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Agentur Null


Uwe Hiob (vocals)
Enno Schöniger (guitar)
Tino Taubert (bass)
Hendrik Borsitz (keyboard)
Angela Ullrich (drums)


The female drummer Angela Ullrich founded the band 1985 in Dresden (ex-GDR), after she left the all girl Hard'n'Heavy band "Na und" with the aim to play Hard Rock music. The first line up consisting of Uwe Hiob, Enno Schöniger, Tino Taubert and Hendrik Borsitz lasted till 1988, when Ullrich exchanged the whole band with new members Michael Müller (vocals), Tom Vogel (bass), Katrin Jäckel (guitar) and Christian Kusch (keyboard). Hiob, Taubert and Borsitz subsequently formed the Pop/Schlager band Die Blauen Engel. With the new line up Agentur Null could produce 4 songs for the national broadcast service in 1988, but none of them appeared on any record. 1990 the line featured the ex-Pharao/Charlie guitarist Michael Jurischk, also Anette Putz (vocals) and Andreas Leuschner (ex-Electra), besides the remaining Christian Kusch, Tom Vogel, Michael Müller, Katrin Jäckel and Angela Ullrich. This line up was steady till 1993, when Eckehardt Lipske (ex-Electra) replaced both guitarists Jurischk and Jäckel. In the following years the band's line up changed every now and then and either ex-MCB Mike Demnitz played with Agentur Null for about one year in 1994/95. Nowadays the band is still active, but just playing special concerts for classes. Except of the broadcast recordings done in 1988, there are no other recordings or releases known.


Broadcast Recordings:
"Als sie ging" (1988)
"Ich bin immer für dich da" (1988)
"Rebellische Liebe" (1988)
"Wenn es Sehnsucht gibt" (1988)



Ralf Henzler


One more obscure find of the ex-GDR’s exploding Metal scene right after the communist system suffocated on it’s own inhuman vomit in 1989 and all kinds of new possibilities opened to countless young musicians living on the eastern side of the wall. Unfortunately the info we yet could track down of these Thrashers from Taucha/Leipzig as usual is almost zero. They also belong to that chosen bunch, that formed during 1989/90 and then vanished into nothingness quickly afterwards, leaving no single trace at all. During 1991 the trio, that actually was searching for a drummer, had recorded a Demo tape with a drumcomputer, but either vocals couldn’t be finished at that time since a vocalist in the James Hetfield vein was on their wishlist as well. So you could probably imagine which direction the lads prefered. If that recording was ever finished and what still happened with the guys after 1991 remains so far completely unanswered.




Andreas Vollert (vocals)
Mario Vollert (guitar)
Heiko Schmidt (guitar)
Oliver Wald (bass)
Tilmann Berg (drums)


A shortlived classic Heavy Metal band originating from Potsdam (ex-GDR), founded in October '87 by the ex-Charon shouter Andreas Vollert and his brother Mario. Since Charon's sound went into a too thrashy direction, Vollert created Allion to focuss on a traditional Ozzy/Dio influenced Hard Rock/Metal sound. Though the band composed several own songs till early '89, they only could play a few gigs in the area, due to a car crash of Andreas Vollert and mainly line up changes that threw the band always back to the start again. Heiko Schmidt (guitar), Oliver Wald (bass) and Tilmann Berg (drums) built the first line up of the band, but soon still within '87 Heiko Schmidt got replaced by Andreas Hoffmann on guitar. But Schmidt returned 1990 once again when Hoffman had quit in 1989. Oliver Wald's bass was handed over to Andreas Matzard, who took over duties till 1989, when Mario Hügli replaced him as well. Either drummer Tilmann Berg just settled with the guys till 1988 and Torsten Reiwand came for him in 1988 to remain Allion's drummer for one year, till Volker Propawa covered the last period from 1989-1990, when Allion most probably split up. If you got more info, please get in touch.





A Rock band from the eastern part of the ex-GDR, precisely from the city of Bautzen, that formed around early 1981, possibly even already in 1980. Info was found, that this foursome quickly developed into a professional sounding live act that either covered songs of Whitesnake and Foreigner during their set within the early/mid 80’s. Right from the start the guys got supported by the GDR’s area levels officials and had been delegated to several amateur contests. After 1985/86 we couldn’t track down any further info, so they probably disappeared at around that time. One of their own creations was f.e. entitled “Friedenslied”. Further info is needed.


Argus (GDR)


Thomas Sachse (vocals)
Ingo Lohf (guitar)
Steffen Häupl (guitar)
Manfred Uhlig (bass)
Achim Waldheim (drums)


Argus was an eastgerman Thrash legend, originating from the saxon Zwickau (ex-GDR), that was founded by Manfred Uhlig as a Blues Rock band back in 1982. After several personnel and musical changes the original Argus line up had crystalized in 1985 with Benjamin Müller (vocals), Ingo Lohf (guitar, ex-Rapunzel), Steffen Häupl (guitar), Manfred Uhlig (bass) and Uwe Kovarnik (drums), while stylistically their influences now came from bands like Metallica, Iron Maiden, Saxon and Judas Priest. But the band's style permanently got heavier during the following year. Slayer and Kreator influences infected the guys who turned into one of the first pure Thrash acts of the GDR. Oliver Hippauf replaced Benjamin Müller in 1987 and the guys prepared their first Demo tape in late 1987. But due to the fanatic crowd that Argus followed from gig to gig, the SED officials ordered several stage bans, that Argus answered with a simple change of the band name to Moshquito shortly before the Demo "No back to inferno" was released. So basically the Moshquito Demo reflects the early musical work of Argus, featuring a raw Thrash Metal style similar to Slayer. At least one live recording survived the past decades, that was recorded during a gig with Disaster Area from Berlin, back in October 1987.


”Live in Röderau 7/10/1987” (unofficial)



Andreas Hagedorn (vocals)
Dirk Kauder (guitar)
Sven Fahrig (guitar)
Matthias Zander (bass)
Sven Leuffert (drums)


Shortlived Thrashers from Magdeburg (ex-GDR), that formed in 1987 and played their first gig October the same year. The guys played several live gigs till the political change in late 1989, when Zander quit and Sven Fahrig switched over to bass. During 1990 the band split up already and some of the lads did carry on right within the same year under the name “Stellung 43”. Asathor reformed shortly during 1993 with Hagedorn, Kauder, plus newbies Marcel Fehse (bass) and Matthias Voss on drums. But it only remained a short attempt, since after a first gig they disbanded Asathor for good.




Holger Denk (vocals)
Stefan Schulz (bass)
Stefan Crentzburg (guitar)
Carsten Klick (drums)
Peter Meinitzberger (guitar, keyboard)


B.O.R.N. was "born" in late 1987 in East Berlin, founded by Holger Denk, Stefan Schulz, Stefan Crentzburg, Carsten Klick and Peter Meinitzberger. The name translated means nothing else than "Band without a real name". Right in 1988 Denk got replaced by Henrik Ilgner (ex-Barock) on the micro. Also Meinitzberger left in 1989 and they added Robert Oliceg as keyboarder instead. With the line up Stefan Schulz (bass), Stefan Crentzburg (guitar), Carsten Klick (drums), Henrik Ilgner (vocals) and Robert Oliceg (keys), members that earlier played in bands like Morgenrock and Roman, they released their first Demo in 1989, which contained the 3 songs "Macbeth", "Stein der Weisen" and "Can't stop the world". Right in 1990 a second Demo followed now containing 5 tracks all with english lyrics. Just like on the previous tape B.O.R.N. celebrated classic US Style Heavy Metal/Hard Rock in a melodic direction much influenced by Ozzy's early albums. Compared to other bands from the ex-GDR at that time they have been surely ahead in terms of songwriting and vocalwise reminding me of Jackie from Pharao. With the next tape a "Studio Session" released in 1991, they turned far more softer, the classic Metal was almost gone. The material offered just melodic Hard Rock and they fully went that way on the later releases as well, turning more and more modern. In 1995 the first album "Magic of music" was released and in 1997 a MCD "Big house". 1997 was also the year the band fell apart. A last CD with their final live gig was released "B.O.R.N. live im Franz Club".


"Demo Tape" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)
"Under the sun" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)
"Studio Session" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"Demo Tape 1993" (selfreleased)

B.R.B. (Barbarossas Rhabarber


Falk Schäfer (vocals)
Lars Kröber (guitar)
Pausenklaus (guitar, bass)
Rhabarberbarbar (bass)
Wilde Hilde (drums)


B.R.B. (Barbarossas Rhabarber Barbaren) was a Grind/Noise Core act from Plauen (ex-GDR), that published a number of releases during the early 90's, which more or less could be counted to the category "things that the world doesn't need at all". In places the band sounds like Napalm Death but that shouldn't be seen in any positive sense. 1994 the guys also released another Split 7" with Dark Land on Falk Schäfer's own label Perverted Taste Records.


"Holterdipoltereiterimdarm" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)
"Der Gipfel der Genüsse" Demo 1991 (W.S. Records & Tapes)
"Rendezvous der Sinne" 7" EP 1993 (Perverted Taste)
"Untitled" Comp.-MC Track 1993 (No more Music Compilation-Tape)



Dieter Wiesjahn (bass)
Victor Heyse (guitar, vocals)
Bernd Bangel (guitar, vocals)
Harald Wittkowski (keyboard)
Bernd Schwitzke (drums)


The origins of Babylon from East Berlin go back to 1975 when Victor Heyse, Bernd Bangel and Dieter Wiesjahn left their former band to realize their own musicial ideas. Harald Wittkowski (ex-Joco Dev Sextett) and Bernd Schwitzke completed the first line up, that only lasted till 1976, when both left the band already. With new drummer Wolfgang Fuchs (ex-Joco Dev Sextett) and Manfred Hennig (keyboard, ex-Neue Generation) they produced some first songs for the national broadcast with "Gestern kamst du", "Jeder Abend" and „Dshigiten-Legende“, while with the latter they got their first national hit. Then 1978 Fuchs and Hennig left Babylon to form their own band Pond and Dieter Wiesjahn reformed Babylon with Horst Trumpelmann (drums), Hilmar Holz (vocals) and Michael Hein (guitar, ex-Metropol) during 1980. First 1981 ex-Regenbogen keyboarder Christian Weise and then 1982 their steady vocalist Detlef Volquarsdsen joined the band, that started a profi career in the meanwhile and began to produce constantly songs for the national broadcast, that also got featured on several compilations. Still more like a Hard Rock influenced Rock band sounding, Babylon consequently approached an AC/DC influenced sound, that the band was known for during the 80's. After a few bigger tours through the socialistic countries and several line up changes they recorded their national Hard Rock hit "Geisterstunde" in spring 1986 with ex-Formel 1 Andrej Horvath and Frank Powileit on both guitars, that later during the same year was released as a 7" with the track "Wir rocken los" on the flipside. Due to the success Amiga got interest in the band for a fullengt, while Babylon produced more songs like "Tschernobyl" or "Lebe wohl" for the national broadcast during 1987. Trumpelmann had left the band already 1986 and got replaced by Carsten Heinrich (drums). The next personel change happened in 1987, when ex-Formel 1 guitarist Wolfgang Densky replaced the former axemen Horvath who was fired due to alcohol problems. Dieter Wiesjahn had switched over from bass to guitar a while earlier already when Powileit left the band, so Hubert Ranft (ex-Triolog) was hired as new bassist. With still Volquarsdsen on vocals the band's debut "Dynamit", recorded in 1987, was finally released in 1988, featuring also both 7" songs, soundwise close to the original AC/DC sound and "Speed king" reminding of other ex-GDR locals Splitt. During the political change in the year 1989 Babylon recorded a second whole album entitled "Nightfire", that was offered to Amiga, but seems during the financial collaps caused by the unsecured situation inside the country the Amiga wasn't able to produce a lot of planned albums anymore like the ones of Biest, Merlin or Cobra. The tape got spread without added booklet (just a business card enclosed), and features 7 pretty listenable Hardrockers in a typical US Glam tradition but still having the old Babylon touch known from songs like "Speed king". The musicians of the very last Babylon line up and probably having recorded that tape either has been band leader Dieter Wiesjahn (guitar), Stefan Görner (guitar), Michael Kawa (vocals), Guido Schade (drums) and the already known Hubert Ranft (bass). Afterwards the remaining musicians disbanded Babylon right after the fall of the wall around 1990.


"Alles Gute" Comp.-LP Track 1984 (Das Album - Rock-Bilanz 1984)
„Monopoli (Nie wieder Krieg)“ Comp.-LP Track 1984 (Rock für den Frieden '84)
"Geisterstunde" 7" EP 1986 (Amiga)
"Ha Ja Jo" Comp.-LP Track 1987 (Das Album - Rock Bilanz 1987)
"Dynamit" LP 1988 (Amiga)
"Nightfire" Promo Tape 1989 (selfreleased)

Broadcast Recordings:
"Gestern kamst du" (1976)
"Jeder Abend" (1976)
„Dshigiten-Legende“ (1976)
„Ich singe gern Lieder“ (1976)
”In der S-Bahn” (1982)
„Erde halt die Balance“ (1984)
"Wilde Träume” (1985)
"Freitagabend" (1987)



Michael Kaspar (vocals)
Thomas Rosanski (guitar)
Stephan Kaspar (bass)
Jens-Uwe Nobst (drums)


A Hard’n’Heavy band originating from Leipzig (ex-GDR), that got launched in January '88 by ex-Weissheim guitarist Thomas Rosanski together with the ex-Victim guys Michael Kaspar (vocals) and his brother Stephan on bass. Jens-Uwe Nobst (ex-Gelee Royal, Stahlwerk, Weissheim) joined on drums. The band wanted to play a brand of Bon Jovi inspired english sung Hard Rock, but also provided some real classic Metal bangers. They subsequently produced a private Demo, partly recorded in their own flat, with the title “Invasion in your heart” right in spring of 1988. One of their most successful moments was the appearance at the IV. Leipziger Rockfestival in spring 1988. During October when Badboy was supporting Feuerstein in Berlin, the Cobra manager saw their gig and invited Rosanski and Michael Kaspar to join their band, who moved to Berlin after having absolved their last gig November 30th ‘88, which naturally meant the end of Badboy. Both guys later when the army was about to force it’s toll, escaped the country in summer ’89 via Hungary. 1992 in Giessen, the now reformed Badboy recorded another “Charisma” entitled Demo, before they eventually split up the following year, when Michael Kaspar founded Vivian Cane.


“Invasion in your heart” Demo 1988 (selfreleased)
“Charisma” Demo 1992 (selfreleased)



Manfred Kähler (vocals, guitar)
Gerd Pöppel (guitar)
Günther Briesenick (bass)
Alexander Stehr (keyboard)
Dietmar Ränker (drums)


Berluc was one of the top Hard Rock bands of the ex-GDR, founded as a Jazz band already in the 60's featuring Dietmar Richter (bass), Axel Stehr (keyboard), Dietmar Ränker (drums) and Günter Briesenick (guitar). But those early years aren't much of interest for us here, as the real story of Berluc started around 1978, when the band got restructured with new members Manfred Kähler (vocals, guitar), Gerd Pöppel (guitar) and Günther Briesenick switching over on bass, while either stylistically they turned into Space/Hard Rock. The same year their "Hallo Erde, hier ist Alpha" 7" was released and became a national hit, that stimulated Amiga to produce more songs for a full album of the band, which was released under the title "Reise zu den Sternen" in 1979 and featured some of the previously recorded songs as well, during the beginning NWOBHM. Some of Berluc's songs truly would have had fit into that genre's proggy bands movement as well, since the guys could perfectly merge the heaviness of Hard Rock with the epic undertones of the Prog/Space Rock, sounding sometimes like an eastgerman version of the old heavy Queen stuff. Nevertheless, the bosses in the western part of Germany wasn't deaf at all and "Reise zu den Sternen" was re-released there too in 1981, featuring even songs of the 1981 still unreleased second Berluc album "Hundertausend Urgewalten", that was officially released in 1982 for the GDR's market. The Space Rock factor was mostly gone on that album, while the heavy Prog Rock influences got slightly more dominant. Detlef Brauer had replaced Gerd Pöppel on guitar and Wolfgang Hoffmann (bass) came for Günther Briesenick, who quit in 1981. 1983 Berluc had a top hit with "No bomb", which was later featured on their 3rd album "Rocker von der Küste" (1984), that sadly followed a rather more Pop/Rock oriented style, while they tried to keep up with some Hard Rock influences as well. Detlef Brauer, Wolfgang Hoffmann and one of the main songwriters Alexander Stehr left Berluc during 1984, so Tino Schultheis (bass), Wilfried Kaminski (guitar) and Rainer Schilling (keyboard) joined instead, while Berluc's style had slightly recovered from the "Rocker von der Küste" dilemma, and they musically returned to melodic Hard Rock sounds. The "Tausend Hände" 7" released 1985, features 2 non album songs (B-side "Zeig dein Gesicht"), which was still co-written by Alexander Stehr, but during the following years the band went heavier ways and changed musicians every now and then. Previously during late 1986 most probably the commercial Hardrocker "Blutjung" was produced, while another 3 song studio session was finished in spring '87 (featuring "Alles im Lot" , "Kino im Kopp" and "Albtraum"), with still Manfred Kähler singing, who left Berluc in 1988. Rainer Schilling had quit 1987 either, so Dietmar Ränker formed once again a completely new band with ex-Mephisto Ralf Donahetz (vocals), Johannes Pistor (guitar), Bernd Fleischer (guitar, keyboard), with only Tino Schultheis on bass remaining of the old line up. And once again with all those new young guys in the band, Berluc's style changed. Their songs became more modern (Hard Rock) sounding, having an absolutely melodic background with epic hints. After a few years without vinyl appearances Berluc could finally produce a 7" EP in 1988, that featured 4 of the songs that they had recorded during 1988 ("Durchgebrannt" and "Lieder der Welt" remained unreleased and only got airplay), which is a highly recommended piece for fans of the melodic Hard Rock stuff. Usually Berluc was chosen to produce another album during 1989, but due to the political change those plans got canceled by Amiga and therefore Ralf Donahetz left Berluc to join V2. His job got Andreas Schenker. Berluc in the meanwhile was forced to mainly pause, and hardly entered national stages till 1993, when Ränker recruited ex-Regenbogen/Mephisto Ronnie Pilgrim (vocals), Bert Hoffmann (Guitar) and Uwe Märzke (keyboard). The small label Polyband re-released their last 7" with the additional yet unreleased track "Durchgebrannt" (recorded 1988) as a MCD ("Nachhaus") in 1994. Though Dietmar still keeps Berluc going througout all the past years, they never recorded any further albums and are mainly active as a live band nowadays.


"Wer hat mein Geld/Disco-Typ" 7" EP 1977 (Amiga)
"Computer 3/4x " 7" EP 1978 (Amiga)
"Hallo Erde, hier ist Alpha" 7" EP 1978 (Amiga)
"Reise zu den Sternen" LP 1979 (Amiga)
"Bernsteinlegende " 7" EP 1980 (Amiga)
"Reise zu den Sternen" Comp.-LP 1981 (Pool)
"Bermuda-Dreieck" 7" EP 1981 (Amiga)
"Bermuda-Dreieck" Comp.-LP Track 1981 (Das Album - Rock-Bilanz 1981)
"Hunderttausend Urgewalten" LP 1982 (Amiga)
"Glaube an dich" Comp.-LP Track 1982 (Das Album - Rock-Bilanz 1982)
"Gradaus" ‎7" EP 1983 (Amiga)
"No bomb" Comp.-LP Track 1983 (Das Album - Rock-Bilanz 1983)
"No bomb" Comp.-LP Track 1983 (Rock für den Frieden)
“No bomb” Split 7“ EP 1983 (Denke daran)
"Rocker von der Küste" LP 1984 (Amiga)
"Die Erde lebt" ‎7" EP 1984 (Amiga)
"Die Erde lebt" Comp.-LP Track 1984 (Rock für den Frieden)
"Die Erde lebt" Comp.-LP Track 1984 (Das Album - Rock-Bilanz 1984)
"Tausend Hände" ‎7" EP 1985 (Amiga)
"Tausend Hände"" Comp.-LP Track 1985 (Das Album - Rock-Bilanz 1985)
"Wie ein Regenbogen" 7" EP 1988 (Amiga)
"Nach Haus" Comp.-LP Track 1988 (Das Album - Rock-Bilanz 1988)
"An den Ufern der Nacht" Comp.-DLP Track 1989 (20 Jahre Puhdys)

Broadcast Recordings:
„Blutjung“ (1986)
„Alles im Lot“ (1987)
“Albtraum“ (1987)
”Kino im Kopp” (1987)
„Durchgebrannt“ (1988)
„Lieder der Welt“ (1988)



Norbert Bode (guitar, vocals)
Frank Lawrenz (guitar)
Hartmut Rosenhahn (bass)
Wolfgang Schröder (drums)


Biest was founded in July 1985 by guitarist and singer Norbert Bode, Frank Lawrenz, Hartmut Rosenhahn and Wolfgang Schröder in Jüterbog (ex-GDR), while Bode had a Blues Rock band running with the name Unternehmen Frostschutz since already 1980. During late '84 and early '85 the band decided to enter different paths and turned into Heavy Metal, first with the name shortened to just Frostschutz and since mid '85 officially as Biest, when Uwe Klotz (ex-Kiowa) joined as second guitarist. Their first live gig happened November 8th 1985, while the guys continued working on own material. Biest afterwards could produce the song "Metal" for the national broadcast in February '86, which became an undisputed nr. 1 hit in the local Rock hitparade. Also early Demo songs like the "Kill 'em all" influenced "Biest" or the slow "Whiskeymann" originated from the year 1986, while Biest was voted best amateur Heavy Metal band of the GDR in summer '86 as well, which was caused by the band playing a speedy Metal, that orientated itself on international bands like Saxon, Accept, Running Wild, and early Metallica etc. Ralf Wiesenack replaced former drummer Wolfgang Schröder late in 1986, and during 1987 the band again could produce 5 more songs at Jürgen Matkowitz' studio (remember the drum machine...), that all got high positions during the following months/years at the national hitparade. Moreover, the instrumental "Hard feeling" became the introduction music of the GDR's national Metal show "Tendenz Hard bis Heavy". 4 of these songs was released 1989 as the "Crash Trash" 7" EP and a Biest album was planned for 1990, while the political change within the country fully destroyed Biest's dreams. On the other hand's to say, that Biest's sound already during '89/90 wasn't the same anymore like in 1987, coz the band was working with slightly different modern influences already. After recording a 5 track Demo, Frank Lawrenz left Biest in 1990 and with new guitarist Mario Bessin 1991 they recorded one more Demo to possibly score a record deal. But "Only tears" contained a very strange sort of slow modern Metal, that couldn't inspire any label anymore to produce more Biest material officially. Then subsequently Uwe Klotz left the band still within the same year and later moved to Canada, while Biest added the keyboarder Jürgen Phieler. After another widely unknown Demo with the title "Leave me alone", recorded during the early/mid 90's, and the Demo CD "Der Zocker" (1998), Biest tried to record an album independently, but internal trouble caused the end of the band in 1999. Hartmut Rosenhahn and Mario Bessin formed Black Sparks, Norbert Bode was working together with Pandea, while Ralf Wiesenack and Jürgen Phieler tried their luck with Enjoy.


"Crash Trash" 7" EP 1989 (Amiga)
"Crash Trash" Comp.-LP Track 1989 (Rockbilanz '89)
"Demo" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)
"Only tears" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"Leave me alone" Demo 199? (selfreleased)

Broadcast Recordings:
"Metal" (1986)
"Hard feeling" (1987)

Demo Recordings:
"Das Biest" (1985)
"Whiskymann" (1986)
"Grab im Moor" (1986)
„Hard feeling“ (1986)

Black Power


Roland Ritter (drums)


A DIY Metal band from the Zwickau area (ex-GDR), that was founded by a bunch of schoolfriends during the early 80's, being active in their local area from 1980-86. Though they couldn't really handle their instruments at all, the lads started covering wellknown international acts and either created own material, that they performed at the few live gigs they played at private parties. Musical influences came from bands like Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Accept and later during the mid 80's these lads went heavier with Metallica, Running Wild or Helloween being their new standards. Official Demos do not exist at all, but private rehearsal room recordings. If you got more info, please get in touch.




Stefan Hoffmann (vocals)
Jochen Klemp (guitar)
Tim Schallenberg (guitar)
Andreas Bahr (bass)
Jan Lubitzki (drums)


Blackout could be seen as THE Metal band of the ex-GDR, being musically and techically ahead of all the known eastgerman bands of their time. After the guys played in 2 different school bands and decided to form an own troop in late 1984, they founded Blackout in early 1985 still with Stefan Hoffmann on micro but he had to leave to do his army service so Matthias Windelschmidt replaced him from 1985-87. Lubitzki got jailed in 1986 when he tried to escape the GDR and his drum position got Torsten Stahnke (ex-Metall) from Disaster Area who helped them out. Their repertoire featured mainly coverversions of bands like Metallica, Celtic Frost, Venom, Slayer but when you hear their only Demo recorded in 1987 with the 2 own creations "Kamikaze" and especially "Oracle of death", you easily realize that they absolutely didn't need to hide behind any international band. "Kamikaze" still was driven by the classic german melodic Power/Speed Metal sound with great twin leads and all but "Oracle of death" showed the band from an uncompromising technical Thrash side with outstanding guitar work and good sung and arranged vocals. Stefan Hoffman after returning from the army became the band's vocalist again till 1988 when they all, due to the never ending harassment of the government, left the GDR one by one. September '88 they played their last gig in Berlin. After the political change the guys started Depressive Age. Andreas Bahr and Torsten Stahnke both joined Defcon/Chor Chorea in 1990.


