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Asis Nasseri (guitars, vocals)
Cengiz (guitar)
Andreas Nad (bass)
Luz Marsen (drums)


Haggard from Munich started 1989, but their real career happened just in the late 90's, while the band is still active nowadays, but celebrating a different type of music. It all begun with the 2 song "Introduction-Tape", recorded August '92 and continued with their selfproduced debut MCD "Progressive" from 1994, that featured gothic, doomy Death Metal in the vein of early Paradise Lost, The Gathering, My Dying Bride or later Horrified with also many progressive and either Thrash parts/elements, yet a listenable effort nevertheless. Afterwards the band changed their direction in to a much more symphonic Gothic Metal way, like the already mentioned The Gathering with changing musicians all the time.


"Introduction-Tape" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)
"This stuff's 2 loud 4 U" Split CD 1993 (1MF)




Hai is a Rock band from Berlin (ex-GDR), that formed already in 1971 and since that year is permanently active, though during those 50 years naturally members had changed every now and then. Despite there aren’t any own recordings available at all and it doesn't seem Hai could produce own material during the GDR years, the band is steady on the road as a live act, focussed on covering known Rock hits, including songs of international Hard Rock acts like AC/DC, Thin Lizzy, Status Quo, UFO, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Gary Moore, Lynyrd Skynyrd or Van Halen.




Michael Lauk (vocals)
Andre Gorzawski (guitar)
Alexandre Mabeix (guitar)
Ralf Weber (bass)
Boris Zimmermann (drums)


Hailstorm was a melodic Power/Speed Metal band that was originating from Freiburg, which was active from 1986-89. The guys recorded a 6 song Demo tape with album lenght during early '89 before they changed name to Daydream still within that year. If you got more info, please get in touch.


"Pictures of war" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)



Wolfgang Kuhlmann (guitar, vocals)
Achim Patz (keyboard, vocals)
Bebi Bevenroth (bass)
Klaus Otto (drums)


A political Kraut Rock band from Vlotho, not far from Bielefield, that was initiated in 1975 by Wolfgang Kuhlmann, Achim Patz, Klaus Otto and Bebi Bevenroth. The guys had the idea to create a festival with free entry and this way the Vlotho Umsonst und Draußen Festival was born. In August bassist Hans Schemel joined the band as replacement for Bevenroth. A first 7" with live songs was independently released the next year that could be of interest for proto-Metal collectors, since the track "An einem schönen Tag im Mai" shows similarities in terms of speed to Black Sabbath's "Paranoid", while lyrically Hammerfest was more on the political trip. 2 years later their debut album "Hier bei uns" was available in a limited edition of 1000 copies, again produced independently and this time they added swiss born Jakob Künzel on saxophone (he joined during 1978), an instrument that Hammerfest would keep for the future with changing musicians. "Hier bei uns" was a bit softer, but still typical 70's Hard/Prog Rock like many germans performed at that time. "Schleudertest", the second LP from 1981 again presented a new line with Wolfgang Kuhlmann (guitar), Achim Patz (keyboard, vocals), Rainer Schmidt (drums), ex-Snake Rüdiger Friese (guitar), Jesus Caneloni (saxophone) and on vocals H.F. Schänder, and a way heavier sound than before. Though the material still had a strong Boogie edge, the Heavy Rock influences are undeniable and should be interesting for early NWOBHM fans, whenalso the band kept on singing in german. This line up just lasted till 1982 and after another selfproduced album with the title "Dezente Elemente" from 1983 recorded with Detlef Schütz (guitar, vocals), Wolfgang Kuhlmann (guitar, vocals), Achim Patz (keyboard, vcocals), Ulrich Gutzeit (bass), Rolf Brüggemann (saxophone) and Chris Kütemeier (drums), Hammerfest paused for 4 years after having played more than 1000 gigs during their existence and returned just in 1988 with a slightly more modern Hard Rock sound with Rock influences in almost their first line up consisting of Wolfgang Kuhlmann (guitar, vocals), Achim Patz (keyboard, vocals), Hans Schemel (bass), Klaus Otto (drums) plus Detlef Schütz on guitar. There are studio recordings being made during that year like f.e. "Für kein Geld der Welt", but no more LP followed till 1991, when the guys released one of their live gigs from 1990 on the CD "Schöne Grüße aus". 1998 the CD "Echtzeit" was published, yet the band is still active nowadays live on stage.


"Live" 7" EP 1976 (Maulschnauz)
"Hier bei uns" LP 1978 (Maulschnauz)
"Schleudertest" LP 1981 (Schneeball)
"Dezente Elemente" LP 1983 (Schneeball)
"Schöne Grüße aus" CD 1991 (Schneeball)



Marko Holtschke (vocals)
Volker Gabler (guitar)
Tim Hofmann (guitar)
Philipp Thomas (bass)
Bernhard Thomas (drums)


Hammers was founded by a bunch of ex-GDR schoolboys, 1984 in the city of Plauen/Saxony, while the guys preferable was performing songs of Saxon, Twisted Sister, Rose Tattoo and Anvil at that time and the line up in 1986 eventually consisted of Marko Holtschke (vocals), Volker Gabler (guitar), Tim Hofmann (guitar), Philipp Thomas (bass) and Bernhard Thomas (drums), who permanently went into heavier Metal sounds starting from that year. The guys recorded a 4 song Demo "Age of the reaper" during 1987, before 1988 Tim Hofmann got recruited by the army, and Marco Mekelburg had to take over the part of the second guitarist. Hammers during the fall of the 80's, in times of the political change inside the GDR, worked on new material and could even open a show of the Toranaga/Metal Chruch/Saxon tour in April 1990, which marked the band's personal highlight, till in 1991 the guys started recordings for a second Demo. But since the vocal tracks was never recorded, the tape in the end remained unfinished as the lads let the band die in a slowly crawling process, that finally resulted in the official end during 1992. Tim Hofmann after returning from the NVA (eastgerman army), formed the band Reapers Domain in September '89. If you got more info, please get in touch.


"Age of the reaper" Demo 1987 (selfreleased)



Eduard Keller (vocals)
Hans-Dieter Wolf (bass)
Andreas Püschel (guitar)
Diethard Schmitt (guitar)
Ralf Deutscher (drums)


Another shortlived act from Falkenstein in the Frankfurt/Main area, featuring the ex-Booster members Eduard Keller and Ralf Deutscher. Hammerschmitt was founded in 1984 and recorded a 4 track Demo already in the same year, that impressed the Rockport label, so Hammerschmitt could immediately enter a studio to record their debut album in spring 1985. The german Metal press wasn't much fond of the selftitled LP, most probably because Rockport didn't enclose a 100 DM banknote to get a good review I suspect. Otherwise I can't explain how such an album could receive just average or bad reviews. Already the impressive instrumental "Line of Meridian" should wash their ears free, that these guys had something special inpetto, that other german bands couldn't offer at all. If you take the rather dull sounding Headstone LP as comparison (both bands stylistically was hitting into the same nick), then Hammerschmitt's material delivered everything that Headstone f.e. was lacking of; freshness, good ideas, technical finesse and a good vocalist. The guys style either showed several post-NWOBHM influences, that the great "Devil's cry" is best example of. Nevertheless, Hammerschmitt dissolved quickly after the album and the duo Keller/Deutscher subsequently founded Falcon Prey. Andreas Püschel hooked up with Exray in the late 80's, that would later become a victim of Ingo Nowotny as Asgard.


"Demo" Demo 1984 (selfreleased)
"Hammerschmitt" LP 1985 (Rockport)



Christiane Ewald (vocals)
Ralf Drechsler (bass)
Gerrit Schäger (guitar)
Norman Schäfer (drums)


A female fronted Hard Rock/Metal band from Lichtenau in Hessen, active since 1982, that released a Demo tape in early 1985. They guys being just 15-17 years old when the Demo was recorded. If you got more info, please get in touch.


Hand of Doom, The


Gerhard Meier (guitar)
Uwe Ellenberger (guitar, vocals)
Ralf Kuhnt (organ)
Hanno Bugge (bass)
Karl-Heinz Wehde (drums)


An early Hard Rock/Metal band whose origins already go back till 1973 and due to band name it shouldn't be a secret that Black Sabbath must have had a huge impact on the guys. The first line up was built by Gerhard Meier (guitar), Uwe Ellenberger (guitar, vocals), Ralf Kuhnt (organ), Hanno Bugge (bass), Karl-Heinz Wehde (drums) but Bugge was kicked soon to get replaced by Klaus Bode. After several line up changes the band split up in 1978, but vocalist Andreas Rößner reformed The Hand of Doom about a year later to record their debut album, that was published privately in a limited edition of 500 handnumbered copies on his own label Doom Records. Besides Rößner, also Klaus Bode (bass), Uwe Ellenberger (guitar) and Karl-Heinz Wehde on drums participated, and revived this early Metal act, whose influences, besides 70's Hard Rock also gathered some NWOBHM hints, but suffering slightly by the too soft production, starting with half hearted distorted guitars like Loose Connection. Nevertheless, the lads deserve a steady place in the German Metal history for sure. After the album Rößner didn't continue and Jürgen Preßler replaced the kicked out Ellenberger on guitars while another new member (Gerhard Ferraro) joined also, but left in around 1983. They kept the band going till 1986 and also released another 3 track Demo in around 1983, that featured live recordings (though I don't know if it's official) and revealed stronger NWOBHM influences than before with a few hints of Accept.


”Poisonoise” LP 1979 (Doom)
"Demo 1983" (selfreleased)

Hans Wurst


Andreas Martin (bass)


A quite productive Noisecore act from Syke, south of Bremen, featuring guys of the Theresa Lynn crew, like Andreas Martin. A 16 song Demo exists, recorded in 1988, musically described by the guys themselves as "Supersonic Funspeednoisecore zum Schlapplachen" as well as 5 more tapes that were all recorded till summer 1990, featuring more "Überschallgeprügel und allerhand Sinnloses zum Totlachen". No further info needed...


"Sausages from hell" Demo 1988 (selfreleased)
"Light" Demo 1988 (selfreleased)
"Notausgang" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)
"Nachdurst" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)
"Redundanz" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)
"Ich bin für den sozial existierenden Realismus" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)

Happy Hour


David Pollack (vocals)
Scooter (guitar)
Achim K. Bach (guitar)
Archi Alert (guitar)
Finne (bass)
Martin Slapstein (Drums)


Not a Metal band, but one of these Crossover troops that popped up in the late 80's, mixing Punk and Metal with Rock'n'Roll edge. Basically that the Ruff & Roll label signed them speaks for itself, as this label had a weakness for these kind of bands. David Pollack was the owner of the Crossover label Destiny Records and formerly was playing with the Hardcore/Crossover bands Sick Pleasure, Porno Patrol and No Allegiance.


"Horny Sonja" 7" EP 1989 (Down'n'Dirty)
"The handyman" LP/CD 1990 (Ruff & Roll)
"Warriors Of Ghingis Khan" ‎MLP 1991 (Ruff & Roll)
"Sugar and spice" LP/CD 1992 (We Bite)

Hard Stuff


Michael Hotop (vocals, keyboards)
Rüdiger Thiel (guitar)
Siggi Holz (guitar)
Doc Janning (bass)
Schorse Creutzinger (drums)


Hard Stuff was founded by Siggi Holz back in 1974 in Hannover originally as a Rhythm & Blues cover band, but since 1979 the guys used to perform just their own material. Hard Stuff's sole release was a fist shaped 10" EP in orange vinyl, that was manufactured in just a very limited edition of approx. 100 copies, that got the Merseyside's Greatest picture label on side A and a black label with song titles on side B. But there is also an even smaller edition known to exist with black labels on both sides, while just about 10 copies are rumoured to be made of this particular obscure version. Musically the 4 songs featured are based on the classic 70's Hard/Kraut Rock with naturally (due to the guys' past) a Blues edge. During the rising NDW revolution in Germany, Hard Stuff recorded the single "Daß es dich gibt" under the monicker of SPECIAL at the Horus Sound studio in 1981/82, which became a national top 10 hit, but shouldn't be of interest for our readers at all, since we're talking of ordinary Pop/Rock here. 1986 the band also recorded songs for the planned album "The last time", which wasn't released though and Hard Stuff got disbanded in 1994. Siggi Holz revived the band in 2010 and is playing live on stage again.


"Bad years" Shaped 10" EP 1979 (Merseyside's Greatest)

Hard ‘n Heart


Ralf Grah (vocals)
Reinhold Durand (guitar)
Frank Middelhove (guitar)
Klaus Becker (bass)
Bernd Frielingsdorf (drums)


Among the german indie Metal vinyls the privately pressed Hard 'n Heart EP belongs to the musically most valuable records. This this shortlived band from Wuppertal (founded late '85), featuring ex-Nightmare (pre-Nytemare band) guitarist Reinhold Durand, knew to perfectly combine melody with pretty heavy Metal. It's interesting to see that well known bands of the german scene wasn't able to create a sound on their overproduced albums, that a local act like Hard 'n Heart probably recorded and mixed in 2 or 3 days. The power that those 4 trax do spread is incredible. From Accept-ish pounding bangers to almost US Metal alike anthems on pretty high level, "Innocent and sinful" marks a real threat for every headbanger. Ralf Grah's vocal performance was quite varied, from Udo Dirkschneider shrieky screamed to standard stuff, he was shining during all his different facets. Unfortunately the band split up already after the EP and Durand joined Universe still in 1986. Ralf Grah would later turn up in Tusk's mid 90's line up, while Frank Middlehove immediately formed Stryker. According to certain rumors there was just a very small quantity of vinyls manufactured back in the day (about 200-300).

Hardened Steel


Dirk Radtke (vocals, guitar)
Andre Vierbücher (guitar)


A band from Gelsenkirchen/Essen, that formed during 1984 and later became the Speed Metal band Charan. Dirk Radtke later was active in the band Mordor (Essen area), who changed name to Dario in 1991 and during 1989 playing drums in “Pride of a Knight”
Further info is needed.




