the Mannheim/Karlsruhe area, who formed in 1986 and only lasted till 1990 without ever receiving attention by any record label specialized in that style they used to call themselves “Phonik Rock”. The band featured the local musicians Peter „Little“ Lang (guitar, keyboard, vocals), Michael Bayer (guitar), Thomas „Scooter“ Platz (bass) and Jürgen „Fips“ Croissant (drums, vocals), with the latter 3 Bayer, Platz and Croissant already playing together in the Hard Rock band Zugluft since 1981. Merlin’s epic Prog/Hard Rock hymns you can hear on the Demo “Phonik Rock", which was recorded live at the Jugendzentrum Edenkoben in 1986. The band to compare Merlin's material closest would be probably Legend from the US (“From the Fjords"). In 1990 the fourpiece changed name to Merlyn and kept on playing till 1994 before they eventually called it a day.


„Phonik Rock“ Demo 1987 (selfreleased)



Peter Lang (guitar, keyboard, vocals)
Michael Bayer (guitar)
Thomas Platz (bass)
Jürgen Croissant (drums, vocals)


Edenkoben’s Merlyn formed in the Mannheim/Karlsruhe area in 1986 originally as Merlin and featured local musicians of the early 80’s Hard Rock band Zugluft Michael Bayer (guitar), Thomas „Scooter“ Platz (bass), Jürgen „Fips“ Croissant (drums, vocals) plus Peter „Little“ Lang (guitar, keyboard, vocals), who used to call their style themselves “Phonik Rock”, just like the only Demo that the guys recorded live back in 1986. Merlin’s incredible epic Prog/Hard Rock hymns could be compared closest with Legend from the US (“From the Fjords"). But then in 1990 the fourpiece changed name to Merlyn and finally recorded a professional studio Demo in January ’91, that continued the band’s early path in any possible way and delivered first class melodic yet progressive Hard Rock on a pretty high level, which any fan of the genre will truly adore, before Merlyn eventually parted a bit later on during 1994.


„Just another tape?” Demo 1991 (selfreleased)



Michael Schmidt (vocals)
Dirk Hentrich (guitar)
Stefan Glass (guitar)
Thommy (bass)
Niko Berthold (drums)


A Power Metal band from Pirmasens, that formed as fourpiece in late 1987 or early '88 as Pegasus and changed name to Messada in 1989. The band doing live gigs in the area in the late 80's. Besides their own material on stage the lads also performed coverversions of Ozzy, Metallica, Anthrax, Maiden and Priest. With second guitarist Stefan Glass, Messada recorded the "Metal revolution" Demo in 1989. If you got more info, please get in touch.


"Metal revolution" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)



Roland Bliesener (vocals, keyboard)
Berndt Engelberg (keyboard, vocals)
Andreas Wolfinger (guitar)
Stefan Grob (drums, bass)


A short-lived melodic Hard Rock act from Niefern, who recorded a 2-song demo in 1987. The opening track "On The Way" has a slight Scandinavian sound to it, with plenty of keyboard-work reminding a lot of Europe, while "Tell Me Why" was a ballad. If you have more info, please get in contact.


"Dreams & Visions" Demo 1987

Messenger (Neunkirchen)


Dietmar Pohle (vocals)
Martin Schneider (guitar)
Patrick Deckarm (guitar)
Patrick Pytlik (bass)
Daniel Falkenstein (drums)


The still existing Power Metallers Messenger from Neunkirchen was founded in 1990, but the important part of their career happened during the 2000's, when that kind of Metal started getting more popular again than in the 90's. Nevertheless, the guys produced their debut CD independently already in 1990, that features a melodic sort of classic Heavy Metal, neither fully rooted in the 80's, nor featuring only typical 90's sound. The material merges both decades in a way, while the songs doesn't really benefit from the thin so-so sound. In places the lads attempted to add epic touches and more or less influences of Gamma Ray or Helloween pop up here and there either. 1994 the album "Asylum X-T-C" with different line up was recorded, but it took the guys till 2006 to produce more albums and to establish themselves within the scene.


"Titanic suicide" CD 1990 (Now!)

Metal Beasts


Max Fuchtl (bass, vocals)
Nelson Jöhnke (drums)


A Heavy Metal band originating from Kaufbeuren, southwest of Munich, that formed during 1987 or earlier and changed name to Assanger in 1988 right when Jatzeck (guitar) joined the guys. If you got more info, please get in touch.


Metal Force


Jörn Evert (vocals)
Thomas Klang (guitar)
Thomas Schönemann (guitar)
Stefan Krüger (drums)
Marc Lakomczak (bass)


Kiel melodic Power Metal obscurists formed in 1984 according to the info on their 1988 demo. M-A mentiones 2 previous demos from 1986 and '87 respectively, but we have no secondary sources to confirm this. From the one tune that's been unearthed so far we're dealing with a pretty enjoyable, down-to-earth form catchy Heavy/Power that would probably have earned more local recognition if released a few years earlier. If you have more info, please get in contact.


"The Tempest" Demo 1988 (Selfreleased)

Metal Force


Axel Eltermann


A traditional Heavy Metal band from Mannheim (i.e. not to be confused with their Kiel namesakes) who we only know for releasing a quite good 4-song demo in 1988, "Lord Nightmare" supposedly being the stand-out track. If you have more info, please get in contact.


Demo 1988 (selfreleased)

Metal Gods


Thorsten Lohmann (bass)
Mike Matthes (drums)


A Hamburg based Hard Rock and Heavy Metal band that was founded in 1980 and existed till 1983. In April '83 Mike Matthes and Thorsten Lohmann decided to leave Metal Gods to play harder and faster. They found guitarist Sven Strüven who also brought his pal Peter Wittke into their rehearsal room. As a fourpiece they started rehearsing till one day Dirk Schröder joined as vocalist and Iron Angel was born. If you got more info, please get in touch.


Metal Maniacs



An obscure local act, who recorded a Reh/Demo during 1983 with the promising title "Angel in hell", that featured 7 tracks. If you have more info, please get in contact.
(Thanx to rumblefist for the suggestion)


"Angel in hell" Demo 1983 (selfreleased)

Metal Storm


Manfred Mayer (vocals)
Rene Preininger (guitar)
Georg Bauer (guitar)
Thomas Rotter (bass)
Mitch Dragoo (drums)


A Heavy Metal band from Augsburg, active since 1985 as Black Requiem, whose members all dressed in black on stage and performed a gloomy and mystical music with hints of an graveyard atmoshere (Doom Metal?). They obviously lived out their satanic image shamelessly on stage, but soon got tired of it in late '86/early '87, when they changed name to Metal Storm and performed a more "mannerly" style with new drummer Mitch Dragoo. Rotter, Bauer and Mayer formed Hazard in 1988. If you got more info, please get in touch.


Metal Sword


Jai Jai the Fist (vocals)
Steve Thomaszorro (guitar)
Rick (guitar)
Rank Frank (bass)
Thomas Alkämper (drums)


The Duisburg headbangers Metal Sword debuted with the track "Ready for love" one year after the band was formed (spring '82) on the obscure compilation album "Die No 1". Early 1983 the quartet already had recorded a first Demo tape, that they wasn't too impressed of, as the sound didn't meet the band's expectations at all. When Steve Thomaszorro joined in early '84 on second guitar, the Metal Sword lads re-recorded that Demo and sent it to diverse record labels, which gained attention by Wishbone Records, who released their "Harder than steel" MLP, recorded in summer '85. At around the same time the album was released Randy Tomlin (ex-Warrant) replaced T. A. (Thomas Allkämper) on drums in late 1985 and either T.G. Cunning (bass) joined, so the guys could start working on their second album, planned for 1986 as well. But the band split up still within the same year. The interesting fact on "Harder than steel" was, that Metal Sword sounded less german than other bands of the area, but instead showed similarities to the dutch style, like f.e. Dark Wizard. The MLP is a highly collectable piece featuring haunting underground hymns like "The exorcist" or the outstanding "Stormriders". Ex-drummer Thomas Alkämper would reappear in Airwolf, while Randy Tomlin was playing with Manticore throughout 1990. If you got more info about the band's 2 Demos, then please get in touch with us.


"Ready for love" Comp.-LP Track 1983 (Die No 1)
"Harder than steel" MLP 1985 (Wishbone)

Metal Warriors


Andreas Kribus (bass)
Markus Rakowski (drums)
Frank Reckers (guitars, vocals)


This band is a good example of how a bad sound can destroy even the last sparkle of hope. Basically the 1983 in Menden founded Metal Warriors delivered a nice lethal dose of Speed Metal just like Living Death on the debut, but the "production" was just miserable and made them sounding on the early Demos like any backyard combo that just bought a kitchen pot to use it as drum. The guitars additionally lack of distortion and the vocals, oh yeah the vocals are godawful. That doesn't mean that was the only reason that they sounded like they sounded, indeed lack of proper skills (those solos ... close to torture) might have been another reason as well. On the last Demo they added a new vocalist (Mathias Rüth) and Rakowski on drums had enough as well and got replaced by Frank Rüth. Andreas Kribus co-founded Death Metallers Frozen Illusion some years later.


"Poppers go to hell" Demo 1984 (selfreleased)
”Metal race” Demo 1985 (selfreleased)
"Lethal return" Demo 1986 (selfreleased)



Hermann Weiß (guitar, vocals)
Judy Simeth (bass, vocals)
Mane Wensauer (drums)


Metalaxe was an extremely progressive Thrash band from Bavaria (Cham) with song structures that are hard to follow. And by hard I mean really difficult. I tend to hear hints of early Sieges Even in their debut "Depressive vision" but compared to Metalaxe the Sieges Even stuff was straight Thrash. For the second Demo they added 3 new members and then changed name to Tyccoma. If that helped to progress their songwriting, I'm not so convinced at all. Pretty hard to bear stuff.


”Depressive vision” Demo 1990 (selfreleased)
"Sounds of endtime" Demo 1993 (selfreleased)



Thomas Post (vocals)
Roland Tschech (guitar)
Uwe Lerach (guitar)
Sven Rappold (bass)
Ronald Schulze (drums)


Metall was one of the first Heavy Metal bands ever in the GDR, co-founded already in 1982 by Sven Rappold (ex-Schottenrock) and Dan Uhden (Merlin) in East Berlin (ex-GDR). After several line up changes f.e. with Mario Kurth on guitar and Andreas Vincenhöler (ex-Erdmann) doing vocals (both playing on "Heiße Sprüche"), they formed the classic Metall cast of characters 1986 with Thomas Post (vocals), Roland Tschech (guitar, ex-Mephisto), Uwe Lerach (guitar), Sven Rappold (bass) & Ronald Schulze (drums). Metall was mainly influenced by Saxon, Maiden and Judas Priest, but they was acting in places a bit heavier than their idols. On the November '88 released track "Eisenhart" that made it to rank 15 in the national HM charts, they pretty much offered a lethal dose of doublebass driven Speed and Power Metal with a few Running Wild/Helloween hints. I don't know when the track "Heiße Sprüche" (sounds like a Demo recording) was recorded, but seems before 1986, stylistically they tend into a more US Metal ladden Power Metal with Helloween-ish speed parts. 1987 their song "Rüstungsbosse" was broadcasted in a live version, at the "Tendenz bis Heavy" radio show. But due to the fans permanently asking them at live gigs for Thrash covers, they decided to rename the band to make clear that they aren't any Thrash cover band at all. After recording "Easy rider" and "Vulkane der Erde", two more melodic Heavy Metal trax with "Easy rider" being an attempt to create a powerful little biker hymn, for the national broadcast service in early '89 they finally changed their name to Headless in August and opened another chapter in the history of the band. One interesting note to add, usually the trax from the Split LP should be released as a Quartett Single (just like the one of Biest) in late '89 or early '90 but the national record label Amiga was about being sold so that plan was cancelled. Some songs on the "Heavy News" Split LP was still recorded as Metall, while the band appeared on it under their new name Headless. Sven Rappold reactivated Metall in 2013 and released 2 albums since then.
Check out the Easy Rider Clip


"Heiße Sprüche" Demo Track 198x
"Easy rider" Comp.-LP Track 1989 (Rockbilanz '89)
"Speed up - Heavy News" Split LP 1990 (Zong)
Broadcast recordings:
"Eisenhart" (1988)
"Easy Rider" (1989)
"Vulkane der Erde" (1989)




A Heavy Metal trio from Solingen who changed name to Knight Warrior in early 1985. If you got more info, please get in touch.