"Kamikaze" Demo 1987 (selfreleased)



Kerstin Radtke (vocals)
Thomas Feiler (guitar)
Jens Hellmann (bass)
Frank Viehbach (drums)


The band Blitzz was originally founded late 1982 in Erfurt (ex-GDR) by manager Lutz Mielke who tried to cast a new Pop band with the name Prinzz. Jens Hellmann (bass), Thomas Feiler (guitar), Kerstin Radtke (vocals), Karl-Heinz Schüller (keyboard) and Gerrit Pennsler (drums) built the first line up at that time. During their early years they also could place a few songs on several compilations till 1985 Thomas Feiler due to health problems had to pause for about a year. When he returned in late 1986, the core of the band decided to play heavier music. Since his former band Macbeth during that time just got prohibited, the drummer Frank Viehbach agreed to join Prinzz as well. After a short phase that the band spent with covering Mötley Crüe and Van Halen songs at gigs, they started writing own songs like "Es treibt mich die Gier", "Leichte Beute", "Die Titanic sinkt", and could record some songs for the national broadcast service like the Speed Metal hammer "Tarantella" (german version) and the instrumental "EL 34". More and more Prinzz' style got heavier and 1988 their repertoire contained Metallica, Helloween and Anthrax cover versions as well, while the band saw it as neccessary to change the band's name to Blitzz, to avoid confusions with the pop star Prince. A live broadcast of the band during a festival in Berlin 1988 was noticed by Gama Records who got interested to release an album of Blitzz. While the band either was trying to sing only in english and that's been one of the requirements of Gama's offer, the GDR officials agreed and Blitzz recorded their "Money rules the world" album during 1989. After the recordings was finally finished in late '89, Gama wanted the album to be remastered, which caused the GDR officials to ask for more money and that's been the end of the cooperation of both part companies. To defend Gama, indeed the album mix wasn't much compatible for the western market at all, though the album featured a few speedy Power Metal pearls like "Tarantella" or "Lucifer". During the days of the political renewal inside the GDR, Blitzz became friends with Holy Moses and shared the stage together, so it happened when Holy Moses was recording one of their albums at the Horus Sound studio in Hannover, Blitzz had been invited to visit them, which in the end led to Steamhammer signing the band. In April '90 their "Do the Blitz" mini album was recorded at the same Horus Sound studio where they got introduced to Steamhammer. The album featured re-recorded songs of the unreleased album btw, this time with the "correct sound" and sold more than 10000 copies in the western part of Germany and the world, while inside GDR the demand had been "manageable". During 1991 after hiring Kai Tenneberg as second guitarist, the band paused for a while due to the new situation inside the country. They recorded their "Dive" Demo 1992, which was originally meant for their record company as Demo for the "Do the Blitz" follow up album. But instead Steamhammer released them of their running contract and fired the band. Though they still got offers by smaller labels, they declined every single one of them and eventually understandable frustrated called it a day in 1994. Kerstin Radtke seriously could be counted to the best female vocalists in Metal business, though the material of Blitzz had it's ups and downs nevertheless. They've been more than listenable on their speedy songs, but just average during the midpaced passages. The unreleased album was finally released on the label German Democratic Recordings in 2013 under the title "Tarantella" on CD.


"Money rules the world" Album 1989 (unreleased)
"Do the blitz" MLP/MCD 1990 (Steamhammer)
"Dive" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)

Broadcast Recordings:
"Greed/Demon of the night/EL 34/Tarantella/Easy Booty/I'm Alive" Live Radio Broadcast (1988)



Silvio Zeller (vocals)
Renè Kögel (guitar)
Andrè Hase (guitar)
Uwe Limberger (bass)
Lutz Götzold (drums)


A raw Thrash/Death Metal band from Nossen/Saxony, that was founded 1988 within ex-GDR times, but wasn't really leaving the first stage, as the guys had problems to find a proper line up till summer 1990. Bloodbath changed name to Musical Massacre and began to play doomy Death Metal. During 1991 and 1992 the band then recorded 3 Demo tapes, but eventuall split up afterwards. Kögel and Limberger subsequently formed the better known Purgatory in spring '93.




Tino Mothes (bass, drums)
Andreas Schwach (vocals, guitar)


Bloodbrain was formed in late 1988/early 1989 in Schneeberg (ex-GDR) by Tino Mothes and Andreas Schwach under the name "T and A" (Terror and Agnostic) but soon changed it still in 1989 to Bloodbrain. In spring 1990 Heiko Kahn joined as drummer and Michael Männel on guitar, but both didn't play on the band's 2 demos that was recorded by Mothes and Schwach already in late '89 and early '90 alone. Kahn and Männel left Bloodbrain still a while later in the same year, while Heiko Kahn appeared in the mid 90's in local Schneeberg Hardcore act 4 Behind 3. Bloodbrain's first tape "Satan's lust" contains low level Grind/Noisecore of the worst sort recorded in the attic of Schwach's parent's house. On "Cadaverous mutilation" some more Death Metal elements was adopted which could be seen as side effect of both slightly developing their instrumental skills, but overall the recording still remained Grindcore. Tino Mothes and Andreas Schwach also had a Grindcore side project called Excrement Terror running when Heiko Kahn and Michael Männel was playing in Bloodbrain. When Männel and Kahn left after summer 1990 Bloodbrain kinda changed name to Purulent Obduction and started playing Doom/Death Metal. Bloodbrain only did 1 live gig in Schlema in summer 1990.


"Satan's Lust" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)
"Cadaverous Mutilation" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)



Nick Jaudzims (guitar)


A ZZ Top cover band from East Berlin that was active during the mid/late 80's in the ex-GDR. Their guitarist Nick Jaudzims 1987 joined Heavyrockers Tequila. Further info is welcome.




Steffen Hahn (vocals)
Falk Ludwig (guitar)
Jan Mehlhorn (bass)
Steffen Svoboda (drums)


The band BÖLK from Aue/Saxony (ex-GDR) was founded during September 1990 by Steffen Hahn, Falk Ludwig and both ex-Phonex members Jan Mehlhorn (ex-Zyklon) and Steffen Svoboda (ex-Sirius). BÖLK had a local name within their area since the guys often played live. The band name stood for "Beste Öffentliche Lärm Katastrophe", while the lads used to play a raw style of Thrash Metal that adopted several Death/Thrash influences either. Early 1991 the foursome recorded their first Demo and another tape was recorded 1993 with additional guitarist Ingo Grimm ("Minn") who stayed in the band till 1994. "Day off", from May '93, compared to the first, rather unstraight sounding Demo "Gar nicht", featured a way more experienced sounding Death/Thrash, that though gathers influences of Darkness, Kreator and especially Slayer. BÖLK eventually got disbanded during 1995, while Steffen Hahn, Falk Ludwig and Jan Mehlhorn founded the Hard Rock band "Alzheim Projekt" afterwards. Steffen Svoboda founded Syntonic Souls together with Gunnar Mothes (The Gallery) and nowadays plays with Jan Mehlhorn together with their sons in the band Almost Grooving Family.
(Thanx to Steffen Svoboda for info and pictures)


"Gar nicht" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"Day off" Demo 1993 (selfreleased)



Rico Spiller (vocals)
Fred Wollenberg (guitar)
Marek Kassubeck (drums)


Shortlived Death Metal band from Fürstenwalde (east of Berlin), that was founded early in 1990 still in the ex-GDR by Fred “Flitze” Wollenberg (guitar), Marek Kassubeck (drums) and Rico Spiller on vocals. A rehearsal tape entitled “The Pionierhaus Session” was recorded in December '90, though never officially released. During March ’91 a guy named Nico joined as new vocalist, while Rico Spiller moved on the second guitar instead and with the same breath the guys changed their name to Fermenting Innards.


“The Pionierhaus Session” Rehearsal Tape 1990 (unreleased)



Christoph Dobberstein (bass, vocals)
Kay Gesche (guitar)
Thomas Romberg (drums)


A Crossover band from Frankfurt/Oder (ex-GDR), that was founded on August 31st 1988 by Christoph Dobberstein (bass, vocals) Kay Gesche (guitar) and Thomas Romberg (drums), who tried to merge Thrash Metal with Punk. During early 1989 the band recorded a Demo tape and played several venues in the Berlin/Frankfurt area, before their last show was finished on September 30th '89, coz the guys wanted to leave the GDR. But Dobberstein and Romberg a bit later decided to reform the band and for a short time till 1991 played a sort of Death Metal/Hardcore mix.


"Demo-Tape" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)



Jochen Krüger (guitar)
Dirk Packheiser (guitar, vocals)
Steffen Kühne (bass)
Frank Nekat (drums)


A classic Heavy Metal band from Frankfurt/Oder (ex-GDR), that was formed in March 1990 by Steffen Kühne and Jochen Krüger. In Oktober '90 Frank Nekat (drums) of the Hard Rock band Strange World joined on drums and the lads recorded a solid 2 track Demo (with bad soundquality) in July 1991, featuring the songs "Waos the animal" and "The way down", that both got a melodic edge, but could be rated somewhere between Heavy and Power Metal. The last known line up from December '91 consisted of Dirk Packheiser (vocals), Jochen Krüger (guitar), Peter Weinold (guitar), Steffen Kühne (bass), Frank Nekat (drums). They guys played several gigs in their area and also recorded a Homevideo. If you got more info, please get in touch.


"Demo 91" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)

Brutal Glöckel Terror


Arwed Nelius (vocals)
Daniel Szwillus (bass)
Opp (drums)


Also known as B.G.T., Brutal Glöckel Terror from Magdeburg (ex-GDR) has been one of those Grind/Noisecore bands that popped up during the late 80's in the same year when the GDR opened borders to western Germany and apparently Napalm Death had a huge impact on the extreme Grind scene. B.G.T. formed during 1987, but Daniel Szwillus was previously playing shortly in the Hardcore band Moshkenstein. He a bit later in 1990 would either handle the drums in post-Asathor successor Stellung 43. No matter if Grind/Noisecore might attract you musically, the guys had a surpassing sense of humor and encouraged other psychos to start their own projects.


"Brutal Glöckel Terror" 7" EP 1989 (Snoop)
"Demo 91`" 7" EP 1991 (Locust)
"Son of Bllleeeeaaauuurrrrgghhh!" Comp.-7" EP Tracks 1992 (Slap A Ham)

Burning Eyes


Michael Eigendorf (guitar)
Christian Klaus (drums)


A Heavy Rock band from the Wernigerode (Harz) area of the ex-GDR, that was specialized to play songs of Van Halen, Whitesnake and ZZ Top. The band was active during the late 80's and featured the ex-Hardzrock guys Michael Eigendorf and Christian Klaus. If you got more info, please contact us.




Detlev Wittenburg (vocals)
Ralf Zeidler (guitar)
Lutz Rödiger (guitar)
Hanjo Papst (bass)
Frank Basner (drums)


Caiman from Erfurt (ex-GDR) was originally founded as Macbeth by Tobias Nehmer, Ralf Zeidler, Hanjo Papst and Frank Fiebach, and soon also Michael Werner (guitar) was found, while Tobias Nehmer left the band already during autumn '85 to form Rochus. But the guys already had organized a very charismatic vocalist, whose name was Detlev Wittenburg and who in future should be responsible for the band's very intelligent and above average lyrics. Hanjo Papst also had to leave in late '85 because of army duties, but Michael Fleischmann joined instead. Macbeth recorded a 4 track Demo and started playing live, which soon caused several stage bans due to the "wrong people" being in the crowd and causing trouble, driven by Macbeth's raw Heavy Metal sound, which soon resulted in Macbeth got completely denied to play live. Due to that fact, Fleischmann left the band in June '86, who in the meanwhile hired ex-Rocksack Carsten Tauchert (bass) and decided to cooperate with the local office of the FDJ (a youth organization), that gained the guys a first live gig after the break in September '86, which though should become the nail to Macbeth's selfmade coffin. After the band got denied any further extra song, the crowd completely raged out, that officials took as reason to deny Macbeth any further gigs, their rehearsal room cancelled and so on. Carsten Tauchert then subsequently applicated to leave the GDR for good and Frank Viehbach joined Prinzz/Blitzz. Michael Werner even was forced to cut his hair and had to join the army. Only Wittenburg and Zeidler remained and started from zero. Hanjo Papst rejoined 1987 after he eventually had returned from the army and new members Lutz Rödiger (guitar) and Frank Basner (drums) also came in, while the band was called to apply the national ministry to talk about the future of Macbeth, which ended in Macbeth changing name to Caiman in May '87 and finally was allowed to play live again. Caiman recorded two more Demo tapes during 1987 and '88, that also featured hard Power Metal in the classic Macbeth style, before Detlev Wittenburg early '88 got jailed for thievery for about 1,5 years. Ralf König (ex-Cosmos) should replace Wittenburg in the meanwhile, but that experience didn't work out so well, so Ralf Zeidler handled the vocals himself and Frank Basner got replaced by Rico Sauermann (ex-White Witch) on the drums, while the band's style during the late 80's seriously inclined into a Thrash direction, similar to Darkness. Autumn '89 Detlev Wittenburg got released from jail, but obviously his will was broken. He rejoined Caiman for two more gigs and eventually hung himself, after several suicidal attempts, during December '89, which also marked the end of Caiman. In spring 1993 the guys tried to reform Caiman and started playing live, but once again got thrown back since Rico Sauermann also committed suicide a bit later on. 2002 Macbeth got revived by some of the old fighters and are still active nowadays. German Democratic Recordings re-released all of the band's Demos on a CD entitled "Zeit der Zeiten" 2006.


"Demo 1987" (selfreleased)
"Demo 1988" (selfreleased)

Capt'n Metal




A Metal band from Wolmirstedt/Magdeburg area, that surfaced during the late 80's on the stages of the ex-GDR's locations. During the political change the guys played a tour with Rocket and either some ex-Rocket musicians played in Capt'n Metal. At a later timepoint the guys changed name to "Capt‘ n Hammer und die Raketen". If you got more info, please get in touch.




Carsten Knabe (vocals)
Ernst Reuter (guitar)
Thomas Fabian (bass)
Harald Hamann (keyboard)
Bert Wawrzinek (keyboard)
Henry Butschke (drums)


The Rock band Caravan was founded in Dresden in the ex-GDR in 1979 and started playing Genesis coverversions. In the following years the years the line up changed, till Caravan relocated to Berlin and in early 1987 Carsten Knabe found a steady one consisting of Ernst Reuter (guitar), Thomas Fabian (bass), Harald Hamann (keyboard), Bert Wawrzinek (keyboard) and Henry Butschke (drums). Caravan recorded a number songs for the national broadcast service between 1988 and 89, but none of these are of interest of this guide. We just feature the band due to their live repertoire, that included besides Pop/Rock material also cover versions of Europe and Marillion. The band labeled their live program themselves like "from Pop to Heavy Rock". February 1989 the band name got slightly altered to Knabe & die CARAVANe, till the band split up in the early 90's.


Broadcast Recordings:
"Ohne Worte" (1988)
"Tiger im Käfig" (1989)
"Winter in der Seele" (1989)
"Vergess'ne Wote" (1989)



Frank Liebscher (vocals)
Dirk Koschewa (guitar)
Olaf Klabuhn (bass)
Silvio Gendur (drums)


Carcinoma was a local Annaberg-Buchholz (ex-GDR) based Death Metal band that besides Eminenz and Wodan could be seen as one of the big 3 in that city, that later during the mid 90's would emerge to the venue of the whole Erzgebirge Black Metal scene. The band formed during 1990 still in GDR days and recorded their "Thinking forest" Demo 1991, whose 5 songs was qualitative close to the common underground Death Metal stuff of that time and slightly influenced by Morbid Angel. Silvio Gendur afterwards was replaced by former bassist Olaf Klabuhn on the drums and Rigo Serfert instead became their bassist. With this line up the second tape "Sick of life" was released in 1992, before a change happened inside the band. Falk Lorenz joined on second guitar and ex-Eminenz/Wodan Jan Hubert replaced Frank Liebscher behind the micro. Carcinoma's sound went darker and more Doom/Death based. My Dying Bride influences aren't deniable, though the raw classic Death Metal roots wasn't oppressed either. Their last Demo "Mirror of anguish" was recorded in autumn '92 at the Digan Studio and released 1993, before the guys went separate paths. Koschewa formed Mortal Discipline, Frank Liebscher and Falk Lorenz shortly played in Sharon, before the latter formed Opacity and later went to play with Eminenz.


"Thinking forest" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"Sick of life" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)
"Human sickness" Comp.-MC Track 1992 (Thrashing East Attack Vol. II)
"Mirror of anguish" Demo 1993 (selfreleased)



Ronny (vocals)
Volkmar Weber (bass)
Robert (drums)


A Noisecore trio from Apolda/Thuringia (ex-GDR) who released a 4 track Reh/Demo in 1991. The band was formed just the same year in June '91, while all of the guys earlier was active in Morbid Talking (probably another Noise act). They called their style themselves "Spastic New Core". I guess that tell's you everything you need to know...


"Reh. Demo '91" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)



Michael Gröper (vocals)
Jörg-Rainer Friede (guitar)
Frank Rusch (guitar)


A Heavy Metal band from Rostock up in the north of the ex-GDR, that was playing during the mid 80’s from 1984-1987, featuring the Crystal guitarist Jörg-Rainer Friede during a short period in 1985/86. Also Michael Gröper (Rosa Rock, Dead Bang) used to sing in Ceylon, who only performed live and didn’t seem to ever have recorded any material. Further info is needed.

(Thanx to Jens-Uwe Bernd for info and picture)


Chainsaw Orchestra


Mario Lepschies (vocals)
Enrico Viete (guitar)
Mario Bude (bass)
Sven Schmerschneider (drums)


Chainsaw Orchestra in the beginning started as Thrash band during February 1989, but these guys from Eberswalde-Finow in the ex-GDR more and more added Death Metal influences to their sound during the following 2 years, though, never leaving the old Thrash roots at all. Their first selftitled Demo from 1991 was recorded twice, while the first version suffered by an even worse rehearsal room sound than version number two, recorded just a couple of months later. Despite the early difficulties, the guys ignored all the previous issues and returned with 2 more Demos during 1992, now fully Death Metal dominated, before the last one “Braindead” was recorded in March ’94 with additional guitarist Mirko Blahm. The interest of record labels was restrained, therefore the band managed to produce a CD with tracks of all the Demos entitled “Die Geschichte” on Trauma Records, which was most probably their own label. The only album of the band “Lost” was again privately produced during 1998, featuring Inge on vocals and Robert Martin on guitar replacing Enrico Viete, besides Bude (bass), Schmerschneider (drums) and Blahm of the prior line up. Chainsaw Orchestra disbanded quite soon still withing 1998, despite the album release, but Sven Schmerschneider and Mirko Blahm, tried to restart the band again during 2012 with new musicians.


"Chainsaw Orchestra" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"Nailed to the cross" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)
“Methode of sickness” Demo 1992 (selfreleased)
"Mental case" Comp.-MC Track 1993 (Unseen Para Dies-Demo Selection No.2)



Christian Ranzinger (guitar)
Det (guitar)
Piet (drums)


A local oscure Thrash band from East Berlin (ex-GDR), who formed during 1989, but never left the practise room and neither played live gigs at all, since Charisma was lacking of members to complete a full working line up. When bassist/singer Marco Ende then joined in the fall of 1989, the guys changed name straight to Exciting Vision.

(Thanx to Det for band info)




Jörg Wolf (guitar)
Ina Morgenweck (vocals)
Gerald Sohr (guitar)
Gunter Bünger (bass)
Michael Fromme (drums)
Dirk Riedel (keyboard)


The band Charlie was a female fronted melodic Hard Rock act founded in Dresden (ex-GDR) by Jörg Wolf in early 1986 and they started with playing Rock classics of bigger groups, but the line up changed several times and eventuall the band split up in late 1988. But in 1989 when Ina Morgenweck (ex-Na und) relocated to Berlin she found Michael Jurischk (guitar, ex-PHARAO), Steffen Gnauck (bass), Martin Walter (keyboard) and Peter Kettner on drums. They recorded 3 songs for the east german radio broadcast while one of them "Turn away" (a heavier Hardrocker with good drive) got featured on the Rockbilanz Compilation in 1989. The other 2 being "Ich bin voll Rock 'n' Roll" (1987, with huge Rock 'n' Roll edge) and "Crazy nights" (1989). The band dissolved in 1990 because Ina Morgenweck was going solo on tour with Udo Lindenberg and joined ex-MCB Sebastian Baur's new band Lanz Bulldog in 1991. In 1992 she formed the Lazy Bones together with Sebastian Baur. Michael Jurischk joined the band of ex-Na Und drummer Angela Ullrich in 1990 for a short time and later permanently Plattform.


„Turn Away“ Comp.-LP Track 1989 (Rockbilanz '89)
Broadcast recordings:
"Ich bin voll Rock 'n' Roll" (1987)
"Crazy nights" (1989)

Charlie's Crew


Hans-Jürgen Ludwig (guitar, vocals)
"Grete" Fischer (guitar, vocals)
Uwe Jahn (bass)
Klaus Gehn (drums)


After leaving MCB in late 1985, Hans-Jürgen "Charlie" Ludwig (ex-Magdeburg) decided to form his own band in Madgeburg (ex-GDR) during 1986. The band could produce a couple of songs during early 1988 and 1989 for the national broadcast service, that though haven't much in common with MCB's Heavy Metal style at all and could be seen as a sort of R'n'R influenced Hard/Classic Rock (the early MCB had that R'n'R touch also). Ludwig still today keeps the band alive, who focussed on a stage program consisting of mainly cover versions nowadays.


Broadcast Recordings:
"Mit 17" (1988)
"Wenn die Erde brennt" (1988)
"Lass uns leben" (1989)



Andreas Vollert (vocals)
Jens Busch (guitar, bass, vocals, drum programming)
Thomas Schwalowsky (guitar, bass, vocals)


The Thrash band Charon from Potsdam/ex-GDR was the pre-stage of what later would become the progressive Thrash Metal band Defcon. There isn't much known about this band, they seem to have been active since early 1987. Their vocalist Andreas Vollert left the band during autumn '87 and formed his own band Allion, while in June '88 Thomas Schwalowsky and Jens Busch formed the studio project Defcon. If you got more info, please contact us.


Charon (Chemnitz)


Frank Göpfert (vocals)
Thomas Walther (guitar)
Thomas Steinz (bass)
Uwe Eckert (drums)


Originally the ex-GDR band Charon was founded as Rübezahl 1984 in Karl-Marx-Stadt (now Chemnitz) and started as a Rock band, till Andreas Vlachidis had to join the army and his substitute Thomas Junior (ex-Pent) was responsible that the guys went into a slightly more Hard Rock based direction, by covering songs of Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple. Annegret Morgenstern left to focus more on background things of the band and when Sven Hartmann 1986 had to suffer the same fate like Vlachidis before, Gunter Pasler first and shortly later Thomas Steinz (ex-Frontal) joined on bass guitar. That was the starting shot for Rübezahl's Heavy Metal career, influenced by Accept and Judas Priest tunes. In Autumn '87 Sven Hartmann returned to the band and drummer Bernd Leucht quit his drummer job to get replaced by Uwe Eckert (ex-Frontal). Rübezahl’s live repertoire featured several tunes of Judas Priest, Accept, Deep Purple, UFO, ZZ Top, Motörhead, Samson, Ted Nugent, Led Zeppelin or Black Sabbath. During that time Thomas Junior decided to leave the country and the guys found replacement for him in once again an ex-Frontal member, Thomas Walther on the guitar. While the sound of the band became a bit more Motörhead and Black Sabbath inspired, they changed name to Charon in 1988. Late in '89 guitarist Thomas Walther (later in Doctor Rock) and Thomas Steinz had been the victims of the army, so Heiko Serchen (guitar, ex-Doctor Rock) and Bert Reinhold (bass) came into the band, which caused another change of the musical direction towards a prefered Metallica influenced sound. After several internal issues Charon was disbanded during spring 1990.