Stephan Buchfeld (vocals)
Lutz Edelhäuser (guitar)
Michael Brill (bass)
Frank Brill (drums)


The eastgerman band Hardholz from Tambach-Dietharz has always been among my fave bands from GDR, because they didn't use to play the usual standard crap and either used to have a bit more "intelligent" lyrics like Caiman or Blackout also. Hardholz was founded in 1983 by the brothers Michael and Frank Brill (both ex-Phon) plus Lutz Edelhäuser, who all was previously playing in the Hard Rock band Orakel from 1980-81. Stephan Buchfeld (vox) completed them, so the guys passed a huge number of live gigs during 1985, when Hardholz eventually got invited by the public Weimar radio station, to professionally produce the two songs "Fliegen mit dir" and "Flüchtige Begegnung" in early 1986 and later in autumn another title ("Winter der Gefühle"), that got airplay on the national radio. Afterwards the guys hired with Peter Fleischmann a second guitarist, because the musical future direction of Hardholz required it. In the early days Hardholz was influenced by classic Metal acts such as Maiden, Priest or the Scorpions, but with the later 80's the influences, that decided the band's sound, moved rather towards Metallica and Running Wild, and indeed Hardholz' late 80's productions "Asphaltlady" and "Tannhäuser" from early 1988, recorded at Jürgen Matkowitz' studio, proved them to belong to the heavier of the classic Metal bands from ex-GDR, as they used to focuss on the speedy side of Metal. Both trax also climbed good positions at the local Rock Hitparade "Beatkiste" (that used to play international Metal bands during the second hour of each show (running from 20:00-22:00 each thursday evening), when Erich Honecker was already sleeping. ;) The last recording session for the national broadcast service was recorded in 1989, featuring "Mystic dream" and the epic "Wieland der Schmied". During the process of the political change inside the country, Hardholz was chosen to appear on the triple Split LP "Speed up - Heavy News", that also featured the bands Headless and Merlin from Berlin, but since the decision hit the band unexpectedly, they needed to use their old broadcast recordings from 1988/89. The guys started recording a Demo tape in 1990, but Peter Fleischmann left them in autumn, before it was finished, so Lutz Rödiger had to take his place to finish the Demo finally in 1991, featuring 8 tracks from all earlier and recent phases of the band. The bands previous classic Metal sound had slightly changed towards Metallica influenced Power Metal with Thrash hints and massive epic undertones, that also their selfproduced CD "Jäger und Gejagte" from 1995 impressively proves. Maik Wetzel replaced Lutz Rödiger for a few years during 1992-'95, but Rödiger returned later again. 1997 the guys went their own ways and joined musically different projects till in 2013 both Brill brothers and Lutz Edelhäuser reformed Hardholz and published 2016 the CD "Herzinfarkt".
Please check out the homepage of Hardholz
And here's an old Hardholz clip.


"Speed up - Heavy News" Split LP 1990 (with Headless/Merlin, Zong)
"The heavy way" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)

Broadcast Recordings:
"Fliegen mit dir" (1986)
"Flüchtige Begegnung" (1986)
"Winter der Gefühle" (1986)



Frank Ries (vocals)
Matthias Bollenbach (guitar)
Dirk Beckers (bass)
Jörg Rothhaupt (keyboard)
Ralf Wagner (drums)


A local Hard Rock band with proggy influences from Bad Kreuznach, that appeared with "Set me free" on the underground compilation “Kreuznacher Rockszene '84”. Sadly Frank Ries offers several deficits in the vocal department.


“Set me free" Comp.-LP Track 1984 (Kreuznacher Rockszene '84)



Sven Freytag (vocals)
Sigi Sigismund (bass)
Jörg Franz (guitar)
Bob Schiprowski (guitar)
Ralf Ehlert (guitar)
Gero Lütke (drums)


The Hannover band Hardware was formed in May 1982 and recorded 2 early Demo tapes in this and the following year. Shortly after they recorded their debut album "Common time heroes" independently with a 4 track machine, while the still young Steamhammer label only needed to manufacture the vinyls. The album recieved good feedback which I seriously can't really share. Though it sounds quite well produced for a 4 track recording, the material appears rather dull, without real ideas. The band took their influences besides an of course german touch, mainly from british bands, but rather was unsure if they wanted to play Hard Rock or pure Heavy Metal. Thankfully Steamhammer didn't drop them after that sleeping pill they called debut album and in January '85 with Mark Städler on vocals and new bass player Roland, the mid 80's classic "In cold blood" was recorded at the Sonic Acoustic studio in Wuppertal. Due to a stylistical change Hardware refocussed soundwise and added speed elements that sharpened their steel, so the guys could play in the same league like bands such as Vampyr, Atlain or Metal Sword. Sadly after that little ballbuster the band completely disappeared into the sinking for the rest of the 80's and only returned shortly in the early 90's with two CD singles that they wrote for their favorite football club Hannover 96. The former singer Sven Freytag returned with Lawdy in the late 80's and Jörg Franz was also playing with the band Attack.


"Demo 1982" (selfreleased)
"Demo 1983" (selfreleased)
"Common time heroes" LP 1984 (Steamhammer)
"In cold blood" MLP 1985 (Steamhammer)
"Wir fahren nach Berlin! MCD 1991 (Lava)
"Schwarz Weiß Grün Wir waren in Berlin" MCD 1992 (Lava)



Michael Gröper (vocals)


Hardware’s vocalist Michael Gröper was previously playing in Ceylon, a Metal band from Rostock in the ex-GDR, that existed from 1984-87. He afterwards joined well known Hardrockers Rosa Rock for about a year, but during spring 1988 left them again to hire as singer for the local Rostock classic Heavy Metal band Hardware instead. Early in 1990 Gröper once again returned to Rosa Rock, but Hardware at that time was still functional working. Yet when they indeed quit existing is kinda unverified.




Stefanie Kugelmann (vocals)
Matthias Schäfer (guitar, vocals)
Gernot Wittig (bass)
Wolfgang Ritter (drums)


A female fronted melodic Hard Rock band from Augsburg, active from 1984-87, with a sound that was mixing major influences of UFO with sounds of Bonfire and Dokken. The band dissolved already in 1987 due to internal issues about the bands future stageshow and outfits. Gernot Wittig subsequently joined Snow Dog still within the same year. If you got further info, please get in touch.


Hardware (Hellental)


Dieter Scholzen (drums, vocals)
Frank Hörnchen (guitar)
Klaus Staff (bass)
Christian Rabius (guitar)


A Hellental Heavy Metal band formed in 1981 by Dieter, Frank and Klaus. Christian joined in 1982. In 1985 Lothar "Löti" Koll joined and replaced Dieter on drums and the band changed its name to Lord Of Darkness. If you know more, please get in contact.




Florian Englaender (vocals, keyboard)
Michael Smalko (guitar)
Jürgen Müller (bass)
Simon Noack (drums)


A local Augsburg Hard Rock band, that was active from the mid to the late 80's and performed a melodic Hard Rock style based on catchy melodies and pounding beats. The band was formed 1984 and seen live on stage still in summer '88, when they played at the local "Rock am Roten Tor" open air festival. Further info is welcome.




Michael Eigendorf (vocals)
Ralf Wittstock (guitar)
Stefan Furtner (guitar)
Jens Grawe (bass)
Jens Heil (drums)


A band from the ex-GDR, that formed in Wernigerode in the fall of 1983. Originally the guys was influenced by Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Accept in the very beginning, but soon changed their direction during the mid 80's towards a rather Speed/Thrash Metal inspired style, impressed by bands such as Metallica, Anthrax, Slayer and Flotsam & Jetsam. Stefan Furtner got soon replaced by Thorsten Nowak (guitar) and some first own songs got composed like "Reiss mir nicht mein Herz entzwei" and "Dämonen der Nacht". Thomas Scharfe on drums replaced Jens Heil, but soon had to go as well as the army was needing his services. Christian Klaus joined later in 1984 when the bands former classic Metal sound got way heavier. They mainly focussed on cover versions at that time, as the fans was eager to listen to songs of their favorite international bands, when the band got asked by the Bergtheater Thale to participate on a play of Schillers "Die Räuber" in 1986. They band agreed and entered the theater stage several times during 1987, till Ralf Wittstock left Hardzrock to join Thrashers Rocket. Also Michael Eigendorf and Christian Klaus left the band to join the cover band Burning Eyes, which more or less meant the end of Hardzrock. 1993 Eigendorf and former guitarist Stefan Furtner met and Eigendorf joined Furtner's recent band, while they soon changed name to Hardzrock again to play for a while during the mid 90's.


Harlot Whore


Peter Eistermeier (bass)


A band from the Stuttgart area, featuring ex-Son Of Satan bassist Peter Eistermeier, who later would re-appear in the line up of the Total Mosh Project. Further info is welcome.





A Heavy Metal band from Munich, that was active during the mid till late 80's and actively played live during that time. If you got more info, please get in touch.


Harmony Dies


Henning (vocals)
Norman Roloff (guitar)
Mike Hoffmann (bass)
Bialke (drums)


A Death Metal band from Berlin, that formed in 1992 and is active still nowadays. Mike Hoffmann came from the defunct Impossible Suffering. The lads recorded 2 Demo tapes already in 1992 and a Split 7" with brazilian Grinders Krisiun, that all featured a very professional sounding, dark kind of Death Metal with Grind parts, sounding close to early Gorefest, Acrostichon, Monstrosity and such bands. Their real career just started in the mid 90's when they published their debut album "Don't trust" in 1997.


"Living corpses" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)
”Slope” Demo 1992 (selfreleased)
"Rises from black/Harmony Dies" Split 7" EP 1993 (with Krisiun, Rottenness Records)



Jo Hartmann (vocals)
Klaus Vanscheidt (guitar)
Olli Hartmann (bass)
Martin K. Hartmann (keyboard)
Ralf Hartmann (drums)


Heavyrockers from Bochum, who started back in 1989 and used to perform their vocals in native german, which in the Hard Rock business isn't always a plus point, especially not for german guys, coz such a band could easily drift away into the hated Deutsch Rock drawer. The lads debuted on the CD compilation "Rock Around Bochum '91" with both their songs "Kinder des Zorns" and "Vielleicht irgendwann" and right in the same year released their debut album "Total Live" on the indie label Olgo Records, which was recorded live at the Zeche Bochum in December 1990. Despite the german vocals, Hartmann was performing quite experienced with really neat, catchy but heavy sound, while the keyboards made them sometimes being compared to the late Europe most probably. Basically the also german singing Heavyrockers "Die Kanzlers" are a good comparison here, though Hartmann was definitely playing on a higher level. 1992 the second album "Wilder Westen", once again on Olgo Records, was published, before Hartmann went more and more into that heavier Deutsch Rock thing (like expected), when they got signed by the Major label BMG-Ariola/RCA, who released their "Straßenjungs" CD in 1994. Till 2006 the band had released countless CD's and was performing live, while atm they seem to have paused or either split up. Please note, the "Total Live" CD exists with white, and black cover versions.


"Rock Around Bochum '91" Comp.-CD 1991 (Sparkasse Bochum)
"Total Live" CD 1991 (Olgo)
"Wilder Westen" CD 1992 (Olgo)



Marcus Knoch (vocals)
Matthias Weisheit (guitar)
Carsten Adam (guitar)
Jens Koch (bass)
Andreas Allendörfer (drums)


This version of Hatred was a Thrash band originating from Winterscheid/Gilserberg, who recorded the tracks "Shadows" and "Torment of hell" in June '92 for a local Schwalmstadt underground music scene compilation with the title "Oma im Koma". Both tracks was later in 1993 re-released as "Promotape '93" by Hatred once again. The band's roots go back to the late 80's and Andreas Allendörfer was also playing with Squealer. Further info is welcome.


"Oma im Koma" Comp.-CD Tracks 1992 (ZUN)
"Promotape '93" (selfreleased)

Hatred (Moosburg)


Stephan Irlbauer (vocals)
Daniel Kuntz (guitar)
Marcus Possekel (bass)
Uwe Sedlmaier (drums)


Another Thrash band with the name Hatred, that as if it wouldn't be enough that the Winterscheid Hatred played Thrash Metal too, was active at exactly the same time and either released their only known Demos during late 1991 and 1992. The band was formed around 1990 in Moosburg, north of Munich, and after their "Live Demo" 1991, their original guitarist Daniel Kuntz passed away and Charly Schaberl was hired, who appeared on their second tape "Under pressure of lies". Hatred didn't seem to exist much longer afterwards as Sedlmaier joined Sors Immanis in 1993, while Irlbauer followed him 2 years later.


"Live Demo" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"Under pressure of lies" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)

Hauden & Lukas


Lukas Hilbert (bass, vocals)
Kieran Hilbert (guitar)


Hauden & Lukas originally was (or still are) 2 (teenage) brothers, who started making music around 1984/85, when Kieran formed the band "The Future" together with Lukas and drummer Maik Buchwald. The boys won the NDR Hörfest contest 1985 and won a record contract, resulting in their first single "Isabell". Germany's leading Panik-Rocker Udo Lindenberg discovered the 2 boys and engaged both for his band. During 1988 they wrote a few songs for their own Hard Rock band "Hauden & Lukas" and the Polydor released a Maxi, that gained them a bit of attention in several teenie magazines. Musically the material adopted just the typical AC/DC style with slightly Boogie edge, similar to some of Lindenberg's own songs as well. The Maxi would remain the band's sole release though, both focussed later on their job in Lindenberg's band and started solo careers during the 90's.
(Thanx to emosteel for the recommendation)


"Kopfhörer" 7"/12"/MCD 1988 (Polydor)



Matthias Kerger (guitar)
Dirk Schubert (bass)
Norbert Fiedler
Dirk Pestel


The band Havarie formed back in 1983 as a school band in the Oberlausitz area, in the small town of Rothenburg in the far east of the ex-GDR, north of Görlitz. Initially still without a name until 1985, the name Havarie was finally considered, while musically they were still influenced by bands like Prinzip and Formel 1. The quartet, which consisted of Matthias Kerger, Dirk Schubert, Norbert Fiedler and Dirk Pestel, then began to focus more on songs of Running Wild, Dio and Judas Priest and easily reached the upper level in their official classification. At the “Rock-Visite '87” festival, where 15 other national bands took part as well, they shared stage with local metal bands Pent, St. Metal and Doctor Rock. Havarie must have split up around the end of 1989, as Dirk Schubert was already a permanent member of Danger by November of that year and Matthias Kerger joined Dresden's Doctor Rock at the beginning of 1990.