Henry (vocals)
Toto (guitar)
Speedy (guitar)
Wolven (bass)
Kifi (drums)


Thrashers from Münster that took their luck into own hands and published their only album independently in 1988. "Outbreak of evil" includes just typically german Thrash Metal, that could well worth to be hailing from the Ruhrpott area either. The whole song material sounds close to Darkness, Violent Force, early Deathrow or swiss Carrion and features just flawless underground Speed'n'Thrash. The "Legacy" CD released in 2019 by Big Bad Wold Records, either contains an unreleased EP "The junkie" from '88 as well as another unreleased studio session from 1992. "Outbreak of evil" was re-pressed in Brazil by Woodstock Discos also.



Thomas David (guitar, vocals)
Günter Lietz (guitar)
Detlef Sebald (bass)
H. Dieter Berg (keyboard)
Jochen Salzmann (drums)


A local Prog Rock band from Hessen, most probably originating from the greater, northern Frankfurt/Main region. The guys independently produced a 2 track single with the title "Caravan" during 1982, that at least on "Caravan" itself offers Hard Rock influences in form of damn heavy distorted guitar parts. "Running out" on the flipside is less of interest for our database. Further info is welcome.
(Thanx to emosteel for the suggestion)


"Caravan" 7" EP 1982 (Music Farm)



Sven (drums)
Tschow (bass)
Marc (guitar, vocals)
Splatter (vocals)


A Death Metal band from Wiesloch playing a simple mix of Doom and Gore Death quite similar to certain finish bands of that era like Funebre or Disgrace. They could place a track on a Split 12" with the bands Noise Filter, Mortify and Charterflug Tschad, that was sponsored by the local youth center.


"Cannibals, desert storm" Split -12" 1992 (Vertrauen Sie uns wir wissen was wir tun)



Mario Moriche (guitar, vocals)
Michael Baum (guitar, vocals)
Achim Maldener (bass)
Chris Maldener (drums)


A very exciting band from Maintal in the Frankfurt/Main area that was founded by the Maldener brothers and Mario Moriche in 1983. Michael Baum joined the guys in November '85, to add a second guitar and occasional vocals as well. Two years later the fourpiece prepared their debut Demo "Lost empire" with promising titles such as "Atlantis", "Martyr" or the title track "Lost empire" itself and advertised it as "Metal with power, melody & class", a statement that hit the nail unto it's head. Besides some classical influences the lads performed a quite mature sort of modern Power Metal, that was favored by many important Mags back in the day. Metower even found a label that was willing to sign the band, but due to "unprofessional behaviour" of the band, that deal was cancelled a short while later. The guys recorded two more good Demos until 1990, plus another unreleased 4 song recording, now pretty much celebrating a style close to the classic US Power Metal, but couldn't gain any further attention anymore from labels. Their former vocalist Andi Sommer joined Scene X Dream during the fall of the 80's.

Thanx to Rumblefist for additional info!


”Lost empire” Demo 1987 (selfreleased)
"Triangulo de la Muerte" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)
"Ancient tales" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)




A Metal band from the ex-GDR, that was active during the mid and later 80's. There is one rehearsal recording known to exist, that features an instrumental Speed Metal song, entitled "The speed track". If you got more info, please get in touch.


"The speed track" Demo Track 1985 (selfreleased)



Thomas Götte (keyboards, vocals)
Peter Richter (guitar)
Peter Föller (bass)
Rolf Wolf (drums)


A Hard Rock band that formed around the from Mayence originating ex-Birth Control bass player Peter Föller approximately 1980. Guitarist Peter Richter came from the Power Pop/NDW band "Die Crackers" and the band's only album was recorded in August '81 for Rockport Records. Metropolitan's sound was archetypical for that time, a mix of Classic Rock and Hard Rock similar to bands such as Earforce, Tokyo, Break Point, ELO etc. The band couldn't stay together for a longer period after the album release at all and 1984 the band already didn't exist anymore. Peter Richter subsequenly started a solo career. The Metropolitan album, got re-released by Polydor without the band's knowledge 1984 in France with different artwork, tracklist, band name and title as Horizon "One night in Idaho".


"Metropolitan" LP 1981 (Rockport)
"Telephone line" 7" EP 1981 (Rockport)



Matthias Scheffler (vocals)
Michael Wieger (guitar)
Michael Rottke (guitar)
Sacha Becker (bass)
Stefan Fieder (drums)


A Thrash band from Rüdesheim, near Mayence, that was active during the early 90's. After the Demos "Dark vision" (1991) and "Obscurity" (1992), Meyhem produced their selftitled debut CD with Jürgen Link on bass, which was released on the Rockwerk label in 1994. Don't expect that many of these CD's are actual in circulation. A Clown Alley cover version was featured on the album, so they probably worked with Crossover influences. Further info is needed.


"Dark vision" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"Obscurity" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)

Micky Burgh


Michaela Burkhardt (vocals)
Wolfgang Densky (guitar)


Behind the pseudonym Micky Burgh (sometimes also as Micky Burgk) hides the ex-Plattform vocalist Michaela Burkhardt, who due to musical differences left Plattform early 1988 to start a solo career. It's not really known whose musicians built her backing group but they for sure shouldn't be any strangers within the ex-GDR's Hard Rock scene. The ex-Formel 1 and later Babylon guitarist Wolfgang Densky wrote 4 songs for her and 3 of them got produced for the national broadcast service and either got airplay. The track "Frauen" additionally appeared on an obscure sampler entitled "Das Ding". Micky Burgh's style was just straight Heavy Rock with Bon Jovi touch, but slightly heavier. Basically not even bad stuff, reminding stylistically of Charlie's "Turn away" track. She also performed the Scorpions track "Still loving you" together with Babylon during a national TV show. I guess the political change inside GDR wasn't much efficient for her further career either. Any further info is welcome.


”Frauen” Comp.-LP/CD Track 1989 (Das Ding)

Broadcast Recordings:
"Komm hole mich" (1989)

Midas Touch


Roland Becker


A melodic Hard Rock/Metal band from Nuremberg who released a Demo tape in 1984/85 and got the chance to appear on a compilation of the D&S label with the tracks "Shout" and "Time to die" in 1987. Both tracks are rather slow paced with "Shout" sounding quite Accept-ish touched, and both either combining Hard Rock with Heavy Metal, but developing a portion of speed the longer the song grows. If you have more info, please get in touch.

Midnight Blue


Det Warnke (guitar, vocals)
Jo Greune (bass)
Peter Joester (drums)


Midnight Blue from Schwerte in the Hagen/Dortmund area for sure are a quite controversal band to be featured in here, since their style gathers all kinds of influences of the wide Rock spectrum, from Blues, ordinary Rock, Hard Rock and either some Heavy Metal stuff on their selftitled album, that was recorded in March 1989 at the Franz K. Studio in Witten. I guess we do not need to expand the article much longer, but the speedy trax remind of Motörhead for sure, while some others got a sleazy edge. But it’s definitely the Rock and Blues stuff dragging the album down. Don’t burn your fingers on Midnight Blue…


“Midnight Blue” LP 1989 (Steps)

Midnight Cruiser


Thorsten Nitsche (vocals)
Jürgen Leydel (guitar)
Karlheinz Muschler (guitar, bass)
Ditmar Frommke (keyboard)
Mike v. Rönn (saxophone)
Micky Stickdorn (drums)


A Hamburg based AOR band with Hard Rock roots, that published an obscure 12" in 1983, featuring 4 trax in the Foreigner and Toto vein, but with heavy solos. The songs combine the classic early 80's AOR with Hard Rock elements, which makes the whole thing even sounding interesting, though that constant swinging around from Classic Rock to Hard Rock won't be everyone's cup of tea at all. But for those into the typical Classic Rock sound the Midnight Cruiser 12" is highly recommended.


“Midnight Cruiser” 12” EP 1983 (Talent)

Midnight Darkness


Detlef Poschmann (guitar)
Michael Rollke (guitar)
Jörg Reuter (vocals)
Klaus Petereit (bass)
Rudy Pfeiffer (drums)


Midnight Darkness from Oberhausen has been around since 1980 already before they recorded a self financed single 4 years later, that surprised with 2 trax of very british sounding Metal. The single opened doors to Gama for the band and 1985 the debut album "Holding the night" was ready, though the band was missing a drummer at that time and either Michael Rollke left Midnight Darkness shortly before the recordings of the album. But Peter Garattoni (ex-Rebel, Tox, Veto, ex-Eulenspygel), the Gama boss, jumped in and helped the guys by recording the drum trax himself. The album honestly could be counted to the sidereal hours of the mid 80's German Metal scene. The lads had been in close company with acts like Tyrant or Gravestone with their by power effervescing creations like the driving "LA prisoner" or the Überhit "Mindless". Unfortunately Petereit, Poschmann and Reuter couldn't keep the band alive, but formed the Hard Rock band Bornchild instead.


"Running from future" 7" EP 1984 (selfreleased)
"Holding the night" LP 1985 (Hot Blood)

Minas Morgul


Marc Grewe (vocals, bass)
Harald Busse (guitar)
Carsten Otterbach (guitar)
Rüdiger Hennecke (drums)


The pre-Morgoth band started back in 1985 in Meschede as Exterminator and changed name still the same year to Minas Morgul, to end up finally as Morgoth in 1987. There are no official recordings known to exist. If you got more info, please get in touch.


Minas Tirith


Henrik Klüver


A Heavy Metal band from Kiel/Plön, that was active during 1986/87. If you got more info, please get in touch.





A Metal band of the ex-GDR. If you got more info, please get in touch.





There is not much to tell about this band, because they only released this obscure Promo Single which was manufactured by the Memphis Tonträgerproduktionen GmbH, a company you could hire to press/print your records, covers, Shirts etc.
Looks like this band used their service as well and got a characterless 7" with standard labels and standard cover with only the band name handwritten on front and the songtitles on back. On my single they even misspelled "Heart of stone" (a ballad) and it became "Heard of stone". The other track on the flipside is called "Bad woman" (with 70's touch and massive keyboards) and both are offering listenable melodic Heavy Rock which won't surprise me at all coz the band was from Töging am Inn near Landshut/Munich in southern Bavaria. The 7" should be from around 1990/91 I guess. If you have more info please get in touch.


"A Sample from Minestone" Promo 7"EP 199x (Memphis Tonträgerproduktionen)



Chris Zenk (bass, vocals)
Ulf Kaiser (guitar)
Jörg Bock (drums)


Minotaur from Halstenbeck near by the city of Hamburg was founded in 1983 originally as Destero but changed name to Minotaur still the same year. After several line up changes, with Chris Zenk (bass, vocals), Ulf Kaiser (guitar) and Jörg Bock (drums) Minotaur got a steady crew together to start recordings for the debut Demo "The oath of blood", that surprisingly didn't gain the boys any album deal, though their style of straight forward Death/Thrash in the vein of "Pleasure to kill" would well have justified it, since the lads already in Demo days could be counted to Germany's Thrash Metal hopefuls of the coming future. When Chris Zenk left in 1986, Andi Richwien (guitar, vocals) and Thomas Witte (bass) joined to record "The slaughter continues" in the fall of 1986, that opened the opportunity for the band to contribute "Plane head" to the Teutonic Invasion sampler, followed by the classic "Power of darkness" tape, recorded 1987 without Ulf Kaiser (who founded Hardcore/Thrashers Erosion), that would one year later get re-released on vinyl by Crazy Records and marks one of the milestones of german Thrash Metal history, sounding like a cross of Kreator and early Sadus on superior level. Though the lads rude Thrash remained unheard by the other labels, Minotaur returned with the "Death Metal" single on Hamburg's own label Remedy Records, that once again underlined the band's scene internal status to be counted amoungst Germany's top 10 Thrash bands, sounding closer to the classic Kreator than Kreator did itself in 1990. And eventhough the "Towards my eternity" EP was announced to be released during March '90 as 12"/Pic 12" and CD, it once again it took a small eternity (due to a break in 1992) till Jörg Bock returned completely unexpected with his newly formed Minotaur in 1993 with the MLP (on red vinyl) "Welcome to..." on Molon Lave Records, introducing new members Thomas Labies (bass), Tomislav Stanic (guitar), Jedinko Petrovic (guitar) and ex-Vice Versa shouter Andreas Babuschkin. Unfortunately their good oldfashioned straight forward Thrash had turned into a much more late 80's typical sort of common Thrash Metal, with for old Minotaur almost totally unknown breaks and either a melodic note due to Babuschkin's completely different voice than his precursor's had. Nevertheless in places the lads kept thrashing ruthlessly like in Minotaur's best days too. Some of these songs recorded in early '93 would also be used for their part on the triple Split CD with other Hamburg Thrash bands Torment and Desert Storm, that featured ex-Minotaur members. The revival didn't last for long, the band split up still in 1993 and it took them till 2003 to start a comeback.