Chor Chorea


Fred Ullmann (guitar, vocals)
Jens Busch (guitar)
Andreas Bahr (bass)
Sven Schoene (drums)


Chor Chorea is kinda the continuance of the progressive Thrash band Defcon from Potsdam (ex-GDR), who originally started as Charon already around late 1987/88. In June '88 the ex-Charon guys Thomas Schwalowsky and Jens Busch, formed the studio project Defcon. One of the guys was working in the DEFA Studios in Babelsberg and therefore had the possibilty to use the studio internal recording equipment. In August '88 the track "Future cries" was produced by the duo and got aired in the "Tendenz Hard bis Heavy" (THE Heavy Metal radio show of the GDR). Due to the positive reactions, Schwalowsky and Busch recorded one more track ("Get out of the scrape"), that also got airplay. Encouraged by the little success, they prepared their debut Demo in 1989 entitled "Made in GDR", featuring the aforementioned "Future cries" and "Get out of the scrape" plus two more songs ("Escape" and "Defense condition"). The tape got positive reactions worldwide, even Wild Rags was interested to produce an album of the band, but due to the recent political situation that undertaking seemed unfeasible. In January 1990 the guys re-recorded the track "Future cries" plus "Voice of greed" for the national broadcast service with ex-Pharao guitarist Fred "Veit" Ullmann and after Blackout's end, Andreas Bahr (bass) and the ex-Metall/Disaster Area drummer Torsten “Tier” Stahnke both joined Defcon too in 1990. Still within 1990 the guys recorded and produced their debut LP "Suicide", that was eventually published kinda belated in March '91 in a limited edition of 1000 copies. Torsten Stahnke had left the band already in the meanwhile, but Defcon nevertheless started rehearsing for future live gigs. Late 1991 Thomas Schwalowsky then suddenly quit and the rest of the guys renamed the band Chor Chorea. Veit Ullmann, Jens Busch, Andreas Bahr and the new drummer Sven Schoene produced the 2 Techno Thrash Demos “Triumph” (1992) and “Mental maze” (1993), that somehow either reminded of the Depressive Age material, before Sven Schoene ultimately got replaced with Mario Hesse for the recordings of the 3rd tape “Inner stage” back in 1994. The following year also Andreas Bahr quit playing and handed his bass over to Jens Semrau, whom Chor Chorea’s only album “Experience” was recorded with during 1995. Shortly after the guys disappeared until 1998, when Defcon’s compilation CD “Voice of greed” surfaced and a continuation of Defcon was proudly announced for the coming millennium. But nothing further happened at all…


“Triumph” Demo 1992 (selfreleased)
“Mental maze” Demo 1993 (selfreleased)
“And pain” Comp.-CD Track 1993 (Peace - Eater Vol. III)



Steffen Bayer (guitar)
Frank Eichhorn (vocals)
Bodo Hildebrand (bass)
Jens Kuge (drums)


When you listen to the known material of Cobra you hardly believe that their main aim was to be posers like their faves Van Halen, Bon Jovi or Ratt. Founded in June '86 in East Berlin (ex-GDR) by ex-Rocket/Mephisto/Vantom (Frank Eichhorn) and ex-Regenbogen (Jens Kuge) members together with Steffen Bauer (ex-Pumphut) and Bodo Hildebrand they pretty quickly got the chance to record songs for the national broadcast service and to appear in a national TV show. These 4 songs became a part of the triple Split LP "Kleeblatt № 22" with 2 other Metal bands MCB and Plattform. But Cobra wasn't much satisfied with the result as the songs appeared too heavy for their own set concept (to be posers). Frank Eichhorn already quit Cobra early 1987 to join Vantom, but returned in summer to eventually leave the band for good late '88. Hildebrandt left in May '88 and Frank Binke grabbed the bass. Cobra started searching for a second guitarist and a keyboarder that they found in Thomas Rosanski (ex-Weissheim/Badboy) and either Badboy's vocalist Michael Kaspar was invited to join the band in November '88, while Amiga planned to release more material of the band like a Quartett single and sent the band again into a studio to record 4 new songs ("We want Rock", "Girls, Girls, Girls", "Nachtboy" and "I'm on fire"). In the meanwhile "Träumer" got a place on the Rockbilanz '88 compilation. But the single got cancelled because Cobra disbanded already in October 1989. All songs remained unreleased. There is also an inofficial Demo recording from 1988 available, featuring 4 songs, as well as several live cuts from 1987 and '88. The track "Take me" from that tape indeed pretty much tends into the US Glam Metal with huge melodic edge sounding more american than most american bands of that era. For fans of Shout, Ozzy, Quiet Riot or Keel it's pretty much a treat.
Check out Cobra in TV


"Kleeblatt № 22 - Hard & Heavy" Split LP 1987 (Amiga)
"Träumer" Comp.-LP Track 1988 (Rockbilanz '88)
"Demo" Demo 1988 (selfreleased)

Demo Recordings:
“Feuer unterm Eis” (1986)

Confused Addiction


Matthias Gerricke (vocals)
Ralph Hoffelner (guitar)
Uwe Überall (guitar)
Heino Möck (bass)
Irold Hodalsky (drums)


I'm not really sure in which drawer I should put this band from Sangerhausen. The band was founded 1989 still in ex-GDR times, but their first sign of existence was a selfproduced EP from 1992. Simultaneously 4 more trax appeared on an obscure Crossover Compilation tape. And here the problems do start, as to allocate these lads a special musical style isn't that easy at all. We got influences of classic Thrash Metal and Hardcore/Skatecore, with rather typical punky touched Hardcore vocals. By labeling them Crossover probably wouldn't be that wrong at all I guess. There is also a 6 track Demo known with the title "Human future", that we according to the featured Anthrax style Thrash, would guess it was released around the same time like the 12" or probably even earlier. After the 12" it took a while till 1997, when the guys returned with 3 more Demo tapes released between '97 and the year 2000.


"Confused Addiction" MLP 1992 (selfreleased)
"The Spirit Of The 90's Vol. 2" Comp.-MC Tracks 1992
"Human future" Demo 199? (selfreleased)



Stevie (drums)
Jürgen (guitar)
Jens Unger (bass)
Mario (vocals)


A quite solid acting ex-GDR Thrash Metal band from Nordhausen/Harz that I can't tell much about as it's just a live cut known from June '89 and that one only features cover versions of Metallica, Agnostic Front, Slayer, Sodom and Carnivore while I personally rank Mario's vocals over the ones of James Hetfield and Tom Araya, who's trying successfully to copy them. I wish they would play some own songs though, because the cover versions do promise that Conqueror would probably have been able to create some nice own thrashing tunes as well. If you have more info please get in touch.


“Live at Gehege 10/6/1989“ (unofficial)



Ralf König (vocals, guitar)
Michael Rudolph (guitar)
Hans-Ulrich Wilke (bass)
Andreas König (drums)


Cosmos was founded 1982 in Steinbach-Hallenberg (ex-GDR) by Ralf König but in the beginning the band just covered well known Rock and Blues songs. In 1985 Hans-Ulrich Wilke was "forced" by König to join the band on bass and after he demanded to play more stuff like Motörhead (the only Metal song they had in repertoire) Cosmos turned into a pure Heavy Metal band in 1986. Some of the own songs they wrote was "Heavy Metal pur" and "Walpurgisnacht" but they didn't record any official Demos at all. In Autumn '87 Hans-Ulrich Wilke went to Erfurt to start his studies and this meant the end for Cosmos who had to quit due to demands of the government. Wilke joined the Thrashers Rochus in April '88 while Ralf König went on to sing for Caiman and later joined Power Metallers Hardholz. It could be possible the band was previously firming as Kosmos, since an old Demo tape recently surfaced where the band name was written with a "K". Further info is welcome.




Reinhard Lehmann (vocals)
Michael Jurischk (guitar)
"Wolle" Zinn (bass)
Dan Uhden (guitar)
Frank Müller (drums)


Countdown was a short lived Heavy Metal band from East Berlin (ex-GDR) that started in late 1983 with Rocco Stellmacher (later in Merlin) being one of the founding members. Reinhard Lehmann (vox) and Michael Jurischk (guitar) both playing with Plattform at that time, was asked by Wolle Zinn to join Countdown and moved to Berlin. In early '84 they started playing first live shows and new members like Dan Uhden (guitar, ex-Metall) and Frank Müller (drums) joined them. Due to the revived Berlin band Regenbogen's permanent need for new members (almost the whole band left the GDR in 1984) there was a steady come and go taking place till Andreas Schwendemann (guitarist of Regenbogen) asked Reinhard Lehmann to merge Countdown and Regenbogen and keep on playing as Regenbogen instead. It was done as it was said and in early 1985 Countdown became a part of Regenbogen with the line up now consisting of Reinhard Lehmann (vox), Andreas Schwendemann (guitar), Michael Jurischk (guitar), Christian Dallmann (bass) and Frank Müller (drums). But the band didn't last too long either as Schwendemann left the GDR in late 1985 as well. After Schwendemann's loss the 4 remaining guys decided to rename the band to Pharao and start something completely new. There are no Countdown recordings known to exist.





Most probably just a short lived ex-GDR Hard Rock/Metal act originating from Karl-Marx-Stadt (Chemnitz). The band was seen playing live at the „Pfingsttreffen der Jugend“ am Geyerischen Teich in Ehrenfriedersdorf during 1985 or probably ’86, performing just a very short set of 4 songs, including cover versions of “Fade to black” and “Shout at the devil”.




Joachim Funk (vocals)
Jörg Friede (guitar)
Thomas Preißler (guitar)
Frank Maertin (bass)
Detlef Flade (drums)


Founded in 1982, this band from Rostock (ex-GDR) needed till 1985, when finally a steady line up was found with Joachim Funk, Jörg Friede (ex-Ceylon), Thomas Preißler, Frank Maertin and Detlef Flade. After 1986 these lads sound turned way heavier, away from Saxon and Scorpions tunes to a much more Power Metal influenced style with Metallica and Running Wild being the new standards. 1986 they participated on a county contest and got invited to produce a few songs for the local Rostock broadcast house. The 2 trax they recorded in 1988 for the national broadcast service ("Bergringrennen" and "Alles Lüge") are amoungst the better GDR speed driven Metal numbers, offering a similar style like Hardholz's "Asphaltlady" f.e. with a slightly more melodic touch. It's pretty sad they didn't record more material, although Crystal already had been considered to do so in 1989, but Jörg Friede was called to arms and had to quit the band. Since the remaining guys couldn't find a right guitarist, vocalist Joachim Funk quit as well. Now Thomas Preißler tried to take care of the vocals too, but it didn't work so well as expected. They had a last gig in early '89 and then Crystal was history. Frank Maertin resurfaced with Rosa Rock in 1990. All attempts to revive the band with other musicians failed.


Broadcast Recordings:
"Alles Lüge" (1988)
"Bergringrennen" (1988)



Schwanz (vocals)
Christian (guitar)
Mülli Vanilli (bass)
Tüddel (drums)


Actually D.A.B. stands for “Die Aufplatzenden Bockwürste“ and this Crossover troop was founded during 1989 in Salzwedel, on territory of the ex-GDR. This band recorded their first Rehearsal/Demo in November 1989 and one more split cassette with Lethal Retch during 1991, before they vanished again silently. To describe their style, it’s deathy Grindcore in the vein of Necrophiliacs with HC vocals, that unfortunately kinda take out the charm of the whole recordings. Despite the vocals, D.A.B. fell totally into the common primitive scheme of these early Grind/Noisecore acts though. One of the members was called Frank Peisler...


“Rehearsal Demo” Demo 1989 (selfreleased)
“D.A.B./Lethal Retch” Split Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
“Thrashing East Attack Vol. II" Comp.-MC Tracks 1992 (selfreleased)

Damien Breed


Olaf Schultz (vocals, guitar)
Dirk Grabow (guitar)
Frank Bohnes (bass)
Holger Berndt (drums)


Founded as Excenter back in 1987 in the city of Güstrow in the north of the ex-GDR, the band originally started as a classic Heavy Metal quintet, but moved more and more into the Speed Metal corner during the following years. The band later shrunk to just a trio and either changed name to Damien Breed during 1989, while also stylistically they became rather Thrash inspired in the meanwhile. During the early 90's Damien Breed recorded first the "Fear in the neck" Demo tape, and when Frank Bohnes (bass) joined afterwards, another two tapes during 1991, before they produced their debut concept album "Ave Satani" for Inline Music, that featured very complex, partly doomy influenced Power/Thrash with a few Metallica hints. After the CD release, the guys in 1994 decided to change the band's name to Seelenwinter, because they felt they need a personal and musical change and recorded one more selftitled MCD under that monicker in 1994 and "If soul turns into flesh" during 1996, before they eventually called it quits.


"Fear in the neck" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)
“The fear in the neck” Comp.-MC Track 1991 (Thrashing East Attack Vol. I)
"Permanent paralysed" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"The sign" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"Deaf Tape Sampler No. 1" Comp.-Tape Tracks 1991 (Morbid Records)
"Ave Satani" CD 1993 (Battery)



Andreas Männer (vocals)
Erik Sommer (guitar)
Maik Zühlke (guitar)
Dirk Schubert (bass)
Andreas Glück (drums)


There’s always a bit of confusion when it comes to locate the hometown of the band Danger. Guys from the Stollberg area (near Chemnitz) swear the band was officially located in Stollberg, other info says they’re from Radeberg (near Dresden). Perhaps the location Radeberg might fit for the very first year of the band’s being, since it seems most of the hired musicians originated from the Dresden area, but the main part of Danger’s later history happened in Stollberg. Nevertheless, it’s a fact that Danger was founded in 1989 by Andreas Männer after the end of his former band Frontal (Stollberg/Meerane) and by the end of the same year in November ’89 a steady line was already built by Erik Sommer (guitar), Maik Zühlke (guitar), Dirk Schubert (bass), Andreas Glück (drums) and Männer himself on vocals. The first Demo „Death before Disco“ was quickly recorded during early 1990 and delivered straight forward contemporary Thrash with Power Metal influences. Unfortunately both guitarists and the drummer Andreas Glück then decided to seek their glorious fortune in the ex-GDR Metal legend MCB’s service, so the trio turned their backs on Danger and joined the bigger MCB in August ’90, resulting that also Dirk Schubert disillusioned quit the band. If you now think that Andreas Männer had finally enough, after losing a third time his complete band, you’re bloody wrong. The „tumbler“ of eastgerman Metal did it once again and reformed Danger with his former ex-Frontal mates Thomas Steinz (bass, ex-Rübezahl) and Uwe Eckert (drums), who both arrived from the defunct Charon, plus Dirk Fankhänel on guitar. The result of this new collaboration was another Demo, released in 1992, featuring 3 more thrashy Power Metal delicacies. On their in August/September ‘93 produced cassette album „Nightmare“, the new Danger crew dived into the Power Metal waves even deeper and reminded in the first instance of some of the King Diamond stuff. A CD version later in 1995 was released on OTR Prod. as well, but Uwe Eckert soon would leave Danger. Andreas Männer moved on the position of the vacant drummer, Maik Richter on second guitar was recruited, while 1998 the ex-Villain shouter Lars Sehm joined the guys, who produced the Demo CD „Wonderland“ in 1998, before Männer was asked to leave and the remaining guys continued as Dangerous, incl. the „Wonderland“ re-release under that new monicker too. But it wouldn’t take long and Dangerous split up right within the same year.


"Death before Disco" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)
"Demo 1992" (selfreleased)
"…and it starts to rain" Comp.-MC Track 1993 (Unseen Para Dies)

Dark Shades


Jürgen Lettau (vocals)
Mirko Sitte (guitar)
Jan Sitte (bass)
Mark (keyboard)
Christian Müller (drums)


Dark Shades was a kinda Dark Metal band, that combined several influences of the Black and Death Metal genres. According to unconfirmed info these guys should have started already during 1989 in the city of Naumburg (ex-GDR), but Demo recordings wouldn’t happen before 1993 at all. Yet it’s a bit unsure if “Baphomet’s throne” is indeed their first release, since if you compare the recordings to the “Necromancy” material, that both was spread on one tape in 1994, the latter differs in the songwriting seen skillwise a lot, since the songwriting appears rather substandard. Dark Shades performed a kinda mix of classic doomy Death Metal and Samael style Black Metal tunes with keyboards, whereas on “Baphomet’s throne” still the same style prevails, but on a much higher level so to say, moving Dark Shades somewhere almost into the Avantgarde/Gothic Metal corner, still Black Metal sounding though, seen in a positive sense. During the late mid 90’s the guys eventually got signed by independent label Silbersack Recordings and firstly recorded the MCD “The forest…” 1997 with Carsten Hinz as additional guitarist, but without their keyboarder Mark and 2 years later with their farewell album „Hymnen an die Dunkelheit“, featuring Gaby Gesell on keyboard and new bassist Ulli Kathe, Dark Shades ended their career, that lasted 1 decade, in 2000. Vocalist Jürgen “Dio” Lettau for a while sung for Nebelheim and afterwards in Deus Diabolus. Mirko Sitte reappeared with Torturized during 2001.


„Baphomet’s throne” Demo 1993 (selfreleased)



Frank Schubert (vocals, guitar)
Ingo Liebe (bass)
Stephan Mosebach (drums)


Frank Schubert, Ingo Liebe and Stephan Mosebach formerly since 1987 already played in a hobby band, covering international songs of known Hard'n'Heavy bands, before they formed Darkhat during summer '88 in Waltershausen, between Erfurt and Eisenach on ex-GDR territory. A bit later on, the second guitarist Bert Gillmeister joined and they started covering heavier stuff, caused by Gillmeister's passion for Metallica. Mosebach then in mid '89 wasn't much fond of the recent direction and left Darkhat. Also Gillmeister was later called to the army during that time in October, when Frank Schuber and Ingo Liebe recorded Darkhat's 2 track Demo at Blitzz's rehearsal room, that featured the trax "Bruno" and "Soldiers of death", with a drum computer. Musically the direction arrived in Thrash fields already, gaining the remaining duo either airplay. A second Demo was planned, but nothing happened anymore. During 1991 the guys disappeared. Interestingly on the Deaf Tape Sampler, that featured "Bruno", the band was refered as Darkhate, not Darkhat, something that would make more sense imo, probably Darkhat was just a typo? Though the radio moderator announced them as Darkhat though...


"Demo 1989" (selfreleased)
"Bruno" Comp.-Tape Track 1991 (Deaf Tape Sampler No. 1)



Andre Menzel (vocals)
Dirk Porstmann (guitar)
Mario Arndt (guitar)
Jörg Ebert (bass)
Marko Thäle (drums)


East Berlin Thrashers much influenced by Protector. Darkland was actually founded in 1987 by Andre Menzel, Dirk Porstmann, Mario "Pinocio" Arndt, Jörg "Gecko" Ebert and Marko Thäle under the name Gomorrah, but the state classification commission had various objections to this name and so the guys decided to change it to Darkland a little later. Towards the end of 1988, however, Marko Thäle had to follow the call of the “Nationale Volksarmee”, whereupon Torsten "Tier" Stahnke (Disaster Area/Blackout) recommended drummer Heiko Wolf from Gardelegen to the band. After bassist Jörg Ebert was unfortunately drafted into the army in the spring of '89, Tilo Voigtländer joined the band, which then consisted of Andre Menzel (vocals), Dirk Porstmann (guitar), Mario Arndt (guitar), Tilo Voigtländer (bass) and Heiko Wolf (drums). Some of the main influences were Protector and Celtic Frost, of which Darkland also had some cover versions in their program. The first untitled demo was recorded shortly afterwards but never released. Jörg Ebert still had recorded most of the bass tracks. It contained all of Darkland's own songs completed at the time. Towards the end of summer '89, the band also recorded the much better known 2nd demo "Violent world" in the DEFA studios in Babelsberg with the same line-up, which was one of the most brutal Thrash tapes from the ex-GDR at the time. The band was often on the road live with Asathor from Magdeburg and also supported Holy Moses and Blitzz in Berlin in early December '89. Jörg Ebert then returned from the army in the fall of 1990 and initially took over his position on bass again before leaving the band for good towards the end of 1991. Marko Thäle went to Postmortem at the end of 1990, where Tilo Voigtländer also found a new job at the beginning of '91. In the end, Dirk Porstmann (guitar/vocals), Mario Arndt (guitar/vocals) and Heiko Wolf (drums) only remained as a trio, which disbanded in 1994. Heiko Wolf remained active with Scream Silence for a long time afterwards.

(Thanx to Tilo Voigtländer for band info!)


"Demo 1988" (unreleased)
"Violent World" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)



Andreas Krüger (vocals, guitar)
Andre Feller (guitar)
Swen (bass)
Axel (drums)


A Death Metal band from Glienicke/Brandenburg, in the utterly north of Berlin of the ex-GDR, that released just one Demo in 1992 as fourpiece with Andreas Krüger (vocals, guitar), Andre Feller (guitar), Swen (bass) and Axel (drums). But right after the Demo Andreas Krüger left the band to join Demantor and that’s why guitarist Dirk Olesch (ex-Necrophenistic Nightmare) came from the Death Metal band Enslaved. A guy called Frunse had taken care of the vocals by then, but Sven Gohdes (ex-Postmortem) would soon in 1993 replace Olesch as well. Dayzolate’s sound was influenced by the american style Death Metal with hints of early 90's Carcass. After the Split in 1993 most members mainly focussed on another project of theirs, the Grindcore act Vaginalmassaker.


"Apostasia" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)
"Buried alive" Comp.-MC Track 1991 (Thrashing East Attack Vol. II)

Dead Bang


Michael Gröper (vocals)
Christian Hänsel (guitar)
Peter Grützmann (guitar)
Frank Maertin (bass)
Holger Makarowski (drums)


Originally formed as the hobby band EFB (Elektrik Firebirds) back in 1982 by the schoolfriends Sven Zimmermann (bass, vocals), Lutz Dammann (guitar, vocals), Christian Hänsel (guitar), Helfried Wildenhain (keyboard) and Jean-Peter Koberstein (drums), this band from Rostock (ex-GDR) went through a few line up changes till 1984 when they changed name to Rosa Rock. Late '83 Kai Bünger (vocals, keyboard) replaced Helfried Wildenhain and after getting officially graded a "middle class band" in autumn '84, Lutz Dammann left the band and Peter Grützmann (guitar) joined instead. Right in spring '85 Rosa Rock upgraded to an "upper class" band due to Grützmann and went through several national contests, that gained them first moments of fame. The guys insisted to be called a Hard Rock band, being influenced by Bon Jovi, Saxon and Judas Priest, later also by the sound of Europe. First Demo recordings was made in 1986, featuring a solid, and compared to other bands of the GDR, quite international sound with mid 80's Judas Priest hints all along plus a strong edge of the classic melodic US Hard Rock. During early 1987 Michael Gröper (ex-Ceylon) was hired as lead singer and Rosa Rock could produced the song "Nevada", that already appeared on the previous Demo, at the MTS-Studio in Lengenfeld for the national broadcast service. Gröper then after just one year left the band again in spring '88 and the rest of Rosa Rock went on a tour through Poland. Later the same year after summer Kai Bünger quit and Steffen Gräver (keyboard) joined. During a national contest later in 1988 the guys finally reached the Profi status and was invited to record 2 more songs for the national broadcast service early '89, being "Song for Sarah" and "Wir wollen nur Rock'n'Roll". Their drummer Jean-Peter Koberstein couldn't know that later in 1989 the wall would fall and tried to escape the GDR illegally in summer, but got caught and jailed, so Holger Makarowski had to cover his empty spot. During that time Rosa Rock started writing english lyrics, but the political change kinda stopped them too, like many other bands in the country. Due to different views of the bands further direction Sven Zimmermann left during December '89 (he joined Jack Mc Tiger in 1990), which brought back former vocalist Michael Gröper and new bassist Frank Maertin (ex-Crystal). But during early 1991 the band split up and some of the guys tried to play in Berluc, which did not work so well, so in summer '91 Rosa Rock reformed under the new name of Dead Bang and immediately produced a 5 track Demo at the KARO Studios with Kalle Trapp. Their sound got a bigger Rock'n'Roll edge now, but nevertheless remained powerful Hard Rock with once again those Judas Priest "Turbo" influences being still audible. Under the same name of "Dead Bang", just like the debut, another Demo was recorded most probably during 1992/93, featuring the 5 songs of the previous tape, plus 2 extra tracks, also recorded at the KARO studios, just like their debut album "Dancin' on the edge", that ZYX Music released in 1994 on CD and sold quite well in Japan. But problems occured later when Dead Bang was about to release the second album "I.D.C." in 1996 (Enjoy Records). Shortly before the album release the band split up.


"Dead Bang" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"Dead Bang“ Demo 1993 (selfreleased)

Deadly Error



Widely unknown underground Thrashers from Weißenfels, near the city of Leipzig (ex-GDR), that had been active at least during 1989, competiting with other locals Hellbound and Exocet. So far yet it doesn’t seem they recorded any Demos at all.




Michael Schumann (guitar)
Thomas Kanigs (bass, vocals)
Rudi (drum)


Better known under their later name of Mortal Impact, this Thrash band from Hohenmölsen, south of Leipzig in the ex-GDR, was formed back in the summer of ‘89 by Michael Schumann (guitar) and Rudi (drums), while Thomas Kanigs joined them just a short time later on bass. The guys mainly performed cover versions of their favorite trax of bands like Slayer and Nuclear Assault. But Rudi alreay left the trio after a while and instead Andreas Wünsche had the balls to hire as drummer for the young band, that at a certain point changed name to Mortal Impact probably at around that time during 1990.




Steven Mondrzejewski (guitar, vocals)
Olaf Gerold (guitar)
Helko Klemm (bass)
Ralph Richter (drums)


Thrashers Deathtrap was founded in Freiberg (ex-GDR) with survivors of the Thrash bands Misanthropy (Steven Mondrzejewski & Ralph Richter) and Helion (Olaf Gerold & Helko Klemm) in October 1989. In early February ’90 the foursome already recorded their first Demo “Trapped in pain”, that slightly suffered by the raw Demo sound, but the lads tried to deliver a Kreator inspired style, that in the whole reminds kinda of the Moshquito Demos. After diverse gigs, a very limited Reh/Tape (20 copies), plus a live tape from August 1990, a western label showed interest in the band, who agreed to produce the mini album privately at Infernal Row Studio in Wuppertal, while the label would release the vinyl later. But after inspecting the contract accurately, the guys retreated from the offer and decided to release the MLP on their own. But while trying to buy the mastertapes, the label and studio intervened and both parties couldn’t find any solution for that purpose. The Deathtrap guys just had a simple tape in their hands and nothing else, containing their recordings mixed independently by the studio, that naturally caused a bad mood within the band. The recorded material offers raw Thrash in the vein of Kreator/Slayer and Necrodeath. Drummer Ralph Richter subsequently left late in 1990 and joined Musical Massacre, while the ex-Musical Massacre drummer Lutz Götzold joined in during the last phase of Deathtrap in January ‘91. Nevertheless the bad tensions inside the band climaxed in Deathtrap’s split, since Steven Mondrzejewski wanted to move into the Death Metal corner, while Helko Klemm and Olaf Gerold tried to continue with their original style. After playing a last gig as opening act for Cannibal Corpse, Deathtrap was history. Steven and Lutz formed the shortlived Death Metal band Procession, while Lutz then later joined post-Musical Massacre band Purgatory. The compilation “Downfall (1989 – 1991)”, released on German Democratic Recordings, features all the bands recordings from 1990.


”Trapped in pain” Demo 1990 (selfreleased)
"Rehearsal 1990" Reh/Demo 1990 (unreleased)
“Live In Conradsdorf” Live MC 1990 (selfreleased)
"Unreleased Mini LP" 1990 (unreleased)
“Downfall” Comp.-MC Track 1991 (Extreme Noise – Volume 2 / The Dead Walk!)
“Downfall” Comp.-MC Track 1991 (Visions Of Canalization Compilation Tape Volume One)
“Thrashing East Attack Vol. I” Comp.-MC Tracks 1991 (selfreleased)
"Deaf Tape Sampler No. 1” Comp.-MC Tracks 1991 (Morbid)



Thomas Klammt (vocals)
Thomas Rollert (guitar)
Dietmar Woyderski (guitar)
Holger Baumgarten (bass)
Matthias Müller (drums)


A shortlived band from Halle (ex-GDR), that was formed out of the ashes of the school Punk band The Pisser back in 1984 by Thomas Klammt (vocals), Thomas Rollert (guitar), Dietmar Woyderski (guitar), Holger Baumgarten (bass), and Matthias Müller (drums). Musically the guys was performing Hard Rock and Heavy Metal somewhere between Van Halen and Judas Priest, before Carsten Gaudian (vocals) and Mike Kähler (bass) replaced Thomas Klammt and Holger Baumgarten during 1986 and the band eventually changed name to Hercules. If you got more info, please get in touch.