Andreas (vocals)
Rolf (guitar)
Michael Fuchs (bass)
Axel (drums)


West Berlin Melodic Metallers, that originally played together since 1978, but eventually found the name Havoc in 1982. During June '86 the guys recorded the songs "Burnin'" and "Paradise is far away" at the Vielklang Studio for their Demo, both featuring a classic sort of melodic Heavy Metal, comparable to Sinner. The Havoc lads used to call their style themselves "Happy Metal" btw. If you got more info, please get in touch.


"Havoc" Demo 1986 (selfreleased)



Chris Boltendahl (vocals)
Uwe Lulis (guitar)
Rainer Bandzus (bass)
Jochen Börner (drums)


Sort of Gladbeck's Grave Digger under yet a different name, featuring Chris Boltendahl and Uwe Lulis of Digger, who both also ran the band Vivian. Rainer Bandzus (Syntra) joined the guys as well together with Jochen Börner (drums) and founded the band in January 1989 as Hawaii. Despite the ridiculous "Hawaii Metal" concept that didn't reflect their heaviness in any way, Boltendahl and Lulis after Digger's commercial slip-up, returned to the old Grave Digger roots (namely sheer Heavy Metal power) and composed 15 songs in only 2 months, while 10 of them ended up on Hawaii's only Demo "Bottles and four coconuts", recorded late in March '89. It's not exaggerated to say, those songs will satisfy any Grave Digger fan and german Power/Speed monger. A bit too late in 1991 the duo decided to try again as Grave Digger, since no deal for Hawaii was in sight and recorded another Grave Digger Demo in August '91 with bassist Thomas Göttlich (ex-Iron Breed/Exray/Asgard) and Peter Breitenbach (ex-Inverness) on drums, that led into the second spring of this old legendary group.


"Bottles and four coconuts" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)



Dietmar Schwarzrock (guitar)
Peter Bachmann (drums)
Bernd Beck (guitar, vocals)
Heinz Kunitschke (bass)


A Kraut/Hard Rock band from Hildesheim founded in Oct. 1982, that was featured on the II. Hildesheimer Rocksampler with the tracks "Living in a palast", the epic hymn "Behind the mirror" and "Crazy day".


"II. Hildesheimer Rocksampler" Comp.-LP Tracks 1984





A commercial Heavy Rock band from the Cologne/Bonn area, that was active around 1989/90. If you got more info, please get in touch.




Manfred Mayer (guitar, vocals)
Georg Bauer (guitar, vocals)
Thomas Rotter (bass)
Edmund Rolle (drums)


Originally Manfred Mayer, Thomas Rotter and Georg Bayer was previously playing in local Augsburg Heavy Metal bands Black Requiem and Metal Storm since the mid 80's before they formed the slighly softer acting Hazard during 1988. The band performed with 2 singers and actively played live in the fall of the 80's. Recordings aren't known to exist at all. If you got more info, please get in touch.




Malcolm McNulty (vocals)
Herman Frank (guitar)
Günter Sander (guitar)
Wolfgang Hettmer (bass)
Iain Finlay (drums)


Hazzard from Hannover was the own project of Accept's Herman Frank, who formed the band to realize his own musical ideas, that he probably couldn't as paid Accept member. He found Günter Sander and Wolfgang Hettmer in his hometown Erlangen and hired the english born vocalist Malcolm McNulty (ex-Weapon). Hazzard started recording several Demo tracks and eventually signed a contract with Mausoleum Records in the fall of 1984. The album was recorded at Dieter Dirks studio and at the Soundhouse Hamburg, with Tilo Heider playing most of the drums parts, till Dieter Schmidt joined to record the remaining drums to get replaced by the ex-Demon Pact drummer Iain Finlay either, who joined the band in early 1985. The whole thing didn't work so well at all and though the band acted solid, I guess it wasn't what Accept fans was expecting, coz Hazzard was so much not sounding like Accept at all and tried to play a midpaced pounding melodic style of Heavy Metal with just a few Accept hints or really heavy songs. The major part of the songs was commecially influenced. Frank subsequently disbanded Hazzard and joined the more successful Victory instead in 1986, while Finlay got famous in Running Wild a few years later and McNulty tried as singer for the revived The Sweet.


"Hazzard" LP 1985 (Mausoleum)

Head Over Wheels



Looks like this band was from southern Germany playing some live gigs in 1986. If you have more info please get in touch.




Larsen Weidner (vocals)
Johannes Möderl (guitar)
Markus Geuder (drums)


A local Grindcore band (from Bavaria we guess) who also claimed inluences of Doom Metal and occasionally Punk/Hardcore their own. Around 1990 these guys recorded a Demo tape, that wasn't spread in a big number it seems. Therefore we need more info about Headhacker.





A local band from southern Germany that is neither connected with Schmier's Headhunter or the pre-Unicorn band Headhunter. They was featured with the Metal insipred Hard Rock track "Black widow", that was acting between both styles with certain influences from the british island. If you got more info, please get in touch.


"Black widow" Comp.-LP Track 1983 (Talent Show '83)

Headhunter (Burgbrohl)


Gerd Oeser (drums)
Hans Peter Linden (bass)
Uli Klein (vocals)
Berthold Djouad (guitar)
Mathias Schneider (guitar)
Andrew Jäger (keyboard)


Short lived Hard Rock band from Burgbrohl that only lasted from 1980 -82. Linden and Oeser (later in Bad Bone) would form Hard Rockers TNT afterwards and Berthold Djouad appeared again with Vision in the later 80's. If you got more info, please get in touch.


Headhunter (Lörrach)


Marcel Schirmer (bass, vocals)
Uwe Hoffmann (guitar)
Jörg Michael (drums)


The Headhunter's from Lörrach (for a very short while announced as Curse), that was formed by Schmier (Marcel Schirmer) when he got "released" from Destruction right in 1989 (and we all do know this was the beginning of Destruction's fall), pretty quickly had their first album "Parody of life" written and recorded already in 1990. Schmier got help by prominent german musicians Uwe Hoffman (aka Schmuddel, ex-Talon) and the routinier Jörg Michael (ex-Mekong Delta/Rage/Avenger and and and...), who probably was member of each existing german Metal band at least for one week. Not surprisingly "Parody of life" sounded like Destruction, and not just because it was Schmier singing there. Also stylistically and musically one could think it was the follow up Destruction album for "Release from agony". If it has been a wanted musical side blow or not, the guys did a quite good job and Schmier proved, that he indeed wasn't the technically weakest part of the chain in Destruction (as they stated themselves), but their signboard! Nevertheless Headhunter thrashed with technically progressive finesse and for the second album "A bizzare gardening accident" they signed to Major Records. Just like the previous one, the guys used to perform a technically advanced Thrash style, this time less sounding like the old Destruction, with a few modern elements, but still in acceptable range and delivering quite impressive guitar work. After the "Rebirth" album 1994 the trio disbanded Headhunter, but returned 2008 with the "Parasite of society" album.


”Parody of life” LP/CD 1990 (CBH)
"A bizzare gardening accident" LP/CD 1992 (Major)
"A bizzare gardening accident/The Christhunt" Promo Split MC 1992 (Major) ‎

Headhunter (Willich)


Jürgen Henkelmann (guitar, vocals)
Holger Carow (guitar)
Günther Klein (bass)
Manfred Klein (drums)


The Willich based Headhunter (between Krefeld and Mönchengladbach) was formed by Günther and Manfred Klein in the early mid 80's, who was looking for local guys to play Heavy Metal. Holger Carow (guitar) and his friend Jürgen Henkelmann (guitar, vocals) joined in and Carow suggested the name Headhunter. After some months Holger Carow due to musical differences already left Headhunter and later formed Unicorn. Bernd Bittermann replaced him on the guitar. Headhunter in the meanwhile recorded the Demos "Master of evil" and "Shadows of war" during 1986, that both featured a pretty nasty sort of classic Metal with Running Wild-ish tendencies. During a combined Headhunter/Unicorn gig, the Headhunters Günther Klein, Manfred Klein and Jürgen Henkelmann liked Holger Carow's Unicorn material and since Headhunter already showed signs of resignation, shortly after disbanded Headhunter, while the trio joined Carow's Unicorn instead in 1986. There's also a Promotape known featuring both Headhunter Demos with handwritten booklet (see below), that was sent to fanzines and promoters.
(Thanx to Holger Carow for additional info)


”Master of evil” Demo 1986 (selfreleased)
”Shadows of war” Demo 1986 (selfreleased)



Thomas Post (vocals)
Roland Tschech (guitar)
Uwe Lerach (guitar)
Sven Rappold (bass)
Ronald Schulze (drums)


Headless was the ex-GDR band Metall from East Berlin under their new given name from August 1989 and with the new name they also tried to develop Metall's old sound into a more modern and international sounding US style, now singing all songs in english. They even translated the lyrics for the once originally german sung "Eisenhart" and "Easy rider" trax. After the Quartett Single that was planned by Amiga for late '89 got cancelled, the sublabel of Amiga Zong released these 4 songs as a triple Split LP together with the Power Metallers Hardholz and Merlin. The 2 new Headless songs sounded pretty listenable and well arranged but is was doubtable if that direction was the right step towards success since the Metal crowd more and more requested Thrash and Death Metal at that time. Headless wrote 14 new trax while 6 of them together with "Metal for you" and "Heart of steel" was chosen to be their first album that should be released a few months after the "Speed up" LP was out, but the label went bankrupt and noone felt demand for that kind of Metal anymore, especially not from an eastgerman band. They released those 6 tracks as a Demo in 1991 and disbanded a while later due to lack of interest of the old fans.


"Speed up - Heavy News" Split LP 1990 (Zong)
"Demo 1991" (selfreleased)



Franklin Hofmann (guitar)
Harald Liebhäuser (keyboard, vocals)
Georg Hölderlich (bass)
Michael Brieger (drums)


Headstone from deepest Bavaria (Oberammergau) was founded in 1981 by Franklin Hofmann and Georg Hölderlich and with the drummer Michael Brieger the trio started recording the "Burning ambition" album in 1983, after they already recorded several Demo trax. Harald Liebhäuser (ex-Mephisto) was found to sing the vocal parts. And now there are 2 stories concearning that album available. The first one says that though the band was searching for a proper label to release that selfrecorded album, they couldn't find any label willing to so and it remained unreleased (info: Heavy Metal made in Germany - Book). According to Pure Steel/Karthago Records it was indeed pressed as a limited vinyl edition by the band itself, but so far no one has ever seen a single copy up for sale and this pretty much makes the whole thing suspicious, as before the CD re-edition on Karthago Records was available, noone ever heard of this album. Georg Hölderlich frustrated subsequently quit and got replaced by Roman Wagner. The guys either found a new vocalist; Harald Karg, and recorded another Demo in 1984. After receiving the offer from Unit Art to produce a full album, the band went to northern Germany in 1985 to record "Excalibur", at the Unit Art studios and the studio either manufactured about 500 copies on vinyl. The album knows to attract with an outstanding artwork, but seriously that's it already. Musically Headstone never left the middle field of the german bands with their common Heavy Metal, and either suffered from a rather weak vocal performance of Harald Karg. Still compared to the "Burning ambition" recording, that was more rooted in the slightly 70's influenced Hard Rock/Metal sound (but with better vocals), the more solid sounding "Excalibur" album musically was a huge step forward for the band towards a classic Metal style and either gathered a few british influences, but somehow the speed elements was missing. Wasn't much surprising that Headstone already split up aroiund 1986. The former vocalist Harald Liebhäuser also used to sing for the band Veto.


"Burning ambition" LP 1983 (selfreleased - or not released at all..)
"Excalibur" LP 1985 (Unit Art)

Heart Of Oak


Günter Klein (vocals, bass)
Norbert Kunschke (guitar)
Bernd Kirchmair (guitar)
Manfred Klein (drums)


A Hard Rock 4-piece from Willich, west of Düsseldorf. I guess it's not entirely impossible that their Manfred Klein is the same guy who later played drums in other Willich-familiars Headhunter/Unicorn. The band formed during 1981 and considered themselves a Hardrock band, though their 5 track Demo also included several Blues and R'n'R influences, whenalso on a quite professional level. If you have more info, please get in contact.


"Demo 1984"



Wolfgang Löffler (vocals)
Jürgen Lauble (guitar)
Peter Imhof (guitar)
Dieter Bühler (bass)
Roland Hettich (drums)


A classic Heavy Metal band from Epfendorf, between Stuttgart and Villingen-Schwenningen, who've been active since 1987 and recorded just one Demo with 6 songs in 1990. Despite not acting too technical at all, Heartattack set their priorities more on that typical german "in your face" sort of Metal like mid 80’s Accept. Jürgen Lauble was previously playing in Dilemma and Dieter Bühler was also active in Exterior. Further info is needed.

(Thanx to Rumblefist for additional info)


"Waiting for passion" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)




A local Hard Rock/Heavy Metal band from the Paderborn area of the early 80’s, that featured a later Breaker member.




Jojo Weber (vocals)
Sergio (guitar)
Michael (guitar)
Heiko (bass)
Robin (drums)


A melodic Heavy Metal act from Siegen, that sadly released their only album a bit too late and disappeared rather unrecognized. Heartline was founded in 1989 or either late '88 and acquired a good reputation as live act in the following years. Their album was recorded in 1990 and released February '91 on the 1MF Recordz label. Heartline's music combined both the Melodic Metal and speedy Power Metal stuff, sounding in places like Helloween during their most successful phase, which also has be to ascribed to Jojo Webers impressive vocal performance. But Heartline wasn't just focussed on the speed stuff, they either delivered the complete program by either playing songs like "Too late" f.e., that sounded quite US american influenced with commercial hints. So between slightly glammy US Metal, a small dose of japanese Metal and teutonic speedy Power Metal, there was a huge stylisitical width that Heartline's "Gentlemen agreement" offered. Nevertheless, the band either dissolved quickly afterwards, because 1991 wasn't the correct year for their kind of Metal.