"The oath of blood" Demo 1986 (selfreleased)
"The slaughter continues" Demo 1986 (selfreleased)
"Total Massacre Vol. 1" Comp.-MC Tracks 1986 (Death Metal Production)
"Power of Darkness" Demo 1987 (selfreleased)
"Planed Head" Comp.-LP Track 1987 (Teutonic Invasion Part One)
"Power of Darkness" LP 1988 (Crazy)
"Live + 5" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)
"Death Metal" 7" EP 1990 (Remedy)
"Welcome to..." MLP 1993 (Molon Lave)
"Torment/Desert Storm/Minotaur" Split CD 1993 (Remedy)



Micha (guitar)
Carola Wonke (drums)


A Hard Rock/Metal band from West Berlin, active during the early 80's. Guitarist Micha and female drummer Carola Wonke afterwards played together in Syntax and later formed the band Rough Angel in summer '85. If you have more info please get in touch.





Another band from Ruhrpott, active in the live scene around 1986/87 with a frontman looking close to the Rocky Horror Picture Show. According to Metal Hammer Mag their style was "undefinable" and their live presentation appeared rather silly. If you have more info please get in touch.





A Heavy Metal band from the Ruhrgebiet area (Essen/Duisburg/Dortmund), that was active around 1990/91. Further info is needed.





An AOR band that was featured with the 2 songs "Only the best" and "On the radio" on a local compilation LP. The level isn't much high but at least it's topping the Fancy Free feature. They are sounding best when they deliver the Hard Rock guitars, but the poppy keyboards thats dominating both songs pretty much let them sound softer. "On the radio" spreads in places a kinda Bachmann Turner Overdrive feeling.



Steven Mondrzejewski (guitar)
Ralph Richter (drums)


The band Misanthropy was just shortly active during the late 80’s in the Freiberg area, deep in the south of the ex-GDR. Steven Mondrzejewski and Ralph Richter too has been members of this obscure Thrash unit, that formed sometime in 1988 or even early ’89, most probably inspired by Protector’s debut. But their attempt to thrash hard yet ended abruptly already during 1989, when fortunately Olaf Gerold and Helko Klemm of the just recently defunct Helion had been in bad need of musicians to form a new band. So both parties joined forces and created Deathtrap late within 1989 as well, who established their name quickly in the southern part, becoming a warrantor for raw Thrash Metal in their area.




Sven Elvers (guitars, vocals)
Sebastian Schult (guitar)
Jan Rademaker (bass)
Michel Pfiffer (drums)


A Death Metal band from Waiblingen, close to Stuttgart. Miscariage (not to be confused with Miscarriage from the Kassel region) was founded 1993 and recorded the Demos "Peace? Justice? Murder" (1994) and "Miscariage - Live - Matricide" (1995), before they changed name to Matricide and carried on for another year till 1996.


Miscarriage (Fuldatal)


Matthias Keyser (guitar)
Mirko Bunzel (guitar)
Marc Benkelberg (bass)
Sven Neumann (drums, vocals)


Thrashers from Fuldatal/Hannoversch Münden, next to the city of Kassel, that started around 1989 and went into a rather progressive influenced style of Thrash with some Death/Thrash parts and mainly reminded on their 3rd Demo "The difference between..." of canadian Techno Thrashers Obliveon due to Neumann's similar vocal style. Previously the 2 Miscarriage Demos "Heritage of the past" and "Dark epitaph" was already published with a similar type of raw Thrash Metal. Markus Langhans was added 1993 as drummer, so Sven Neumann could fully focus on vocals by now, while the lads also hired female vocalist Sandra Besoke when the went into a slightly Gothic Metal influenced style with the 4th output "Blutsyndrom" in 1994. 1997 their album "Angsttriaden" was released on Rawk Redords, but on the new monicker Mis.Divine.


"Heritage of the past" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)
"Dark epitaph" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"The difference between ..." Demo 1993 (selfreleased)



Sven Lieser (guitar, vocals)


A melodic and rather progressive playing Power Metal band from Erfurt, that featured the former The Fog guitarist Sven Lieser. Misery could be seen live on stage during 1993, so we guess they formed sometime in the very beginning of the 90’s. Further info is needed.





The female fronted Misfit could contribute the two tracks "Find a way" and "Red shoes" to one part of D&S' two "The Best Of German Metal Newcomer" LP's and especially "Find a way" was a great surprise, coz imagine X-Caliber's "The sword" with female vocals and you get the picture. If you got more info, please get in touch.


"The Best Of German Metal Newcomer" Comp.-LP Tracks 1990 (D&S)

Miss Marple


Sergio (vocals)
Ekki (guitar)
Oliver Kerpa (guitar)
Siggon (bass)
Sammy (drums)


Miss Marple featured members of the bands No Silence and Sergeant "D", both originating from Miltenberg/Bavaria, near Würzburg and was active during the early 90's. If the band was just a side project is yet still uncertain. The guys performed a wide mix of all kinds of styles, from Funk, Hard Rock up to Metallica-like Power/Thrash with vocals ala Glenn Danzig. Quite odd troop...


"Homage to life" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)

Missing Name



Hard Rockers from Dortmund who had several TV appearances and participated on band contests where they won the production of a Demo tape in a WDR (Radio/TV channel) studio and the tape was available in 1985. Besides classic Hard Rock their influences came from Blues and R'n'R as well. If you got more info, please get in touch. (Due to Mr. Administructor I'm obligated to confirm that the band name was indeed "Missing Name". So it's not a joke or something...)


Missing Piece



An AOR band from Mayence that's only known to be featured on a local compilation released in 1991. The track "Dirty touch" could be compared to early 80's Survivor, basically same style. Perhaps too poppy sounding imo, but still Melodic Rock nevertheless. If you got more info, please get in touch.


”Dirty touch” Comp. LP Track 1991 (Mayence Rock '91)



Stefan Zoerner


Not to be confused with any similarly-named German bands from the 00's, this was an amateurish HM act from Heilbronn, Baden-Württemberg who released a demo in 1991 to little fanfare, but I guess at least they had a pretty logo going for them. If you have more info, please get in contact.


"Midnight Serenades" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)

Mobile Disaster Unit


Steve Seitz (guitar, vocals)
Achim Sakautzki (guitar)
Ete Holstein (guitar)
Ulli Herth (bass)
Arnim Rühl (drums)


Mobile Disaster Unit (or in short MDU) was a mysterious and rather unknown Heavy Rock band, which was active during the beginning of the 80's decade and most probably originating from West Berlin. Their privately produced selftitled album, recorded 1982, was produced there and offers a style somewhere between pure Rock and mainly late 70's AC/DC Hard'n'Roll, whenalso Seitz' vocals not even nearly sounded similar to Bon Scott's. On the smash hit and heaviest track on the LP ("Hellraiser") the occasional bluesy Motörhead influences, that pop up every now and then, play a very important role. But basically those who like that dirty kind of AC/DC style Hard Rock, might perhaps check out this obscure band.


"Mobile Disaster Unit" LP 1982 (selfreleased)

Mon Amour


Werner Kiemel (vocals)
Damir Uzunovsky (guitar)
Hermann Bangert (guitar)
Stephan Funk (keyboards)
Matthias Mailänder (bass)
Wolfgang Lück (drums)


A really interesting Heavy Rock band with US american influences from Alfdorf/Waldstetten in the greater Schwäbisch Gmünd area, east of Stuttgart, that was active during the very late 80's and mid 90's. In the beginning still slightly heavier acting, the guys produced a 4 track melodic Hard Rock/Metal Demo at around 1990 (or probably later) and got featured with the power grenade "Over again" (a live track) on one of the Peace-Eater compilations. Another tape with studio songs recorded between early 1990 up to 1993 followed in 1993. 1996 the band privately released the "Live ..." CD with Mike Blaschke as the only guitarist, replacing the former axe duo Uzunovsky & Bangert. If you got more info, please get in touch.
(Thanx to Rumblefist for additional info)


"Mon Amour" Demo 199? (selfreleased)
"Over again" Comp.-CD Track 1992 (Peace-Eater Vol. II)
"Collected Records 1993" Demo 1993 (selfreleased)

Mona Liza Overdrive


Stefan Kleinkrieg (guitar, vocals)


Mona Liza Overdrive was the solo project of the former Extrabreit (german NDW superstars) guitarist Stefan Kleinkrieg, who wanted to create something that he couldn't realize with Extrabreit at all, some dirty sleazy Hard Rock'n'Roll. He entered the studio during early 1989 and produced a Demo tape, that the Phonogram bosses liked alot and ordered more of this kind of material. Kleinkrieg with Phonogram's money produced more material and was immediately sent to London, to produce an album with the recent demo recordings. Since Mona Liza Overdrive was a solo project, his producer friend Kit Woolven asked around and found interested musicians in Neil Murray (Black Sabbath), Don Airey (Ozzy/Deep Purple), Brian Robertson (Thin Lizzy/Motörhead), Dzal Martin, Jimmy Coppley and Rolf Brendel (ex-Nena) who helped with recording additional parts. The album with the title "Vive La Ka Bum" was available in 1990 and featured a bunch of Sleaze/Hard Rock tracks, similar to the stuff of the L.A. scene like Guns 'n Roses, Faster Pussycat, Bang Tango and others. Though the albums received overwhelming reviews, Stefan Kleinkrieg didn't produce another Mona Liza Overdrive album at all.
(Thanx to emosteel for the recommendation)


"Vive La Ka Bum" LP/CD 1990 (Vertigo)
"Wand'rin' star" 7"/12"/MCD 1990 (Vertigo)

Monestery Brew


Frank Banx (bass)
Schrammel (drums)
Chef (vocals, guitars)


An ultra-primitive joke-Thrash band from Herne, outside Dortmund who've been compared to both Sodom, S.O.D. and The Mentors. The line-up featuried Angel Dust bassist Frank "Megabanx" Banx, as well as some more anonymous individuals only presented as Schrammel on drums and Chef on vocals and guitars. According to an old bio the latter were previously involved in an even more obscure act called Malicious Marauder, and 2 names that have turned up in contact addresses and who may or may not have been the real identities behind those aliases are Thomas Schmukal and Siggi Hahn, but more info is once again needed.


"Brutal And Toothless" Demo 1987 (selfreleased)

Monkeys With Tools


Grischa Bender (guitar)
Matti Rouse (bass, vocals)
Petrus Fischer (drums)


A Crossover trio from Düsseldorf, that was active since already 1988 there in the local underground scene. We don't seriously expect that anyone of the Metal readers might find this band interesting so let's leave their entry be just a short side note. Monkeys With Tools' style was a mix of Punk, Rap, Funk and Metal, often reminding of stuff like the Red Hot Chilli Peppers. After having a first single on Campary Records, the GUN label released a number of albums during the early 90's when this sort of Crossover got hyped. The band later then dropped the recent name and continued as "Affen Mit Waffen", without further releases.