Jens Busch (guitar, bass, vocals, drum programming)
Thomas Schwalowsky (guitar, bass, vocals)


The progressive Thrash band Defcon originally started as Charon, but there isn't much known about this band, but in June '88 Thomas Schwalowsky and Jens Busch (both ex-Charon) from Potsdam in the ex-GDR, formed the studio project Defcon. One of the guys was working in the DEFA Studios in Babelsberg and therefore had the possibilty to use the studio internal recording equipment. In August '88 the track "Future cries" was produced by the duo and got airplay in the "Tendenz Hard bis Heavy" (THE Heavy Metal radio show of the GDR). Due to the positive reactions, Schwalowsky and Busch recorded one more track ("Get out of the scrape"), that also got airplay. Encouraged by the little success, they prepared their debut Demo in 1989 entitled "Made in GDR", featuring the aforementioned "Future cries" and "Get out of the scrape" plus two more songs ("Escape" and "Defense condition"). The tape got positive reactions worldwide, even Wild Rags was interested to produce an album of the band, but due to the political situation that undertaking seemed unfeasible. In January 1990 the guys re-recorded the track "Future cries" plus "Voice of greed" for the national broadcast service with ex-Pharao guitarist Fred "Veit" Ullmann and after Blackout's end Andreas Bahr (bass) and Torsten Stahnke (drums) both joined Defcon too in 1990. Still within 1990 the guys recorded and produced their debut LP "Suicide", that was published in March '91 in a limited edition of 1000 copies. Thorsten Stahnke had left the band again already in the meanwhile, but Defcon nevertheless started rehearsing for future live gigs. Late 1991 Thomas Schwalowsky then quit and the rest of the guys renamed the band Chor Chorea. 1998 a selfmade CD "Voice of greed" was published, that features old, partly unreleased recordings of the band. Defcon's style isn't easy to describe, progressive Thrash might hit the nail on it's head, but to compare their music to other bands is almost impossible. Apart of the early more classic Thrash Metal influenced material, they also added psychedelic parts as heard on the "Suicide" album. The use of a drum computer wasn't much helpful for the whole sound of the guys and in places gave the songs a kinda "plastic" touch.


"Made in GDR" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)
"Suicide" LP 1991 (selfreleased)

Broadcast recordings:
"Future cries" (Radio version 1990)
"Voice of greed" (Radio version 1990)



Rene Golze (vocals)
Thomas Hube (guitar)
Ronald Schulze (guitar)
Andreas Schreiber (bass)
André Reetsch (drums)


A Death Metal band from Großziethen in the Berlin area, that got initiated 1989 still in ex-GDR times, but just became a real band during the following year, eventually consisting of Rene Golze (vocals), Thomas Hube (guitar), Ronald Schulze (guitar), Andreas Schreiber (bass) and drummer André Reetsch. Schreiber got replaced on bass already in 1991 by Rene Golze’s brother Mario, but both left the band one more year later during 1992, making ex-Dayzolate Andreas Krüger to take over vocal duties and Frank on bass. The latter remained in the band only till 1994 (Thomas Riedl jumped in afterwards), long enough to record 2 Demos with the guys. The first one being “Eternal fight” in the first part of 1993 and a sort of advance tape entitled “Vorab Tape!!”, that should be dating from December of the same year as well. After a lethal accident, which caused new bass player Thomas Riedl losing his life, also guitarist Ronald Schulze had enough and left Demantor in July ’95. The remaining trio Andreas Krüger (vocals/guitar), Thomas Hube (guitar) and André Reetsch (drums) refused to bury Demator and continued album recordings, that they had started during 1995, when Riedl and Schulze still had been members of Demantor. “Your only satisfaction”, as the CD was entitled respectively, was released on the independent label Galdre Records during 1996 and delivered a quite down-to-earth style Death Metal always being rooted in the early 90’s sound and sharing stylistical influences with later Benediction, Fleshcrawl or Eternal Dirge. But due to being just a trio, the live activities to promote the album suffered alot. Andreas Krüger left the guys for good in 2001 and for a short while Hanno Mende joined on guitar and Mario Rohde on bass. Nevertheless Demantor called it quits anyway during 2004 without further recordings being done.


“Eternal fight” Demo 1993 (selfreleased)
“Vorab Tape!!” Demo 1993 (selfreleased)

Depressive Age


Jan Lubitzki (vocals)
Jochen Klemp (guitar)
Ingo Grigoleit (guitar)
Tim Schallenberg (bass)
Norbert Drescher (drums)


Jan Lubitzki, Jochen Klemp and Tim Schallenberg was previously members of the East Berlin (ex-GDR) Thrash legend Blackout, but when Blackout got disbanded late 1988, most of the guys left the country and found together just in 1990, now firming as Depressive Age. On the Demo tapes that they recorded between 1990 and 1991 you even can hear some classic Blackout Thrash tunes, while the band was already on the way to create something completely different. Though still acting Thrash Metal based, the Depressive Age guys went into a progressive, almost psychedelic direction, that was quite untypical even for the earliest 90's. But nevertheless GUN Records signed the band and Depressive Age recorded the albums "First depression" and "Lying in wait" during 1992/93, that gained 'em a small followership and they once again started something pioneering inside the Thrash genre, like they already did earlier during the mid 80's with Blackout. The band's style surely isn't everyone's cup of tea and seriously if Thrash has to be combined with Pink Floyd-ish elements is the question to be answered. 2 more albums followed till 1996, while Grigoleit left the band already before "Electric scum" was recorded, when the band got renamed to only D-Age and split up mid 1999.


"Beyond illusions" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)
"The New Demo" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)
"Depressive Age" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"Innocent in detention" MCD 1992 (GUN)
"First depression" LP/CD 1992 (GUN)
"Lying in wait" LP/CD 1993 (GUN)

Dirty Visions


Thomas Stock (vocals)
Sven Uhlich (guitar)
Tino Gruner (guitar)
Tino Liedloff (bass)
Thomas Rüdiger (drums)


Thrashers from Wittenberg/Seyda (ex-GDR), who only recorded a sole Demo tape in January 1992, that contains moshing, mostly midpaced Thrash Metal with certain Anthrax/Paradox influences and vocals in the vein of Chris Notaro of the Crumbsuckers. The Demo line up consisted of Thomas Stock (vocals), Sven Uhlich (guitar), Tino Gruner (guitar), Tino Liedloff (bass) and Thomas Rüdiger (drums), who just had found together since around mid/late 1991 in this constellation. The guys labelled their style themselves a mix of Speed Metal and Hardcore and could already support international acts like Agathocles or Lord Of Putrefaction during summer ‘91. Despite of having expectations for another Demo tape to be recorded in the near future, they didn’t seem to survive much longer after the first tape at all.


"Etched haze" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"Law down" Comp.-MC Track 1991 (Thrashing East Attack Vol. II)

Disaster (Bad Doberan)


Alex Blank (vocals)
Matthias Dankert (guitar)
Ulf Achenbach (guitar)
Axel Hennig (bass)
Alex Stuhr (drums)


A Heavy Metal band from Bad Doberan, west of Rostock on the coast of the Baltic Sea, formed after the political change inside the ex-GDR 1991. The band played several gigs/festivals and either won a compilation appearance on the local sampler "Rock'n MV" (not a single info found of that sampler yet, get in touch please). Prior to the release of their selfproduced album "The flying dutchman" from 1994, 4 of the album tracks already appeared on an obscure compilation with the title "Ride on the Underground - A heavy Compilation" in 1993. Disaster's sound was melodic and Power Metal related with some Iron Maiden and early 90's Metallica influences, and sometimes reminded a bit of the late Hardholz. Further info is needed.


"Rock'n MV" Comp.-CD Track 1993
"Ride on the Underground (A heavy Compilation)" Comp.-CD Tracks 1993 (Tepa)

Disaster Area (Berlin)


Peter Habermann (vocals)
Torsten Stahnke (drums)
Martin Windelschmidt (guitar)
Dietmar Liebig (bass)


Disaster Area was a Hardcore Thrash band from East Berlin (ex-GDR) that started sometime in 1986 and was always playing live with Blackout because both bands was living in the same house and was close friends, with Martin Windelschmidt being the brother of Blackout's vocalist Matthias. Peter Habermann wrote the lyrics for Blackout's 2 own trax "Kamikaze" and "Oracle of death" and even sung "Procreation of the wicked" and "Angel of death" during the Blackout shows dressed in a black robe and wearing corpsepaint. Disaster Area only recorded 1 own song "Another beer is what I need" and they kinda tried the Carnivore/Voivod style, mixing Hardcore with raw Thrash. There is also a live cut known in tape trader circles from October '87 in Röderau. After the Blackout guys left the country one by one also Disaster Area one day quit around 1989/90. Peter Habermann tried a while with Depressive Age afterwards and Stahnke joined Thrashers Defcon/Chor Chorea.


"Another beer is what I need" Demo Track 1987 (selfreleased)
”Live in Röderau/Ger 7/10/1987” (unoffical)

Disaster K.F.W.


Seppl (vocals)
Hexer (guitar)
Grunzer Wagner (bass)
Skelleton (drums)


Disaster K.F.W. is a Speed/Thrash band with a long history, that lasts up to today, since the band is still active. Hexer on guitar and Skelleton on drums formed Speed Metal King in Weimar (ex-GDR) during x-mas 1985, but soon would change name in 1986 to Hurricane and later to "Die Schleifers", before the final band name Disaster K.F.W. (stands for Klassischer Friedhof Weimar) ended their desperate endeavor to pick out the right one. In the meanwhile until the fall of 1989 several members came and went on their own paths, till with Seppl on vocals, Hexer (guitar), Grunzer Wagner (bass) and Skelleton (drums) in the long run a classic line up was built up in 1990, that lasted till 1992 at least, when Grunzer left. After a first live gig in June and with a rather Death Metal inspired sound, the guys released their first Demo the following year in November '91. The 4 trax mixed grinding Death Metal with some Thrash Metal influences, while skillwise Disaster K.F.W. still couldn't fully convince at all. The second Demo "Pictures of a ill society" took a while to be released in 1994, and Daniel Täumel (Eumel) had joined the duo on guitar by then, while Mühle played bass. Afterwards the line up changed in 1995. Sören replaced Seppl (vocals), Tobias Steber came for Eumel, who started "Die Apokalyptischen Reiter" together with Skelleton. Dima on bass replaced Mühle. During their first time phase with "Die Apokalyptischen Reiter", Disaster K.F.W. was put on ice for a while, till the guys finally released their debut EP "Därme fressen" in 2001. 3 more CD's ("Death ritual" (2004), "Collateral damage" (2006), "Pieces" (2015)) then followed till 2015.


"Disaster Klassischer Friedhof Weimar" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"Deathwar" Comp.-Tape Track 1992 (Thrashing East Attack Vol.II)

Doctor Rock


Gunther Brendel (vocals, bass)
Rüdiger Freund (guitar, vocals)
Günter Weber (drums, vocals)


A Speed Metal band from Dresden (ex-GDR) active in the late 80's, apparently inspired by Motörhead by the choice of name. Doctor Rock was formed by the trio Gunter Brendel, Rüdiger Freud and Günter Weber in February '83, while Brendel and Freund has already been bandmates in Zenit since the 70's. During June '86 the band was featured on a live radio broadcast, including a live cut of Doctor Rock's songs "Mathilde", "Schulrock" and "Frei von dir", now with Jens-Uwe Berg on guitar, replacing Rüdiger Freund since 1985. 1987 Thomas Lorenz till 1988 played drums, before Norbert Fiedler took over. He remained in the band till 1990, just shortly interrupted during 1989 by Ralf Matthäß, who didn't stay long in the band at all. In 1987 the guys recorded the 2 Demo cuts "Metal Man" and "Das kleine Licht", before the national youth radion stations showed interest. February '88 two more live tracks got airplay ("In der Falle des Teufels", "Das kleine Licht") and once again in June the same year "Metal Man", "In der Falle des Teufels" and "Der harte Weg". According to the rising popularity of Doctor Rock, they could eventually produce the song "Metal man" for the national broadcast in December '88, that made it on the Rockbilanz '89 Compilation. Kay Rühmer (ex-St. Metal) was on the second guitar till between 1987/89 and then guitarists came and go all within 1989. Thomas Bachmann (ex-St. Metal), Heiko Serchen, Thomas Walther (ex-Frontal/Charon) tried to replace Jens Berg (who in mid 1989 joined MCB to replace Sebastian Baur), while Rühmer quit too that year. Heiko Serchen left again early/mid '89, when he joined Charon from Chemnitz. Next to handle the guitar was Thomas Lindner, shortly followed by Heiko Winter (we're still in 1989), who remained in the band till at least 1990 to get replaced by Matthias Kerger, who on the other hand brought his brother Steffen on bass into Doctor Rock as well. Previously Mario Prause and Carsten Michel (both in 1989) tried to complete the band on bass. With all these musicians coming and going within shortest time you can imagine that the sound of Doctor Rock changed as well. On their last Demo production from 1990 (at least 3 trax are known) the Speed Metal of the previous phase of the band had progressed into a more pure Thrash sound. 1990 was also the year when Doctor Rock called it a day. If you got more info please get in touch.


"Metal man" Comp.-LP Track 1989 (Rockbilanz '89)

Demo Recordings:
"Metal Man" (1987)
"Das kleine Licht" (1987)
"Night in forest" (1990)
"Fight with the monsters" (1990)
"Crusader" (1990)

Broadcast Recordings:
"Mathilde/Schulrock/Frei von Dir" Live Radio Broadcast (1986)
"Falle des Teufels/Das kleine Licht" Live Radio Broadcast (1988)
"Metal Man/In der Falle des Teufels/Der harte Weg" Live Radio Broadcast (1988)

Double Action


Ronald Pilgrim (vocals)
Michael Schirmer (guitar)
Jörg Trabalski (guitar)
Bodo Hildebrand (bass)
Andreas Korte (drums)


A Hard Rock/Heavy Metal band from East Berlin, founded originally as Mephisto, that belongs to the very first acts of the ex-GDR, that went heavier ways, and that most musicians of the Berlin scene have played in. The band formed during January '79, but adopted the Heavy Metal influenced style first during 1982, by covering bands such as Judas Priest, Saxon, Ted Nugent, Scorpions or Accept. Already during 1983 was in negotiations with the national broadcast service to record their song "Frieden der Welt". Since the band tried to sing in english, they often had to struggle with stage bans. Guys that played in Mephisto was amongst others Frank Eichhorn (ex-Vantom/Cobra/Love Gunn/Rocket), Mario Schneider (ex-Dynastie/Merlin), Rocco Stellmacher (Merlin), Frank Lebe (Merlin), Marcell Thiele (Merlin), Roland Tschech (Metall), Reinhard Repke (Rockhaus), Ralf Dohanetz (Regenbogen/Berluc/V2) or Ronald Pilgrim (Regenbogen/Berluc). During 1984 the Mephisto members Jens Schuwerk, Michael Sündermann (later in Formel 1/Pharao) and Reinhard Repke founded Vantom, so the band was forced to reform with other musicians and this game continued throughout the years. During 1986 and '87 Mephisto also produced 4 songs (titles are unknown) for the national broadcast service, while their early Heavy Rock got much heavier as songs like the Queensryche influenced "Höllenengel" proves. Then after the fall of the wall in 1990 the band recorded a Demo tape (released 1992) that led to one of the highlights in Mephisto's career, which undoubtly was their support gig for Dio and Metallica May 1990 in Hannover, that the band positively could use to spread their name, while the Krefeld Mephisto immediately judicial prohibited the band to use the name Mephisto any longer. 1991 eventually they had to change the name to Double Action and finally officially released the 1990 Demo recordings as "Demo 1992". 1998 their independently produced debut album "Fireproof" was released, that gained the band a deal with Udo Dirkschneider's Breaker Records for the follow up album "Sokaris" 2001. If you got more detailed info, please get in touch.


"Demo 1992" (selfreleased)



Andreas Kühn


A Hard Rock quintet from Eisleben/Bad Salzungen (ex-GDR). If you got more info, please get in touch.





A local Heavy Metal band that was originating from the Frankfurt in the eastgerman part (ex-GDR), that's known to have attended for the national classification of the band status early in 1988. The lads played 10 cover versions, but also had 2 own compositions, while one of both was called "Die stolze Flamme". Further info is welcome.




Mario Schneider (vocals)
Marcel Thiele (drums)


A Hard Rock band from East Berlin that was active during the early 80's in the ex-GDR. Both Merlin musicians Mario Schneider and Marcel Thiele has been in Dynastie during 1982, before the latter went to join Hardrockers Tequila in 1987. Further info is welcome.




Robby Zschille (guitar, vocals)
Mark Habicht (bass, vocals)
Rico Bail (drums)


Dysentery from Altenburg (ex-GDR), was founded during the disturbances of the political change in 1990 and recorded a Demo tape plus a limited single (500 copies) in 1991 for Poserslaughter Records. Afterwards not much happened anymore, which according to the common Death/Grind these lads used to play wasn't much surprising at all. 1993 the dutch Lowland Records gave these guys another chance and published Dysentery's "...brings me no tears" CD, that for sure showcased a more experienced sort of once again grinding Gore/Death Metal, but not of the kind to set any course within that scene. 1995 they tried with the "Pro Patria" Demo and 1998 with another tape called "The distance", but no label showed interest anymore. In the 2000's they recorded 2 albums plus one more Demo before they at last called it a day in 2006.


"Abnormal faecal" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"Pathological waste" 7" EP 1991 (Poserslaughter)
"...brings me no tears" CD 1993 (Lowland)



Thomas Wienert (guitar, vocals)
Falk Schettler (bass, vocals)
Volker Voigt (drums, vocals)


A Hard Rock band from Schwerin/ex-GDR, that originally started as "Da reißt was ein" in 1983 as a school band, stylistically influenced by Punk and Heavy Metal. In February '86 they changed name to simply "Einriß" and rated themselves a Hard Rock band with a repertoire of 60 songs in mid 1989. If you got more info, please get in touch.




Michael Gieseler (vocals)
Uwe Weidling (guitar)
Michael Kopp (bass)
Mario Hübner (drums)


Eisenherz (Iron Heart) was a Hard Rock/Metal band from Frankfurt/Oder (ex-GDR), that evolved in 1986 from the band Marathon, while vocalist Michael Gieseler came from Rockteam. The band was musically influenced by Van Halen, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, Thin Lizzy and Saxon, whose material they performed live on stage. They either was predestined to produce own songs at Jürgen Matkowitz's studio for the national broadcast service, but that undertaking failed due to missing material and the split of the band in the year 1988/89, after their main songwriter Uwe Weidling joined the Pop/Rock band Mona Lise during early '88. Michael Gieseler was later replaced by female singer Marlies Kleest and for some months the band used to play with a second guitarist as well, namely Klaus Kleest and later after Kleest's department, Michael Schiller. A Demo tape of Eisenherz though exists, entitled “Vollgepumpt”.


"Vollgepumpt" Demo 1988 (selfreleased)



Jan Hubert (vocals)
Carsten Breitung (guitar)
Heiko Leschner (guitar)
Heiko Müller (bass)
Jan Przybylowicz (drums)


Annaberg’s Eminenz belongs to the primitive rocks of the Erzgebirge Black/Death Metal scene (south of ex-GDR), with roots going back to summer 1989, when life was officially breathed into the band by Jan „Pritze" Przybylowicz (drums), Carsten „Zwerg" Breitung (guitar), Heiko “Leschi” Leschner (guitar) and Heiko „Mülling" Müller (bass), while they already found together in the beginning of the same year. After rehearsing and trying to figure out what sounds they’d squeeze out of their instruments, in December ’89 their vocalist Jan Hubert decided to leave Eminenz and rather would join Wodan instead, which caused a slightly panic amongst the guys, since Hubert’s vacant position couldn’t get filled that easy at first. Henry Kuhnert at first tried but failed, as well as his female substitute Sabine Böttcher. But Kuhnert instead got the drummer’s position and Pritze should handle the vocals by now. Leschi was asked to leave the band, as his guitar skills couldn’t satisfy the rest of the lads any longer. Their first gig in Aue with Cronos Titan the Eminenz guys played as a fourpiece with Pritze on vox, Zwerg on guitar, Mülling on bass and Henry “Hen” Kuhnert” behind the drumkit. Right during September ’90 Leschi returned, but this time got the bass. Mülling switched over on second guitar instead. When the norwegian band Black Metal Mayhem came to East Germany to play a few shows late in 1990, Eminenz supported them at the Klubhaus „Karl Marx" in their hometowm Annaberg-Buchholz, right in autumn ’90. A few months later the guys would record their first Demo „Slayer of my daughter” in early 1991, which featured Death inspired Thrash material, but lacked in the implementation. On Demo # 2 „Necronomicon Exmortis", also recorded during 1991, but in August, Eminenz offered a skillwise much developed sound with lotsa thrashy Black Metal influences. Either a 7” was taken into consideration by an independent label in late ’91, but in the end lead to nothing. After opening for Carcass on their gig in Aue, shortly before the famous Tanztreffpunkt club was closed, the guys went into the Digan studio to record the 3rd Demo „Ghost" from March ’92, with a mainly doomy Death Metal influenced base, but turning into classic Black/Death Metal on further songs. Songs of the same session would also appear on the lesser known „Demons from the black abyss" Demo. After the „Blasphemy - Live" Demo from summer ’92, „Preacher of darkness" was finished in December ’92, recorded with Thomas Ebert (Mortal Discipline) on keyboards, one of the owners of the Digan Studio respectively. This Demo gained Eminenz a deal with austrian label Lethal Records in summer ’93, who’d release their debut CD „Exorial”. In the meanwhile Benedikt Kern had permanently joined on keyboards, but would leave together with Zwerg right after the album release in early ’94. Kern went on to Eternal Peace, whereas Zwerg (he played shortly in Sarkophag as well) would focuss on his side projects Opacity and Belmez and later sung in Mortal Discipline. Falk Lorenz (ex-Carcinoma/Opacity) would fill the gap on keyboards. When Leschi left Eminenz during 1995 as well, they hired Enrico „Black Abysss” Landrock (Ric) on bass, formerly of Unholy Cruzifiction/Ebitalium/Andras to record the second album “The heretic” in 1996. Having not turned away even a bit from their atmospheric keyboard driven Black/Death Metal sound, the band prepared their 3rd album „Anti-Genesis (On the 8th day I destroy godcreation)” this time for Last Episode in 1998. 1999 their long time drummer Hen left the band to focus on his firm and from this time on Eminenz’ line up changed permanently. Drummers and keyboard players came and went away again. After the „The Blackest Dimension" album (2000) recorded with Heretic shortly on drums for about a year, Eminenz kinda disappeared and mainly played a few live shows every now and then. After a longer break, eventually 2007 Mülling, Pritze and Ric returned with ex-Rimmersgard/Testimony drummer Asmon and Seelenwinter's Susan on keyboards on the selftitled album “Eminenz”, but would need again 4 years for the next selfproduced release „Nemesis Noctura" in 2011. The so far last album “Diabolical warfare” was released completely unsuspected not less than 10 years later on Northern Silence Productions, again with different musicians and only Mülling, Pritze and Ric remaining of the band’s old hard core.


„Slayer of my daughter" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
„Thrashing East Attack Vol. I” Comp.-MC Tracks 1991 (selfreleased)
„Necronomicon Exmortis" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
„Deaf Tape Sampler No. 1" Comp.-Tape Tracks 1991 (Morbid)
„Ghost" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)
„Demons from the black abyss" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)
„Blasphemy - Live" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)
„Preacher of darkness" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)
„Suffocate in blood" Comp.-MC Track 1992 (Thrashing East Attack Vol. II)
"Necronomicon Exmortis" Comp.-MC Track 1992 (Apocalyptic Things 4)

Endless Pain


Gutzi (bass)
Denis (drums)
Heiko Gerull (guitar)
Mario (vocals)


A thrashing Death Metal act from Trusetal/Thüringen (ex-GDR) founded in 1990 that imo published both their releases too early. The demo contains low level Death Metal with Thrash influences and at least on the title track you can hear hints of the classic Death sound from the 80's. But then the level goes down drastically and the interaction of the musicians appears far below the usual standards. On the "False truth" 7" (with white labels) you got almost the same picture while here the sound is just terrible low and now you clearly can hear all the mistakes that on the Demo the bassy sound prevented. The songwriting either is catastrophic. I bet they didn't sell much of these singles back in the day. On the 7" the troop shrunk to a trio. The old drummer Denis was replaced by Kranich and Heiko Gerull took over the vocals as well and exactly this Heiko Gerull later founded the Pagan Metal band Menhir.