”Gentlemen agreement” LP/CD 1991 (1MF Recordz)



Toni Edlbauer (bass)
Christian Kwauka (drums)


Not to be confused with Heartline from Siegen, these Heartline from Munich was active till 1990, before Christian Kwauka and Toni Edlbauer formed Wayward. Further info is needed.




Thomas Conrad (vocals)
Chris Lyne (guitar)
Claus Johannson (guitar)
Jogy Rautenberg (bass)
Alexander Strauch (keyboard)
Karsten Krause (drums)


Heartlyne was a band from West Berlin, that was formed out of the ashes of Dark Avenger in 1986 by former members Tommy Heart (Thomas Conrad), Jogy Rautenberg (ex-Dead Marian), Karsten Krause (ex-Ballantinez) and Claus Johannson. Chris Lyne (ex-Countach) and ex-Devil's Soldier Alexander Strauch was found to complete the band and quickly the debut Demo was available in 1986. The band's sound hadn't much in common with the old Dark Avenger sound, but either would meet requirements of Zeno's sound. It was easy to understand the musical vision of the lads would burst the common expectations and they proved that by winning a local Berlin Rock contest in 1987. Heartlyne started recording a couple of songs throughout 1987 at the Hansa Studios Berlin and bigger labels started showing interest, but still hesitated to offer a record deal, though in summer '87 a bigger label produced a single of Heartlyne, which sadly wasn’t released at all. Tommy Heart in the meanwhile received the offer to join V2 who already had a deal inpetto and therefore quit Heartlyne, which resulted in Heartlyne disbanding after a last gig together in May '88 and all of the members went separate ways. Tommy Heart after being done in V2 joined Zeno and Fair Warning, Claus Johannson founded Mr. Nasty and then joined Double Action, Alexander Strauch returned with She's China in the late 80's, while Jogy Rautenberg was found in Skew Siskin's line up. Chris Lyne and Tommy Heart would found Soul Doctor at the end of the 90's, that Rautenberg and Strauch would join also at a later stage. A CDR bootleg entitled "Starlight", appeared in the late 90's, featuring Heartlyne's studio recordings from 1987/88 and therefore the guys decided to officially publish the songs under the title "No retreat no surrender" in 2008. Just like on the early Demo, the band's sound could be compared to the classic Europe stuff that made them big, combining top notch melodic Hard Rock with pompish AOR on highest songwriting level and without a single sucker featured.


"Heartlyne" Demo 1986 (selfreleased)



P. Schommers (drums)


A Hard Rock/Metal band from Cologne, that was active during the late 80's. Their drummer P. Schommers later joined the Hardrockers Thunderstruck. If you got further info, please get in touch.




Andy Homfeldt (guitars, vocals)
Nick Homfeldt (drums)


A Thrash band from Karlsruhe, that was previously known as Shamane in the late 80's, but changed name to Heatrash around 1990 and recorded the "Time bomb" Demo. Afterwards these guys randomly played gigs in their area before they disappeared in the early 90's. Further info is needed.


"Time bomb" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)




A local White Metal or christian Hard Rock band, that was actively playing live in their area around 1988. This band seemed to be related with Kingscrowd. If you got further info, please get in touch.


Heaven Ward


Stephan Overbeck (bass, vocals)
Heinz Weil (guitar)
Herbert Müller (keyboard)
Axel Spreitzer (drums)


The story of Heaven Ward is a little bit strange, because originally this band from Frankfurt/Limburg was formed as Jail Break in 1985. After performing mainly cover versions in the early days, the lads soon started composing own songs inspired by bands such as the Scorpions and Rainbow, which led to a contract with Warner Music in 1988 and here the whole things start getting complicated. Their only album was published on Metal Enterprises, which was connected with the Bellaphon label. So wether Warner Music sold their contract to Bellaphon/Metal Enterprises or Jail Break contractually still bound to Warner Music wasn't allowed to release the "Dangerous nights" album under their original name, so they published their album as Heaven Ward, with the note on the back sleeve: "Many thanks for Jail Break, which is the best band of the world and must die for us." Additional musicians that appeared on the album was Uli Schott (vocals), Wolfram Uhe (saxophone), Peter Pleines (guitar) and Bernd Weil (guitar), who btw. still nowadays is member of Jail Break, coz after the album was released, the guys entered the stage again as Jail Beak and wether the today's Jail Break mention "Dangerous nights" as their album. Something smells fishy here if you ask me. Nevertheless, the Scorpions and Rainbow influences aren't to be dismissed from the hand at all. The guys was acting solid, rooted in the classic Hard'n'Heavy Rock with several trips into classic Metal territory, plus a constantly prevailing melodic touch. If you could clarify the riddle why "Dangerous nights" wasn't released as Jail Break, please get in touch.


”Dangerous nights” LP/CD 1990 (Metal Enterprises)

Heaven's Force



Most probably a White Metal band we assume, from Cologne-Pulheim. The guys was seen playing live in the Cologne area during 1990 and either recorded a 6 track Demo in 1991. Further info is needed.


Heaven's Gate



A White Metal band from Witten, featuring a later member of Kingscrowd. The band should have been active during the late 80's. If you got more info, please get in touch.


Heavens Gate


Thomas Rettke (vocals)
Ingo Millek (guitar)
Peter Bilski (guitar)
Manfred Jordan (bass)
Thorsten Müller (drums)


A band from Wolfsburg that was founded in 1988, but most of the guys was active since the late 70's and early 80's in previous stages of the band, when they was firming under the names of String Eyes, Steeltower and lastly Carrion, which was the direct forerunner of Heavens Gate, lasting from 1987-88. Sascha Paeth was the only one of the bunch who joined the freshly formed band in 1988, and wasn't member of Carrion, to replace the long time guitarist Ingo Millek, who was remaining from still old String Eyes days. Millek left Heavens Gate after the band produced two Demo tapes in spring and summer '88 and just had signed a contract for their debut album "In control", that was recorded in October '88 and published on the ex-Metal Hammer editor Charly Rinne's No Remorse Records label. Unlike the previous album of Steeltower, Heavens Gate celebrated a way more melodic teutonic Power Metal with several speed elements in the vein of bands such as Judas Priest on "Painkiller", in places Helloween or Abraxas, but always with one foot rooted in the classic Heavy Metal style, with either midpaced songs. Especially the over the top performance of vocalist Thomas Rettke, made "In control" outstanding. The album gained the guys a lot of success and after another EP ("Open the gate and watch!") on No Remorse in 1990, change over to Steamhammer Records to produce the second album "Livin' in hysteria", that was available in 1991 and even more successful than the debut. The wave of success for the Wolfsburg quintet didn't ebb away at all and once again with the 3rd album "Hell for sale!" they overtrumped the previous sales. After an ample world tour Manfred Jordan quit the job and got replaced by Robert Hunecke-Rizzo, who also recorded Heaven's Gate's last albums "Planet E." (1996) and "Menergy" (1999), before they eventually called it a day in 1999. Rettke and Paeth formed the band Redkey in the mid 2000's.


"In control" ‎7" Promo EP 1989 (No Remorse)
"In control" LP/CD 1989 (No Remorse)
"No Remorse Records Label Compilation" Comp.-MC Tracks 1990 (No Remorse)
"Open the gate and watch!" MLP/MCD 1990 (No Remorse/Virgin)
"Livin' in hysteria" LP/CD 1991 (Steamhammer)
"More hysteria" 12" EP/MCD 1991 (Steamhammer)
"1991 Promo" Promo MCD 1991 (Steamhammer)
"Hell for sale!" LP/CD 1992 (Steamhammer)
"Don't bring me down" MCD 1992 (Steamhammer)
"Best days of my life" Comp.-CD 1992 (German Rock Project - The Ballad Album)
"Live for sale!" CD 1993 (Steamhammer)



Wolfgang Jansen (vocals)
Achim Schneider (guitar)
Oliver Müller (bass)
Thomas Stauch (drums)


The Krefeld Heavenward was founded in 1986 with still Thomas Stauch on drums, who left the band in 1987 to join Blind Guardian, while the ex-Lucifer's Heritage drummer Thomas Kelleners changed over to Heavenward. For Heavenward though things didn't work out so well like for Blind Guardian at all, but step by step. February '88 the quartet recorded their Demo "Into the light", that already was a nice entrance to the german Metal scene, while featuring songs that reminded heavily to certain christian US Power Metal bands, and it seems the Bee Gees pissed them off in any way, as they gained a special mention in the booklet of the tape at the No thanks section. Jansen (later in Bronxx) got replaced by Stefan Kessel on vocals on the band's second tape "At first nature..." from January '88. Heavenward here added more typical Power/Speed elements with still slightly US Metal edge (like Queensryche would play thrashy Power Metal) and in places high pitched screams of their new vocalist, who seems to fit the same well like his precursor. Nevertheless it wasn't easy to sign a record deal back in the day, not even with two outstanding Demos in the baggage, especially not with big companies like Steamhammer or Noise, who both seemed to have been deaf like the famous leopards from Britannia. Once again D&S picked out that black pearl of a Metal band and produced the band's debut "Within these dreams" in 1991, recorded with help of Last Rites' guitarist Bernd Gröters and surprised in Death Metal times with true Power Metal, technically experienced executed in typical US manner. Seriously the album could be counted to the creme de la creme of all German Metal albums, but was released years too late. Then came the big bang, almost all of the old crew quit and Kressel had to search for new musicians to record the second album "A future worth talking about?". Andreas Rippelmeier (guitar, ex-Mephisto), Marc Schulz (bass, ex-Mephisto/Vallyz) and Guido Gallus (drums, ex-Vallyz) has been the chosen ones, who came from the bands Mephisto and Vallyz, but naturally with a completely new musicianship to expect that the band's sound would remain the same is just pure utopia. Heavenward's style went more progressive and either featured a few modern elements, though the basic style was still rooted in the technical Power Metal. But the album has been Heavenward's last one, as the band subsequently stopped activities for a while. Kessler and Gallus joined Centaur in the mid/late 90's and tried to revive Heavenward in the 2000's, without much success.


"Into the light" Demo 1988 (selfreleased)
"At first nature..." Demo 1989 (selfreleased)
”Within these dreams” LP/CD 1991 (D&S)
"A future worth talking about?" CD 1992 (Inline Music)

Heavy Binding


Stefan Kalis


Local Hardrockers from Limburg, who appeared with the track "(I wanna) Go out tonight" on the underground compilation "Rock von der Lahn", performing a late 70's AC/DC style that it's almost criminal. Further info is needed.


"(I wanna) Go out tonight" Comp.-LP Track 1986 (Rock von der Lahn)

Heavy Hammer


Axel Becker (vocals, guitar)
Jens-Uwe Schnorr (guitar)
Oliver Gerds (bass)
Thomas Heisenberg (drums)


The band Heavy Hammer from Rostock (ex-GDR) found together during October '85 and spent the first two years to handle their instruments, influenced by AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Metallica and Motörhead. The guys played a technically minor skilled Thrash Metal and in summer 1987 Patrick Wittkowski joined as vocalist. First Heisenberg during early '88 and later in autumn also both guitarists Schnorr and Becker was called to arms to defend the "anti-capitalistic firewall", but the band found Kai Sass to replace Heisenberg, though they had to pause without any guitarist later that year and just reformed in January 1990 when all returned, without vocalist Patrick Wittkowski under the monicker Mad Slaughter.


Heavy Load


Dike Scharnau (bass, vocals)
Udo Kahl (guitar)
Thomas Felder (keyboard)
Lorenz B. Stoelcker (drums)


Hard Rockers from Freiburg, who produced an independent album in July '82. During September 1980 the guys met for a first session and the chemistry seemed right so they decided to keep on playing together and within 6 weeks these lads had created a setlist to play live with Triumvirat already in November '80. January '81 Dike Scharnau took the bass and in November the same year he also became the band's steady singer. Heavy Load saw themselves mainly a live band and therefore played several venues that was possible, till they decided to record an album. The guys was acting somewhere between the heavy 70's Blues and Kraut Rock influenced classic early Hard Rock with certain influences of the early midtempo Motörhead. In places the material even showed similarities to the eastgerman band MCB during their early phase, but the album reaches it's peak with the speedy, classic Motörhead rip off Metal tune "Fire". If they'd have had followed these kind of speedy inputs, I bet their album would be better known nowadays. Some of the vinyls came besides a lyric sheet, also with a special fold out insert enclosed.
(Thanx to Bernd Woitschikowski for the kind help)

Heavy Ride


Holger Lesser (guitar)
Uwe Lysowec (bass)
Jürgen Winkler (keyboard)
Stefan Breuer (drums)


A quite impressive young Hard Rock act originating from Leimen/Nussloch south of Heidelberg, who performed live at the "Rock aus der Penne” festival (“Penne” is slang for school) happening on September 17th 1983 in Heidelberg. Their song „When the light’s go down” was recorded live and got featured on the same called compilation LP, that was released on blue vinyl. Judging by their glorious performance and especially the stunning guitar work (that one guitarist sounds actually like 2 guys playing), it’s rather a shame this promising AOR band never made it out of their small city.


„When the light’s go down” Comp.-LP Track 1983 (Rock aus der Penne)

Heavy Storm


Thomas (guitar)
Eddie (guitar)
Martin (bass)
Gunnar (drums)


An obscure Hard/Heavy 4-piece formed in Hattersheim in 1986. A 3-track demo in the "Hard Rock"-vein was produced and circulated some time around 1986-87. If you have more info, please get in contact.