"Beats can change" 7" EP 1990 (Campary)
"Sure" LP/CD 1992 (GUN)
"Our secret" CD 1992 (GUN)
"Therein lies the compromise" LP/CD 1993 (GUN)
"How to use Multicore" MCD 1993 (GUN)



Sebastian Baur (guitar, vocals)
Wilfried Borchert (guitar, vocals)
Frank Gahler (vocals)
Jörg Schütze (bass)
Mario Janik (drums)


The Blues Rock band Monokel from East Berlin (ex-GDR) was originally founded 1975 by Sebastian Baur, Peter Schneider, Horst Trümpelmann, Wilfried Borchert und Michael Mirek, but the spirit within the band wasn't as desired and Monokel was disbanded in summer '76 already. Sebastian Baur didn't want to surrender and gathered new musicians a few months later with Wilfried Borchert (guitar, vocals), Frank Gahler (vocals), Jörg Schütze (bass), Mario Janik (drums) to risk a second try. Sebastian Baur left the band in 1979, joined the band Keks and eventually MCB in 1985. Also Wilfried Borchert and Mario Janik quit to get replaced by both ex-Engerling musicians Bernd Kühnert (guitar, vocals) and Rainer Lojewski (drums). Michael Linke became Monokel's guitarist. Around 1982/83 ex-Berluc Gerd Pöppel replaced Frank Gahler on the micro, who joined NO 55. 1983 Monokel could add 3 songs to the triple Split LP "Kleeblatt No. 10 - Berliner Blues Bands" and Amiga produced their debut LP in 1986, that got the strange title "Fünf nette, junge Herren, die 1a Kraft-Blues machen!". You might wonder why we add a Blues Rock band here I bet, but the lads themselves called their style "Kraft Blues" (Power Blues). And indeed you'll find massive Hard Rock influences there, and either their guitar sound was quite heavy. In a way the Monokel trax sounded close to early MCB songs, f.e. "Lied des Galgenbruders an Sophie, das Henkersmädel" could be a Monokel song either. Nevertheless, almost everyone, who trys to compile a list of eastgerman Hard Rock vinyls, does forget about Monokel's LP. After the album nothing else happened anymore and during the political change 1989 the band was almost about to split up, but could be sailed into a secure haven throughout these crazy times. 1995 their second album "Monokel" was released on Buschfunk. The guys are still active nowadays, though at a certain point the band split up into 2 different bands using the name Monokel.
You can check out their album here.


"Kleeblatt No. 10 - Berliner Blues Bands" Split LP Tracks 1983 (with Zenit/Jonathan Blues Band, Amiga)
"Fünf nette, junge Herren, die 1a Kraft-Blues machen!" LP 1986 (Amiga)
"Boogie Mobil" Comp.-LP Track 1986 (Rock-Bilanz 1986)



K.P. Texter (vocals)
René Knotz (guitar)
Roland Preusker (bass, keyboard)
Roland Schmidt (drums)


An ambitioned slightly glammy, but powerful performing Heavy Metal act from Offenbach/Frankfurt (Main) with an impressive guitarist (I bet some of his faves was Randy Rhoads or Jake E. Lee), founded back in 1985, when Trixx, the former band of Roland Preusker (ex-Common Grave) and Roland Schmidt (incl. some ex-members of Damien) just had collapsed. Their vocalist K.P. Texter (ex-Custom Pink) joined Monroe during 1986, while guitarist René Knotz was hired during 1987. He has learned playing the guitar in the US of A and joined first Crack Jaw after he had returned to Germany during the mid 80's, before he went to play with Monroe instead, who fit his musical expectations better. The guys then recorded a professional Demo (4 songs), entitled "Roxx ya hard", in 1987 and most possibly either a 3 track tape already in 1986 with an early line up. The Demo got very positive reviews and some Mags was already promising the band a great future. But nothing further happened at all and during early 1988 the guys changed their name to Custom Pink to avoid judicial problems. Almost similar with the name change the message was spread that Knotz and drummer Roland had left the band, while they already had found Gerlad Mann as substitute on the axe.
Live Gig on Youtube: Monroe Live


"Roxx ya hard" Demo 1987 (selfreleased)



Jakob Peter


A local band from West Berlin, that participated at the biggest national band contest during 1989 - the Varta Musikpreis '90 - which was splitted into separate contests of each federal state and Monroe won the Berlin contest. The prize was the production of their track "You are a star", that appeared on the related album, featuring songs of all the winners of their own states. Monroe's music was typical Melodic Rock/AOR with excellent female vocals and even better metallic guitar solos. Since the bands, to participate at the event, had to mail Demo tapes to the Jury, there is also a Demo of Monroe available from around 1988/89. Further info is welcome.


"You are a star" Comp.-LP/CD Track 1990 (VARTA Musikpreis '90)

Monroe (Winnenden)


Dieter Eberl (vocals)
Andreas Feller (guitar)
Christian Erben (bass)
Andreas Pfau (guitar)
Armin Dehmel (drums)


Behind these Monroe hides just the ex-Overkill guys from Winnenden, known from the "M.I.R. - Heavy Metal Sampler". Still as Overkill they started recording a Demo in August '85 but changed name during the recordings sometime in 1986 to Monroe due to the american Overkill. The Demo featured 3 melodic Heavy Metal tracks and the guys was hoping to score a record deal. But as history told us, they didn't succeed. If you got more info, please get in touch.


"Demo 1986" (selfreleased)



Inge Mackenthun (vocals)
Thomas Klein (guitar)
Dagmar Dürbaum (guitar)
R. Bernhardt (bass)
Lothar Wieners (drums)


Featuring both ex-Warrant fighters Thomas Klein and Lothar Wieners, the band Monroxe acted slightly softer than their previous act. With Inge Mackenthun (vocals) and Dagmar Dürbaum (guitar) they even had 2 girls in their rows and what's closer to think that since both bands, Monroxe and the other female fronted troop Warlock, both hailed from Düsseldorf, might either sound the same? They actually did, Monroxe adopted the classic mid 80's Warlock sound and Inge Mackenthun's vocals sounded so close to Doro's that sometimes you won't be 100 % aware that it's indeed not Doro Pesch singing. Monroxe started sometime in the mid 80's right after Warrant was history, but didn't held high the flag much longer after the 12" was available, as Inge Mackenthun around 1988/89 was already found in the Biker Hardrock band Moon Rose, where she's to hear on that band's EP as well, though Moon Rose wasn't as heavy as Monroxe at all. After one more 4 track Demo released in 1988 Monroxe was history.


"Monroxe" 12" EP 1987 (JAB)



Ritchie Newton (vocals)
Dieter Saller (guitar)
Günther Radny (bass)
Goth Krumbach (keyboard)
Michael Hartinger (drums)


A female fronted Hard Rock/Metal band from Regensburg, that was active since 1987 and was promoted by Sabina Classen's West Virginia Records label in the early 90's. With ex-Mass Günther Radny they had a true veteran of the german Hard Rock/Metal scene on board, though the era Monsters didn't take an eternity either. To be correct, Monsters was the band that Günther Radny formed after he disbanded Mass in 1987. He first tried with the last Mass singer Ritchie Newton (ex-Tyrax) and later with Don A. Bianchi, till the blond, US american born eyecatcher Christine Black (ex-Femine) joined and the album "Riot in the night" was recorded 1990. Either Saller had been replaced by Mark T. Wright on guitar already and ex-Tyrax Michael Hartinger was sitting behind the drums. The album features a wide spectrum of Hard Rock and Heavy Metal, that, as far as I've recognized, the early songs are more on the Metal side, while the newly written trax got a rather Hard Rock edge, with strong influences of Cinderella or AC/DC. Songs like the title track "Riot in the night" or the ballad "Life's blowin in the wind" pretty much know to attract, especially since Christine Black not just looked sweet on stage, she also could sing.


"Riot in the night" LP/CD 1990 (West Virginia)
"Life's blowin in the wind" 12" EP 1990 (West Virginia)

Monte Christo



A Heavy Metal band of the ex-GDR. If you got more info, please get in touch.


Moon Rose


Inge Mackenthun (vocals)
Rainer Mackenthun (drums)
Oliver May
Philip Dawo
Henning Lippel


A Biker (Hard) Rock band from Düsseldorf featuring ex-Monroxe sweetie Inge Mackenthun and Rainer, her husband (we guess), previously in Picasso. The style on their MLP from summer '89 differs alot. Besides Accept-ish Hardrockers like the title track, there either are bluesy Biker Rock tunes or R'n'R influenced songs like "I don't care" featured, that makes it hard to resume here. If you expect stuff like Monroxe you are bloody wrong sadly.


”Sunny side of the road” MLP 1989 (Biker News)




A Heavy Metal band from Kiel, that was active during the late 80's and most probably also released a Demo tape in that decade, since the guys was actively playing live during 1989. 1991 the guys changed name to simply Moray. If you got more info, please get in touch.




Thomas Rönnebeck (guitar, vocals)
Achim Pabst (guitar)
Stefan Ikert (bass)
Florian Eichstädt (drums)


A Heavy Metal from Kiel, that was previously active since the late 80's as Moraine, who shortened the band name in 1991 to just Moray. The band released the "Velvet underground" Demo 1992 and another one entitled "Real men" in 1994. If you got more info, please get ion touch.


"Velvet underground" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)



Mario Smarzly


Not to be confused with the Wolfsburg Thrashers, these Morbid was originating from Ludwigshafen/Rhein in the Mannheim area. The guys recorded either a Demo tape early 1988, that features 6 Hardcore/Thrash Metal songs. If you got more info, please get in touch.


"When will the bombs fall..." Demo 1988 (selfreleased)



Markus Behnke (bass vocals)
Svente (guitar)
Florian Böhmke (drums)


A shortlived rude Thrash act from Wolfburg with sadly just one Demo tape recorded in summer 1988, while the trio was playing together just since January of that year. The lads had a sound similar to a mix of Messiah's debut album and Sepultura's "Schizophrenia". The Morbid guys was active as Morbid till 1989, when they changed name to Sensual Impression and tried with rather Progressive Metal, without recording any further Demos. There are several versions of the "Returning impossible" Demo known, with b/w booklets and red/white ones as well.


”Returning impossible” Demo 1988 (selfreleased)



Zentaur (guitar)
Mike Poppel (drums)


Shortlived Death/Thrash combo from Thuringia, hailing from the Arnstadt/Ilmenau area in the south of the ex-GDR, who formed around 1989 we guess. They’ve played a couple of gigs in their area during 1990, f.e. with Eminenz and Wodan in October ‘90, but disappeared again quickly afterwards. At that time no recordings had been available at all. Drummer Mike Poppel joined Horrible Hour in 1992.


Morbid Jester


Matthias Georg (vocals)
Thomas Strömmer (guitar)
Mario Bäcker (guitar)
Udo Krause (bass)
Markus Hain (drums)


A Power Metal band from Dillenburg/Hessen (between Siegen and Gießen), that originally formed as Punk Rock band with the name Milzbrand (Anthrax) in 1988, initiated by Matthias Georg, Thomas Strömmer and Markus Hain. After trying with several additional members like Michael Weitzel (bass), Olaf Reichmann (guitar) or Heiko Diehl (guitar), finally Mario Bäcker (guitar) and Udo Krause (bass) completed the classic line and the band after finding out that Heavy Metal is their thing, got renamed to Morbid Jester. The lads was playing live at the "Ready for Rock Festival" in Herborn (north of Frankfurt) in 1990 and made it on the second rank of a local band contest in 1992 and subsequently entered a studio in August/September '92 to record their first Demo "First audience", that delivered a straight german sounding sort of melodic Power Metal with light Running Wild influences. Their first 2 albums "Until the battle is won" (1994) and "Irony of fate" (1996) was both selfproduced, untill Iron Glory released Morbid Jester's 3rd album "Gates to Valhalla" 1999. The album "Something wicked" followed in 2016, yet the band is still active nowadays.
You can visit Morbid Jester's homepage here


"First audience" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)

Morbid Talking


Ronny (vocals)
Volkmar Weber (bass)
Robert (drums)


Probably a Grind/Noisecore band from Apolda (ex-GDR), with some of the members forming Carnifex in June 1991. If you have more info please get in touch.


Morbid Violence



A Death Metal band from Osnabrück, that was active around 1989/90 and either played live during spring 1990. Members of this band later formed the Black Metal band Martyrium. Further info is welcome.


Morbid Warsocks


Christian Pomp (vocals)
Christian Maier (guitar)
Markus Langenmair (bass)
Stefan Abele (drums)


A Thrash Metal band from Welden in the Augsburg area, that was active at least between 1988/89. Jürgen Heim during that time was member in the band. In the beginning we thought that Morbid "Warsocks" was just any mispelling/misstyping of the Mag we found the band mentioned inside, but finally their Demo luckily surfaced now, so we can indeed confirm the band's odd name. There's no year mentioned though, but judging by the straight 80's technically experienced Thrash sound we guess that tape should be released around 1989/90 and featured 4 straight Thrashers with several high pitched screams in traditional american making like f.e. the late Dark Angel or Viking. If you got more info, please get in touch.


"Morbid Warsocks" Demo 19?? (selfreleased)





Local Thrashers from the Bottrop/Essen/Oberhausen area, formed during 1990. Further info is welcome.