"Broken world" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"False truth" 7"EP 1992 (selfreleased)

Enslaved (Cottbus)


Birk Hübner (vocals)
Markus Lehnigk (guitar)
Dirk Olesch (bass)
Gerd Zaunig (drums)


A Death Metal band from Cottbus (ex-GDR), that was formed by Markus Lehnigk (guitar), Dirk Olesch (bass) and Gerd Zaunig (vocals, drums), whose first steps as a real band (yet no name was given at that time) are dating back to May 1990. 6 months later the guys picked up the monicker Necrophenistic Nightmare and additionally added Birk Hübner on vocals to the line up. During January ‘91 the fourpiece eventually recorded their first Demo “Tales of insanity”, but being absolutely unhappy with the final result, they buried the recordings. After several live gigs where they amongst other local acts also could support Sinister and Disharmonic Orchestra, they decided to change the band’s name to Enslaved in July '91, and recorded 7 songs right in August, that 5 of them became their Demo “Dark tales of insanity". 3 more would appear on a Split 7” with Necromance in the future, released on Morbid Records. It took 2 more years till the lads with the "Twisted nature" 7" could at last deliver something worth to mention. Dirk Olesch had left Enslaved in the meanwhile to join first Dayzolate in 1993 and one year later Postmortem. Marcus Wurdel replaced him on bass and Lars Weber was the band's new drummer, while the guys classic Death Metal style on "Twisted nature" slightly reminded of the early works of Treblinka/Tiamat or Cemetary. Their debut album "Where is the meaning" was eventually published 1994, but stylistically the lads had turned away from the old Death Metal sound and instead tried with a bit more modern sounding thrashy, experimental sort of Avantgarde Death Metal. After the "Kleine Seele" album 1997 the band changed name to Killing Spree.


"Dark tales of insanity" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"Enslaved/Necromance" Split 7" EP 1991 (Morbid)
"Cremation" Comp.-MC Track 1992 (Thrashing East Attack Vol. II)
"Twisted nature" 7" EP 1993 (Morbid)
"Zander" Pic Split 7" EP 1993 (Morbid)



Jürgen Gogol (vocals)
Bernhard Erdmann-Härchen (guitar)
Hans Knippenberg (guitar)
Malte Freyer (bass)
Harald Wenzeck (drums)


A band with a strange name, named after band leader Bernhard Erdmann-Härchen, who formed the band in the ex-GDR already in the late 70’s it seems under the name of "Erdmann & Co". With a sort of silly Rock tunes they could leave a good impression at the “FDJ-Werkstattwoche” happening in Suhl during October '80. The track "Fernsehen" recorded there even appeared on the sampler "Auf dem Wege ... 2”. Yet it took a while and it seems Erdmann went on hiatus for a few years, before Bernhard Erdmann-Härchen reformed the band early '85 in Fürstenwalde, east of Berlin with Andreas Winzenhöhler (vocals), Bernhard Erdmann-Härchen (guitar), Mike Krüger (guitar), Dietmar Kuntscher (bass), Matthias Rudolph (drums), now acting as just “Erdmann”. The quintet had completely changed it's style, influenced now by Accept, Saxon, Maiden and Priest. Despite being rated skillwise above average, due to their lyrics, they wasn't allowed to produce material for the national broadcast service any longer. Except of a few features in national music magazines during 1986, there's not much known of this band's further future at all. Matthias Rudolph (drums) was later replaced by Holger Otto.Their vocalist Andreas Winzenhöhler joined Berlin's Metall in 1986, so we guess they disappeared shortly later. Two of their own titles was called "7 x allein" and "Prof. Dr Borrmann".


"Fernsehen" Comp.-LP Track 1981 (Auf dem Wege ... 2)



Olaf Schultz (vocals, bass, guitar)
Dirk Grabow (guitar, vocals)
Holger Berndt (drums, vocals)


Founded as Excenter back in 1987 in the city of Güstrow in the north of the ex-GDR, the band originally started as a classic Heavy Metal quintet, but moved more and more into the Speed Metal corner during the following years. The band later shrunk to just a trio and changed name to Damien Breed during 1989. If you got more info, please get in touch.


Exciting Vision


Marco Ende (bass, vocals)
Christian Ranzinger (guitar)
Det (guitar)
Piet (drums)


A local Thrash band from East Berlin (ex-GDR), who formerly was already active as Charisma, but when vocalist Marco Ende joined late in 1989, the guys changed name straight to Exciting Vision. The band started gigging, but Piet then after the fall of the wall, right in early 1990 moved to the western part. The band on the other hand was lucky to find Matthias Wölfert as replacement in summer, who was originally living in Kiel, in the western part of Germany. Exciting Vision performed a slightly early Slayer and Vendetta style influenced Metal on their first 2 Demos released in April and November ‘91. The band widht was quite widespread, Thrash, progressive and midtempo parts rotated without hesitations, while the track “Under his command” taken off the second Demo was either aired at the "Tendenz Hard bis Heavy". Seems like these guys after the Demos then completely withdrew, as till 1996 no more recordings surfaced so far. They though returned with the "Kick ass" Demo right in the middle of the 90's (1996), but the group nevertheless went on hiatus some years later in 1999 without further releases. 2009 the original members then decided to reunite and Exciting Vision’s seen live on stage from that day on once again. 2016 the lads independently produced their MCD “Satan’s watchdog”, that features still a sort of Death/Thrash, but with slightly modern note. So far the Exciting Vision guys are still around.

(Thanx to Det for info)


“Clinically dead" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
“Die with a smile" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)

Excrement Terror


Tino Mothes (guitar, drums)
Andreas Schwach (vocals, bass)


Excrement Terror was a short lived Grindcore project from Schneeberg/Saxony (ex-GDR) consisting of the two Bloodbrain guys Tino Mothes and Andreas Schwach who got a little help from ex and future band mates Heiko Kahn (drums) and Tino Röder (guitar) to produce some ear-battering noise in 1990. The demo got not released before 1993, but nobody would spill a single tear if they would have locked it in their basement.


"Achachnophobia" Demo 1993 (selfreleased)



Dirk Mylius (vocals)
Stephan Hämmerling (guitar)
Patrick Stein (guitar)
Tom Merker (bass)
Steffen Kolditz (drums)


A Thrash band from Borau/Weißenfels, between Naumburg and Leipzig, that started still back in ex-GDR times 1989, but recorded their Demo "Apocalyptic visions" just in 1993. The tape found it's way to Massacre Records who signed the band for an album with the title "Confusion", that was released 1995. Exocet's style was a sort of post-Death/Thrash with melodic and midpaced Power/Thrash parts, typically for the mid 90's, but the lads could also unbury the axe to raise speed at certain opportunities. Vocals might be compared to Chuck Schuldiner's in the first, and basically the late, technical Death was probably a band that influenced Exocet musically. Further info is welcome.


"Apocalyptic visions" Demo 1993 (selfreleased)



Jens-Uwe Nobst (drums)


The ex-Badboy drummer Jens-Uwe Nobst (ex-Gelee Royal, Stahlwerk, Quido, Weissheim) was shortly playing in a band called Fairplay at around 1988, when most of his former acts had been already history, though there’s not much info conveyed the past of how this troop from Leipzig (ex-GDR) sounded like.




Rüdiger Schmuskewitz (guitar, vocals)
Klaus Ballschmieder (bass)
Jürgen Skibnewski (keyboard)
Wolfgang Kersten (drums)


Falcon is a Rock band from Altentreptow/Neubrandenburg (ex-GDR), that was formed by ex-Comets members late in 1973, who started playing cover versions of western bands like Santana, Titanic or Jethro Tull. 1975 the line up had changed completely, while Falcon now consisted of Manfred Stoldt (guitar, vocals), Rüdiger Heuer (guitar), Siegfried Kisser (bass), Jürgen Skibnewski (keyboard) and Wolfgang Lihs (drums), who stayed together till 1978, when another upheaval happened. Manfred Stoldt and founding member Jürgen Skibnewski left Falcon that year. Bernd Finger (vocals), Günter Säger (guitar) and Erwin Lange (keyboard) joined in and from that day forward Falcon's sound got heavier and actually the new Uriah Heep, Foreigner and Deep Purple favorizing program of the band is the reason we added this band here. Their Hard Rock phase just lasted till 1983 when a 3rd reorganization happened and only Siegfried Kisser on bass remained of the old line up. With new members Norbert Riessner (keyboard), Wolfgang Chudaske (vocals), Klaus Hönig (guitar) and Günter Berndt (drums) and the connected stylistical change on to softer sounds, Falcon could produce a few songs for the national broadcast service during 1985, that though are not of interest for us anymore. After the political change the line up changed every now and then till their end in 2007, working first with female vocalist Antje Kühne and since 1993 with Katrin Thorke.


Broadcast Recordings:
"Hey, kleine Braut" (1985)



Marco Pohl (vocals)
Ralf Jaschob (guitar)
Jürgen Hegner (guitar)
Bernd Dratzkowski (bass)
Mathias Senst (drums)


Originally formed as a Rock band by Marco Pohl, Ralf Jaschob, Jürgen Hegner, Bernd Dratzkowski and Mathias Senst 1985 in Berlin-Marzahn (ex-GDR), Felsenfest during the following 2 years transformed into a real Heavy Metal troop, after exchanging the whole team piece by piece till 1987, now consisting of Thomas Botsch (vocals), Ralf Jaschob (guitar), Jürgen Hegner (guitar), Jens-Uwe Strutz (bass) and Frank Fuhrmann (drums). The band was either invited to perform at a national TV show December 31th 1988, but furthermore couldn't really take advantage of that success anymore. After the political change around 1990/91, Felsenfest disbanded as well, while Ralf Jaschob, Jürgen Hegner and Jens-Uwe Strutz fomed the band Crystal Palace.




Karsten Slansky (vocals)
Sven Büttner (guitar, vocals)
Andreas Ohme (guitar)
Jörg Göldner (bass)
Thomas Hildebrand (drums)


Although Feuerstein from Halle/Bad Dürrenberg (ex-GDR) refer their birthdate officially to August 1986, the very first incarnation goes back to already 1984, when Karsten Slansky (vocals) and Thomas Hildebrand (drums) founded the band in Halle with Sven "Lemmy" Büttner (guitar), Andreas Ohme (guitar) and Jörg Göldner (bass), playing classic Heavy Metal inspired by bands such as Motörhead, Iron Maiden, Accept, Judas Priest, Saxon, Black Sabbath and Metallica. In 1986 after Kai Büttner had replaced Göldner on bass and Christian Sorge came for Ohme on guitar, Feuerstein was participating at the Werkstattwoche Suhl, Oktober '86 and could record there the track "Sag ich will", that got airplay in the national broadcast. Shortly after another song ("Sie sieht mich an") was produced at the studio of Gunther Wosylus in 1987. Afterwards the guys recorded another 2 heavier sounding songs at the Farmlandstudio of Sieghart Schubert ("Die bösen Jungs kommen" & "Teufelsbraut"), with especially "Teufelsbraut" (Devils bride) paying homage to Motörhead, both musically and vocalwise and being Nr. 1 hit at the Beatkiste radio show. Sven Büttner their guitarist was a Lemmy double and also has been responsible to sing the Motörhead songs due to his voice sounding similar to Lemmy's. All other trax was sung by Karsten Slansky who offered more clear vocals to sing the Maiden, Saxon and Priest stuff on stage, and later in 1987 when Slansky was out, Büttner and Sorge shared vocals. "Teufelsbraut" was even featured on the Rockbilanz '88 Compilation, a series featuring famous songs of that special year that made it high in the national hit parades. Also in 1988 they recorded "Nie zu laut" and "Haste Geld" again for the national broadcast service this time at Jürgen Matkowitz' studio and their style had developed towards a more thrashier Metal, mixing midpaced Metal with Speed/Thrash parts. But that's been the last life sign, Feuerstein became another victim of the political change in the country, they didn't survive it at all like so many other bands. 1990 M.A.D.'s Christian Ludwig shortly replaced Thomas Hildebrand, but returned due to personal reasons to M.A.D. after just a few weeks in the band, who split up still in 1990.


"Teufelsbraut" Comp.-LP Track 1988 (Rockbilanz '88)
Broadcast recordings:
"Sag ich will" (1986)
"Sieht sie mich an" (1987)
"Die bösen Jungs kommen" (1987)
"Haste Geld" (1988)
"Nie zu laut" (1988)

Final Decay (Erfurt)


Martin Seiring (vocals, bass)
Sascha Littek (guitar)
Gunnar Oltmanns (guitar)
Oliver Warweg (drums)


A Thrash band from Erfurt, that formed during the political changing times inside ex-GDR. A 4 track Demo is known, recorded in 1993 plus an obscure (most probably selfproduced) CD from 2001, with the title "Nemo", released on Headless Records. Further info is needed.


"Final Decay" Demo 1993 (selfreleased)



Micha (vocals)
Mike (guitar, bass)
Zicke (drums)


Notorious Noise fanatics from Haldensleben north of Magdeburg, similar to early Napalm Death, despite worlds divided them, who could slightly benefit of the newly earned freedom in the ex-GDR during 1989, when the guys recorded a 60 songs covering Demo with the title „Trauma“, that might indeed express the emotional state of the listener when he or she’s done listening. The lads afterwards wasn’t seen anymore at all and disappeared after 1990, just the old label Frei zum Abriss resurfaced a few years ago and did publish some vinyls, incl. Fliegeralarm’s „Trauma“ Demo as well.


"Trauma" Demo 1989 (Frei zum Abriss Tapes)

Formel 1


Norbert Schmidt (vocals)
Wolfgang Densky (guitar)
Detlef Dudziak (bass)
Peter Fincke (drums)


Being the undisputed number 1 amoung the Heavy Metal bands from ex-GDR, the band Formel 1 was activated in 1981, when previous members (Norbert Schmidt, Wolfgang Densky, Peter Fincke) of the defunct Joco Dev Sextett from Berlin, that was active since the late 60's and was playing proggy Kraut Rock in the beginning, but moved on musically towards an Hard Rock inspired sound during the last phase of their career, formed a new band with the aim to worship their new heroes Iron Maiden and Judas Priest. Caused by their previous more than 10 years the lads had been in the business, they gained a huge advantage to the other young Metal bands and soon after officially got promoted from governmental side, which allowed them to appear in national TV shows and to participate on vinyl compilations, that helped spreading the name Formel 1 throughout the whole country and climbing the top. Detlef Dudziak joined them soon on bass and also the slovakian guitarist Andrej Horvath was added 1982. But the latter just stayed for a short time and was replaced by Bodo Kommnick still in '82 first and in 1983 Reinhold Heß was permanently hired. Schmidt, Densky, Dudziak, Heß and Fincke would build the classic line up of Formel 1, and after becoming professional musicians, the band started recording several songs per year for the national broadcast service. The very first appearance on a sampler was with "Eddie" in 1983 on the "Heiße Würstchen" LP, shortly after followed by "Hiroshima Kranich" on the "Denke daran" Split 7". The success on the national hitparades earned the guys a first own single, that was produced in 1985 and as the very first Heavy Metal band of the GDR ever, Formel 1 could release a full (live) album right in 1986, which was entitled "Live im Stahlwerk". Funnily besides their own well known creations, they was allowed to feature coverversions of Maiden and Priest on the LP either. The band's sound got even heavier during the mid 80's, new songs like "Kreuzritter" and "Hart wie Stahl" was composed, but early '87 Reinhold Heß quit and the ex-Mephisto/Vantom guitarist Michael Sündermann replaced him for a very short time. Though a second album was planned, the officials didn't really want to co-operate with the band, as the influence Formel 1 had on the Heavy Metal fans wasn't much liked by the government's fat cats. Due to the bullying from official sides, two of the members had officially requested to leave the country, which resulted in Formel 1 disbanding in December of the same year. Fincke and Schmidt left the country, Densky joined Babylon, while Dudziak and Sündermann hooked up with Pharao. Formel 1's sound was tightly connected to the NWOBHM, especially the classic Iron Maiden sound with massive twin lead attacks built the backbone of Formel 1's music.
Here you can watch a clip of Formel 1


"Eddie" Comp.-LP Track 1983 (Heiße Würstchen)
"Hiroshima Kranich" Split 7" EP Track 1983 (Denke daran)
"18 Jahre sein/Mach keine Wellen" 7" EP 1985 (Amiga)
"Der Weg nach oben" Comp.-LP Track 1986 (Rock-Bilanz 1985)
"Live im Stahlwerk" LP 1986 (Amiga)
"Heavy Metal" Comp.-LP Track 1987 (Rock-Bilanz 1986)
"Eddie" Comp.-LP Track 1987 (Berliner Rocker - Zwischen Prenzlauer Berg und Mont Klamott)
"Der Weg nach oben" Comp.-CD Track 1993 (Deutscher Demokratischer Beat - Vol. 2)

Broadcast Recordings:
"Mensch Rosie" (1982)
"Willste nich uffstehn" (1982)
"Sie will weg" (1983)
"Jenny" (1983)
"Da bleibt was von mir" (1984)
"Der Fußballfan" (1984)
"Wär mein Leben programmierbar" (1985)
"Der Weg nach oben" (1985)
"Der Edelrocker" (1985)
"Speedway" (1985)
"Berlin" (1986)
"Letztes Rad am Wagen" (1986)
"Hart wie Stahl" (1986)

Demo Recordings:
„Kreuzritter“ (1987)



Thomas Martin (vocals)
Holger Kaniß (guitar)
Reinhard Pestel (bass)
Jens Schmidt (keyboard)
Klaus Fechtner (drums)


A Melodic Rock/AOR band with slightly proggy touch hailing from the eastgerman city of Werdau in the south of the ex-GDR, that formed during 1980. The line up naturally changed during the first few years of Forum’s existence, but during 1984 the band eventually consisted of Thomas Martin (vocals), Holger Kaniß (guitar), Reinhard Pestel (bass), Jens Schmidt (keyboard), and Klaus Fechtner (drums), who got rewarded for their successful participation on the “7th FDJ Werkstattwoche Jugendtanzmusik” happening in Suhl during 1984, and could produce the song “Die letzten Stunden” in a professional studio. This song that reminds kinda of Berluc’s material at that time (especially the vocals), appeared on the sampler “Auf dem Wege 4” the following year as well. Forum’s kind of melodic AOR with Hard Rock guitars could entrap the officials to push the future career of the band and therefore more studio recordings happened during summer of 1985. In the meantime guitarist Holger Kaniß was replaced by Anselm Riess (ex-Dialog/Block) and within May of the same year also ex-Dialog Günther Franz (vocals) and the new drummer Jörg Markgraf joined. One song („Verraten und verkauft") of that mentioned studio session from summer 1985 appeared on a split single entitled “Startschuss”, featuring other GDR newcomers like Perl, Condor and MEX. But the higher expectations couldn’t really get complied by the band and so Forum slowly disappeared. Anselm Riess had the duo Projekt M with former Forum singer Thomas Martin running for a while but later went own paths.


“Die letzten Stunden” Comp,-LP Track 1985 (Auf dem Wege 4)
„Verraten und verkauft" Split 7" EP Track 1986 (with Condor/Perl/MEX, „Startschuss“)



Andreas Männer (vocals)
Thomas Walther (guitar)
Thomas Steinz (bass)
Uwe Eckert (drums)


Frontal was an early Hard Rock/Heavy Metal band from Stollberg/Saxony (ex-GDR), that was already active since 1982 and only performed cover versions of f.e. bands like Saxon, Judas Priest or Black Sabbath. The guys was only playing live in the southern part of the country, but when Thomas Steinz during 1986 joined the Karl-Marx-Stadt (Chemnitz) based Hardrockers Rübezahl (that shortly after became Charon), while all of the other guys except of vocalist Andreas Männer, went to join Rübezahl as well. When Männer met ex-No-One drummer Kalle later in 1986, they both decided to join forces and relocated with Frontal to Meerane/Saxony to reform the band with new members Olaf Voigt (guitar), Finger (guitar) and Ronny (bass). The newly reformed Frontal played several gigs, but then because of internal discrepancies about the musical future, Finger left the band already in 1987, while the remaining guys went into a much more Crossover inspired direction. Already in May '88 Kalle and Ronny was forced to join the army, which caused the end of that chapter as well. Andreas Männer during 1989 then formed the Power/Thrash band Danger, who became very well known in their area.




Michael Skiba (guitar, vocals)
Hans-Joachim Rietz (guitar)
Henry Pfeiffer (bass)
Stefan Saretz (keyboard)
Andreas Otto (drums)


Galaxo from Potsdam seems a quite obscure representative of the eastgerman Hard Rock, as the band is even unknown to insiders of the local scene, though the guys, who existed since already 1980 and had been promoted officially by the FDJ direction Potsdam since 1983, appeared with the Deep Purple inspired song „Eis“ on one of these little known ex-GDR vinyl compilations, that featured tiny local bands from all over the republic, who should be introduced to a bigger audience in order to find out if it might be worth to boost their evolution. Galaxo had both a Blues and Hard Rock influenced background, leading into several recording sessions for the national broadcast service during the mid 80’s, while besides the tracks „Eis“ (1984) and “Wir haben nur eine Erde” (1985), also the numbers "Mädchen geh" and "Rock'n Roll Lady" was produced a bit later then in 1986. So far it seems no more recordings happened anymore afterwards since the band’s sponsoring contract with the FDJ ended in that year. Michael Skiba then during 1987 completely restructured Galaxo with Rolf Pilz on drums, Hannes Rietz (bass), Toni Schäffer (guitar) and Peter Eichstädt on keyboards and only lead the band on national stages, while the guys kept Galaxo going through 3 decades this way as a live/cover band until 2010, when they eventually called it quits. Toni Schäffer and Hannes Rietz subsequently formed the band HOT Rock, that’s covering Gary Moore, Rolling Stones or Jimi Hendrix songs nowadays on stage.


„Eis“ Comp.-LP Track 1985 (Auf dem Wege 4)

Broadcast Recordings:
“Wir haben nur die eine Erde“ (1985)
"Mädchen geh" (1986)
"Rock 'n’ Roll Lady” (1986)

Ganz 'n' Leder



A Hard Rock band from the ex-GDR, that obviously was playing Glam/Sleaze Metal influenced by Guns'n Roses. If you got more info, please get in touch.


Gipsy (Thalheim)


Fredy Lieberwirth (bass)
Wilfried Opitz (guitar, vocals)
Dietmar Bergert (keyboard)
Achim Pöschel (drums)


The eastgerman Hard Rock/AOR band Gipsy arose out of the ashes of the band Satori from Thalheim (ex-GDR), that was founded in 1973 and disbanded in 1977, which was the official date of birth of the rockers Gipsy, featuring Fredy Lieberwirth (bass), Wilfried Opitz (guitar, vocals), Dietmar Bergert (keyboard), Achim Pöschel (drums). The guys was playing cover versions of international rock stars and are still active until nowadays. In the 80's the band was working with different line ups and musicians and either could produce several trax for the national broadcast service, that got also featured on different compilations, but are more or less to count to the Classic Rock genre like "Marie" on the "Auf dem Wege 4" sampler proves. On the "Startschuss 2" Split 7" from 1986, Gipsy was backing group for female solo vocalist Petra Schwerdt. During their live shows and especially in the later 80's the guys added songs of Rainbow, Deep Purple, Kiss, AC/DC, Foreigner, Toto, Bon Jovi, Whitesnake or Europe to their repertoire, but also are performing own compositions like "Song of Gipsy". Though the lads was often booked to perform at important eastgerman TV music shows like "rund", "STOP! ROCK" or "bong", they wasn't allowed to produce own singles or albums at all. None of the official releases featured below are of interest for the classic Hard Rock or Metal faction, but due to their hardrockin' live shows, Gipsy truly needs to be added here.
For more info please check out Gipsy's Homepage.


"Marie" Comp.-LP Track 1985 (Auf dem Wege 4)
"Gib deine Welt" Split 7" EP Track 1986 (with Lama/Rosalili/Amor und die Kids, "Startschuss 2", Amiga)
"Ein Viertel Jahrhundert Studentenclub" Split 7" EP 1987 (with KJB Kasseturm Jazz Band Weimar, Amiga)

Broadcast recordings:
"Song of Gipsy" (1982)
"Dort wo kein Land für Kinder ist" (1982)
"Wir werden nicht noch einmal geboren" (1982)
"Live in Karl-Marx Stadt" (November 1982)
"Gipsy Live für Duett - Musik für den Recorder" (1985)
"Stein deiner Träume" (1985)
"Hab' dich erkannt" (1987)



Andreas Hilbert (guitar, vocals)
Max Grützmacher (bass)
Michael Marschalk (drums)


An eastgerman Death Metal band from Buckow (ex-GDR), that was founded still in July '89, shortly before the political change, by teenagers Max Grützmacher, Michael Marschalk and Andreas Hilbert. The first Demo "Visceral scab" got recorded in early '91 and featured Grindcore inspired Death Metal in the vein of Carbonized, that gained the boys first attention within the Death Metal scene and led to another 7", featuring 2 trax of the Demo. Caused by a tragic car accident, Max Grützmacher died in July '92, that forced the remaining duo to reform the band with Jens Malwitz (ex-Mentis Error) on guitar. When Michael Marschalk quit either a few months later, Ruben Wittchow helped on drums. Last but not least Fermenting Innards' Rico Spiller took over the bass and the band so gar was complete again to record the second Demo "Recall the day of incarnation" in June '93. But either Jens Malwitz was torn out of life unexpectedly when he suffered a crash with his motorcycle. Michael Marschalk returned to the band in 1994 and the recordings for their debut album "Eternity: The Weeping Horizons" happened in August '95. 2 more albums was published in 1999 ("The 2nd moon") and 2004 ("Dreamweaver").


"Visceral scab" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
“Thrashing East Attack Vol. I” Comp.-MC Tracks 1991 (selfreleased)
"Mutilated organs" Comp.-Tape Track 1991 (Deaf Tape Sampler No. 1)
"Visceral scab" 7" EP 1992 (Cannibalized Serial Killer)
"Recall the day of incarnation" Demo 1993 (selfreleased)



Andre Menzel (vocals)
Dirk Porstmann (guitar)
Mario Arndt (guitar)
Jörg Ebert (bass)
Marko Thäle (drums)


East Berlin Thrashers much influenced by Protector, that formed 1987 in the ex-GDR, but had to change name coz of GDR officials to Darkland shortly after. As Darkland they recorded 2 more Demos between 1988/89.





Hai is a Rock band from Berlin (ex-GDR), that formed already in 1971 and since that year is permanently active, though during those 50 years naturally members had changed every now and then. Despite there aren’t any own recordings available at all and it doesn't seem Hai could produce own material during the GDR years, the band is steady on the road as a live act, focussed on covering known Rock hits, including songs of international Hard Rock acts like AC/DC, Thin Lizzy, Status Quo, UFO, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Gary Moore, Lynyrd Skynyrd or Van Halen.