Andrea Münster (vocals)
Manfred Pütz (guitar)
Kurt Reichert (guitar)
Guido Kaul (bass)
Uwe Heepen (drums)


Helicon was founded by Uwe Heepen and Kurt Reichert in May '87 in Aachen, and originally should take the place that Helloween once had within the Noise International stable, when they left the label to sign a major deal. But the whole things didn't work out like expected because the much more melodic playing Helicon, aren't Helloween at all. The band around female vocalist Andrea Münster debuted with two Demos in 1988 and '89 and subsequently published an obscure 7" with Axel Heusch on second guitar (replaced Reichert) on the Cauldron label from Düsseldorf in 1989, that contains two melodic Heavy Metal rockers, featuring the very powerful track "Woman", that makes the single recommendable. The re-recorded track "Black and white" was known from the previously released "Black and white" Demo, that featured 4 songs in total. Due to different opinions they stopped co-operation with Cauldron Records. who originally wanted to release a 5 track MLP of Helicon in January '91 and started to record material for their debut CD privately. The line up had changed once again and also during the recording sessions Andrea Münster and their recent guitarist Volker Marx left the band. Münster joined the band Heaven's Force, while Marx went to Axe La Chapelle. In the meanwhile Uwe Heepen used to handle the vocalparts himself. But one by one left the band and in the end Uwe Heepen was the only remaining member in the band, when he signed the contract with Noise and had to form a completely new band, consisting of himself on vocals, Christian Guth (guitar), Tom Kusters (guitar), Sylvester Wasielewsky (bass) and drummer Andre Ostapeschen. The debut album "Helicon" that finally was released in 1993 and featured a wild mix of midpaced Metal rockers and a few speedy bangers, received good feedback and the band toured alot through Germany and parts of Europe to promote the album, so afterwards the lads recorded the follow up album "Mysterious skipjack" in 1994. But this album wasn't as successful as the debut, and Noise dropped the band, that eventually split up in around 1997.


"The Heimbach Tapes" Demo 1988 (selfreleased)
"Black and white" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)
"Black & white" 7" EP 1989 (Cauldron)
"Helicon" LP/CD 1993 (Noise)
"Fight for your fame" Comp.-MCD Track 1993 (Melodic Metal strikes back)



Torsten Kauk (vocals)
Michael Lässig (guitar)
Olaf Gerold (guitar)
Helko Klemm (bass)
Rico Rätzel (drums)


Helion a Freiberg (ex-GDR) based selfclaimed Thrashcore outfit that formed in 1988 and released 2 Demos in 1989, already disbanded in the fall of 1989 again. The studio tape contains some rude Thrash with a few good parts and ugly vocals that in places appear quite punky. I think they tried to orientate on bands like Kreator and Messiah. If you take a look at the tracklist of the Live Demo you'll get quite a good survey of what bands they did listen to. But this opens another question to me, if they are able to cover Kreator, Slayer, Sodom, Metallica or Carnivore, why the guitars on the "Seid nich so lahm ... Ihr Fucker!" Demo are sounding that staccato like? Their style really takes time getting used to it. Heiko Klemm and Olaf Gerold founded Death/Thrashers Deathtrap in the end of 1989.


"Seid nich' so lahm ... Ihr Fucker!" Demo1989 (selfreleased)
"It's Live!" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)

Helium Head


Thomas Schmeink
Frank Ruhnau


A Duisburg band that was featured on the "C.B.Rfrischungen" sampler with the track "Lil' girl", that offers a sort of Hard Rock/Power Pop, or 'Ruhrpott-Rock' as they themselves liked to call it. The label also produced a 7" entitled "Star für eine Nacht" the same year, but I haven't heard this one yet. It was sung completely in german. The last sign of the band was a 4-song demo recorded in 1986 (or possibly '87). If you got more info, please get in touch.


"Lil' girl" Comp.-LP Track 1984 (C.B.Rfrischungen)
"Star für eine Nacht" 7" EP 1984 (C.B.R.)
"Star für eine Nacht" Comp.-LP Track 1985 (Querschnitt)
Demo 1986 (selfreleased)




Hell is a mysterious Black Metal band that nobody knows much about though the Demo was spread in tapetrading circles. I found an advertisement in an old Metal Hammer and it seems this band was from Lörrach, at least that's what the address said. Musically these guys offered quite well played raw solid Thrash (like early Destruction/Bathory) and I guess the rumours that Destruction members should be involved here was refering to the vocalist who in places sounded like Schmier. Unfortunately the sound of the Demo is of rehearsal room quality so you shouldn't expect too much. If you got more info, please get in touch.


”Satanic death” Demo 1985 (selfreleased)



Ralf Zobel (vocals)
Ralf Schönrock (guitar)
Mario Würzburger (guitar)
Holger Ritzel (bass)
Steffen Kolditz (drums)


As the name might suggest, Hellbound from Weißenfels near Leipzig (ex-GDR), most probably wasn’t much keen on playing Melodic Metal stuff. Instead the fivepiece celebrated a really rude brutal Death/Thrash sound similar to Demolition Hammer, Incubus and Kreator on their selftitled Demo released in early 1992. Holger Ritzel and Mario Würzburger firstly had the idea to form the band in February 1989, but to find willing musicians in their local area didn’t work out as easy as expected, so they more or less “borrowed” musicians from their friends in other local Thrashers Exocet. By March 1991 at last a working line up was completed with Ralf "Monroe" Zobel (vocals), Ralf “Party" Schönrock (guitar), Mario "Würze" Würzburger (guitar), Holger "Fritze" Ritzel (bass) and Steffen “Keule" Kolditz (drums), who recorded their first 5 song Demo in January 1992. Despite a second tape was planned for September ‘92 already, Keule their drummer then left the guys and fully focussed on Exocet by then, while the rest continued as a fourpiece in the meanwhile, leaving the position of the drummer vacant and rather worked with a drumcomputer until 1995. Between 1994 and 1995 the band still recorded the Demos “Gesichtsgebung" (1994) and “Trilogy" (1995), but went on hiatus afterwards. Holger Ritzel's the only one who reappeared in music business with the band Demoria late in the 2000's.

Thanx to Holger Ritzel for info and pictures!


„The First" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)
„Death penalty" Comp.-MC Track 1992 (Thrashing East Attack Vol. II)



Georg Manger (vocals, bass)
Götz Mursch (guitar)
Andreas Köhler (guitar)
Adolf Klein (drums)


It's not much info known of the headstrong Thrashers Hellbreath from Ravensburg. The guys was active since around 1986 and recorded their only album independently in June '87. Just like the quirky artwork, their album featured a pretty strange sounding Thrash Metal, stylistically between all chairs. Progressive and melodic elements meet Heavy Metal and underground Thrash, while the guys itself looked like a bunch of remaining flower kids from the late 60's. I tend to even hear in places a few late 80's Voivod or either Led Zeppelin hints, but it's difficult to describe Hellbreath's style, coz the lads definitely did not sound like common Thrashers such as Kreator, Deathrow or Darkness. Not surprising at all that Georg Manger was also active in a 70's inspired Blues/Hard Rock band with the name Rough Enough during at least 1988. Adolf Klein and Manger later founded the Frantic Front in 1990, so that means Hellbreath did split up at around 1989/90.



Klaus Böhlke (guitar)
Holger Reinicke (guitar)
Andre Reinicke (bass)
Harald Riemer (drums, vocals)


Hellfire’s a very obscure local Thrash Metal band, that's active under different monickers since already 1983 in the greater Halle area (ex-GDR). The very first steps of Hellfire are dating back to 1979, when Harald Riemer (drums) and guitarist Klaus Böhlke formed a Bluesrock band in Diemitz/Reideburg. Lots of musicians joined the duo and went away again, while stylistically Hard Rock and NWOBHM influences began to sprout in the minds of the guys and dominated more and more their performances. Since 1983 Heavy Metal had completely taken over command of the guys minds and a first stable line had eventually established during 1985, featuring Klaus Böhlke (guitar), Holger Reinicke (guitar), Andre Reinicke (bass) and Harald Riemer (vocals, drums). By that time the name Hellfire got ultimately picked up and the foursome started composing own material during 1985/86. A bit later on in 1988 Andre Reinicke had to pause for a while due to army services and couldn’t return before late in 1989, so Frank Bölke joined on bass, untill he tragically died in 1989. At that time Hellfire’s line up was built by Lutz Felsberg (vocals, also the band's own technician), Klaus Bölke (guitar), Holger Reinicke (guitar), Frank Bölke (bass) and Harald Riemer (vocals, drums). Recently a Demo tape of this band surfaced in the inheritance of Matthias Hopke (hoster of the "Tendenz Hard bis Heavy" radio show), featuring 1 untitled rehearsal song in 2 different versions, that stylistically reminds of eastgermans Rocket with yet a slightly early Slayer vibe. This rehearsal tape (probably not official) should be dating from around that era of the band, or possibly even 1989, while the guys started recordings for their “Kill the beast” MC, recorded in their practise room, that included 6 songs written between 1986 up to 1990 with a new line up: Klaus Bölke (vocals, guitar), Holger Reinicke (guitar), Andre Reinicke (bass) and Holger Riemer (drums, vocals). The tape was eventually finished during 1991 and spread just locally at their gigs. One of the last Hellfire gigs we could track down yet, was dating from 1991. Just the following year Klaus Böhlke quit Hellfire, who subsequently changed name to Eternal Quest, featuring Andre Chleborath on guitar. But at the end of the 90’s decade either Harald Riemer left Eternal Quest, whose remaining members became Eternal Brave instead, but faded away shortly after. Klaus Böhlke and Harald Riemer in 2011 accidentally met once again, just to find out that the flame’s still burning. Both revived Hellfire and independently recorded the single “Nights of vampire”. In the meanwhile ex-Eternal Brave shouter Tobias Neumann as well as their ex-bassplayer Andre Reinicke plus Lucas Loch on guitar was recruited and Hellfire, that had to change their name due to judicial reasons to Hammer Of Daemons now, recorded albums, that are all available at the band’s website, including Hellfire’s debut album “Kill the beast”, now in a re-recorded version from 2016.

(Thanx for the kind help and info to Klaus Böhlke and ZZF/Nachlass Matthias Hopke and Nikolai Okunew)


"Pharao" Reh/Demo 1988 (selfreleased)
"Kill the beast" MC 1991 (selfreleased)



Kai Hansen (vocals, guitar)
Michael Weikath (guitar)
Markus Großkopf (bass)
Ingo Schwichtenberg (drums)


Helloween from Hamburg was founded in 1984 and could be considered the godfathers of the classic german Power/Speed Metal sound who influenced hundreds of bands. The Corroseum honestly doesn't expect that we still need to introduce this legend to anyone of the readers. In case someone doesn't know them yet, please check out the Helloween Homepage


"Helloween" MLP 1985 (Noise)
"Walls of Jericho" LP 1985 (Noise)
"Keeper of the seven keys - Part I" LP/CD 1987 (Noise)
"Keeper of the seven keys - Part II" LP/CD 1988 (Noise)
"I Want Out - Live" CD/LP 1989 (RCA)
"Live In The U.K." LP/CD 1989 (EMI/Noise)
"Pink bubbles go ape" LP/CD 1991 (EMI)
"Chameleon" LP/CD 1993 (EMI)




Obscure Leipzig unit (we heavily expect a Thrash Metal outfit by that band name), that's known to have forwarded a private reheasal or either live recording, dating from the 23.5.1989, to Matthias Hopke, the hoster of the weekly ex-GDR "Tendenz Hard bis Heavy" radioshow, expecting airplay in return (without success as the writer can confirm hereby^^). Further info is needed.




Clint Steele (vocals)
Jaques Love guitar)
Chuck Cool (bass)
Rod Block (drums)


Songs like "One-sided loveaffaire", "Titt's 'n legs 'n ass" or "Sweet vice - Titt mice" (Can we say words like Titt here DaN???) will show you already the direction of this hilarious band, originating from Cologne, though the label info wanted to sell them as a band from the "Black Country, Midlands, Birmingham, UK"! According to that ominous band info the guys previously worked as ex-steelworker, beer drivers and swinehalf carrier, naturally suffering a very severe boyhood, living on the dark side of the town beyond the railroad embankment. They didn't seem to take their business too serious and this exactly reflects in Hellwar's music. Don't expect the Metal defenders ever ever ever, but imagine mid 80's AC/DC meets Accept, including Johnson and Dirkschneider, as that's what Clint Steele tried to imitate (successful). Their "Alive & licking" EP got released in November 1991 on the indie label Big Noise Records, and won't hurt too much if you add it to your collection, alone for the fun factor. For some strange reason, the Hellwar creations do either sound listenable, even with faked live audience. Further info is welcome.
(Thanx to emosteel for the recommendation)


"Alive & licking" 12"/MCD 1991 (Big Noise)
"Titts 'n' legs 'n' ass" Comp.-LP/CD Track 1991 (The Biggest Noise In Music)
"Sweet vice - titt mice" Comp.-LP/CD Track 1992 (Der Total Panne Sampler)

Helter Skelter


Christian Strobl (vocals)
Cassy Kissler (guitar)
Helmut Zeiler (bass)
Fredl Zech (drums)


The Munich based Helter Skelter featured with their vocalist Chris Strobl a long time member of the Munich Metal scene since he already was singing for the explicitly heavier acting Leather Mistress in the early 80's. After Leather Mistress called it a day, he founded the Glam Metal band Vamp and recorded one Demo just to find out that in Bonn there was another band of the same name, so Vamp got renamed to Helter Skelter in 1985. The band was active in the later mid 80's within the Munich scene and used to perform on stage dressed up like US Glam bands such as Mötley Crüe, Cinderella or Poison with big hair, lipstick, most probably perfume and colored clothes. Noise Records produced the band's only album "Welcome to the world of Helter Skelter" in 1988 and indeed Helter Skelter copied Mötley Crüe, but also not. The guys sound was quite unique, though not everyone's business at all. Among the typical US Glam stuff that built the spine of the album, they also mixed certain Pop sounds in between, which makes it hard to categorize them a Glam Metal band. Most probably the term Glam Rock would fit here better. Friends of Poison, Mötley Crüe should risk an ear, but listen first, Helter Skelter sounded pretty much different than other Pop Metal bands. The former Vamp guitarist Lauri Meier also recorded additional guitar trax for the album, but Helter Skelter pretty quickly vanished in 1989 again.


"Welcome to the world of Helter Skelter" LP/CD 1988 (Noise)
"Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde" 7"/12"/MCD 1988 (Noise)



Gerry Garm (bass, vocals)
Stefan Link (guitar)
Martin Vollmann (drums)


Got to agree with Dan on this one, it's pretty much a shame that no label picked up these guys to produce an album, but I guess the reason was simply that they've been a bit too late for that kind of early/mid 80's nasty Heavy Metal sound like indeed Xxaron, Darxon or Gravestone. "Shot into the heart" and "Feel alive" are alone worth the purchase of that compilation they got featured on. If you got more info, please get in touch, as I can't imagine such a quality band never recorded any other Demos previously.