Holger vom Scheidt (vocals)
Oliver Schlimmer (guitar)
Harald Lingenberg (guitar)
Jörg Hermann (bass)
Thomas Bergmann (drums)


Mordor from Wuppertal surely has been fans of Accept, but I have to admit that they did that very well, as musically their first incarnation that started 1984 with vocalist Holger vom Scheidt, in places could be seen as serious concurrence for the Solingen steelmasters. The Mordor boys recorded their "Metal" 12" in December '85 and published it independently in a limited edition of 1000 copies. Despite the fact that the EP was originally intended and already announced to appear under the title “5 riders are coming”, the band seemed to withdraw that title in the very last second. Songs like the eerie "Rock warrior" could be Accept's own songs to be honest. But I don' want to degrade their EP here, as it features more than just listenable typically german Heavy Metal nevertheless. Dave T. Richards of Iron Works came to the same conclusion I guess and featured the track "Rock warrior" on one of his countless shapes, but originally that shape (though it's listed separately down below) originally belongs to the Iron Tyrant's III compilation and was just given away with that album. 1986 Holger vom Scheidt left and formed the also sweet Ninja. His vocal part took over Alan Vandendriessche. Either Jörg Hermann and Harald Lingenberg got replaced by Marcus Bielenberg (bass) and Michael Stötzner (guitar) on the last Demo, anticipatory "Second birth" entitled, that was released in 1987. During May '88 Mordor announced to soon start recordings for a new Demo, featuring their new shouter Alain Vandendriesche from Belgium, but the chapter Mordor was finished a while later during 1988 and Marcus Bielenberg reappeared in Danton.


"Metal" 12" EP 1986 (selreleased)
"Rock warrior" Octagon Shape 1986 (Azra)
"Second birth" Demo 1987 (selfreleased)



Dirk Radtke (vocals, guitar)


A Metal band (most probably Speed/Thrash) from Gelsenkirchen, that was founded 1990 and featured the former Charan member Dirk Radtke. 1991 they changed name to Dario. If you got more info, please get in touch.





An obscure totally unknown, but excellent band from Offenbach, that most probably was active around the beginning of the 80's or probably even earlier, as the material of their Demo tape from 1981 adopted a Black Sabbath influenced Heavy Metal style in the vein of bands like Cirith Ungol or Obsession's early stuff like "Shadows of steel". A last "live"sign is dating from 1983, delivering a very Pentagram-ish Doom Metal sound. Further info is needed.
(Thanx to Rumblefist for the suggestion)


"Demo #1" Demo 1981 (selfreleased)

More Beer


Stefan Knaak (vocals)
Oliver Bienert (guitar)
Ritschi Ziemek (bass)
Udo (drums)


A Hardcore/Crossover band from East Berlin, formed in December of 1987 still in the ex-GDR. There isn’t much known of these guys, but 1989 they recorded a Demo tape with quite bad sound. Musically alot Hardcore influenced, there’s a mix of early D.R.I. and mainly the californian version of Necropolis to be mentioned, though More Beer are more on the Hardcore side. During August ‘90 the band split up for the first time, but every now and then reunited once again, lasting until 1996. For the "The Spirit of the 90's Vol. 2" compilation 4 more live trax was used in 1992, now sounding slightly more in the Sheer Terror vein with massive Thrash influences though. During early 1996 the Plattenbau label released a vinyl compilation with several songs written between 1987-96, including cover versions of S.O.D. and Discharge, which might give you a survey of their personal influences. The LP includes an additional 7" and was limited to 500 copies. The shouter Stefan "Rotten“ Knaak was later found in bands like Voice Of Hate, Endstation 58 and Kiezgesöx, while Oliver Bienert in the 2010’s supported Haudegen live on stage.


"Demo 89" (selfreleased)
"The Spirit of the 90's Vol. 2" Comp.-MC Tracks 1992
“Nazi Oi" Comp.-MC Track 1992 (BRD von unten II)
“Blitzkrieg“ Comp.-MC Track 1993 (Unter dem Pflaster)
“Blitzkrieg“ Comp.-MC Track 1993 (Gespräche armer Natur!)

Morgan Le Fay


Dirk Hartl (guitar)
Torsten Anlauf (guitar)
Paul Heller (vocals)
Thomas May (bass)
Mirko Dahm (drums)


Morgan Le Fay started around 1984/85 in Düsseldorf and released a first 3 track Demo in 1985, that was reason enough for the D&S Recording label to put two tracks on their Metal Hour sampler. In 1987 another 3 tracker was released and also "Killer without a face" was used again for the Teutonic Invasion compilation. The "Elected" Demo prior to the "Schizo flowers" EP appeared 1989 but a stytlistical change happened around that time. Morgan Le Fay in the beginning was a classic Heavy/Power Metal act though their first recordings left a feeling that the guys wasn't playing that tight together, as besides "Morgan Le Fay" on the Metal Hour being an awesome banger, the performance appeared kinda clumsy, especially on "Killer without a face". On the "Schizo flowers" 12" all the Metal was thrown over board and Morgan Le Fay, despite having a new line up with Horst Endemann (drums), Torsten Hendrix (guitar), Jock Picasso (guitar), Michael Messiah (vocals) and only Dirk Hartl remaining of the old team, their new sound was rather sleazy Hard Rock with Blues touch and Harmonica. Nevertheless, the 12" was privately manufactured and comes with handnumbered innersleeve.


"Demo 1985" (selfreleased)
"Metal Hour (Metal Tracks No. 3)" Comp.-LP Tracks 1986 (D&S)
"Demo 1987" (selfreleased)
"Killer without a face" Comp.-LP Track 1987 (Teutonic Invasion Part One)
"Elected" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)
"Schizo flowers" 12" EP 1990 (selfreleased)



Alex Pretzer (vocals)
Bastian Herzog (drums)
Stefan Hanus (guitars)
Alfred Handke (guitars)
Johannes Agostini (bass)


Morgöth was the previous band before they changed name to Suffocation in 1990. The band was founded 1987 in Ulm and played Thrash Metal. There are no official releases known to exist.




Marc Grewe (vocals, bass)
Harald Busse (guitar)
Carsten Otterbach (guitar)
Rüdiger Hennecke (drums)


Being one of Germany's first Death Metal bands, Morgoth's history started back in 1985 in Meschede under the monicker of Exterminator and a while later they changed name to Minas Morgul, to end up finally as Morgoth in 1987. The "Pits of Utumno" Demo from 1988 gained them a record deal with the young Century Media label. On the Demo Morgoth's sound was highly influenced by Kreator's "Pleasue to kill" and either Morbid Angel. On the debut EP "Resurrection absurd", that was recorded at the D&S studio in 1989, the lads adopted a style that was almost an 1:1 copy of Death's "Leprosy", and the band earned first international attention. For the follow up EP "The eternal fall" Century Media sent the guys to Florida, into the Morrissound Studio to produce another Death inspired classic. Both mini albums nowadays do belong to the german Death Metal relics of international format and set the standard high for bands trying to follow Morgoth's path. Their first fullenght "Cursed", Morgoth recorded 1991 in Germany again, at the Woodhouse Studio's Dortmund, introducing new bass guitarist Sebastian Swart (ex-Dark Millennium). "Cursed" would become Morgoth's last album, that would concentrate on the band's classic Death Metal style, which made them famous by walking in the footsteps that the legend Death left in the late 80's. With the album "Odium" a stylistical upheaval got heralded that did cost the band a major part of the old fans. Of the old Death Metal roots wasn't much left anymore, Grewe's vocal style changed, as well as modern Industrial influences and either slow parts took the scepter and marked the beginning of Morgoth's deep fall. With the follow up album "Feel sorry for the fanatic" from 1996 the whole misery got even worse, as the lads almost adopted Hardcore influences.


"Pits of Utumno" Demo 1988 (selfreleased)
"Resurrection absurd" MLP 1989 (Century Media)
"The eternal fall" MLP 1990 (Century Media)
"Cursed" LP/CD 1991 (Century Media)
"Odium" LP/CD 1993 (Century Media)



Uwe Schwenkglenks


Heavy Rock band from Bad Waldsee, active in the mid 80's. If you have more info, please get in contact.




Michael Sifringer (guitar)
Ralf Schumacher (guitar)


Morrigan has been a sort of early stage of a band that years later would become one of the top exports in terms of German Thrash Metal, Destruction. Back in 1981 Michael “Mike” Sifringer was playing with Ralf Schumacher (guitar) and other guys of his neighbourhood in a sort of unofficial band. This bunch of schoolkids, except of Ralf Schumacher, who already was skilled enough on the guitar and taught Mike basic knowledge in playing, wasn’t really able to handle any instrument at that time, and most of them quit shortly later as well. So it was a coming and going and trying of the boys, who could be rated a (Hard) Rock band most likely, while songs of Saxon or Status Quo could be mentioned to be influences of the lads, who either exercised their songs during the rehearsals. Ralf Schumacher came up with the idea to name the band Morrigan, but as mentioned above, according to Mike Sifringer it hasn’t been any official band, they neither had an own band logo at all. There’s at least one rehearsal track of Morrigan existing, being recorded with a cassette recorder back in the day, but sadly the tape disappeared through the years. That whole phase lasted till around 1982/83, when most guys had already quit, since Mike wanted to play Heavy Metal, while the rest rather prefered the Rock stuff. At one day Tommy Sandmann appeared at one of Morrigans rehearsals, while their drummer has been absent, so Tommy was eager to make some noise himself. According to Mike he didn’t even behave stupidly, so since the original Morrigan drummer wasn’t much willing anymore to continue anyway, Tommy was told to buy a drumkit and he’d be in! Morrigan at that point already fell apart, while Mike wanted to go much heavier, so he and Tommy hooked up and started their own pure Metal thing. Mike had Knight Of Demon as the band’s name in mind, but as he claimed himself, that one was never ever used at all. Tommy’s proposal of Destruction fitted the guys perception way better. The rest is history!


Mortal Discipline


Doralf N. (vocals)
Dirk Koschewa (guitar)
Robert H. (bass)
Thomas Ebert (keyboard)
Sven Drechsler (drums)


A Black Metal band from Annaberg-Buchholz, that united several local musicians of the bands Eminenz, Carcinoma and Eternal Peace. Mortal Discipline was formed during 1992 and already performed right from the beginning a majestic keyboard driven sort of Black Metal, that was close to Eminenz' later sound, with doomy and epic parts, as their inoffical rehearsal tape from 1992 proves. 1993 an official Promo tape with the title "The death is new born - Promo Tape" was recorded, while during summer 1994 the lads finished their album "Child of retribution" with Karsten Breitung (Eminenz/Sarkophag/Opacity/Belmez) on vocals at the Digan Studio, that was half-owned by their keyboarder Thomas Ebert. Haustein joined on guitar, while Dirk Koschewa handled the bass as well coz Robert H. left the band a while before. Jan Irmscher of Eternal Peace played drums. The album though was released independently not before 1995, but nevertheless deserves a special mention here as, though that one is pretty obscure, offers quite neat atmospheric Black Metal, that due to the not existant promotion was completely ignored.


"The death is new born - Promo Tape" Promo 1993 (selfreleased)

Mortal Fear


Marcus T. (vocals)
Philipp S. (guitar)
Stefan K. (guitar)
Dirk J. (bass)
Albert S. (drums)


Local Thrashers originating from Meppen in northern Germany. Inspired by the Bay Area sound the band was formed in August 1988 by Marcus T. (vocals), Philipp S. (guitar), Stefan K. (guitar), Dirk J.(bass) and Albert S. (drums), but would not last for long in that constellation at all. Dirk already quit 1 year later in summer, so guitarist Stefan changed over on bass instead. With Burkhard Menke Mortal Fear could directly find a competent musician to support Philipp on guitars, which led into a much more guitar oriented style with twin guitar parts and all, but during summer 1990 also vocalist Marcus called it a day and left the band, so that Stefan on bass meanwhile had to take care of the vocals as well. Nevertheless this line up either wasn’t steady for long either. Some gigs later Mortal Fear was about to record their first Demo „Worlds brutality“ in 1991, but of the original line up just drummer Albert had remained yet. Burkhard Menke was responsible for all guitar parts on the recording of his own, with Tosch a new vocalist got recruited and on bass now had been Bassjansen. A second Demo „Rude awakening“ was released the following year in 1992 and then subsequently since 1993 Jörg A. took over all the vocal parts. Their last Demo „State of confusion“ also appeared in this year, but the band would only see another year coming and played the last gig ever in December 1994. Some of the guys nevertheless returned as Project Fear in November 1998.