Marko Holtschke (vocals)
Volker Gabler (guitar)
Tim Hofmann (guitar)
Philipp Thomas (bass)
Bernhard Thomas (drums)


Hammers was founded by a bunch of ex-GDR schoolboys, 1984 in the city of Plauen/Saxony, while the guys preferable was performing songs of Saxon, Twisted Sister, Rose Tattoo and Anvil at that time and the line up in 1986 eventually consisted of Marko Holtschke (vocals), Volker Gabler (guitar), Tim Hofmann (guitar), Philipp Thomas (bass) and Bernhard Thomas (drums), who permanently went into heavier Metal sounds starting from that year. The guys recorded a 4 song Demo "Age of the reaper" during 1987, before 1988 Tim Hofmann got recruited by the army, and Marco Mekelburg had to take over the part of the second guitarist. Hammers during the fall of the 80's, in times of the political change inside the GDR, worked on new material and could even open a show of the Toranaga/Metal Chruch/Saxon tour in April 1990, which marked the band's personal highlight, till in 1991 the guys started recordings for a second Demo. But since the vocal tracks was never recorded, the tape in the end remained unfinished as the lads let the band die in a slowly crawling process, that finally resulted in the official end during 1992. Tim Hofmann after returning from the NVA (eastgerman army), formed the band Reapers Domain in September '89. If you got more info, please get in touch.


"Age of the reaper" Demo 1987 (selfreleased)



Stephan Buchfeld (vocals)
Lutz Edelhäuser (guitar)
Michael Brill (bass)
Frank Brill (drums)


The eastgerman band Hardholz from Tambach-Dietharz has always been among my fave bands from GDR, because they didn't use to play the usual standard crap and either used to have a bit more "intelligent" lyrics like Caiman or Blackout also. Hardholz was founded in 1983 by the brothers Michael and Frank Brill (both ex-Phon) plus Lutz Edelhäuser, who all was previously playing in the Hard Rock band Orakel from 1980-81. Stephan Buchfeld (vox) completed them, so the guys passed a huge number of live gigs during 1985, when Hardholz eventually got invited by the public Weimar radio station, to professionally produce the two songs "Fliegen mit dir" and "Flüchtige Begegnung" in early 1986 and later in autumn another title ("Winter der Gefühle"), that got airplay on the national radio. Afterwards the guys hired with Peter Fleischmann a second guitarist, because the musical future direction of Hardholz required it. In the early days Hardholz was influenced by classic Metal acts such as Maiden, Priest or the Scorpions, but with the later 80's the influences, that decided the band's sound, moved rather towards Metallica and Running Wild, and indeed Hardholz' late 80's productions "Asphaltlady" and "Tannhäuser" from early 1988, recorded at Jürgen Matkowitz' studio, proved them to belong to the heavier of the classic Metal bands from ex-GDR, as they used to focuss on the speedy side of Metal. Both trax also climbed good positions at the local Rock Hitparade "Beatkiste" (that used to play international Metal bands during the second hour of each show (running from 20:00-22:00 each thursday evening), when Erich Honecker was already sleeping. ;) The last recording session for the national broadcast service was recorded in 1989, featuring "Mystic dream" and the epic "Wieland der Schmied". During the process of the political change inside the country, Hardholz was chosen to appear on the triple Split LP "Speed up - Heavy News", that also featured the bands Headless and Merlin from Berlin, but since the decision hit the band unexpectedly, they needed to use their old broadcast recordings from 1988/89. The guys started recording a Demo tape in 1990, but Peter Fleischmann left them in autumn, before it was finished, so Lutz Rödiger had to take his place to finish the Demo finally in 1991, featuring 8 tracks from all earlier and recent phases of the band. The bands previous classic Metal sound had slightly changed towards Metallica influenced Power Metal with Thrash hints and massive epic undertones, that also their selfproduced CD "Jäger und Gejagte" from 1995 impressively proves. Maik Wetzel replaced Lutz Rödiger for a few years during 1992-'95, but Rödiger returned later again. 1997 the guys went their own ways and joined musically different projects till in 2013 both Brill brothers and Lutz Edelhäuser reformed Hardholz and published 2016 the CD "Herzinfarkt".
Please check out the homepage of Hardholz
And here's an old Hardholz clip.


"Speed up - Heavy News" Split LP 1990 (with Headless/Merlin, Zong)
"The heavy way" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)

Broadcast Recordings:
"Fliegen mit dir" (1986)
"Flüchtige Begegnung" (1986)
"Winter der Gefühle" (1986)



Michael Gröper (vocals)


Hardware’s vocalist Michael Gröper was previously playing in Ceylon, a Metal band from Rostock in the ex-GDR, that existed from 1984-87. He afterwards joined well known Hardrockers Rosa Rock for about a year, but during spring 1988 left them again to hire as singer for the local Rostock classic Heavy Metal band Hardware instead. Early in 1990 Gröper once again returned to Rosa Rock, but Hardware at that time was still functional working. Yet when they indeed quit existing is kinda unverified.




Michael Eigendorf (vocals)
Ralf Wittstock (guitar)
Stefan Furtner (guitar)
Jens Grawe (bass)
Jens Heil (drums)


A band from the ex-GDR, that formed in Wernigerode in the fall of 1983. Originally the guys was influenced by Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Accept in the very beginning, but soon changed their direction during the mid 80's towards a rather Speed/Thrash Metal inspired style, impressed by bands such as Metallica, Anthrax, Slayer and Flotsam & Jetsam. Stefan Furtner got soon replaced by Thorsten Nowak (guitar) and some first own songs got composed like "Reiss mir nicht mein Herz entzwei" and "Dämonen der Nacht". Thomas Scharfe on drums replaced Jens Heil, but soon had to go as well as the army was needing his services. Christian Klaus joined later in 1984 when the bands former classic Metal sound got way heavier. They mainly focussed on cover versions at that time, as the fans was eager to listen to songs of their favorite international bands, when the band got asked by the Bergtheater Thale to participate on a play of Schillers "Die Räuber" in 1986. They band agreed and entered the theater stage several times during 1987, till Ralf Wittstock left Hardzrock to join Thrashers Rocket. Also Michael Eigendorf and Christian Klaus left the band to join the cover band Burning Eyes, which more or less meant the end of Hardzrock. 1993 Eigendorf and former guitarist Stefan Furtner met and Eigendorf joined Furtner's recent band, while they soon changed name to Hardzrock again to play for a while during the mid 90's.




Thomas Post (vocals)
Roland Tschech (guitar)
Uwe Lerach (guitar)
Sven Rappold (bass)
Ronald Schulze (drums)


Headless was the ex-GDR band Metall from East Berlin under their new given name from August 1989 and with the new name they also tried to develop Metall's old sound into a more modern and international sounding US style, now singing all songs in english. They even translated the lyrics for the once originally german sung "Eisenhart" and "Easy rider" trax. After the Quartett Single that was planned by Amiga for late '89 got cancelled, the sublabel of Amiga Zong released these 4 songs as a triple Split LP together with the Power Metallers Hardholz and Merlin. The 2 new Headless songs sounded pretty listenable and well arranged but is was doubtable if that direction was the right step towards success since the Metal crowd more and more requested Thrash and Death Metal at that time. Headless wrote 14 new trax while 6 of them together with "Metal for you" and "Heart of steel" was chosen to be their first album that should be released a few months after the "Speed up" LP was out, but the label went bankrupt and noone felt demand for that kind of Metal anymore, especially not from an eastgerman band. They released those 6 tracks as a Demo in 1991 and disbanded a while later due to lack of interest of the old fans.


"Speed up - Heavy News" Split LP 1990 (Zong)
"Demo 1991" (selfreleased)

Heavy Hammer


Axel Becker (vocals, guitar)
Jens-Uwe Schnorr (guitar)
Oliver Gerds (bass)
Thomas Heisenberg (drums)


The band Heavy Hammer from Rostock (ex-GDR) found together during October '85 and spent the first two years to handle their instruments, influenced by AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Metallica and Motörhead. The guys played a technically minor skilled Thrash Metal and in summer 1987 Patrick Wittkowski joined as vocalist. First Heisenberg during early '88 and later in autumn also both guitarists Schnorr and Becker was called to arms to defend the "anti-capitalistic firewall", but the band found Kai Sass to replace Heisenberg, though they had to pause without any guitarist later that year and just reformed in January 1990 when all returned, without vocalist Patrick Wittkowski under the monicker Mad Slaughter.




Torsten Kauk (vocals)
Michael Lässig (guitar)
Olaf Gerold (guitar)
Helko Klemm (bass)
Rico Rätzel (drums)


Helion a Freiberg (ex-GDR) based selfclaimed Thrashcore outfit that formed in 1988 and released 2 Demos in 1989, already disbanded in the fall of 1989 again. The studio tape contains some rude Thrash with a few good parts and ugly vocals that in places appear quite punky. I think they tried to orientate on bands like Kreator and Messiah. If you take a look at the tracklist of the Live Demo you'll get quite a good survey of what bands they did listen to. But this opens another question to me, if they are able to cover Kreator, Slayer, Sodom, Metallica or Carnivore, why the guitars on the "Seid nich so lahm ... Ihr Fucker!" Demo are sounding that staccato like? Their style really takes time getting used to it. Heiko Klemm and Olaf Gerold founded Death/Thrashers Deathtrap in the end of 1989.


"Seid nich' so lahm ... Ihr Fucker!" Demo1989 (selfreleased)
"It's Live!" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)



Ralf Zobel (vocals)
Ralf Schönrock (guitar)
Mario Würzburger (guitar)
Holger Ritzel (bass)
Steffen Kolditz (drums)


As the name might suggest, Hellbound from Weißenfels near Leipzig (ex-GDR), most probably wasn’t much keen on playing Melodic Metal stuff. Instead the fivepiece celebrated a really rude brutal Death/Thrash sound similar to Demolition Hammer, Incubus and Kreator on their selftitled Demo released in early 1992. Holger Ritzel and Mario Würzburger firstly had the idea to form the band in February 1989, but to find willing musicians in their local area didn’t work out as easy as expected, so they more or less “borrowed” musicians from their friends in other local Thrashers Exocet. By March 1991 at last a working line up was completed with Ralf "Monroe" Zobel (vocals), Ralf “Party" Schönrock (guitar), Mario "Würze" Würzburger (guitar), Holger "Fritze" Ritzel (bass) and Steffen “Keule" Kolditz (drums), who recorded their first 5 song Demo in January 1992. Despite a second tape was planned for September ‘92 already, Keule their drummer then left the guys and fully focussed on Exocet by then, while the rest continued as a fourpiece in the meanwhile, leaving the position of the drummer vacant and rather worked with a drumcomputer until 1995. Between 1994 and 1995 the band still recorded the Demos “Gesichtsgebung" (1994) and “Trilogy" (1995), but went on hiatus afterwards. Holger Ritzel's the only one who reappeared in music business with the band Demoria late in the 2000's.

Thanx to Holger Ritzel for info and pictures!


„The First" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)
„Death penalty" Comp.-MC Track 1992 (Thrashing East Attack Vol. II)



Klaus Böhlke (guitar)
Holger Reinicke (guitar)
Andre Reinicke (bass)
Harald Riemer (drums, vocals)


Hellfire’s a very obscure local Thrash Metal band, that's active under different monickers since already 1983 in the greater Halle area (ex-GDR). The very first steps of Hellfire are dating back to 1979, when Harald Riemer (drums) and guitarist Klaus Böhlke formed a Bluesrock band in Diemitz/Reideburg. Lots of musicians joined the duo and went away again, while stylistically Hard Rock and NWOBHM influences began to sprout in the minds of the guys and dominated more and more their performances. Since 1983 Heavy Metal had completely taken over command of the guys minds and a first stable line had eventually established during 1985, featuring Klaus Böhlke (guitar), Holger Reinicke (guitar), Andre Reinicke (bass) and Harald Riemer (vocals, drums). By that time the name Hellfire got ultimately picked up and the foursome started composing own material during 1985/86. A bit later on in 1988 Andre Reinicke had to pause for a while due to army services and couldn’t return before late in 1989, so Frank Bölke joined on bass, untill he tragically died in 1989. At that time Hellfire’s line up was built by Lutz Felsberg (vocals, also the band's own technician), Klaus Bölke (guitar), Holger Reinicke (guitar), Frank Bölke (bass) and Harald Riemer (vocals, drums). Recently a Demo tape of this band surfaced in the inheritance of Matthias Hopke (hoster of the "Tendenz Hard bis Heavy" radio show), featuring 1 untitled rehearsal song in 2 different versions, that stylistically reminds of eastgermans Rocket with yet a slightly early Slayer vibe. This rehearsal tape (probably not official) should be dating from around that era of the band, or possibly even 1989, while the guys started recordings for their “Kill the beast” MC, recorded in their practise room, that included 6 songs written between 1986 up to 1990 with a new line up: Klaus Bölke (vocals, guitar), Holger Reinicke (guitar), Andre Reinicke (bass) and Holger Riemer (drums, vocals). The tape was eventually finished during 1991 and spread just locally at their gigs. One of the last Hellfire gigs we could track down yet, was dating from 1991. Just the following year Klaus Böhlke quit Hellfire, who subsequently changed name to Eternal Quest, featuring Andre Chleborath on guitar. But at the end of the 90’s decade either Harald Riemer left Eternal Quest, whose remaining members became Eternal Brave instead, but faded away shortly after. Klaus Böhlke and Harald Riemer in 2011 accidentally met once again, just to find out that the flame’s still burning. Both revived Hellfire and independently recorded the single “Nights of vampire”. In the meanwhile ex-Eternal Brave shouter Tobias Neumann as well as their ex-bassplayer Andre Reinicke plus Lucas Loch on guitar was recruited and Hellfire, that had to change their name due to judicial reasons to Hammer Of Daemons now, recorded albums, that are all available at the band’s website, including Hellfire’s debut album “Kill the beast”, now in a re-recorded version from 2016.

(Thanx for the kind help and info to Klaus Böhlke and ZZF/Nachlass Matthias Hopke and Nikolai Okunew)


"Pharao" Reh/Demo 1988 (selfreleased)
"Kill the beast" MC 1991 (selfreleased)




Obscure Leipzig unit (we heavily expect a Thrash Metal outfit by that band name), that's known to have forwarded a private reheasal or either live recording, dating from the 23.5.1989, to Matthias Hopke, the hoster of the weekly ex-GDR "Tendenz Hard bis Heavy" radioshow, expecting airplay in return (without success as the writer can confirm hereby^^). Further info is needed.





A band from ex-GDR, that was playing live gigs around 1986. It might be possible the guys was originating from the area around Erfurt. If you got more info, please get in touch.




Jens Künitz (vocals, guitar)
Uwe Bauroth (vocals, guitar)
Axel Uhlmann (vocals, guitar)
Mike Ansorg (bass)
Frank Wiegend (drums)


A heavy Blues Rock band from Zella-Mehlis, north of Suhl (ex-GDR), influenced by ZZ Top and Deep Purple, who's repertoire, according to their own words, also featured "a bit of Heavy Metal". The band was formed in September '85 and continual could raise their playful level every year till an "upper level" band during their last national grading in May '87. Till 1987 Herakles had written 15 own titles, but yet it's unknown if they ever could produce anyone of them at a professional studio. Further info is needed.




Pitt (vocals)
Dobs (guitar)
Lemmy (guitar)
Rigo (bass)
Björn (drums)


Herb was originally founded as Rock cover band still during the fall of the 80's in Güstrow, in the northern part of the ex-GDR. Drummer Björn was founding member and remained the only leftover of the very beginning. The guys covered well known Rock songs live on stage and the line up changed every now and then, till around 1992/93 when Pitt joined on vocals, a steady one had crystallized with Dobs (guitar), Lemmy (guitar), Rigo (bass) and Björn (drums). Pitt asked the guys to take more focus on own material and banned about 80 % of the cover versions from their repertoire. In the same breath the guys went muxch more into a basically Hard Rock oriented direction, covering AC/DC or Stone Temple Pilots tunes. During October/November '93 Herb recorded their Demo tape "Shit" at the Stern Studio Moonday and went again on stage. Since them being one of the winners of the local Sparkasse-Rockfestival in Neubrandenburg, Herb was invited to record the trax "World" (with nice Black Sabbath-Paranoid riff) and "Eene Meene" for the CD Sampler "Rock Festival Neubrandenburg" (1994). Around 1999 the band then produced their debut album "ubs" independently with new bassist Kalle, before they called it a day the following year due to problems occuring with their private life circumstances (family, job etc.). 2015 Herb reformed once again and yet still is rocking live on stage.
More info and music you can find on Herb's Homepage.


"Shit" Demo 1993 (selfreleased)



Carsten Gaudian (vocals)
Thomas Rollert (guitar)
Dietmar Woyderski (guitar)
Mike Kähler (bass)
Matthias Müller (drums)


A shortlived band from Halle (ex-GDR), that was formed out of the ashes of the school Punk band The Pisser back in 1984 by Thomas Klammt (vocals), Thomas Rollert (guitar), Dietmar Woyderski (guitar), Holger Baumgarten (bass), and Matthias Müller (drums). Musically the guys was performing Hard Rock and Heavy Metal somewhere between Van Halen and Judas Priest, before Carsten Gaudian (vocals) and Mike Kähler (bass) replaced Thomas Klammt and Holger Baumgarten during 1986 and the band eventually changed name to Hercules. The band then wanted to play regular live gigs and tried to get the needed classification from GDR's officials, but only achieved the basic level, which automatically introduced the slow decay of Herkules. During 1987 first Mike Kähler left to join Panther and a bit later on also Dietmar Woyderski followed him. Müller, Rollert and Woyderski reformed Hercules in 1997 and later changed the band's name to Last Command. If you got more info, please get in touch.


Horrible Hour


Uwe Appelfeller (vocals, bass)
Torsten Gronenberg (guitar)
Jens Kecher (drums)


A less known Thrash band from Unterweißbach, between Suhl and Saalfeld south of Erfurt, that was formed in 1989 by guitarist Torsten Gronenberg and Uwe Appelfeller (bass) in the ex-GDR. After playing with several drummers, they eventually found Jens Kecher in May ’91, who fitted best to the band's style. Since no singer could be found at all, Uwe Appelfeller took over vocals duties as well. After excessive rehearsing the trio went on stage for the first time ever in autumn 1991 and recorded their first Demo "Bad message" in February '92 at a professional 24 track studio. Horrible Hour's material though offered faint Death/Thrash influences, but tended rather into a classic, straight forward Thrash direction with melodic parts as well. Jens Kecher left the band a bit later during the same year and got replaced by ex-Morbid drummer Mike Poppel. After their second output “Jester’s desire" from 1994, Horrible Hour went down the drain. Torsten Gronenberg many years later in 2008 joined obscure Ilmenau locals Noise Orchestra.


"Bad message" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)

Howlin’ Mad


Gert Lange (vocals)
Sylvio Skoberle (guitar)
Rolf Horvath (guitar)
Mirko Ludwig (bass)
Olaf Eisenbrandt (drums)


The eastgerman band Howlin' Mad from Erfurt (ex-GDR) was founded in early 1989, while some of the guys was already playing as the Thrash trio Insanity since 1985, but had to quit due to their required army services. But in 1989 they all met again and either added two new musicians to keep on thrashing as Howlin' Mad. Silvio Skoberle since November '88 was already playing in the band of city mates Rochus, to deputize Heiko Axt, who either was caught inside the army. West Virginia took the guys under their wings like some other eastgerman bands either (Rochus, Moshquito) and the "Insanity" album was published in 1990. Their rather inside the underground rooted type of US style Thrash in the vein of Vio-lence, Sacred Reich or Atrophy didn't receive much attention by the german press and though Holy Moses invited the guys to support them on their european tour, with ex-Rochus vocalist Tobias Nehmer on guitar, the band already split up a short while later.


"Insanity" LP/CD 1990 (West Virginia)



Hexer (guitar)
Skelleton (drums, vocals)


Originally founded as Speed Metal King in Weimar (ex-GDR) by Hexer on guitar and Skelleton on drums during x-mas 1985, who soon would change name in 1986 to Hurricane and later to "Die Schleifers", before the final band name Disaster K.F.W. (stands for Klassischer Friedhof Weimar) ended their desperate endeavor to pick out the right one.


Impossible Suffering


Daniel Schulz (vocals)
Mike Hoffmann (guitar)
Matze (bass)
Robert Kotlarsky (drums)


A shortlived teenager Death Metal band from Berlin-Friedrichshain (ex-GDR) that only has been active between 1990/91, but managed to record a Demo with the title “Downfall” in 1990, offering raw underground Death Metal with Grindcore parts. During that short time span the guys played a handful of live gigs as well, f.e. supporting Berlin locals Postmortem. The title track of the tape either got aired in the program “Tendenz Hard bis Heavy”, but already the following year the band broke up and all members went to other bands. Mike "Stanley" Hoffmann joined Harmony Dies in 1992, just like Robert Kotlarsky (1995), after he previously had spent some years in Raped Cadaver between 1992/94. Singer Daniel "Schulle" Schulz formed the Oi/Punk bands Voice of Hate (1991) and later in 1992 Bierpatrioten.


“Downfall" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)



Frank Hannak (vocals, guitar)
Uwe (guitar)
Matthias (bass)
Rene Jauernik (drums)


After their former band Thrash Attack from Hettstedt (ex-GDR) got disbanded at the end of '89, Rene Jauernik and Frank Hannak met again in 1991 and decided to form a new band with additional musicians Matthias and Uwe, that got named Influence right in March ‘91, performing a fully Death/Thrash Metal influenced style. A Demo tape (“Demo”) was either released in spring of 1992, but Influence just lasted till around late ’93 nonetheless, before they split up due to internal issues. Jauernik joined Flaming Anger afterwards.


"Demo" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)




The eastgerman band Insanity from Erfurt (ex-GDR) was the pre-stage of what would later be known as the band Howlin' Mad. Some of the guys was already playing as the trio Insanity since 1985, but had to quit due to their required army services. But in 1989 Gert Lange (vocals), Sylvio Skoberle (guitar), Rolf Horvath (guitar), Mirko Ludwig (bass) and Olaf Eisenbrandt (drums) reformed Insanity to keep on thrashing under the new monicker of Howlin' Mad and either released the album entitled "Insanity" in 1990. Insanity during their active phase mainly performed cover versions of Celtic Frost, Sodom, Metallica and Voivod. If you got more info, please get in touch.




Tino (vocals)
Michael Wulfert (guitars, vocals)
Zitrone (bass)
"Maja" Majewski (drums)


A Grindcore act from Königs Wusterhausen in the ex-GDR, that was founded by Michael Wulfert and "Maja" Majewski in 1988, but changed name still within the same year to Lunatic Invasion. In the beginning the guys was playing pure Grindcore ala Napalm Death and Septic Death, but later changed with Lunatic Invasion into a much more classic Death Metal sound.




Rüdiger Lange (guitar)
Axel Matthees (vocals)
Jörg Jahn (bass)
Sven Hartmann (drums)


Koks was the continuation of the Pirna (ex-GDR) based band Motörsound who changed their name in the end of 1987 to Koks. Also Rüdiger Lange's brother Marcus got replaced behind the drums by Sven "Harti" Hartmann, so the classic line up of Koks was Rüdiger Lange, Axel Mathees, Sven Hartmann and Jörg Jahn, who together in May 1988 passed the graduation for the "middle level" by the Kreiskulturkabinett Pirna. While Motörsound started covering AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Motörhead, Judas Priest and Saxon stuff, Koks added songs of Iron Maiden, Accept, Running Wild, Manowar, Metallica and Testament to their musical repertoire, but also created some own songs like "Satansweib". Koks was playing several live shows f.e. with bands such as Dr. Rock or Pent and their final show was an Open Air concert in July '89 in Königstein. The reason for the band called it quits was the escape of Rüdiger Lange from Hungary to Austria in summer 1989 together with his brother Marcus (the ex-Motörsound drummer).
(Thanx to Axel Matthees for info & material - picture copyrights by Axel)


Lanz Bulldog


Sebastian Baur (guitar, vocals)
Bernd Kühnert (guitar)
Olaf Käppel (bass)
Josch Ochmann (drums)


A Heavy Rock band from East Berlin (ex-GDR) that was founded early 1990 by the ex-MCB/Monokel/Keks guitarist Sebastian Baur with additional members being Bernd Kühnert (ex-Monokel) and both ex-Rapunzel Josch Oschmann as well as Olaf Käppel. The band could produce 2 trax for the national broadast service and 1991 also recorded an own Demo, of which the track "Scheiße am Fuß" got airplay. Lanz Bulldog's sound had much in common with the early R'n'R ladden MCB stuff. In the fall of 1991 female vocalist Ina Morgenweck (ex-Charlie) joined the band and the name got changed to Ina Morgan & The Lazy Bones in the mid 90's. But around 1995 the band split up already. Sebastian Baur from that time on fully focussed on his main band Knorkator. Lanz Bulldog's sound was heavily R'n'R influenced Heavy Metal with melodic solos, that more than once reminded of the early MCB from the mid 80's. Further info is needed.


Broadcast Recordings:
"Rock 'n' Roll Mafia" (1990)
"So nicht" (1990)



Peter Sandkaulen (guitar, vocals)
Mike Demnitz (bass)
Michael Thiel (drums)


Shortlived Heavy Rock band formed by the later MCB member Mike Demnitz around 1978/79 in Dresden (ex-GDR). The trio just existed until 1980, when Demnitz returned to his former band Reform and later founded MCB in 1983. Lava actually performed cover versions of international Hard Rock acts.