"Celler Rockmusik Initiative" Comp.-LP Tracks 1988 (Pirol)



Uwe Bradke (vocals)
Rüdiger Blindert (guitar)
Achim Meyer (bass)
Woody (drums)


Uwe Bradke, Achim Meyer and Christopher Dahm knew each other from other locals bands they have played together with earlier in the Weilerwist/Brühl area (near Cologne). Bradke (vocals) met Rüdiger Blindert (guitar) in another band and both decided to form an own group. With Achim Meyer (bass) and a certain Woody (drums) they formed Hemmorrhage 1984. After some changes on the drum position, their old friend Christopher Dahm returned and they changed name to Red Hot, who then became kinda the springboard for Forced Entry/STS 8 Mission, as Rüdiger Blindert and Achim Meyer both would found Forced Entry in 1986 after Red Hot split up. As Red Hot the guys released a 4 track Demo 1985, celebrating melodic standard Hard Rock/Metal.


Hepätic Death



These lads had been part of the local Ludwigsburg/Stuttgart Thrash scene during the late 80’s, being most probably sharing either the same management agent with better known acts of that very area such as Atrocity, Machinery or Baphomet. Around late 1988 a Demo tape was announced as well, though any physical evidence couldn’t be tracked down yet at all.





A band from ex-GDR, that was playing live gigs around 1986. It might be possible the guys was originating from the area around Erfurt. If you got more info, please get in touch.




Jens Künitz (vocals, guitar)
Uwe Bauroth (vocals, guitar)
Axel Uhlmann (vocals, guitar)
Mike Ansorg (bass)
Frank Wiegend (drums)


A heavy Blues Rock band from Zella-Mehlis, north of Suhl (ex-GDR), influenced by ZZ Top and Deep Purple, who's repertoire, according to their own words, also featured "a bit of Heavy Metal". The band was formed in September '85 and continual could raise their playful level every year till an "upper level" band during their last national grading in May '87. Till 1987 Herakles had written 15 own titles, but yet it's unknown if they ever could produce anyone of them at a professional studio. Further info is needed.




Pitt (vocals)
Dobs (guitar)
Lemmy (guitar)
Rigo (bass)
Björn (drums)


Herb was originally founded as Rock cover band still during the fall of the 80's in Güstrow, in the northern part of the ex-GDR. Drummer Björn was founding member and remained the only leftover of the very beginning. The guys covered well known Rock songs live on stage and the line up changed every now and then, till around 1992/93 when Pitt joined on vocals, a steady one had crystallized with Dobs (guitar), Lemmy (guitar), Rigo (bass) and Björn (drums). Pitt asked the guys to take more focus on own material and banned about 80 % of the cover versions from their repertoire. In the same breath the guys went muxch more into a basically Hard Rock oriented direction, covering AC/DC or Stone Temple Pilots tunes. During October/November '93 Herb recorded their Demo tape "Shit" at the Stern Studio Moonday and went again on stage. Since them being one of the winners of the local Sparkasse-Rockfestival in Neubrandenburg, Herb was invited to record the trax "World" (with nice Black Sabbath-Paranoid riff) and "Eene Meene" for the CD Sampler "Rock Festival Neubrandenburg" (1994). Around 1999 the band then produced their debut album "ubs" independently with new bassist Kalle, before they called it a day the following year due to problems occuring with their private life circumstances (family, job etc.). 2015 Herb reformed once again and yet still is rocking live on stage.
More info and music you can find on Herb's Homepage.


"Shit" Demo 1993 (selfreleased)



Carsten Gaudian (vocals)
Thomas Rollert (guitar)
Dietmar Woyderski (guitar)
Mike Kähler (bass)
Matthias Müller (drums)


A shortlived band from Halle (ex-GDR), that was formed out of the ashes of the school Punk band The Pisser back in 1984 by Thomas Klammt (vocals), Thomas Rollert (guitar), Dietmar Woyderski (guitar), Holger Baumgarten (bass), and Matthias Müller (drums). Musically the guys was performing Hard Rock and Heavy Metal somewhere between Van Halen and Judas Priest, before Carsten Gaudian (vocals) and Mike Kähler (bass) replaced Thomas Klammt and Holger Baumgarten during 1986 and the band eventually changed name to Hercules. The band then wanted to play regular live gigs and tried to get the needed classification from GDR's officials, but only achieved the basic level, which automatically introduced the slow decay of Herkules. During 1987 first Mike Kähler left to join Panther and a bit later on also Dietmar Woyderski followed him. Müller, Rollert and Woyderski reformed Hercules in 1997 and later changed the band's name to Last Command. If you got more info, please get in touch.




Cord Hanken (guitar)
Dirk Tenfelde (bass)
Frank Hartmann (drums)


The trio Heretic formed back in 1986 and still within the same year the guys recorded their debut Demo. 1987 the founding members Frank Hartmann and Cord Hanken (we are not sure if Dirk Tenfelde was in the band right from the start) added the second guitarist Norbert Drees and vocalist Frank Kretzschmer, changed name to Lacerate and recorded one more Demo with the title "Solved by corruption", followed by "Invincible endless sea" in 1993. If you got more info, please get in touch.




Peter Laske (guitar, vocals)
Oliver Wiebel (guitar)
Michael Schnabel (bass)
Matthias Manderscheidt (drums)


Wolfsburg's suburbs did spit out alot of great Thrash bands back in the late 80's and Heritage belong to them as well. The band was formed in January 1988, while Michael Schnabel formerly was member of Protector and also Peter Laske already played in the Protector related Death Attack. The result on the sadly only Demo "Patient zero" of Heritage from May the same year (and it's absolutely irreproducible why just Protector got picked out of the Wolfsburg internal Thrash scene) was a mix of Darkness (with better vocals) and Kreator's "Pleasure to kill" (with better solos), so to say Death/Thrash to the very bone, and I might be wrong but we're honestly convinced that the whole german Thrash maniacs got betrayed of a groundbreaking possible album that could be a BIG number nowadays. But nevermind, things are as they are, Heritage disappeared already in 1989, while Oliver Wiebel could replace Martin Missy in Protector afterwards and later re-appeared in the Death Metal band Ingrain.


”Patient zero” Demo 1988 (selfreleased)

Herman Rarebell


Herman Erbel


Herman Rarebell or either firming as Herman Ze German, we all do know who hides here. It's the famous drummer of the Scorpions, who played on all of their important albums and either was active solo. Originally named Herman Erbel, he started playing in the bands The Mastermen, The Fuggs Blues and RS Rindfleisch since 1965, till he moved to England in 1971. 1977 he eventually filled the vacant drummer position and became famous during the following years, till he left the Scorp's in 1996. On his two solo albums from 1981 and 1985 he used to play with hired musicians and therefore both did sound quite different. While on the first one "Nip in the bud" a nice mainly AC/DC style and late 70's influenced Hard Rock still prevails, on his second output as Herman Ze German in the mid 80's he used to perform a more or less bluesy style of US Hard Rock with kinda Mötley Crüe touch ("Girls girls girls" era).


"Nip in the bud" LP 1981 (Harvest)
"I'll say goodbye" 7" EP 1981 (Harvest)
"Vic Vergat/Herman Rarebell" 7" Split EP 1981 (Harvest)
"Rock you all" ‎7" 1981 (Harvest)
"Triangle" 12" EP 1981 (Harvest)
"Herman Ze German & Friends" LP 1985 (Capitol)
"Wipe out" ‎12" Promo EP 1985 (Capitol)



Hans Wittenberg (guitar)
Ralf Droste (drums)


A local Power/Speed Metal band from the Bochum region, that formed in summer 1988 and musically was influenced by bands like Annihilator and Metal Church. The lads already supported Slayer, Destruction or belgian Crossfire on their gigs in Germany and Benelux, but their regular line up got into trouble during late 1990 when their vocalist and bassists quit playing. Further info is needed.


Heroes, The


Armin Krull (guitar, vocals)
Olaf Henrich (bass, vocals)
Jo Hielscher (drums, vocals)


A Hard Rock trio from Hagen, who released their debut LP "Do you believe in...?" independently 1990 on their own label No Mercy Music, which got re-released by West Virginia Records the following year on CD and vinyl once again, but with different cover/layout. Musically The Heroes mixed some classic Hard Rock with 80's Indie Guitar Rock sounds, in places reminding mainly of a Hard Rock version of The Cure. If you got further info, please get in touch.


"Do you believe in...?" LP 1990 (No Mercy Music)



Roland (vocals)
Tom (guitar)
Tino Richter (guitar)
Klaus (bass)
Max (drums)


Thrashers from Eggenfelden, east of Munich, that formed during the late 80's and was first seen live during first half of 1990, before they recorded a Demo the next year. The second 4 track tape was recorded in March '93, followed by a change of the vocalist for their last effort "This is the truth" in 1994. Another Tom replaced former singer Roland on this one. Herpes' influences could be seen within the classic Thrash Metal, but also Hardcore scene. The band dissolved during the mid 90's most probably. Further info is welcome.


"Demo 1" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"Bastard trades" Demo 1993 (selfreleased)



Steve Heyden (guitar)
Peter Koltay (guitar)
Jochen Bursy (bass)
Boris Zimmermann (drums)


Both ex-Sex Attack members Jochen Bursy and Steve Heyden formed Heyden during early 1990 in the Freiburg area and recruited Peter Koltay (guitar) and Boris Zimmermann (drums) for their new aim to start a sleazy Hard Rock band with Blues influences. During autumn '90 the guys changed the band name to Backslash and recorded a first Demo under the new monicker in January '91.


High Tension


Armin Weisshaar (vocals, guitar)
Joe Weisshaar (bass)
Thomas Dierstein (guitar)
Dirk Beermann (drums)


High Tension was founded in Villingen-Schwenningen in late 1979 by the Weisshaar brothers Armin and Joe. During several live shows the band, that used to play a sort of melodic Hard Rock at that time mainly inspired by Dokken, Accept and early Mötley Crüe, worked out an excellent reputation as live band and got Gama Records interested for a record deal in the fall of 1984. October '85 the debut "Warrior" was finally available and featured that type of archetypical "Gama Metal", with a few numbers either sounding close to Vampyr or Atlain. When Dirk Beermann (I guess read in english that name must sound kinda "interesting" for some) left, the remaining trio found the swiss drummer Marco Roth (ex-Twilight) to record the follower "Under tension" in May '86, that either marks the guys heaviest and best album of all. The opener "Wind me up" already delivered speedy Power Metal ala Tyrant and the rest of the material, except of the speedy "Stay the night", good midpaced pounders with nice drive, that was good enough even for another spin. High Tension during 1986 succeeded to support first Girlschool on their Germany/Switzerland tour and afterwards went on tour with Hard Rock dinos Nazareth the following as well, that gained the guys some proper promotion. Sadly for the "Masters of madness" album, released in 1987, the lads changed down 2 gears and tried to adopt a rather commercially influenced Mainstream Metal sound with mainly these typical US american Hair Metal refrains, which probably wasn't the smartest decision ever. The contract with Gama after “Masters of madness” was fulfilled and the band was looking for other label partners, that led into a co-operation with Warner Bros for a possible album on a major label. Warner paid the studio to pre-produce the album during 1988, but High Tension’s sound got even softer at that time than on “Masters of madness”, so Warner retreatet from the possible deal and the guys at last released the album many years later under the title “4” in 1994, dedicated to their former guitarist Thomas Dierstein, who suffered a fatal car accident in 1990, being unable to speak and move since then. Marco Roth left the band afterwards and returned to Switzerland. Replacement was found during early '89 with new drummer Harald Rapp. Nevertheless High Tension disappeared quickly afterwards, focussing on finding a new deal as a trio, which didn’t happen anymore. They probably disbanded at around 1990/91, but in 2008 shortly resurfaced with the "Meanstreak" album. Please note, the band was featured on tons of samplers, which do not list here at all.


"Warrior" LP 1985 (Hot Blood)
"Under tension" LP 1986 (Hot Blood)
"Masters of madness" LP 1987 (Hot Blood)
"The Best of German Heavy Metal" Split LP 1987 (High Light)

High Voltage


Michael Bormann (guitar, vocals)
Dirk Bormann (guitar)
Robert Mourek (bass)
Jörg Schuhknecht (drums)


High Voltage from Duisburg was founded by the teenagers Michael and Dirk Bormann in early 1980, trying to play Stones, AC/DC, Beatles coverversions. In summer 1982 with a steady line featuring additional members Robert Mourek and Jörg Schuhknecht, the boys won the first prize of the schoolboy band Rockfestival of North Rhine-Westphalia, which automatically catapulted them into the german news and resulted in numerous TV appearances, live gigs and either the production of the single "Scheiß Schule" in 1983, that featured 70's like Hard Rock with Boogie edge, as well as the second single "Believe me", released in 1984 on the indie label BWS Records. Just with the release of the 3rd and last High Voltage single "Without love", the whole venture got hand and feet and presented a grown band, that was trying to play a mature melodic Hard Rock, stylistically trying to move away from their early schoolboy Hard Rock image. But their former teenie band hype already died away and the guys dissolved High Voltage in 1987 without any further releases. Both Bormanns and Mourek subsequently formed the Metal band TAX, who released a cool album in 1988.


"Scheiß Schule" Comp.-LP Track 1982 (Viele Grüße Aus Dem Underground Vol. II Life)
"Scheiß Schule" 7" EP 1983 (Columbia)
"Believe me" 7" EP 1984 (BWS)
"Without love" 7" EP 1985 (BWS)




A local band from most probably Hessen, that was seen playing live at the "Ready for Rock Festival" in Herborn (north of Frankfurt) in 1990. More info is welcome.