“Worlds brutality” Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
“Rude awakening” Demo 1992 (selfreleased)
“State of confusion” Demo 1993 (selfreleased)

Mortal Freight


Christian Mertens (vocals)
Hilton Theissen (guitar)
Markus Gabriel (bass)
Christoph Hesse (drums)


A Thrash influenced Death Metal band from Bad Fredeburg comparable to the late 80's sound of the band Death, that originally formed in 1989, but changed name to Dark Millennium when they released their first Demo "The apocryphal wisdom" in February '91. If you got more info, please get in touch.


Mortal Impact


Michael Schumann (guitar)
Steffen Freyer (guitar)
Thomas Kanigs (bass, vocals)
Rudi (drum)


Originally Mortal Impact from Hohenmölsen, south of Leipzig in the ex-GDR, was formed back in summer of ‘89 as Deathinfection by Michael Schumann (guitar) and Rudi (drums), while Thomas Kanigs joined them just a short time later on bass. Rudi already left the Thrash trio after a while, but instead Andreas Wünsche had the balls to hire as drummer for the young band, that at a certain point changed name to Mortal Impact most probably at around that time during 1990. A vocalist and also a second guitarist joined the guys, but both was fired right away, since their skills haven’t been developed enough to cover their favorite songs of Slayer, Nuclear Assault etc. Thomas took over vocals meanwhile, till during September ’90 Steffen Freyer became their second guitarist. The musical likings of the foursome now had moved towards Death Metal inspired stuff, favorizing a rather Swedish sounding style with hints of Entombed/Dismember/Carnage, that could be heard on the 4 track Demo "Last termination", recorded in July '91. At that point the former Thrash band had completely turned into classic Death Metal. Nevertheless their time was running out quickly, despite the good Demo and several label offers to release a single. Another Demo recording was even though scheduled for spring ’92. Andreas Wünsche later after Mortal Impact's decline around 1992/93 briefly joined Overlord, but didn't remain there for long.


"Last termination" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"Carbonized" Comp.-Tape Track 1992 (Thrashing East Attack Vol. II)

Mortal Terror


Stefan Kunth (vocals)
Dirk Wieland (guitar)
Jens Hertig (guitar)
Bernd Schäfer (bass)
Marcus Farmer (drums)


A still active Thrash band from Hannoversch Münden, north of Kassel, that formed back in autumn 1986 and released a shitload of underground Demos, that in the beginning mainly was musically influenced by Slayer and Destruction. Starting with "Humor is a matter of taste" in 1988, followed by "United nations" (1989) and "Guts and diseases" (1990), that all was still recorded with Bernd Schäfer on bass, who got replaced right after “Guts and diseases" by Lutz Prößdorf, who performed on the 4th tape "The functional autonomy of motives", dating from 1991. The track "Dancing in vicious cirles" from the "United nations" tape also appeared on an obscure vinyl compilation with the title "When rivers collide". Up to the 4th tape Mortal Terror's style has been more on the classic Thrash side, with very solid musicianship and competent songwriting, but steady problems in the vocal department, while on "The functional autonomy of motives" the guys went into a rather Death/Thrash dominated direction with associated vocals at last, getting soundwise closer to bands like Assorted Heap, without losing their melodic touch neverheless. After another 2 Demo releases namely "The cognitive triad" (1992) and "Idiosyncratic" (1993), Mortal Terror signed a contract with D&S Recordings and released the albums „The Evolving Self“ (1994) and „Posthuman“ (1996), that appear like a mix of their early 90's Death/Thrash with typical groovy elements of the mid 90's. So far 2 EP's and 4 more albums followed in different intervals.


"Humour is a matter of taste" Demo 1988 (selfreleased)
"United nations" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)
"Guts and diseases" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)
"Dancing in vicious circles" Comp.-LP Track 1990 (Where Rivers Collide)
"The functional autonomy of motives" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"The cognitive triad" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)
“Cancer” Comp.-MC Track 1992 (Mindrape Vol. I)
"Idiosyncratic" Demo 1993 (selfreleased)
"Scarred" Comp.-CD Track 1993 (Deathophobia)

Mortal Trace


Michael Müller (vocals)
Ralph Piroth (guitar)
Thorsten Garske (guitar)
Werner Linke (bass)
Eric Beres (drums)


A band from Fronhofen, south of Koblenz, that was active during the fall of the 80's and formed in 1988. There's a Reh/Demo available, recorded in 1989, that features a sort of Power/Thrash Metal with almost ineffable style, as the lads got a kinda Celtic Frost edge on one side, but didn't sound like CF at all. Still the whole material spreads that classic basement flair and suffers by dull vocals. Mortal Trace changed name to Mystik Trace in 1991. Further info is needed.


”Christian terror” Reh/Demo 1989 (selfreleased)



Martin Mayrhofer (guitar, vocals)
Jürgen Hausladen
Oliver Pohl (bass)
Jörg Schmaus (drums)


A totally crazy sounding Thrash band from Munich that after their first 2 Demo tapes "Demo '88" and "Prophet's dream" from 1989, could contribute the 2 live trax "BdvzZ" and "Quarantine" for the Feierwerk Split LP "Hard 'n Heavy Live im Feierwerk" with Hot Stuff, Trick Or Treat and Shotgun M.G. The second Demo "Dr. Schnabel" was released 1992 and a third one "Moonface was here..." the next year before they started recording their debut album "Elephant man" in 1993 as well. The album was previously available only as MC and finally got pressed on CD in 1995. Mortality's sound in the beginning was still Thrash Metal rooted, and either on the debut tape Venom/Celtic Frost influenced. But in the fall of the 80's their style changed into an absolutely strange Techno Thrash comparable to Voivod on "Dimension Hatröss" and "Nothingface" but way worse. Nothing really fits together here, Groove parts meets psycho parts meets Thrash meets Funk meets Grunge Rock or whatever one could call that brew. If you think you're a tough guy when it comes to Metal music, you will meet thy masters here. Mortality are hard to bear...


"Demo '88" (selfreleased)
"Prophet's dream" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)
"Hard 'n Heavy Live im Feierwerk" Comp.LP-Tracks 1991 (Feierwerk)
"Dr. Schnabel" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)
"Moonface was here..." Demo 1993 (selfreleased)
"Journey on a ghostship" Comp.-CD Track 1993 (Peace-Eater Vol. III)
"Elephant man" MC/CD 1993 (Polly)



Laier (drums)
Pino (bass)
Michi (guitar, vocals)
Claudio (guitar)


A technical Death Metal band from Wiesloch with some Thrash parts. They could place the track "Salvation" on a Split 12" with the bands Noise Filter, Metamorphosis and Charterflug Tschad, that was sponsored by the local youth center. Their influences came from US Death Metal bands I guess, I tend to hear certain Monstrosity hints here and there.


"Salvation" Split -12" 1992 (Vertrauen Sie uns wir wissen was wir tun)



J.R. Rockfast (guitar, vocals)
Chico (bass)
Buddy (guitar)
Fast Funk (drums)


The Lübeck based Mortox has been active since the early mid 80's and released a 3 track Demo right before they recorded their debut album "Stormbells" in October '86. Their style has been quite different to most bands of that time, instead sounding a bit more like the bands of very late 80's with their melodic Power Metal in the vein of Violent Touch. Though J.R. Rockfast had a few smaller problems to always hit the right one of the higher tones, but it doesn't lowers the quality of the album at all, that could be mentioned in the upper middle league regions. 1988 the guys tried with one more 3 track Demo with new guitarist Der Lange, but other labels didn't show further interest at all. After a longer period of silence, Mortox returned with the Promo MCD "Inflamed" in 1991 before they eventually disbanded in the early 90's. Chico appeared in the Power Metal band Chalice and later founded Subcutane in 1993.


"Demo I" Demo 1986 (selfreleased)
”Stormbells” LP 1987 (Starving Missile)
"Demo II" Demo 1988 (selfreleased)
"Inflamed" Promo MCD 1991 (selfreleased)





A local Death Metal band from the wider Goslar/Harz area, influenced by Morbid Angel, Obituary and Sodom and active since already the late 80's. Their selftitled Demo was recorded during 1989 and contains 5 songs. Further info is needed.


"Mortuary" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)

Mortuary (Kassel)


Marcel (guitar, vocals)
Ragnar (guitar)
Fergen Grimnir (bass)
Nagelring (drums)


A shortlived Black Metal band from Kassel, that just was active from 1993 till '96 and released a Rehearsal Demo during 1995, before the guys went separate ways. According to MA their style should be rather Thrash Metal influenced. Further info is needed.


Morty Pilot



A Thrash band from Oldenburg, formed in 1989 and who were featured with the songs "Let fist rule again" and "Life is doubtful" on the local underground compilation "Teenspirit from outer space" in 1993. We suppose that both trax was taken from a Demo tape, that the Morty Pilot most probably had released during 1993. The band is still active nowadays as a Thrash Metal cover band. If you got more info, please get in touch.


"Teenspirit from outer space" Comp.-CD Tracks 1993 (Rubbish Recordings)



Oliver Hippauf (vocals)
Ingo Lohf (guitar)
Steffen Häupl (guitar)
Manfred Uhlig (bass)
Uwe Kovarnik (drums)


Moshquito was founded as Argus in the saxon Zwickau (ex-GDR), by Manfred Uhlig as a Blues Rock band back in 1982. After several personnel and musical changes the original Argus line up had crystalized in 1985 with Benjamin Müller (vocals), Ingo Lohf (guitar, ex-Rapunzel), Steffen Häupl (guitar), Manfred Uhlig (bass) and Uwe Kovarnik (drums), while stylistically their influences now came from bands like Metallica, Iron Maiden, Saxon and Judas Priest. But the band's style permanently got heavier during the following year. Slayer and Kreator influences infected the guys who turned into one of the first pure Thrash acts of the GDR. Oliver Hippauf replaced Benjamin Müller in 1987 and the guys prepared their first Demo tape in late 1987. But due to the fanatic crowd that Argus followed from gig to gig, the SED officials ordered several stage bans, that Argus answered with a simple change of the band name to Moshquito shortly before the Demo "No back to inferno" was released. So basically the Moshquito Demo reflects the early musical work of Argus, featuring a raw Thrash Metal style similar to Slayer. When Hippauf was called to arms during 1988, Benjamin Müller returned to the band, who recorded the "Mosh in Moscow" Demo in the meanwhile in late '88, with technical Bay Area influenced Thrash songs reminding slightly of a cross of Exodus, Metallica and Slayer. During the political change in late '89/early '90 Moshquito got into personnel trouble, as parts of the crew left the band like Manfred Uhlig, Steffen Häupl and Benjamin Müller. Most probably the cracked deal with West Virginia Records, who wanted to produce the first Moshquito album "For the communist emperor" during 1990 (as it was already announced on flyers of the label), was the catalyst I guess. With Rochus Röder (guitar) and André Nebel (bass, vocals) the recovered Moshquito around the only former survivors Uwe Kovarnik and Ingo Lohf, recorded one more Demo during 1991 entitled "Only death is for nothing", that delivered raw Thrash with occasional Death/Thrash influences. But shortly after Moshquito got disbanded, as rumours say because West Virginia hindered the guys to sign deals with other labels. Their last gig happened in Karl-Marx-Stadt (Chemnitz), 1991, with only Lohf, Nebel and Kovarnik remaining. André Nebel instantly joined the Chemnitz based Hard'n'Heavy band Rockwärts. 1996 Mosquito got revived again by Ingo Lohf, Oliver Hippauf and Andrè Nebel, who are nowadays firming under the name Xiom. The first two Demos of the band got re-released 2011 on vinyl by German Democratic Recordings under the title "Metallic grave". 2017 the original monicker Moshquito was picked up once again though.