(Thanx to Jens-Uwe Bernd for info)




Jeanette Flittner (vocals)
Mathias Frommelt (guitar)
Christoph Löffler (guitar)
Detlef Wolff (bass)
Lou Widera (drums)


The band Lilith was formed in Neubrandenburg, during the ex-GDR already took their last breath in May 1990 and right from the start focussed on composing own material, that basically belonged to the upper term Heavy Metal, while the female fronted group on the other hand also added influences of the Prog and Psychedlic Rock genre. Lilith was shortlived and surely suffered from the changing times within the country, meaning money, jobs etc. was rare, most factories closed their gates forever, so financially seen it wasn't indeed the best time to start a band with ambitions for higher tasks. Nevertheless Lilith recorded a Demo tape before they vanished again around 1993, mentioning plans to record a record until late in 1992, but in the end failed to realized that high set undertaking. Further info is needed.

(Thanx to Jens-Uwe Bernd for info and picture)





A Thin Lizzy cover band from ex-GDR, that was active in the late 80's, playing live shows. If you got more info, please get in touch.


Love Gun


Frank Eichhorn (vocals)
Christian Sorge (guitar)
Harry (guitar)
Kai Ohme (bass)
Jörg Kühndorf (drums)


A Hard Rock/Heavy Metal act from Halle (ex-GDR) with musicians of locals Feuerstein, that was founded after Frank Eichhorn (ex-Mephisto/Vantom) quit Cobra late 1988. The band's style featured more of a Glam inspired sound like Mötley Crüe, Guns'n Roses and Aerosmith. When Harry left the country late '89, the band broke up also afterwards. If you got more info, please get in touch.




Mike Andrae (guitar, vocals)
Thomas Peschke (guitar)
Thomas Thrun (bass)
Ingo Zach (drums)


Löwenherz is the pre-Manos band from Querfurt in the ex-GDR, that was active since already 1984. "Lionheart", probably a rehearsal (or either live) recording, features a kinda Motörhead style Punk Metal sound, that wasn't much different than some of the first Manos recordings like "Metal invade". Peschke got replaced by Andreas Löhne (guitar) late in 1987 and also Ingo Zach made space for Jan Berendt (drums) the following year, when the lads changed name to Manos. There is also a private rehearsal tape that survived, with already Andreas Löhne on guitar and and still Ingo Zach on drums, recorded in March 1988 in the Saal "Kartoffelhaus"/Querfurt, their rehearsal room, heavily Motörhead influenced too. If you got more info, please get in touch.

Check em out here


Unreleased recordings:
”Lionheart” (1987)
"Fuk yourself in the ragehotel" Reh/Demo 1988

Lunatic Invasion


Tino (vocals)
Michael Wulfert (guitars, vocals)
Zitrone (bass)
"Maja" Majewski (drums)


Lunatic Invasion from Königs Wusterhausen in the ex-GDR started as Kindl-Front in 1988, founded by Michael Wulfert and "Maja" Majewski, but changed name still within the same year to Lunatic Invasion. In the beginning the guys was playing pure Grindcore ala Napalm Death and either continued with it on all of their Demos, but changed that behaviour with the beginning of the 90's, especially on their early vinyls, the selfreleased "Destined to die" 7" and the Split LP with Agathocles, both from 1991, when the lads' sound was typical Death Metal with Grind and doomy parts. Zitrone and Tino both quit in spring 1990 and Steffen Ramlow joined on vocals instead. As mentioned before, the band's style changed towards classic Death Metal and had musically reached its peak on the album "The selected ones" with Denny Hellbach on bass, that showed similarities to bands such as Disgrace, Acrostichon and Necrony. After the selfreleased and slightly more modern sounding Death Metal album "Totentanz" in 1995, the band disbanded.


"The painfull outpull of the nervous texture” Demo 1989 (selfreleased)
"Die elf Tode" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)
"Hoffnungslose Fälle" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)
"Destined to die" 7" EP 1991 (Invasion)
"Agathocles/Lunatic Invasion" Split LP 1991 (Morbid)
"Nuclear war" Comp.-MC Track 1992 (Apocalyptic Things 4)
"Thrashing East Attack Vol. II" Comp.-MC Tracks 1992 (selfreleased)
"The selected ones" CD 1992 (Rödel)



Mike Schmidt (vocals)
Jürgen Graf (guitar)
Robert Eilenberger (bass)
Christian Ludwig (drums)


Without ANY doubt Bad Dürrenberg's M.A.D. must be counted to the upper league of the ex-GDR's Thrash elite, calling them the eastgerman Protector wouldn't even be wrong at all, as both bands almost shared the same style and sound. Early 1986 Mike Schmidt, Jürgen Graf, Robert Eilenberger and Christian Ludwig formed the band Speed, that soon would be renamed to first MAD, and then M.A.D. (which doesn't stands for anything). Lutz Hommel (guitar) joined the foursome late '86 and as quintet they rehearsed and either played a few live shows, till Mike Schmid quit early '87 and Robert Eilenberger also took the micro duties. Inspired by Slayer and Celtic Frost the lads in spring 1988 attended the national band classification and easily passed. Either song material of these times exists, featuring the ferocious "Labyrinth of death", "Hangar of death" and "Night of nothing" from 1988, that could easily competite with western Death/Thrash standards of Kreator or the already mentioned Protector. When Lutz Hommel then in May '88 was called to weapons, M.A.D. continued as a trio and spread the name on certain underground stages, making M.A.D. a honored live act behind the wall. Hommel returned late '89 and still played with the guys till early 1990 when he was asked to leave due to personal and musical differences. He formed Overlord shortly afterwards, while the remaining M.A.D. trio went into a studio to record their Demo "Of life in death" still in spring that year. But either M.A.D.'s star, despite of getting airplay with that tape in the bag, that went even more brutal then in the years before (like early Bolt Thrower), started sinking after the political change and the band was seen less and lesser on stage. Christian Ludwig left M.A.D. to join Feuerstein for a short wile and got replaced by MCB's Jörg Borchert during that time, but returned after just a few weeks keeping up with Feuerstein still in 1990. Summer '92 M.A.D. evenually disbanded and Robert Eilenberger joined Hommel in Overlord. Christian Ludwig formed Senistro. Jürgen Graf quit the music business for good. 2006 some of the guys revived M.A.D. once again.

Please check out M.A.D.'s Homepage


"Of life in death" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)

Unreleased Recordings:
"Labyrinth of death" (1987)
"Hangar of death" (1988)
"Night of nothing" (1988)

Macbeth (GDR)


Tobias Nehmer (vocals)
Ralf Zeidler (guitar)
Hanjo Papst (bass)
Frank Fiebach (drums)


Macbeth from Erfurt was one of the first band that got prohibited by the ex-GDR's officials. Founded by Tobias Nehmer, Ralf Zeidler, Hanjo Papst and Frank Fiebach, Michael Werner was found quickly, while Tobias Nehmer left the band already during autumn '85 to form Rochus. But the guys already had organized a very charismatic vocalist, whose name was Detlev Wittenburg and who in future should be responsible for the band's very intelligent and above average lyrics. Hanjo Papst also had to leave in late '85 because of army duties, but Michael Fleischmann joined instead. Macbeth recorded a 4 track Demo and started playing live, which soon caused several stage bans due to the "wrong people" being in the crowd and causing trouble, driven by Macbeth's raw Heavy Metal sound, which soon resulted in Macbeth got completely denied to play live. Due to that fact, Fleischmann left the band in June '86, who in the meanwhile hired ex-Rocksack Carsten Tauchert (bass) and decided to cooperate with the local office of the FDJ (a youth organization), that gained the guys a first live gig after the break in September '86, which though should become the nail to Macbeth's selfmade coffin. After the band got denied any further extra song, the crowd completely raged out, that officials took as reason to deny Macbeth any further gigs, their rehearsal room cancelled and so on. Carsten Tauchert then subsequently applicated to leave the GDR for good and Frank Viehbach joined Prinzz/Blitzz. Michael Werner even was forced to cut his hair and had to join the army. Only Wittenburg and Zeidler remained and started from zero. Hanjo Papst rejoined 1987 after he eventually had returned from the army and new members Lutz Rödiger (guitar) and Frank Basner (drums) also came in, while the band was called to apply the national ministry to talk about the future of Macbeth, which ended in Macbeth changing name to Caiman in May '87 and finally was allowed to play live again. German Democratic Recordings re-released all of the band's Demos on a CD entitled "Zeit der Zeiten" 2006.


"Demo 1985" (selfreleased)

Mad Slaughter


Axel Becker (vocals, guitar)
Jens-Uwe Schnorr (guitar)
Oliver Gerds (bass)
Thomas Heisenberg (drums)


Mad Slaughter from Rostock (ex-GDR) found together during October '85 originally as Heavy Hammer first and spent the first two years to handle their instruments, influenced by AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Metallica and Motörhead. The guys played a technically minor skilled Thrash Metal and in summer 1987 Patrick Wittkowski joined as vocalist. First Heisenberg during early '88 and later in autumn also both guitarists Schnorr and Becker was called to arms to defend the "anti-capitalistic firewall", but the band found Kai Sass to replace Heisenberg, though they had to pause without any guitarist later that year and just reformed in January 1990 when all returned, without vocalist Patrick Wittkowski under the monicker Mad Slaughter. The guys finally had refined their Crossover style Thrash Metal and opened March '90 for Rumble Militia in their hometown, sollowed by many other gigs throughout the area. The band's style during the following years turned into more classic Power/Thrash Metal with either melodic and modern touch and Mad Slaughter's debut Demo "What we know" got released in 1993, shortly before the guys could release their first album "Mind intensive x-tract" independently 1994. 1995 after being slightly disillusioned about the band's further future, they changed name to Crushing Caspars.


”What we know” Demo 1993 (selfreleased)

Madhouse (GDR)


Mario Hänig (vocals)
Heiko Hesse (guitar)
David Sommer (bass)
Frank Oswald (drums)


A Thrash Metal band from Freital (ex-GDR), that formed back in 1987, initiated by schoolboys, but the guys quickly learned to handle their instruments and could start playing several live gigs till November 1989, when caused by the political change some massive problems occured. Initially during earlier in 1989 a Demo tape with the title "T.F.O." was recorded and sold at gigs of the troop, who painted the sound of (the fast) Metallica and especially Slayer on their flag of hate, offering a murderous Destruction/Slayer Thrash sound from hell, that leaves no questions unanswered. Unfortunately during 1990 the guys lost their practise room and seems like the band did not survive that adventure at all.


"T.F.O." Demo 1989 (selfreleased)
"Deaf Tape Sampler No. 1" Comp.-Tape Tracks 1991 (Morbid Records)



Burkhardt Lehmann (vocals)
Bernd Danzenbacher (guitar)
Bernd Schneider (bass)
Uwe Gabel (drums)


A Metal band from Frankfurt/Oder (ex-GDR), that formed slightly after the fall of the wall in February 1990. Madisson's style was Thrash Metal influenced and the guys already got airplay at the “Tendenz Hard bis Heavy” radio show in July ’91 with the track “Intellectuals”, meaning that Demo recordings was made in the first part of 1991. The band additionally produced an independent Cassette and CD with the title "Suffering" in 1993, before they split up the following year. Some guys reformed Madisson in 2002 and keep on playing till nowadays, but without further releases. If you got further info, please get in touch.
(Thanx to sovdat for the heads up)


"Suffering" CD 1993 (selfreleased)



Hans-Joachim Kneis (vocals)
Dietrich Kessler (saxophone, flute, keyboard)
Gisbert Piatkowski (guitar)
Klaus Weigert (bass)
Hans-Peter Dohanetz (keyboard)
Detlef Kessler (drums)


The Hard Rock band Madgeburg was formed in the city of Magdeburg (ex-GDR) 1975, out of the ashes of the band Klosterbrüder who got more and more in trouble with the GDR's authoritys. After first recordings for the national broadcast service of the GDR a first 7" "In meinem Land" was released, and postdoctorate Hans-Peter Dohanetz left in 1976 to get replaced by the later Silly keyboarder Rüdiger Barton. Either Detlef Kessler 1976 quit and emigrated to the western part of Germany 2 years later. He was playing drums on Herbert Grönemeyer's famous "4630 Bochum" album. Waldemar Janicki replaced him and the later founding member of MCB, Bernd Schilanski took his part. A number of several singles was produced from 1978-'79 as well as Magdeburg's debut LP 1980, that featured some of the trax on the early singles either.The album was also re-released as "Verkehrte Welt" in western Germany with a slightly different tracklist. Gisbert Piatkowski and Rüdiger Barton after the album left the band and joined the Rock band City in 1980. Hans Wintoch (violin) and Hans-Jürgen Ludwig (guitar) newly joined and another 7" with the title "Hundsgemein" was produced in the following year 1981, featuring non album trax. When the lads was about to finish their second album "Grand Hand" in 1981, the authoritys started harassing the musicians again, due to the lyrical content and their optical appearance. All of the guys officially requested to leave the GDR, which caused a total stage ban for all of them and the band got officially prohibited. Dietrich Kessler and Hans-Joachim Kneis got jailed for almost 2 years and later left GDR. Hans-Jürgen Ludwig and Bernd Schilanski 1983 formed one of the first GDR's Heavy Metal bands, MCB, together with Mike Demnitz. Hans Wintoch joined Lift in 1984 and later started a solocareer. The sound of Madgeburg on all of their releases was epic 70's Hard Rock in the vein of early Berluc and Prinzip with either Prog Rock influences. 1992 some of the members started a live comeback and since 2000 they are active again under their original monicker Klosterbrüder.


"In meinem Land" 7" EP 1976 (Amiga)
"Ebbe und Flut" 7" EP 1978 (Amiga)
"Verkehrte Welt" 7" EP 1979 (Amiga)
"Magdeburg" LP 1980 (Amiga)
"Hundsgemein" 7" EP 1981 (Amiga)
"Verkehrte Welt" LP 1981 (Teldec)



Mike Andrae (guitar, vocals)
Andreas Löhne (guitar)
Thomas Thrun (vocals, bass)
Jan Berendt (drums)


The eastgerman Manos started as Löwenherz back in 1984 in Querfurt (ex-GDR) and changed name to Manos in late 1988. The lads was playing a rather raw style of Motörhead inspired Metal with Power Metal influences on the 88er Demo track "Metal invade", that as far as I know wasn't released officially. Within the political change inside the GDR and either a change of the personnel change, Manos recorded their first Demo "Kranker Tannenbaum" with Mike Andrae (guitar, vox), Andreas Löhne (bass) and Carsten Rothweiler (drums) in 1989, that was shortly followed by "Frust" in 1990. The guy's style either changed into a raw underground style Thrash Metal by that time, and Manos had become an insider tip due to their sometimes quite insane live shows. The whole insanity resulted in an single on the Poserslaughter Records label in 1991, that featured 5 tracks in an even more rude Death/Thrash style. The band's debut album "La Bumm - Die Fette" otherwise took till 1994 to be released, but the album got legal problems and has to be taken off the market a while later. Manos are still active nowadays, releasing albums every now and then.


"Kranker Tannenbaum" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)
"Frust" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)
“Thrashing East Attack Vol. I” Comp.-MC Tracks 1991 (selfreleased)
"Manos" 7" EP 1991 (Poserslaughter)
"Deaf Tape Sampler No. 1" Comp.-Tape Tracks 1991 (Morbid Records)
"Trade in the blood" Comp.-MC Track 1992 (Thrashing East Attack Vol. II)

Unreleased recordings:
"You don't let me sleep"
"Terror irradiates terror"
"Metal invade" (1988)



Hans-Jürgen Ludwig (guitar, vocals)
Bernd Schilanski (drums)
Mike Demnitz (bass)


Ex-Reform bass player Mike Demnitz got the idea in May '83 in Madgeburg to form a Heavy Metal band which was originally planned with Jörg Skaba (drums) and Sebastian Baur (guitar, vocals), but in the end Hans-Jürgen Ludwig and Bernd Schilanski, both ex-members of the prohibited Hard Rock band Madgeburg, completed the first MCB line up in November '83. The band was called MCB due to M = Mike, C = Charlie (Ludwig's nickname was Charlie) and B = Bernd. Right from the start the lads didn't hide that the sound of Motörhead was their favorite one and soon after a number of gigs, MCB got the reputation to be the Motörhead of the GDR. One of their shows from January '85 was even broadcasted on a national radioshow. For a while in 1985 MCB got chosen to publish the first Heavy Metal LP of the ex-GDR, featuring 5 studio trax (partly recorded inside an empty pool) plus live recordings of their famous radio broadcast from the Schönebeck gig January '85. But that idea was soon cancelled and later a Split LP with Formel 1 was under discussion, but either that project got cancelled and Formel 1 instead got the album deal. In October '85 Ludwig and Demnitz got in trouble with each other, resulting in Ludwig leaving MCB to form his own band Charlie's Crew. The ex-Keks/Monokel guitarist Sebastian Baur replaced him, so December '86 the song "Heavy Mörtel Mischmaschine" was recorded for the national broadcast service before Schilanski also quit in March '87 and joined Scheselong. When the band relocated to Dresden, with Jörg Borchert (ex-Fam) on drums, 4 more trax was recorded, while 3 of them ended up together with "Heavy Mörtel Mischmaschine" on the Kleeblatt No. 22 Split LP with Cobra and Plattform in 1987. Due to the new guys in the band their former slightly R'n'R influenced Motörhead style turned into a heavier direction, either Speed Metal oriented. But since the Amiga refused to allow MCB to record an album, Sebastian Baur did quit in May '89 and former Doctor Rock guitarist Jens Berg joined, which also meant MCB's style changed once again. Proof of that was the furious deathrashing track "Rage out" on the Rock Bilanz '89 sampler, that sounded close to early Kreator. Either benefiting from the political change inside GDR, the lyrics now was sung in english, but what first looked promising, turned into a boomerang and the success started ebbing. One lesser known fact nowadays is that MCB supported Mayhem on one of their 3 Germany gigs during November ’90 in Annaberg, while the band actually provided the whole PA that evening. But Jens Berg left the band after just 1 year, and Jörg Borchert briefly followed his example to firstly join M.A.D. and later Death/Thrashers Overlord. A bunch of ex-Danger musicians (Erik Sommer - guitar, Maik Zühlke - guitar, Andreas Glück - drums) joined instead to reform MCB. A record contract with K&P Records was signed, but lead to nothing. After the "Bloody kisses" Demo recorded in 1991, that included several old MCB tracks in modern versions sung in english, the band split up. Demnitz several times revived MCB, who every now and then are playing some gigs. Sebastian Baur founded the more successful chaos troop Knorkator. A compilation with all their essential 80’s recordings was eventually unleashed upon mankind by once again the German Democratic Recordings label in 2019.


"Kleeblatt No. 22 - Hard & Heavy" Split LP 1987 (with Cobra/Plattform, Amiga)
"Rage out" Comp.-LP Track 1989 (Rock Bilanz '89)
"Bloody kisses" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"The Old Wolf" Comp.-CD Track 1991 (Peace-Eater Vol. I)

Broadcast recordings:
"Live in Schönebeck 28/1/1985"
"Vergiss es" (1987)
"Der alte Wolf" (1987)
"Fest des Wüstlings" (1988)




A Glam influenced Metal band from ex-GDR (probably from the Magdeburg area), that was active in the late 80's, playing live shows. If you got more info, please get in touch.





Melissa was a rough Thrash band of the late 80's from Magdeburg in the ex-GDR. The guys has been known for notoriously wearing steel helmets on stage. Just recently a very obscure yet completely unknown Demo tape of this band surfaced, featuring the tracks "Medusa" and "Samhain", that both was recorded at the Burgh Studios in April '89. If you got more info, please get in touch.
(Thanx for the kind help and info to ZZF/Nachlass Matthias Hopke and Nikolai Okunew)


"Melissa" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)

Mephisto (GDR)


Jens Schuwerk (vocals)
Thomas Hoffmann (guitar)
Michael Sündermann (guitar)
Christian Schubert (bass)
Andreas Korte (drums)


A Hard Rock/Heavy Metal band from East Berlin, that belongs to the very first acts of the ex-GDR, that went heavier ways, and that most musicians of the Berlin scene have played in. The band was already founded during January '79, but adopted the Heavy Metal influenced style first during 1982, by covering bands such as Judas Priest, Saxon, Ted Nugent, Scorpions or Accept. Already during 1983 was in negotiations with the national broadcast service to record their song "Frieden der Welt". Since the band tried to sing in english, they often had to struggle with stage bans. Guys that played in Mephisto was amongst others Frank Eichhorn (ex-Vantom/Cobra/Love Gunn/Rocket), Mario Schneider (ex-Dynastie/Merlin), Rocco Stellmacher (Merlin), Frank Lebe (Merlin), Marcell Thiele (Merlin), Roland Tschech (Metall), Reinhard Repke (Rockhaus), Ralf Dohanetz (Regenbogen/Berluc/V2) or Ronald Pilgrim (Regenbogen/Berluc). During 1984 the Mephisto members Jens Schuwerk, Michael Sündermann (later in Formel 1/Pharao) and Reinhard Repke founded Vantom, so the band was forced to reform with other musicians and this game continued throughout the years. During 1986 and '87 Mephisto also produced 4 songs (most titles are unknown) for the national broadcast service, while their early Heavy Rock got much heavier as songs like the Queensryche influenced "Höllenengel" proves. Then after the fall of the wall in 1990 the band recorded a Demo tape (released 1992) that led to one of the highlights in Mephisto's career, which undoubtly was their support gig for Dio and Metallica May 1990 in Hannover, that the band positively could use to spread their name, while the Krefeld Mephisto immediately judicial prohibited the band to use the name Mephisto any longer. 1991 eventually they had to change the name to Double Action and finally officially released the 1990 Demo recordings as "Demo 1992". If you got more detailed info, please get in touch.


Broadcast Recordings:
“Pferdekur” (1986 or 87)



Mario Schneider (vocals)
Dan Uhden (guitar)
Rocco Stellmacher (guitar)
Frank Lebe (bass)
Frank Fink (drums)


Merlin gathered with Mario Schneider (ex-Dynastie), Rocco Stellmacher, Frank Lebe and Marcell Thiele quite a number of ex-Mephisto musicians while Stellmacher (ex-Schottenrock, ex-Etui) also was one of the founding members of Countdown in 1984. Dan Uhden was playing with Metall in 1983 and joined Countdown later in 1985. Both Stellmacher and Uhden knew bassist Frank Lebe from their time in Etui, Metall and Mephisto. These 4 founded Merlin in November 1986 in East Berlin (ex-GDR). Their first drummer Frank Fink later had to join the army, while Oliver Grossmann took his duties and stayed in the band till at least early '89. The last drummer Marcell Thiele, who joined the band later in 1989, was formerly making music with Dynastie (1982) and Tequila. 1987 Merlin could record 2 first songs ("Goldrausch" & "In ihr gelebt (Berlin)") for the national broadcast service, that still showed a little different side of what they later got known for, to be the eastgerman Helloween. Both being midpaced heavy galopping numbers with a guitar style that already showed similarities to the later famous "Der Zauberer". June 1988 they again recorded 3 more tracks "Die Welt von morgen", "Der Zauberer" and "Excalibur" that clearly showed the new direction, the speed ladden Power Metal, that gave them the stamp to copy Helloween. I wouldn't mark them as copycats to be honest. I'd say their styles just showed similarities and one being Schneider's voice that here and there pretty much sounded close to Kiske's. The band was pretty much able to hold even western standards and right at that time had deserved to record a full album. The Heavy Metal hymn "Der Zauberer" was featured on the "Rockbilanz '89" Compilation and with Marcell Thiele (drums) who joined them in January '89 they recorded 2 more tracks "Crying in the night" and the ballad "After the war" in May 1989. Due to the political change that was coming that year the band was allowed to use english lyrics now and Merlin used their possibilities to get a more international sound. The 2 songs even refined the chosen melodic Power/Speed direction in the vein of Helloween or hungarian Pokolgep's track "Tökfej" from the "Pokoli szinjatek" album. Unfortunately Frank Lebe left the country after the borders got opened and Merlin disbanded. After the split Zong Records put some of their songs from the 2 last recording sessions on a triple Split LP with Hardholz and Headless called "Speed up - Heavy News" which got released in 1990. Stellmacher joined Headless, Dan Uhden tried with Sudden Death and Pharao, Marcell Thiele went on to Headless, later Sudden Death as well and Frank Lebe joined Splinter/Gracious Violence where he met Mario Schneider again. He's now again united with Dan Uhden in Mind Odyssey and Pandea.


"Der Zauberer" Comp.-LP Track 1989 (Rockbilanz '89)
"Speed up - Heavy News" Split LP 1990 (Zong)
Broadcast Recordings:
"Goldrausch" (1987)
"In ihr gelebt (Berlin)" (1987 )
"Die Welt von morgen" (1988)



Thomas Post (vocals)
Roland Tschech (guitar)
Uwe Lerach (guitar)
Sven Rappold (bass)
Ronald Schulze (drums)


Metall was one of the first Heavy Metal bands ever in the GDR, co-founded already in 1982 by Sven Rappold (ex-Schottenrock) and Dan Uhden (Merlin) in East Berlin (ex-GDR). After several line up changes f.e. with Mario Kurth on guitar and Andreas Vincenhöler (ex-Erdmann) doing vocals (both playing on "Heiße Sprüche"), they formed the classic Metall cast of characters 1986 with Thomas Post (vocals), Roland Tschech (guitar, ex-Mephisto), Uwe Lerach (guitar), Sven Rappold (bass) & Ronald Schulze (drums). Metall was mainly influenced by Saxon, Maiden and Judas Priest, but they was acting in places a bit heavier than their idols. On the November '88 released track "Eisenhart" that made it to rank 15 in the national HM charts, they pretty much offered a lethal dose of doublebass driven Speed and Power Metal with a few Running Wild/Helloween hints. I don't know when the track "Heiße Sprüche" (sounds like a Demo recording) was recorded, but seems before 1986, stylistically they tend into a more US Metal ladden Power Metal with Helloween-ish speed parts. 1987 their song "Rüstungsbosse" was broadcasted in a live version, at the "Tendenz bis Heavy" radio show. But due to the fans permanently asking them at live gigs for Thrash covers, they decided to rename the band to make clear that they aren't any Thrash cover band at all. After recording "Easy rider" and "Vulkane der Erde", two more melodic Heavy Metal trax with "Easy rider" being an attempt to create a powerful little biker hymn, for the national broadcast service in early '89 they finally changed their name to Headless in August and opened another chapter in the history of the band. One interesting note to add, usually the trax from the Split LP should be released as a Quartett Single (just like the one of Biest) in late '89 or early '90 but the national record label Amiga was about being sold so that plan was cancelled. Some songs on the "Heavy News" Split LP was still recorded as Metall, while the band appeared on it under their new name Headless. Sven Rappold reactivated Metall in 2013 and released 2 albums since then.
Check out the Easy Rider Clip


"Heiße Sprüche" Demo Track 198x
"Easy rider" Comp.-LP Track 1989 (Rockbilanz '89)
"Speed up - Heavy News" Split LP 1990 (Zong)
Broadcast recordings:
"Eisenhart" (1988)
"Easy Rider" (1989)
"Vulkane der Erde" (1989)




A Metal band from the ex-GDR, that was active during the mid and later 80's. There is one rehearsal recording known to exist, that features an instrumental Speed Metal song, entitled "The speed track". If you got more info, please get in touch.