Highway Call


Franz Danzig (vocals)
Yoshi Toscani (guitar)
Hans Schweiß (drums)


A Heavy Metal band from Heidelberg, that published a Demo tape in 1987. Drummer Hans Schweiß used to play with G'Loyd throughout 1988. If you got more info, please get in touch.
(Thanx to Rumblefist for contribution)


"Demo 1987" (selfreleased)

High’n Dry


Joe Mitz (vocals)
Detlef Kowalewski (guitar, keyboard)
Gino Micallef (bass)
Mark Ulrich (drums)


The band High'n Dry from Cologne released only a sole but indeed promising album before the band disappeared again. Detlef Kowalewski wasn't new in the business when he formed High'n Dry in the late mid 80's. Kowalewski was formerly playing in the 70's Hard Rock band Fötus, that already recorded an album in 1980. After recording a Demo tape with the songs "Too much to lose", "In the dark" and "Bad in black" during early 1988, High'n Dry got quickly signed by the EMI and toured Europe to open for Iron Maiden or Roger Taylor's The Cross f.e., before they recorded their album "Hands off my toy!" in summer '88. Though the material could fully convinced the critics, some band internal issues made the band stumbling upon their own success and High'n Dry quickly got dissolved in 1989. One major reason was Kowalewski's drug problems that resulted in an imprisonment, but he somehow broke out of prison and escaped to Brasil, where he got involved even deeper in the cocaine smuggling and eventually 1991 got arrested in Rio De Janeiro till the mid 90's, when he finally could return to Germany and started a successful tattoo studio business. Musically "Hands off my toy!" could be counted among the elite of the 80's german Melodic Metal albums, that for my taste still owns a highly underrated status within the Metal scene. High'n Dry somehow acted in the same style as bands like Railway, Mad Max or Sinner, but their songwriting skills has been at least one level higher. Micallef and Joe Mitz (originally called Joe Mizzi) subsequently joined Ruscut, while the latter either sung for Rain 'n' Steel.


"Hands off my toy!" LP/CD 1988 (Bacillus)
"Too much to lose" Promo 7" EP 1988 (Bacillus)

Hiobs Message


Nüssi (vocals)
Joggel (guitar)
George (bass)
Holger (drums)


Archetypical teutonic Thrash delivered Hiobs Message from Achtrup, west of Flensburg. We can't really tell when their highly obscure Demo "Down of mercy" was recorded, but judging by the straight forward Thrash style with raw vocals and several mid 80's Destruction influences, we guess it should be dating from around 1990 or probably earlier. The recording sadly suffers from bad quality (Rehearsalroom cut?). Futher band info is needed nevertheless.


”Down of mercy” Demo 199x (selfreleased)

Höllers Horden


Markus Höller (vocals)
Michael Hau (guitar)
Matthias Trapp (bass)
Ilia (drums)


This was post-Skrupelos, featuring Lemmy, Bimi and Karl with new drummer Ilia, but the lads changed instruments. Originally founded as Skrupelos (Ruthless) during late 1987, this Fulda Crossover/Metalpunk act who used to label themselves “Commercial Crossover aus der Rhön”, recorded a 7 song Demo tape in April '88 with Alexander Götz behind the drums, before they evolved into "Höllers Horden" in 1990. The band was active till 1997.
(Thanx to Andy Süss for the info)


Holy Karlsquell



A Noise combo formed by musicians of Gebølze, Antitaste and Evoked Doom (Manfred Kanz we assume). They proudly had announced in mid 1987 that their Rehearsal Demo is now available.


Holy Moses


Jochen Fünders (vocals, guitar)
Ramon Brüssler (bass)
Peter Vonderstein (drums)


The german Thrash legend Holy Moses from Aachen was founded in October 1980 by Ramon Brüssler, Jochen Fünders and Peter Vonderstein. After their first Demo "Black Metal masters" Fünders and Vonderstein got replaced by Paul Linzenich (drums), guitarist Andy Classen (originally written Claßen) and Wolfgang Dammers (vocals). Jochen Fünders later in the 80's joined the bands Healer and afterwards Darxon. Dammers didn't stay in the band for long and was quickly replaced by Sabina Hirtz, who later would become Andy Classens wife. Just as interesting info, on the booklet of Holy Moses' "Walpurgisnight" Demo from 1985, she's introduced as Sabin"e" Classen. The band in the meanwhile recorded a couple of rehearsals between 1981 and 1985, when Jörg Heins was the band's drummer. He joined in 1984 and got replaced by Herbert Dreger on "The Bitch" Demo already, because Sabina had a personal issue with him. But officially Holy Moses so far released only 3 Demo tapes. Around 1985/86 Holy Moses' style was quite Motörhead inspired, that both Demos recorded in those years are proof of, as well as the band's debut "The queen of Siam" from the same year, that showcased them less thrashy than on their later outputs, playing a sort of Power/Thrash Metal with huge Motörhead edge on some of the songs. Ramon Brüssler after the debut was released, quit playing and moved to Thailand and either Herbert Dreger left to join Healer (and later Darxon/Bourbon Street/Lazy). The ex-Atlain/Rigor Mortis Andrè Chapelier (bass) and the young drummer Uli Kusch (later in Mekong Delta/Gamma Ray) took their spots and recorded the album "Finished with the dogs" in 1987, that in contrary to the debut now featured pure Thrash Metal with a few Anthrax hints. Either Chapellier didn't stay in the band for another and most probably the best and technically most varied Holy Moses album of all, "The new machine of Liechtenstein", released in 1989 on the major label WEA. The ex-Darkness Thomas Becker came in and surprisingly the line up Kusch, Becker and 2 x Classen lasted for a longer period, till the very US Thrash influenced album "World chaos", released on Sabina Classen's own label Virginia Records in 1990, that stylistically reminded often of bands in the Atrophy vein. Kusch and Becker quit afterwards and new possible members got tested till Benny Schnell (bass) and drummer Frank Ullrich (ex-Charger/Fairywhite/Stainless Steel/Mendacious Messiah) was found to record album nr. 5 "Terminal terror". Once again Holy Moses' style got adjusted to what's popular in the recent Metal scene and adapted their former technical Thrash to a rather Death/Thrash influenced form and kept on that manner either on the even more rude thrashing follower "Reborn dogs", that introduced Sven Herwig (ex-Superior) on drums now. After a compilation with unreleased and rehearsal trax in 1993 and the so far last album "No matter what's the cause" in 1994, the band split up due to internal tensions and got restarted by Sabina Classen in 2000 with new members. Several Holy Moses songs got featured on a number of compilations that we do not specifically list here at all.


"Black Metal masters" Demo 1981 (selfreleased)
"Walpurgisnight" Demo 1985 (selfreleased)
"The bitch" Demo 1986 (selfreleased)
"Queen of Siam" LP 1986 (Aaarrg)
"Finished with the dogs" LP 1987 (Aaarrg)
"Road crew" 12" Pic EP 1987 (Aaarrg)
"Live in Bremen" Live Tape 1987 (selfreleased)
"The new machine of Liechtenstein" LP/CD 1989 (WEA)
"World chaos" LP/CD 1990 (Virginia)
"Too drunk to fuck" 12" Pic EP 1990 (West Virginia)
"Terminal terror (Τηεοτοχψ)" LP/CD 1991 (West Virginia)
"Reborn dogs" LP/CD 1992 (West Virginia)
"Too drunk to fuck" CD 1993 (West Virginia)

Holy Warrior



A local White Metal band from most probably the Ruhrpott area (Bochum/Essen/Dortmund), that was actively playing live around 1990 with a classic Speed Metal sound. If you got more info, pleae get in touch.




Marion Lüger
Jochen Lambach


A White Metal band from Wuppertal, featuring Marion Lüger, who ran the official "Stryper Shop" in Germany back in the day. The band was active since at least 1990/91, influenced logically by american Bible throwers Stryper and Bloodgood. During autumn '91 Marion Lüger tried to form another christian Hard Rock band with the name Bethlehem. Further info is needed.




Frank Eisenmann (vocals)


A Hard Rock/Metal band from the wider Stuttgart area (probably Fellbach), that featured the former Invader/Mascot shouter Frank Eisenmann. The band should have been active around 1986/87. If you got further info, please get in touch.
(Thanx to ObsessedByCruelty for the info)


Honx, The


Mad Mike Honk (bass, vocals)
Bacardi Honk (guitar, vocals)
Marky Honk (drums, vocals)


A Hard Rock trio from Hamburg, personally influenced by Deep Purple, Ramones or the Rolling Stones, that had it's most successful phase in the late 80's, starting with the numbered and limited MLP "We like it simple" on 1st Records "Young Rebels (Vol. 1)" series, released November '88. A track on a local Hamburg compilation (Elbground Vol. 2) followed in August '89 and in September finally the "You keep me running" 7" on Oktave Musikverlag. The Honx formed during 1987, gathering ex-members of the bands Rotzkotz, Cat’s T.V. and The Trash Boys, while musically they stood for R'n'R ladden Hard Rock with late 70's Punk edge, in places similar to the Ramones or Generation X I'd say. Not so bad stuff at all.


"We like it simple" MLP 1988 (1st)
"What we want" Comp.-12" EP Track 1989 (Elbground Vol. 2)
"You keep me running" 7" EP 1989 (Oktave Musikverlag)



Jochen Barlage (guitar)
Olaf Kayß (guitar)
Matthias Hommel (bass)
Dieter Dreetz (keyboard)
Michael Rokker (drums)


A Hard Rock band from Gelsenkirchen that was active since at least 1986 and played several live gigs. During 1988 the band also had a first Demo tape available. Early 1991 Horizon's line up consisted of Jochen Barlage (guitar), Olaf Kayß (guitar), Matthias Hommel (bass), Dieter Dreetz (keyboard) and Michael Rokker (drums), who recorded a new 3 track Demo during that time. The band's influences could be found in the Hard Rock of the 70's, while their sound featured melodic Hard Rock tunes. Jochen Barlage later released a MCD with the AOR band Magic Child in 1994. We aren't sure yet if this is the same band from Kleve (northwest of Essen) that had an advert in a Metal Hammer issue from spring 1990. If you have more info please get in touch.




Thomas Götte (keyboards, vocals)
Peter Richter (guitar)
Peter Föller (bass)
Rolf Wolf (drums)


A Hard Rock band that formed around the from Mayence originating ex-Birth Control bass player Peter Föller approximately 1980 under the monicker of Metropolitan. Guitarist Peter Richter came from the Power Pop/NDW band "Die Crackers" and the band's only album was recorded in August '81 for Rockport Records. Metropolitan's sound was archetypical for that time, a mix of Classic Rock and Hard Rock similar to bands such as Earforce, Tokyo, Break Point, ELO etc. The band couldn't stay together for a longer period after the album release at all and 1984 the band already didn't exist anymore. Peter Richter subsequenly started a solo career. The Metropolitan album, got re-released by Polydor without the band's knowledge 1984 in France with different artwork, tracklist, band name and title as Horizon "One night in Idaho".


"One night in Idaho" LP 1984 (Polydor)
"One night in Idaho" Promo 7" EP 1984 (Polydor)

Horizon (Stuttgart)


Andreas Blaich (vocals)
Andreas Vockrodt (guitar)
Ralf Botzenhart (bass)
Bernd Würthner (drums)


A band from Leinfelden-Echterdingen, south of Stuttgart, that formed in 1988 and recorded their first selftitled Demo during 1990. Horizon's style was more or less anchored in the melodic Hard Rock, but the band's style must be seen rather conventional, suffering by uncomfortable vocals on the Demo. Inline Music produced another 3 track MCD where Peter Hagmann added all additional keyboard parts and the band released the material independently on the Rockwerk label in 1992, that received good feedback and is a special tip in the melodic Hard Rock genre. If you got more info, please get in touch.


"Horizon" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)
"Horizon" MCD 1992 (Rockwerk)




Most probably a heavier band (Speed/Thrash), that was seen live on stage supporting S.D.I. on their mini tour in September 1989. If you got futher info, please get in touch.


Horrible Hour


Uwe Appelfeller (vocals, bass)
Torsten Gronenberg (guitar)
Jens Kecher (drums)


A less known Thrash band from Unterweißbach, between Suhl and Saalfeld south of Erfurt, that was formed in 1989 by guitarist Torsten Gronenberg and Uwe Appelfeller (bass) in the ex-GDR. After playing with several drummers, they eventually found Jens Kecher in May ’91, who fitted best to the band's style. Since no singer could be found at all, Uwe Appelfeller took over vocals duties as well. After excessive rehearsing the trio went on stage for the first time ever in autumn 1991 and recorded their first Demo "Bad message" in February '92 at a professional 24 track studio. Horrible Hour's material though offered faint Death/Thrash influences, but tended rather into a classic, straight forward Thrash direction with melodic parts as well. Jens Kecher left the band a bit later during the same year and got replaced by ex-Morbid drummer Mike Poppel. After their second output “Jester’s desire" from 1994, Horrible Hour went down the drain. Torsten Gronenberg many years later in 2008 joined obscure Ilmenau locals Noise Orchestra.


"Bad message" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)



Jörg Warken (vocals)
Roland Walther (guitar)
Jürgen Herrmann (guitar)
Jürgen Aita (bass)
Günter Junker (drums)


Horrorscope was post-Flacmans Port from Lebach, with only bassist Jürgen Aita newly joining the band, while the former bass player Jörg Warken took over the vocals now. The band was formed right after Flacmans Port lost their deal with West Virginia Records and published one more Demo in 1993, that just like the previous Flacmans Port stuff featured early 90's style Power/Thrash, but rather way more Thrash Metal oriented then earlier. The band later disbanded in the mid 90's after getting featured on diverse compilations.


"Artificial child" Demo 1993 (selfreleased)



Björn Gbur (guitar, vocals)
Ritchie Rücker (guitar)
Alf Diehl (bass, vocals)
Markus Diekmann (drums)


Power/Speedsters from Hiddenhausen/Herford, north of Bielefeld, who started as fivepiece back in 1988 still with a separate vocalist (Auge), but later since the second Demo operated only as a trio without Ritchie Rücker. The debut "The second flood" was recorded in October '89, while Björn Gbur was singing all vocal parts. The follow up release "The sound prism" from August '91, mixed with the help of Ricky van Helden (Attack) already was recorded as trio. Horus' style was just archetypical Power Metal with Helloween-ish speed influences, presented technically quite experienced, though the dull thin vocals. They disappeared 1996 after producing the 2 track CD Single "Promo '96" once again with Ricky van Helden, but Björn Gbur reformed the band in 2005 with completely new team and style, to keep Horus going till at least 2011.