"No back to inferno" Demo 1987 (selfreleased)
"Mosh In Moscow" Demo 1988 (selfreleased)
"Only death is for nothing" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)

Mother's Little Nightmare


Robert Chappel (vocals)
Floyd (guitar)
Frank Manthei (guitar)
Ralf Günther (bass)
Drummi Diekhoff (drums)


Founded in West Berlin 1986 by guitarist Floyd, it took him till late '87 to get a steady line up together with Nasty Ritchie (guitar), Bobo Kuszek (b), Mike France (drums), that could meet requirements for his musical vision to celebrate american style glammy Hard and Heavy Rock. September '87 after most of the guys on the left side had left or got to go already and Floyd being alone together with Robert Chappel, the duo recorded the Demo song "Princess of tears" to search for a management. In the end they reformed Mother's Little Nightmare with the above mentioned Nasty Ritchie, Bobo Kuszek and Mike France and recorded another Promotape in early '88. Once again the drummer position changed in June '88, when the later S.A.D.O. drummer Danny joined. The band's first album was originally planned to be released 1988 already, but due to the record company could be eventually recorded during December '88 and got finally released the following year, without Nasty Ritchie though, who left already before the material was recorded. The selftitled album features material between Faster Pussycat, early Guns 'n Roses, AC/DC, basically american Glam style Hard Rock. In the mid 90's after several line up changes the band split up once and for all.


"Princess of tears" Demo 1987 (selfreleased)
"Promotape" Promo 1988 (selfreleased)
"Mother's Little Nightmare" LP/CD 1989 (Thrills 'N' Chills)



Axel Matthees (vocals, bass)
Rüdiger Lange (guitar)
Marcus Lange (drums)
Steffen König (guitar)


This eastgerman Heavy Metal band was founded in Bielatal (greater Pirna area near Dresden) by Rüdiger "Rudi" Lange (lead guitar) after his retirement from Titan in 1985 together with his brother Marcus on drums and Steffen "King" König on rhythm guitar. The very first vocalist Ingo (Hedel) was replaced in February 1986 by Axel Mathees, who also, after trying several bass players like "Der Koch" (1985) and Maik Banasiak (1986), was handling the bass guitar after summer 1986 when they just didn't have a bass player in the line up. Musically Motörsound started with cover versions of AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Motörhead, Judas Priest and Saxon plus a very few own songs like "Der Außenseiter" (The only Demo recording from April '86 that has survived until today, a song Rudi still had composed with Titan who called it "Nie mehr allein"). Their first live gig happened in April '86 at the Kulturhaus Langenhennersdorf. One month later in May, Motörsound got their national grading for the "basic level" by the Kreiskulturkabinett Pirna. (That was something every band in the ex-GDR had to graduate in order to be able to play live gigs and to get paid according to the recent level your band has classified for. The higher your level, the more payment in other words.) They played several live gigs in the area till late 1987 when King left Motörsound. He wasn't replaced, but instead they added with Jörg "Joy" Jahn (ex-Pent) a bass player who would stay in the band for longer. That was the moment when they also changed the band's name to Koks. The band logo was naturally looking similar to Motörhead's.
(Thanx to Axel Matthees for info & material - picture copyrights by Axel)


"Der Außenseiter" Demo Track 1986 (selfreleased)



Lobi (vocals)
Stephan Grujic (guitar)
Michi Bothe (bass)
Bernward Klimek (drums)


Mottek was a Crossover band from Hildesheim, that formed as ABC-Alarm in the early 80's out of the ashes of the Punk/NDW band KZ Recorder. Stephan Grujic (guitar) and Bernward Klimek (drums) found a first steady line up in 1983 with Michi Bothe (bass) and Lobi on vocals, who both came from GPC. The quartet recorded the first Demo in August, that featured 6 Hardcore/Punk trax and became bestselling tape on the label, which lead into a record deal with Schrott Records in 1984. Michi Bothe left Mottek before the recordings and would later form the band Suckspeed. He got replaced by Magret (ex-The Fat Five And The Thin One) on bass. Till 1986 when the recorded the next album "Riot" (grey vinyl), vocalist Lobi left and guitarist Stephan handeld vocals also. The material on "Riot" either featured just like the debut LP Hardcore/Punk with early Thrash influences but the trio would progress their style from that point forward and added more and more Metal influences, that didn't only grant them a lot of love from the Punk community. Nevertheless, after 2 more singles they got signed by the Funhouse label and published the respectable "Mottek" Demo in 1988 with second guitarist Matthias Hinze and Magret doing vocals. From the early Hardcore sound there was almost no more traces audible, instead the lads offered archetypical female fronted Thrash Metal sound, close to Metallica on "Master of puppets" and especially Znöwhite. Though Funhouse Records already announced the new Mottek album as "Welcome to depression land" during spring '89, Mottek surprisingly released it as "Fatal violence" on Sucker Records instead. But there had happened a fatal upheaval inside the band already, as only both guitarists Grujic and Hinze remained of the Demo line up and added new members Christian Leithaeuser (vocals), Hartsch (bass) and Sven (drums). The style of the Demo recordings was consequently continued on "Fatal violence", that was produced and engineered by Stephan Grujic himself at the Masterplan Studio in Gießen. Fastpaced US style Thrash Metal with influences of Vio-Lence, Testament, Death Angel and Metallica ruled on "Fatal violence" and made the album a faultless affair for all Thrashers, that also marked the end of Mottek's discography. The band never every released any further albums and just was active in a kinda on/off relationship throughout the 90's and 2000's. The "Countdown 1982-2012" CD compilation features older and newer recordings, even an unreleased album from 2003.


"Mottek" Demo 1983 (Pissende Kuh Kassetten)
"Hypnose" LP 1984 (Schrott)
"Shout/Wop hour" Split 7" EP 1985 (with Raw Power, Starving Missile)
"Torture" 7" EP 1985 (Starving Missile)
"Riot" LP 1986 (Starving Missile)
"Bun Party" Split Tape 1987 (with Rövsvett & White Flag, Punish)
"Mottek" Demo 1988 (Funhouse)
"Fatal violence" LP/CD 1989 (Sucker)

Moving Force


Thomas Schmid (drums)


A Heavy Rock band from Stuttgart, which was active from 1984-86 and featured ex-Clavis drummer Thomas Schmid, who was also playing with the Prog Rock band Crystal Maze. If you got more info, please get in touch.




Thomas Zeller (bass, vocals)
Andreas Wolk (guitar)
Thomas Schneider (drums)


MP originally stands for Metal Priests and indeed, the lads from Witten that are active consistently since the mid 80's, delivered the archetypical german Heavy Metal sound and would well have had the format to appear in the Gama releases catalogue either. But the Step Records label has been quicker to sign these guys and published all of their three 80's vinyls under their own banner. MP was founded by the trio Thomas Zeller (bass, vocals), Andreas Wolk (guitar) and Thomas Schneider (drums), who all three previously had been playing together in the band Rotor. As it seems Rotor’s direction wasn’t really up their alley, so they decided to form their own band MP instead. Being from Witten apparently helped the guys, since Peter Josefus of the local Franz K. studio took care of the trio and produced a Demo for them, that gained interest by the EMI, who sent them back to studio immediately to produce the album "Bursting out". On the second "Get it now" album Michael Link had replaced Thomas Schneider on the drums and on "Show down" from 1988 Sesamy B. took Schneiders part either, while also with Uwe Ulm a second guitarist completed the line up. The debut offers classic Metal sounding like a cross of mid 80's Accept and Gravestone/Grave Digger, and on "Get it now" (1987) & "Show down" (1988) MP in a way continued that mainly midpaced rocking style, though the sound got slightly more modern, and sometimes I feel reminded of bands like Steeler or Railway. Shortly after the "Show down" album release in autumn '88, Uwe Ulm (guitar) and Rüdiger Föll (drums) got introduced to fill the empty rows of MP. The following year Rüdiger Föll and Andreas Wolk left the band to form Central Power Unit, but after a longer absence the one remaining original member Thomas Zeller returned with a new team (Jens Ribow - guitar, ex-Beatifix/Scarecrow, Uwe Ulm - guitar, Roland Dresel - bass, Chris Weller - keyboard), Bernd Schussele - drums) and album ("Melting point") in 1992 to hold the Metal flag higher than ever, and once again striked back with classic 80's Metal sound. But "Melting point" should remain MP's last studio album, though the band is still active.


"Bursting out" LP 1986 (Steps)
"Get it now" LP 1987 (Steps)
"Show down" LP 1988 (Steps)
"Melting point" CD 1992 (Savage)

Mr. Good Trip


Ingo Hartmann (guitar, vocals)
Bodo Schaffrath (guitar, vocals)
Horst Stachelhaus (bass)
Bernd Noske (drums)


Mr. Good Trip was the solo project of ex-Message/Birth Control bass player Horst Stachelhaus, who just had left the Alex Oriental Experience to realize his own musical ideas in 1990. He could convince his former Birth Control mate Bernd Noske to play the drums and added two young guitarists. The band recorded a 3 song Demo at the Face-Music-Studio in Heidelberg and sent it to diverse record companies in order to score a deal. Stylistically these guys played a sort of Classic Rock/Hard Rock with several Blues influences. Doesn't look like they succeeded with their undertaking.


Mr. Hate


Carsten Schulz (vocals)
Steffen Seeger (guitar)
Roger Kayy (bass)
Henning Lachmann (drums)


A Mannheim based Metal band that was active during already the late 80's, but so far is known to have released their debut CD "Fragments" just in 1996 on BSE Records. One more Demo followed in 1999. During their early days Mr. Hate adopted a sound similar to the mid 80's US Metal glammy stuff like Keel or Mötley Crüe, while during the 90's went more into Hard Rock fields. Further info is needed.




Gary Barden (vocals)
Michael Schenker (guitar)
Don Airey (keyboard)
Mo Foster (bass)
Simon Phillips (drums)


To shorten it we'll combine the both MSG band's historical parts as Michael Schenker was main part and member of both incarnations. Originally after leaving the Scorpions and gaining some worldwide success with UFO in the 70's, Michael Schenker in 1979 formed his own band The Michael Schenker Group (MSG). He released several albums till the band was put on ice in 1985 and he'd return with new partner ex-Grand Prix/Far Corporation vocalist Robin McAuley in 1986, so the MSG would stand for McAuley Schenker Group from this day forward. Together the guys recorded the albums "Perfect timing", "Save yourself", "MSG" and "Unplugged" till 1992, before McAuley and Schenker's went separate ways in 1993. During both periods of the MSG history the style of MSG has been melodic Hard and Heavy Rock that was made for the american market and showed similarities to the early 80's Scorpions either. There are tons of singles being available also, but since we do not expect anyone to not know about MSG or Michael Schenker himself, we'd suggest you to check out Wikipedia in case you indeed never heard of him.


"The Michael Schenker Group" LP 1980 (Chrysalis)
"M S G" LP 1981 (Chrysalis)
"One night at Budokan" LP 1981 (Chrysalis)
"Assault attack" LP 1982 (Chrysalis)
"In Concert-292" LP 1982 (BBC Transcription Services)
"Built to destroy" LP 1983 (Chrysalis)
"Rock will never die" LP 1984 (Chrysalis)
"Perfect timing" LP 1987 (EMI)
"Save yourself" LP/CD 1989 (EMI)
"MSG" LP/CD 1991 (Electrola)
"Unplugged" CD 1992 (EMI)
"BBC Radio One Live in Concert" CD 1993 (Windsong International)

Mucous Membrane



Rather unknown Grindcore quintet from the Donau-Ries area, north of Augsburg, that was active at around 1989/90 and either was seen several times live on stage during the period. We aren’t aware of any official recordings of the band, but judging by their live performance within that special genre they could be mentioned to be “talented" at least.


Muddy Brains


Tim Wiegmann (vocals)
Olaf Büscher (guitar, bass)
Gerd Szuplinski (drums)


This band from Hüllhorst, North Rhine-Westphalia seem to have wanted to try out a little bit of everything, and their 5-song "Braincore" demo is said to have included songs of a number of different styles, from Thrash, HC and rap to traditional Heavy Metal. They claim to have been offered a record deal from Funhouse Records, but it doesn't seem as this album ever happended. Instead a private 7" was released in 1990. If you have more info, please get in contact.


"Braincore" Demo 1988 (selfreleased)
"Astro Lady" 7" EP 1990 (Muddy Bros.)



Mike Watz (vocals)
Tomy Dangel (guitar)
Markus Futterer (guitar)
Ralf Wenglein (bass)
Uwe Pfauch (drums)


Karlsruhe Hard Rockers that existed since 1988 and debuted with a 3 song Demo still within the same year, featuring the trax "Children of the night", "Beasty" and "Waterbearer", while on the second tape from 1989 the lads surprisingly offered the song "Children of the night" once again as the only track. Mudlark's sound was influenced by the typical US Melodic Metal/Hard Rock with commercial touch ala Dokken and could easily concurrate with other bands of that genre. If you got more info, please get in touch.