"The second flood" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)
"The sound prism" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)

Hostage Of Infinity


Jordi (vocals)
Jacob (guitar)
Martin (guitar)
Rainer (bass)
Matthias (drums)


An obscure Leer Heavy Metal band that started up in 1988 as Thunderstorm (no relation to the Metal Enterprises project), then changed their name to Hostage Of Infinity in 1989 after some member-rotations, then back to Thunderstorm again in 1992, now with a Jens on Bass, a Kleingeld on drums and a Tony on guitars. They finally gave up in 1994 without leaving any known recorded legacy. If you have more info, please get in contact.


Hot Legs


Siegbert Springer (guitar, vocals)
Stefan Wukowitsch (guitar)
Bernd Lüddemann (bass)
Stefan Lüddemann (drums)


A casted teenie group most probably, if you take a look at all the songs on their debut LP "Here we are", published in 1980 by the Ariola. Except of the "Hot Legs Song", the entire material was written by Anthony Monn and Ralph Dahmen plus a handful of other guys, so the Hot Legs was for sure just an attempt to catch the hearts of teenie girls. Fanclub address was in Munich and on the back sleeve of the album the boys mentioned that they prefer Hard Rock, especially AC/DC, Status Quo, Scorpions, Led Zeppelin and Van Halen being faves of them. So that's where we actually end up, late 70's Hard Rock with 70's Glam/Boogie Rock touch. A few more singles afterwards was still thrown on the market till 1982 till they lost breath. Bernd and Stefan Lüddemann in 1984 formed the band Dragon in Karlsruhe together with Oscar and Bruno Di Blasio, that later would become Kymera.


"Here we are" LP 1980 (Ariola)
"Linda" 7" EP 1980 (Ariola)
"On the highway to Chicago" 7" EP 1981 (Ariola)
"Was für 'ne Nacht" 7" EP 1982 (M Music)

Hot Property


John Boutkam (aka John Ridge) (vocals)
Michael James Brady (drums)
Roy Last (guitar)
Steve Clark (keyboards)
Dixie Krauser (bass)


A melodic Hard Rock/AOR band from Hamburg featuring John Ridge (One-O-One, E.F. Band, Picture), Roy Last, Michael James Brady (ex-John Parr) that was previously known as Dirty Money. They changed name to Hot Property in late '86 or early '87. Their 2 tracks "Ice in the sun" and "Wanna be with you tonight" (taken from the unreleased Dirty Money album) pretty much could concurrate with other well known AOR acts of that time like Survivor or Foreigner, while Roy Last's guitar riffs gave that band quite a heavy touch. If you have more info please get in touch.


"Blizz IIX" Comp.-LP Tracks 1987 (Deep Cut)

Hot Stuff


Alex (vocals)
Boris (guitar)
Franz (drums)
Stonie (bass)


A sleazy Hard Rock band from Munich that could contribute the 2 live trax "Wait until tomorrow" and "You can't stop the train" for the Feierwerk Split LP "Hard 'n Heavy Live im Feierwerk" with Mortality, Trick Or Treat and Shotgun M.G. Their sound was totally influenced by all the glammy US Sleaze bands (Guns 'n Roses and co) with even Blues and Southern Rock hints.


"Hard 'n Heavy Live im Feierwerk" Comp.LP-Tracks 1991 (Feierwerk)

Hot ‘N’ Nasty


Kim Powers (vocals)
Dany Glinzz (guitar)
Wolf (guitar)
Monic Matthisse (bass)
Hanns Haurein (drums)


A classic Hard Rock band, that was a joint venture of Swiss, German and British musicians, while some of these guys was previously active in the bands COMPANY OF WOLVES and Swiss KILLER, like Jan van Crow (real name Jann Krähenbühl), who joined the group during 1990 to replace former guitarist Wolf. HOT ‘N’ NASTY was originally founded back in 1987 under the name of THE LAST OF THE TEENAGE IDOLS, but quickly found out about another equally named London based band, so they picked HOT ‘N’ NASTY instead and recorded 1988 an 11-song-Demo in Basel/Switzerland (most probably the band was originating from that city). Later on during 1990 it seems that the Demo was released as an album on Big Z Records. The lads got prominent help on additional guitar trax by Fernando von Arb (Krokus) and either the sound of Hot 'N' Nasty would pretty much fit the musical KROKUS scheme. Archetypical pounding Hard Rock in the vein of AC/DC and GUNS N' ROSES with Blues and sleazy/glammy touch is holding the album in its grip from the start to the end. Vocalwise their English born singer Kim Powers sounds like he's draining a bottle of whiskey at least once per day in combination with 666 cigarettes.


”Hot ‘N’ Nasty” Demo 1988 (selfreleased)
”Hot ‘N’ Nasty” LP/CD 1990 (Big Z)



Ralf Neumann (vocals)
Jörg Zimmermann (guitar)
Tom Hecht (guitar)
Frank Gotthard (bass)
Tommy Wolf (drums)


Hotwire was formed back in December 1988 in the area around Diez (near Koblenz) and managed to place their track “Highway Killer” on a local sampler called “Rock aus‘m Kalk”. They also released a 3 track Demo (featuring "Girls in Leather", "Highway Killer" and "Hero") and played a few gigs till they broke up in 1991. Their rough pounding Heavy/Power Metal had a special street flair and due to Ralf Neumann's voice I can smell Grave Digger here and there, especially on "Highway Killer". But there are also a few similarities to Tyrant or Gravestone audible, definitely not uninteresting. Ralf Neumann also founded a band 2009 with Saintsbleed musicians and called it Highway Killer, playing old Hotwire songs as well.


"Highway Killer" Comp.-LP 1989 (Rock aus'm Kalk)
”Demo 1989” (selfreleased)



Werner Stadi (vocals)
Rudi Halbmeir (guitar)
Pepe Thum (bass)
Tom Glas (drums)


Not to beconfused with the Metal band Hotwire from the wider Koblenz area, these lads was active in Bavaria. Founded 1993 in Ingolstadt, Hotwire with the line up Werner Stadi (vocals), Rudi Halbmeir (guitar), Pepe Thum (bass), Tom Glas (drums) maintained the classic US american melodic Hard Rock/Hair Metal sound of the late 80's throughout the 90's and 2000's. They selfproduced the MCD "Hotwire EP" (1994) and the selftitled debut album (1995) and later released 3 more albums on 3 different labels, namely "Face another day" (1998), "Middle of nowhere" (2001) and "Devil in discguise" (2006). Later line up's featured Andy Urbeck (vocals), Alex Espinosa (guitar), Doc Blobner (guitar), Tom Glas (drums) and Winnie Neumann (bass).


Howlin’ Mad


Gert Lange (vocals)
Sylvio Skoberle (guitar)
Rolf Horvath (guitar)
Mirko Ludwig (bass)
Olaf Eisenbrandt (drums)


The eastgerman band Howlin' Mad from Erfurt (ex-GDR) was founded in early 1989, while some of the guys was already playing as the Thrash trio Insanity since 1985, but had to quit due to their required army services. But in 1989 they all met again and either added two new musicians to keep on thrashing as Howlin' Mad. Silvio Skoberle since November '88 was already playing in the band of city mates Rochus, to deputize Heiko Axt, who either was caught inside the army. West Virginia took the guys under their wings like some other eastgerman bands either (Rochus, Moshquito) and the "Insanity" album was published in 1990. Their rather inside the underground rooted type of US style Thrash in the vein of Vio-lence, Sacred Reich or Atrophy didn't receive much attention by the german press and though Holy Moses invited the guys to support them on their european tour, with ex-Rochus vocalist Tobias Nehmer on guitar, the band already split up a short while later.


"Insanity" LP/CD 1990 (West Virginia)




A Heavy Metal band from the Ruhrgebiet area (Essen/Duisburg/Bochum), that was active during 1987. If you got more info, please get in touch.


Human Slope



Most probably a local Grind/Noise Core band, originating from Markneukirchen, that was active during the early 90's. If you got more info, please get in touch.


Humungous Fungus


Bernie Siedler (guitar)
Mehmet Zendut (bass, vocals)
Raimund Mensch (guitar)


A Thrash band from Frankfurt/Main, that was founded by former Exumer members in 1991. If you got more info, please get in touch.


Hungry Heart


Matt Richard (vocals)
B. Achtelik (guitar)
Björn Erik Melander (bass)
Michael Costa (drums)


After releasing the highly regarded Demo "Rockin' just for you" in 1987, the young german musician Bernie Anthony (B. Achtelik, ex-Blast) from Viernheim/Mannheim went to L.A. and teamed up with swedish musician Björn Erik Melander (ex-Gotham City, Mogg) to form the duo Anthony & Melander. Both recorded a typically american Hard Rock inspired sounding Demo with the title "Emergency holiday" in 1988 and later evolved to Hungry Heart, by adding vocalist Matt Richard and drummer Michael Costa. The foursome recorded a selftitled Demo in 1990 in Frankfurt/Main, following the typical US Hair Metal/Hard Rock footsteps. Hungry Heart basically was an american band, but we tend to list 'em here due to Bernie Anthony originating from Germany.


"Hungry Heart" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)

Hungry Hearts



A local band most probably Hessen, that was actively playing live during 1990. If you got further info, please get in touch.




Stefano Poccioni (vocals)
Peter Hartung (guitars)
Stefan Brandtner (guitar)
Nico Boutris (bass)
Bernd Herrmann (drums)


Originally the band Hunter was summoned into life as Redbacks. These guys started in the Mannheim area in 1983 and right the same year released their debut Demo "Fight for you on stage". They still have been a bit Hard Rock rooted in the beginning and played a kinda Accept-ish style, but the Tyrant alike sounding power song "Nightfighter" or also "Revenge", that would later appear on the Hunter debut, was created in these first months. There is also a Reh/Tape in my archive that I personally bought from Rock Power Mag editor Axel Thubeauville (Bonebreaker/Earthshaker Records), when he sold his old tapes, that's called "Hunter" and features 6 tracks, incl. some of the Demo. No clue if that tape was official or not, I guess not. Most probably that tape was the first Hunter rehearsal recording ever that was sent to a Metal Mag. It took the guys 2 more years till they finally annoyed Thubeauville long enough so he finally gave his ok for the boys to record their debut album in spring '85, which got released on Bacillus Records, featuring new shouter Bertram Wegmann, who sounded like Metal Sword's Jay Jay the Fist (what a name...). Either musically Hunter was acting in the vein of classic german mid 80's bands like Metal Sword, Darxon or Xxaron but couldn't really score with essential numbers at all. After another 3 track Demo in 1986 in a much more Ratt/Mötley Crüe inspired style with american guitarist Patrick Davis replacing Peter Hartung (who joined Sanvoisen afterwards), the band could produce another album on the Rockport sublabel Energy Records in 1987, after changing the line up again. Christian Marxx (bass) replaced Nico Boutris, who joined Heavy Rockers Princess 1987/88 instead. Hunter's musical style and concept got renewed and commercial influences covered the missing talent to write remarkable songs. The songs are, besides a few classic Metal numbers, more or less rocking hard in american Hair Metal manner, but at least the production of the album was more powerful than on their debut. Stylistically Hunter moved into the Mad Max, Railway, Darxon camp now, but that wouldn't be much helpful for their further career at all, as Patrick Davis wouldn’t wanted to return anymore from holidays in the USA, so the rest of the band hired firstly Patrick Schwab and shortly later the 18 years old guitarist Jochen Meister in spring ’88, who would only make them surviving one more year, till they disbanded in 1989.


"Hunter" Reh/Tape 1983 (unofficial?)
"Sign of the hunter" LP 1985 (Bacillus)
"Keep the change" LP 1987 (Energy)

Hüpftic Slotter


P. Kratochwil


More homemade Noisecore, this time from Untersiemau/Bavaria, near Coburg. We believe the Demo title was "Nach 95 Bier", the band described their style themselves as "Experimental Noise-Punk-Core with poppy and melodic hints" and by going a bit more into detail the term "Kotz-dich-aus-und kauf-dir'n-neues-Ohr-Core" came up.


"Nach 95 Bier" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)



Hexer (guitar)
Skelleton (drums, vocals)


Originally founded as Speed Metal King in Weimar (ex-GDR) by Hexer on guitar and Skelleton on drums during x-mas 1985, who soon would change name in 1986 to Hurricane and later to "Die Schleifers", before the final band name Disaster K.F.W. (stands for Klassischer Friedhof Weimar) ended their desperate endeavor to pick out the right one.




Michael Voss (guitar, vocals)
Oliver Hamann (guitar)
Claus Breuel (bass)
Jens Uwe Ruhe (drums)


A local Hard Rock/Metal band from Rheine, north of Dortmund and especially Münster. The guys could place the track "Stranger" on their city's underground compilation "Rockszene Rheine". The interesting aspect of this troop was that the later Mad Max shouter Michael Voss used to be a member of this band and either "Stranger" re-appeared in a revised version on Mad Max's "Rollin' thunder" album. Further info is welcome...
(Thanx to lunaboy for the info and recommendation)


"Stranger" Comp.-LP Track 1983 (Rockszene Rheine)



Stephan Rothe


An american Hair Metal influenced Heavy Rock band from Gensingen, active in 1986/87. If you have more info please get in touch.




Achim Hopf (vocals)
Thomas Tefke (guitar)
Claus Vonberg (bass)
Alvar Siefert (drums)


A Metal band from Düsseldorf, that was active between 1989 and '92 and featured the former Stallion singer Achim Hopf. Claus Vonberg and Thomas Tefke was previously playing together in a band and decided 1989 to form a new one. There should be at least a 5 track Demo available, while some more recordings from around 1992 exist, that was re-released 2015 as the album "No time for dreamers" on Scream Records. The material features quite neat melodic Power Metal that often reminds of Judas Priest in "Painkiller" days. More info is welcome.


No Corroseum-feature would be complete without some proper sampler CDRs!
Straight from Prowler's personal archive we present thee...

download ~Volume West~
download ~Volume East~

(For more obscure German goodies, check out "Teutonic Evasion", the German edition of the Veterans Of The Various-Wars samplers...)

For further tips, discussions and questions, please visit the designated The Heavy Metal Mania-thread at The Corroseum Forum, or use the contact form.