"Demo'88" Demo 1988 (selfreleased)
"Children of the night" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)



Rainer Laws (guitar)
Uli Kusch (drums)


A project that both Rainer Laws and Uli Kusch already had in mind for a longer time and eventually launched early 1990 after leaving Holy Moses. We got no clue of the musical direction of this band. Further info is welcome.




Torsten Anlauf


Quite odd name, or maybe just a typo? Who knows, this band from Duisburg (Probably being called Manalishi?) has recorded a 3 track Demo in 1986 with the promising title "Morgan Le Fay", stylistically refered as classic Heavy Metal. Further info is needed.


"Morgan Le Fay" Demo 1986 (selfreleased)

Mund voll Napalm


K. Moritz


"Mund voll Napalm" was a Grind/Noise Core project from Philippsthal/Werra, between Bad Hersfeld and Eisenach, that was active around 1989/90. They released their Demo "Der kleine Napalmfresser" late 1990 and 2 of these trax ("Häng die Hex" and "Wutopfer") also appeared on the underground tape sampler "Schreie der Angst".


"Der kleine Napalmfresser" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)
"Schreie der Angst" Comp.-MC Tracks 1991 (Götterwind)




A local band from the greater Bochum area, that was active during 1987/88. If you got more info, please get in touch.




Maggy Benz (vocals)
Ernst Horsinka (guitar)
Siggi Maier (guitar)
Ralf Hanser (bass)
Normen Drißner (drums)


A female fronted Power Metal band from Trochtelfingen/Herbertingen, west of Ulm, that was actively playing regional gigs between 1985/86 till 1992. Murdock had already recorded the 4 song Demo "Nite of the dock" during the late 80’s as well, before the band split up shortly after releasing their independently produced 6 track "Gunfire" Demo CD in 1992. The fastpaced title track strongly reminds of a cross of early Running Wild and late 80's Deaf Dealer, while the following tracks exactly deliver what classic fans of German Metal are looking for, pounding and powerful midtempo Metal with speed edge.
You shouldn't confuse these lads with the austrian band Murdock from Vienna, that also played gigs on bavarian territory in the beginning of the 90's and released a CD during 1993. Siggi Maier afterwards returned on stage in well known bands Abraxas and Stormwitch and either Maggy Benz didn't really quit singing at all.

(Thanx to Michael Flohr for suggestion and band info)


“Nite of the dock” Demo 198? (selfreleased)
"Gunfire" CD 1992 (Eon)

Musical Massacre


Silvio Zeller (vocals)
Renè Kögel (guitar)
Andrè Hase (guitar)
Uwe Limberger (bass)
Lutz Götzold (drums)


Musical Massacre operated originally in the beginning under the cute name of Bloodbath, founded in 1988 by some friends still within ex-GDR times in Nossen near Dresden, but wasn't really leaving the basement at all, as the guys had problems to find a proper line up until the summer of 1990. Bloodbath by that time had changed name to Musical Massacre and began to play doomy Death Metal, reminding slightly of the Asphyx stuff. Their drummer Lutz Götzold quit a bit later on and the former Deathtrap skinbeater Ralph Richter came in still late 1990, while Götzold in ’91 joined the Deathtrap guys instead. The troop played their first gig ever in August ’91 in their hometown, together with Annaberg’s premier Thrashers Wodan, Eminenz and the well known Lemming Project. The Demos "The evil's incarnation" was eventually recorded and released during November, while the second strike "Necrobestiality" was produced in October ’92. Vocalist Silvio Zeller left the band shortly later and the lads continued with Sörko as a replacement, but due to different opinions about the band’s musical future, Musical Massacre split up late in 1992. Renè Kögel and Uwe Limberger formed the band Purgatory in spring of 1993, continuing the pursued path of Musicial Massacre. During summer 2012, 20 years later, founding member Andrè Hase wanted to reform the band once again and convinced Ralph Richter and Uwe Limberger (ex-Purgatory/Grace) to rejoin once again. Carsten Sickert (ex-Dark Decade/Purgatory) became their shouter, while another veteran of the local scene, ex-Helion/Deathtrap guitarist Olaf Gerold, took the axe. Carsten Sickert already had to be displaced a few months later, so Michael Geyhler (ex-Refractory) took his part instead. Either Ralph quit again very shortly later and ex-Paraphilia drummer David Beier joined. Practically their debut album „Hell tank 666“ was released in 2015, while the band still tried hard to rely on old behaviours and to compose oldstyle Death Metal tunes, like in their early days. After the album „Off to war“ (2017) Markus Hartung was exchanged for Wolfgang Rothbauer (ex-Thirdmoon/In Slumber etc.) and the so far last current album „Inhuman“ appeared in 2020, once again released on German Democratic Recordings, like the ones before.


"The evil's incantation" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"Macabre ritual of the sadistic executer" Comp.-MC Track 1992 (Thrashing East Attack Vol. II)
"Necrobestiality" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)

Musty Guts


Patrick Kalla (guitar, vocals)
Andreas Georgiadis (guitar)
Harald Kortboyer (bass)
Oliver Hermann (drums)


The Musty Guts was an extreme Thrash/Deathcore troop from Herten in the Recklinghausen/Gelsenkirchen/Marl triangle, that featured Eternal Dirge members Karsten Böhnke and Patrick Kalla. The band formed during October 1987 still with Markus Kokkert behind the drums and recorded their only Demo "Maggot assault", now with Oliver Hermann as drummer) the following year, featuring a brutal Thrash assault with early Death Metal influences, reminding slightly of Protector and mainly all those extreme brazilian Thrash bands of that era. When Kortboyer left the band in 1990, Karsten Böhnke (Eternal Dirge) took the bass. But somehow the Musty Guts didn't really record more Demos it seems, while they've been playing live during that time in their area before they called it a day later in 1992. During the last year of existence Olaf Walinger replaced Golly (Andreas Georgiadis) on the guitar. Further info is welcome.


”Maggot assault” Demo 1988 (selfreleased)



Sven Bernhardt (vocals)
Niels Hoffmann (guitar)
Thorsten Schulze (guitar)
Thomas Hochstein (bass)
Grobi Schott (drums)


It's not confirmed yet, that these Mutilation are also the same who performed live at the Death-Thrash Underground Festival in February '91 in Wolfsburg, but it's confirmed that both bands played a Thrash/Death Metal related style, so we guess it's more or less the same troop originating from the wider Wolfsburg area then. These guys already released a Reh/Demo with 6 trax during 1988 and has been active till the early 90's. If you got more info, please get in touch.


"Mutilation" Reh/Demo 1988 (selfreleased)




Thrashers of the local Erlangen/Nuremberg underground, active during the late 80's. So far no recordings are known, but seems these guys played live in their area. More info is needed.




Andrè Martelli (vocals)
Alic Stephen (guitar)
Jan Sören Eckert (bass)
Bernie Fritzen (keyboard)
Andreas Feldhahn (drums)


Mydra's story is kinda crazy, as these lads, though all of the musicians was previously active in the Hamburg music scene (Eckert, Martelli & Feldhahn all came from Charon.), just found together in mid 1987 and after Demo recordings started already to record their debut album at the Esquire Studio in Hamburg, which was mixed by Ulli Feldhahn who was related with Andy Feldhahn, their drummer. At this point the band Mydra has been a pure studio project and seems they had a hell of time to develop ideas, as "Mydra" features melodic Heavy Rock of the upper league, comparable to acts like Karo or Vera Cruz. They got picked up by Vertigo, who tried to promote the band in a big way, but didn't succeed it seems. The guys made plans to finally play live in autumn '88, but their story didn't last much longer, as after the debut Mydra was never seen again. A second album entitled "II" was just released in 2002.


”Mydra” LP/CD 1988 (Vertigo)
"She's no lover" 7" EP 1988 (Vertigo)




One more keyboard driven Metal act from the Metal Hour compilation but unlike the heavy Violent Breed from the same album, Myriad acted a bit more poppy. But that's just the fault of the keyboards, if you leave 'em out, a speedy Metal band would remain on "My life". But not even ommitting keyboards on "Why did you leave me" would help that attempt of a ballad. The vocals are done in a pretty awful way here, like he's crying or something. Guess singing that song was kinda too emotional issue that the guy couldn't handle. But damn, the guitar solos are yummy. If you got more info, please get in touch.



Gerald L. (vocals, guitar)
The Lion (guitar)
Idris Kent (bass, keyboard)
Mike Battista (drums)


A pretty mysterious and strange sounding band was Mystery from Stuttgart. Rumours say that the later Silk'N'Steel shouter Francis Paramore was singing in the band either, but who knows if that's correct? The guys even made it to an album, which pretty much opens the question for me if there seriously wasn't any better unsigned bands than them in the german underground scene? We all do know the answer ofc, but nevermind. The sametitled vinyl features experimental Heavy/Power Metal with utterly strange sounds and rhythms, and mainly makes me thinking of any crappy Metal Enterprises releases like Killerfoxx etc. In places a few Motörhead hints are shining thru, but even those can't really turn the impression to any better judgement. Even after the 7th or 8th spin it's hard to get warm with the featured sound brew. The Metal Forces Mag apparently in their album review actually spoke of an US band with just a german singer, maybe they knew something more than us?


"Mystery" LP 1988 (TRC)

Mystic Alliance


Stefan Herbig (vocals)
Frank Schölch (guitar)
Mario Hahn (guitar)
Frank Schuster (bass)
Bernhard Winter (drums)


Power/Thrashers from Schlüsselfeld/Bavaria, in the Bamberg/Würzburg area. Seems like Mystic Alliance was post-Tokkata, a band that Stefan Herbig, Mario Hahn and Bernhard Winter had played with during the late 80's and who split up at around the same time (1992), when they started with Mystic Alliance. It didn't take long till they had with "...and the story goes" a first Demo ready and recorded their second one already in April/May '93, while the 3rd and last tape "Those whom the gods love" appeared 1995. Frank Schuster then left the unit, who changed name to The Alliance right in 1996. Musically Mystic Alliance performed a sort of Thrash influenced Power Metal, mainly midtempo stuff with alot of groove (like Metallica around 1990), but not as groovy as all those early 90's Thrash traitors turned into Nu Metal.


"...and the story goes" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)
"Fate" Demo 1993 (selfreleased)

Mystik Trace


Michael Müller (vocals)
Ralph Piroth (guitar)
Thorsten Garske (guitar)
Werner Linke (bass)
Eric Beres (drums)


A band from Fronhofen, south of Koblenz, that originally formed as Mortal Trace in 1988. There's a Reh/Demo available, recorded in 1989, that features a sort of Power/Thrash Metal with almost ineffable style, as the lads got a kinda Celtic Frost edge on one side, but didn't sound like CF at all. Still the whole material spreads that classic basement flair and suffers by dull vocals. Mortal Trace changed name to Mystik Trace in 1991 and recorded the "Stripes of death" Demo within the same year. Afterwards Werner Linke got replaced by Ingo Buch. He formed the Pagan/Death Metal band Götterdämmerung.


”Stripes of death” Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"Decisions" Comp.-MC Track 1991 (The Battery Tapes Vol. 1)

Mythos C


André Lukáts (vocals)
Sabine Heil (vocals)
Maher Fladung (guitar)
Johannes Lowien (bass)
Peter Stoll (keyboard)
Uli Streitenberger (drums)


A Hard Rock band from Fulda, which was active during the very early 80's and was seen sharing stage live with bands like f.e. Sin City. Mythos C recorded their sole album "New world" during March 1982 and released it independently. The song material partly combined the common german Kraut/Prog Rock with rough Hard Rock and even some early Heavy Metal influences, sounding occasionally like f. e. Rebel or the very early Accept. A female vocalist was part of Mythos C as well, sharing vocals equitable with André Lukáts, whenalso Sabine Heil mainly sung the softer material though. The band most probably was already history before the mid 80's started. Further info is welcome.
(Thanx to Andy Süss for the info)


"New world" LP 1982 (Crawler Sound)

No Corroseum-feature would be complete without some proper sampler CDRs!
Straight from Prowler's personal archive we present thee...

download ~Volume West~
download ~Volume East~

(For more obscure German goodies, check out "Teutonic Evasion", the German edition of the Veterans Of The Various-Wars samplers...)

For further tips, discussions and questions, please visit the designated The Heavy Metal Mania-thread at The Corroseum Forum, or use the contact form.