"The speed track" Demo Track 1985 (selfreleased)

Micky Burgh


Michaela Burkhardt (vocals)
Wolfgang Densky (guitar)


Behind the pseudonym Micky Burgh (sometimes also as Micky Burgk) hides the ex-Plattform vocalist Michaela Burkhardt, who due to musical differences left Plattform early 1988 to start a solo career. It's not really known whose musicians built her backing group but they for sure shouldn't be any strangers within the ex-GDR's Hard Rock scene. The ex-Formel 1 and later Babylon guitarist Wolfgang Densky wrote 4 songs for her and 3 of them got produced for the national broadcast service and either got airplay. The track "Frauen" additionally appeared on an obscure sampler entitled "Das Ding". Micky Burgh's style was just straight Heavy Rock with Bon Jovi touch, but slightly heavier. Basically not even bad stuff, reminding stylistically of Charlie's "Turn away" track. She also performed the Scorpions track "Still loving you" together with Babylon during a national TV show. I guess the political change inside GDR wasn't much efficient for her further career either. Any further info is welcome.


”Frauen” Comp.-LP/CD Track 1989 (Das Ding)

Broadcast Recordings:
"Komm hole mich" (1989)




A Metal band of the ex-GDR. If you got more info, please get in touch.




Steven Mondrzejewski (guitar)
Ralph Richter (drums)


The band Misanthropy was just shortly active during the late 80’s in the Freiberg area, deep in the south of the ex-GDR. Steven Mondrzejewski and Ralph Richter too has been members of this obscure Thrash unit, that formed sometime in 1988 or even early ’89, most probably inspired by Protector’s debut. But their attempt to thrash hard yet ended abruptly already during 1989, when fortunately Olaf Gerold and Helko Klemm of the just recently defunct Helion had been in bad need of musicians to form a new band. So both parties joined forces and created Deathtrap late within 1989 as well, who established their name quickly in the southern part, becoming a warrantor for raw Thrash Metal in their area.




Sebastian Baur (guitar, vocals)
Wilfried Borchert (guitar, vocals)
Frank Gahler (vocals)
Jörg Schütze (bass)
Mario Janik (drums)


The Blues Rock band Monokel from East Berlin (ex-GDR) was originally founded 1975 by Sebastian Baur, Peter Schneider, Horst Trümpelmann, Wilfried Borchert und Michael Mirek, but the spirit within the band wasn't as desired and Monokel was disbanded in summer '76 already. Sebastian Baur didn't want to surrender and gathered new musicians a few months later with Wilfried Borchert (guitar, vocals), Frank Gahler (vocals), Jörg Schütze (bass), Mario Janik (drums) to risk a second try. Sebastian Baur left the band in 1979, joined the band Keks and eventually MCB in 1985. Also Wilfried Borchert and Mario Janik quit to get replaced by both ex-Engerling musicians Bernd Kühnert (guitar, vocals) and Rainer Lojewski (drums). Michael Linke became Monokel's guitarist. Around 1982/83 ex-Berluc Gerd Pöppel replaced Frank Gahler on the micro, who joined NO 55. 1983 Monokel could add 3 songs to the triple Split LP "Kleeblatt No. 10 - Berliner Blues Bands" and Amiga produced their debut LP in 1986, that got the strange title "Fünf nette, junge Herren, die 1a Kraft-Blues machen!". You might wonder why we add a Blues Rock band here I bet, but the lads themselves called their style "Kraft Blues" (Power Blues). And indeed you'll find massive Hard Rock influences there, and either their guitar sound was quite heavy. In a way the Monokel trax sounded close to early MCB songs, f.e. "Lied des Galgenbruders an Sophie, das Henkersmädel" could be a Monokel song either. Nevertheless, almost everyone, who trys to compile a list of eastgerman Hard Rock vinyls, does forget about Monokel's LP. After the album nothing else happened anymore and during the political change 1989 the band was almost about to split up, but could be sailed into a secure haven throughout these crazy times. 1995 their second album "Monokel" was released on Buschfunk. The guys are still active nowadays, though at a certain point the band split up into 2 different bands using the name Monokel.
You can check out their album here.


"Kleeblatt No. 10 - Berliner Blues Bands" Split LP Tracks 1983 (with Zenit/Jonathan Blues Band, Amiga)
"Fünf nette, junge Herren, die 1a Kraft-Blues machen!" LP 1986 (Amiga)
"Boogie Mobil" Comp.-LP Track 1986 (Rock-Bilanz 1986)

Monte Christo



A Heavy Metal band of the ex-GDR. If you got more info, please get in touch.




Zentaur (guitar)
Mike Poppel (drums)


Shortlived Death/Thrash combo from Thuringia, hailing from the Arnstadt/Ilmenau area in the south of the ex-GDR, who formed around 1989 we guess. They’ve played a couple of gigs in their area during 1990, f.e. with Eminenz and Wodan in October ‘90, but disappeared again quickly afterwards. At that time no recordings had been available at all. Drummer Mike Poppel joined Horrible Hour in 1992.


Morbid Talking


Ronny (vocals)
Volkmar Weber (bass)
Robert (drums)


Probably a Grind/Noisecore band from Apolda (ex-GDR), with some of the members forming Carnifex in June 1991. If you have more info please get in touch.


More Beer


Stefan Knaak (vocals)
Oliver Bienert (guitar)
Ritschi Ziemek (bass)
Udo (drums)


A Hardcore/Crossover band from East Berlin, formed in December of 1987 still in the ex-GDR. There isn’t much known of these guys, but 1989 they recorded a Demo tape with quite bad sound. Musically alot Hardcore influenced, there’s a mix of early D.R.I. and mainly the californian version of Necropolis to be mentioned, though More Beer are more on the Hardcore side. During August ‘90 the band split up for the first time, but every now and then reunited once again, lasting until 1996. For the "The Spirit of the 90's Vol. 2" compilation 4 more live trax was used in 1992, now sounding slightly more in the Sheer Terror vein with massive Thrash influences though. During early 1996 the Plattenbau label released a vinyl compilation with several songs written between 1987-96, including cover versions of S.O.D. and Discharge, which might give you a survey of their personal influences. The LP includes an additional 7" and was limited to 500 copies. The shouter Stefan "Rotten“ Knaak was later found in bands like Voice Of Hate, Endstation 58 and Kiezgesöx, while Oliver Bienert in the 2010’s supported Haudegen live on stage.


"Demo 89" (selfreleased)
"The Spirit of the 90's Vol. 2" Comp.-MC Tracks 1992
“Nazi Oi" Comp.-MC Track 1992 (BRD von unten II)
“Blitzkrieg“ Comp.-MC Track 1993 (Unter dem Pflaster)
“Blitzkrieg“ Comp.-MC Track 1993 (Gespräche armer Natur!)

Mortal Impact


Michael Schumann (guitar)
Steffen Freyer (guitar)
Thomas Kanigs (bass, vocals)
Rudi (drum)


Originally Mortal Impact from Hohenmölsen, south of Leipzig in the ex-GDR, was formed back in summer of ‘89 as Deathinfection by Michael Schumann (guitar) and Rudi (drums), while Thomas Kanigs joined them just a short time later on bass. Rudi already left the Thrash trio after a while, but instead Andreas Wünsche had the balls to hire as drummer for the young band, that at a certain point changed name to Mortal Impact most probably at around that time during 1990. A vocalist and also a second guitarist joined the guys, but both was fired right away, since their skills haven’t been developed enough to cover their favorite songs of Slayer, Nuclear Assault etc. Thomas took over vocals meanwhile, till during September ’90 Steffen Freyer became their second guitarist. The musical likings of the foursome now had moved towards Death Metal inspired stuff, favorizing a rather Swedish sounding style with hints of Entombed/Dismember/Carnage, that could be heard on the 4 track Demo "Last termination", recorded in July '91. At that point the former Thrash band had completely turned into classic Death Metal. Nevertheless their time was running out quickly, despite the good Demo and several label offers to release a single. Another Demo recording was even though scheduled for spring ’92. Andreas Wünsche later after Mortal Impact's decline around 1992/93 briefly joined Overlord, but didn't remain there for long.


"Last termination" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"Carbonized" Comp.-Tape Track 1992 (Thrashing East Attack Vol. II)



Oliver Hippauf (vocals)
Ingo Lohf (guitar)
Steffen Häupl (guitar)
Manfred Uhlig (bass)
Uwe Kovarnik (drums)


Moshquito was founded as Argus in the saxon Zwickau (ex-GDR), by Manfred Uhlig as a Blues Rock band back in 1982. After several personnel and musical changes the original Argus line up had crystalized in 1985 with Benjamin Müller (vocals), Ingo Lohf (guitar, ex-Rapunzel), Steffen Häupl (guitar), Manfred Uhlig (bass) and Uwe Kovarnik (drums), while stylistically their influences now came from bands like Metallica, Iron Maiden, Saxon and Judas Priest. But the band's style permanently got heavier during the following year. Slayer and Kreator influences infected the guys who turned into one of the first pure Thrash acts of the GDR. Oliver Hippauf replaced Benjamin Müller in 1987 and the guys prepared their first Demo tape in late 1987. But due to the fanatic crowd that Argus followed from gig to gig, the SED officials ordered several stage bans, that Argus answered with a simple change of the band name to Moshquito shortly before the Demo "No back to inferno" was released. So basically the Moshquito Demo reflects the early musical work of Argus, featuring a raw Thrash Metal style similar to Slayer. When Hippauf was called to arms during 1988, Benjamin Müller returned to the band, who recorded the "Mosh in Moscow" Demo in the meanwhile in late '88, with technical Bay Area influenced Thrash songs reminding slightly of a cross of Exodus, Metallica and Slayer. During the political change in late '89/early '90 Moshquito got into personnel trouble, as parts of the crew left the band like Manfred Uhlig, Steffen Häupl and Benjamin Müller. Most probably the cracked deal with West Virginia Records, who wanted to produce the first Moshquito album "For the communist emperor" during 1990 (as it was already announced on flyers of the label), was the catalyst I guess. With Rochus Röder (guitar) and André Nebel (bass, vocals) the recovered Moshquito around the only former survivors Uwe Kovarnik and Ingo Lohf, recorded one more Demo during 1991 entitled "Only death is for nothing", that delivered raw Thrash with occasional Death/Thrash influences. But shortly after Moshquito got disbanded, as rumours say because West Virginia hindered the guys to sign deals with other labels. Their last gig happened in Karl-Marx-Stadt (Chemnitz), 1991, with only Lohf, Nebel and Kovarnik remaining. André Nebel instantly joined the Chemnitz based Hard'n'Heavy band Rockwärts. 1996 Mosquito got revived again by Ingo Lohf, Oliver Hippauf and Andrè Nebel, who are nowadays firming under the name Xiom. The first two Demos of the band got re-released 2011 on vinyl by German Democratic Recordings under the title "Metallic grave". 2017 the original monicker Moshquito was picked up once again though.


"No back to inferno" Demo 1987 (selfreleased)
"Mosh In Moscow" Demo 1988 (selfreleased)
"Only death is for nothing" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)



Axel Matthees (vocals, bass)
Rüdiger Lange (guitar)
Marcus Lange (drums)
Steffen König (guitar)


This eastgerman Heavy Metal band was founded in Bielatal (greater Pirna area near Dresden) by Rüdiger "Rudi" Lange (lead guitar) after his retirement from Titan in 1985 together with his brother Marcus on drums and Steffen "King" König on rhythm guitar. The very first vocalist Ingo (Hedel) was replaced in February 1986 by Axel Mathees, who also, after trying several bass players like "Der Koch" (1985) and Maik Banasiak (1986), was handling the bass guitar after summer 1986 when they just didn't have a bass player in the line up. Musically Motörsound started with cover versions of AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Motörhead, Judas Priest and Saxon plus a very few own songs like "Der Außenseiter" (The only Demo recording from April '86 that has survived until today, a song Rudi still had composed with Titan who called it "Nie mehr allein"). Their first live gig happened in April '86 at the Kulturhaus Langenhennersdorf. One month later in May, Motörsound got their national grading for the "basic level" by the Kreiskulturkabinett Pirna. (That was something every band in the ex-GDR had to graduate in order to be able to play live gigs and to get paid according to the recent level your band has classified for. The higher your level, the more payment in other words.) They played several live gigs in the area till late 1987 when King left Motörsound. He wasn't replaced, but instead they added with Jörg "Joy" Jahn (ex-Pent) a bass player who would stay in the band for longer. That was the moment when they also changed the band's name to Koks. The band logo was naturally looking similar to Motörhead's.
(Thanx to Axel Matthees for info & material - picture copyrights by Axel)


"Der Außenseiter" Demo Track 1986 (selfreleased)

Musical Massacre


Silvio Zeller (vocals)
Renè Kögel (guitar)
Andrè Hase (guitar)
Uwe Limberger (bass)
Lutz Götzold (drums)


Musical Massacre operated originally in the beginning under the cute name of Bloodbath, founded in 1988 by some friends still within ex-GDR times in Nossen near Dresden, but wasn't really leaving the basement at all, as the guys had problems to find a proper line up until the summer of 1990. Bloodbath by that time had changed name to Musical Massacre and began to play doomy Death Metal, reminding slightly of the Asphyx stuff. Their drummer Lutz Götzold quit a bit later on and the former Deathtrap skinbeater Ralph Richter came in still late 1990, while Götzold in ’91 joined the Deathtrap guys instead. The troop played their first gig ever in August ’91 in their hometown, together with Annaberg’s premier Thrashers Wodan, Eminenz and the well known Lemming Project. The Demos "The evil's incarnation" was eventually recorded and released during November, while the second strike "Necrobestiality" was produced in October ’92. Vocalist Silvio Zeller left the band shortly later and the lads continued with Sörko as a replacement, but due to different opinions about the band’s musical future, Musical Massacre split up late in 1992. Renè Kögel and Uwe Limberger formed the band Purgatory in spring of 1993, continuing the pursued path of Musicial Massacre. During summer 2012, 20 years later, founding member Andrè Hase wanted to reform the band once again and convinced Ralph Richter and Uwe Limberger (ex-Purgatory/Grace) to rejoin once again. Carsten Sickert (ex-Dark Decade/Purgatory) became their shouter, while another veteran of the local scene, ex-Helion/Deathtrap guitarist Olaf Gerold, took the axe. Carsten Sickert already had to be displaced a few months later, so Michael Geyhler (ex-Refractory) took his part instead. Either Ralph quit again very shortly later and ex-Paraphilia drummer David Beier joined. Practically their debut album „Hell tank 666“ was released in 2015, while the band still tried hard to rely on old behaviours and to compose oldstyle Death Metal tunes, like in their early days. After the album „Off to war“ (2017) Markus Hartung was exchanged for Wolfgang Rothbauer (ex-Thirdmoon/In Slumber etc.) and the so far last current album „Inhuman“ appeared in 2020, once again released on German Democratic Recordings, like the ones before.


"The evil's incantation" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"Macabre ritual of the sadistic executer" Comp.-MC Track 1992 (Thrashing East Attack Vol. II)
"Necrobestiality" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)

Na und


Angelika Flade (vocals)
Galina Seminichina (guitar)
Susanne Rahm (bass)
Marion Häußler (keyboard)
Angela Ullrich (drums)


An all female Hard Rock band founded 1979 in Dresden (ex-GDR) under the name "Dresdner Mädchenband" but the girls changed it in 1983 to "Na und" (So what). They started covering international Hard Rock classics. Still in 1983 during a tour a tragic car accident happened that ended in Susanne Rahm and Marion Häußler losing their life. They both got replaced by Sylvia Tuch (bass) and Joane Rekitt (keyboard). In 1984 Ina Morgenweck took over the vocals and the band's most successful period started. They could produce a few songs for the national radio broadcast (f.e. "Mädchenrock") and also a live gig was broadcasted in 1985. But then Angela Ullrich left to form her own band Agentur Null, and shortly after Ina Morgenweck as well to sing for the band Charlie. That meant the end for Na und. Na und's style was a mix of classic Rock, Hard Rock and Metal with "Atlantis" probably being the highlight in their set, a great epic Metal Rocker with kinda Dio-ish flair and galopping guitars. Galina Semenichina joined the band St. Metal during 1988 and played on their second Demo.


Broadcast Recording:
"Mädchenrock" (1985)



Runhardt Scheffler (guitar, vocals)
Mario Eckert (bass)
Jean Schulze (drums)


Necromance from Spremberg (ex-GDR) started originally as Secret Attack still in 1987, covering mainly NWOBHM bands like Iron Maiden, Motörhead or Judas Priest in the beginning. Their own material was rather Power Metal inspired and the guys either played a few live gigs at that time. But during 1988 Secret Attack split up and Runhardt Scheffler learned to play guitar instead in order to form something more brutal sounding. He tried several times to gather musicians for that purpose but always failed, till he met drummer Jean Schulze in early 1990 and both formed Necromance. Mario Eckert joined both on bass in July ‘91. 3 months after the Demo “Slow death” was released, the band went to a studio once again to records 2 more songs for the Split 7” with Enslaved, published within the same year 1991 as well on Morbid Records. These guy's early style was rather primitive and average, but just typical early 90's Death Metal, personally inspired by Pungent Stench, Death and Repulsion as they claimed, till the trio went into a completely different Gothic Metal/Rock direction around 1994, with the “The parable of the weed” Demo. They were able to release 3 albums until 2001, before the band eventually split up during 2002.


"Slow death" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"Enslaved/Necromance" Split 7" EP 1991 (Morbid)
"The dwarf" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)
"The chainsaw" Comp.-MC Track 1992 (Thrashing East Attack Vol. II)
"Zander" Split 7" EP 1993 (with Enslaved/Cadaver Corpse/Lubricant, Morbid)

Necrophenistic Nightmare


Markus Lehnigk (guitar)
Dirk Olesch (bass)
Gerd Zaunig (vocals, drums)


A Death Metal band from Cottbus (ex-GDR), that was formed by Markus Lehnigk (guitar), Dirk Olesch (bass) and Gerd Zaunig (vocals, drums), whose first steps as a real band (yet no name was given at that time) are dating back to May 1990. 6 months later the guys picked up the monicker Necrophenistic Nightmare and additionally added Birk Hübner on vocals to the line up. During January ‘91 the fourpiece eventually recorded their first Demo “Tales of insanity”, but being absolutely unhappy with the final result, they buried the recordings. After several live gigs where they amongst other local acts also could support Sinister and Disharmonic Orchestra, they decided to change the band’s name to Enslaved in July '91.


“Tales of insanity" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)



Marco Kluge (guitar, vocals)
Frank Lommatsch (bass)
Thomas Helbig (drums)


Necrophobia from Frankenberg, north of Chemnitz, still formed during the ex-GDR's last breaths in 1990 but existed just for a very short period, before the band already split up after the release of their only Demo "The lost souls” in 1992. This Doom/Death Metal trio consisted of Marco Kluge (guitar, vocals), Frank “Lommi” Lommatsch (bass) and Thomas "Halloween" Helbig (drums), whose material got compared to stuff like early Cathedral, Goatlord or early Paradise Lost, performing a very slow kind of Death Metal with extreme vocals. Marco Kluge afterwards joined Deface on drums.


“The lost souls” Demo 1992 (selfreleased)



Ron Schaffer (vocals)
Stephan Roll (guitar)
Jahn Junghans (guitar)
Sven Plog (bass)
Mike Hein (drums)


Inofficially Necrosist from Prenzlau up in the eastern north of the ex-GDR was created by Ron Schaffer in 1990, after he just had left his former band T.M.K. But it took a while till he could gather enough musicians around himself to officially start a real band eventually in 1991. Drummer Mike “Heini” Hein f. e. came from the then defunct band “Dorn im Auge”. The other guys completing the band had been Stephan “Wölfi” Roll (guitar), Jahn “Janni” Junghans (guitar) and Sven “Plogy” Plog (bass). Right during early ’92 Necrosist recorded their debut Demo “Faces of death”, that featured classic and slow Doom/Death Metal. Within 1992 as well the second Demo “Power of darkness” was released, continuing the path of the debut. Plogy left afterwards and Guido Hausohn entered instead to play the bass. During 1993 a 3rd Demo “Traumatic” was recorded, delivering 6 songs before the band’s style went into a rather Gothic/Death Metal direction with keyboards. A 5 way split CD entitled “Children of tomorrow Vol. II“ and featuring Necrosist together with Desertion, Senistro, Sadistic Feast & Diarrhea was released in August 1996, though the band member carousel spinned several times. On their late debut CD from 1997 “Lost time’s” (AFM Records) the band line up already featured Ron Schaffer (guitar, vocals), Michael Grambow (guitar), Guido Hausohn (bass), Cornelia Thiel (keyboard) and Mike Hein (drums). But nevertheless it led to nothing than pure stagnation. One more Demo was recorded in 2002 with the same result, although they dropped the Gothic Metal influences and returned to their Death Metal roots. So the newly reformed Necrosist with now both guitarists Ron Schaffer and Michael Grambow still being on board, yet got supported by new members Nico Lüttschwager on bass and Fabian Reimer behind the drums to start recordings for the second album “When day dies” in 2003. In the end the album was selfreleased by the band independently on vinyl just 3 years later in 2006. Once again the line up changed. Felix Müller (bass) and Martin Hempel (drums) joined Necrosist who simply walked down a road wihout any end, that led into nowhere. Plogy eventually returned on bass during 2008 and formed a steady line together with Ron Schaffer both on guitars when Eva-Maria Dahlmann (Püppi) came in 2011 to play the bass guitar. One last change happened with Cannibal Kurt taking over the vocals 2013, leaving Schaffer on guitar only by now. The actual future of the band yet is undecided, they seem to still keep the band alive, but no further releases appeared at all.


“Faces of death" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)
“Power of darkness” Demo 1992 (selfreleased)
"Traumatic" Demo 1993 (selfreleased)



Wirtscheck (vocals)
Udo (guitar)
Vele (bass)
Kalle (drums)


No-One was a shortlived Hard Rock/Metal band from Meerane (ex-GDR), that only existed from 1983-86, without having ever composed own material. The guys just focussed on coverversions of bands like Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Krokus and Accept and already split up during late 1986. When their vocalist and bassist all together had to join the army during autumn '86, their guitarist Udo tried to illegally escape the country and eventually got busted in Hungary. The last survivor Kalle joined forces with Frontal vocalist Andreas Männer, who had just lost his band as well and both subsequently revived Frontal with new fresh musicians. If you got more, please get in touch.




Rainer Wild (vocals, guitar)
Gerd Knoth (guitar)
Rene Reiner (bass)
Tino Koch (drums)


A Metal band from Markneukirchen/Saxony (ex-GDR), that is active since already 1982, initiated by Rainer Wild (vocals, guitar), Gerd Knoth (guitar), Rene Reiner (bass) and Tino Koch (drums), musically influenced by bands such as Judas Priest, Saxon, Deep Purple, Accept and Iron Maiden. The band was playing many live gigs with either the use of selfmade pyrotechnics, which sometimes caused stage bans for the guys. After achieving the upper class classification by the national comission, the guys recorded the song "Komm zurück" in 1986, which basically is a cover version (or rip off) of Judas Priest's "Jawbreaker" with different german lyrics. During an ordered stage ban phase the band got heavier and adopted several Power Metal and Thrash cover versions of Metallica, Slayer and also Running Wild into their repertoire, which made Rainer Wild leaving during 1987. Also Tino Koch was forced to leave due to expected army duties, so the band was forced to search for new members, who in 1988 completed the new line up, now consisting of Oliver Glas (vocals), Uwe Wunderlich (guitar), Gerd Knoth (guitar), Rene Reiner (bass), Ralf Scherzer (drums). But soon Glas left again to form the band Voice with former Nobody axeman Rainer Wild. Uwe Wunderlich took the micro afterwards and Jens Meinl (ex-Space) got hired as 2nd guitarist. Musically the guys also added trax of Sodom, S.O.D and Celtic Frost into their playlist, causing another stage ban 1989, because of playing Sodom's "Bombelhagel". After playing two gigs during 1989 in the Soviet Union, Rene Reiner left the country shortly before the fall of the wall. Further attempts to continue with Nobody didn't succeed at all. 2002 some of the guys found together and nowadays are on the road again as a cover band.

Check out Nobody's Homepage


Broadcast Recordings:
”Komm zurück” (1986)



Lutz Edelhäuser (guitar)
Michael Brill (bass)
Frank Brill (drums)


Orakel from Tambach-Dietharz in the south of the ex-GDR was founded by Lutz Edelhäuser and the brothers Michael and Frank Brill (both ex-Phon) in 1980 as a Blues and Hard Rock band. The band didn't exist for long and disbanded already in late 1981 when most of the guys had to join the army. But they played several gigs throughout 1980/81 and after the guys finally had returned, they formed the Hard Rock band Hardholz 1983 with additional vocalist Stephan Buchfeld, that later would become one of the GDR's leading Heavy Metal bands.




Lutz Hommel (guitar, bass, vocals, drum programming)


Overlord was and since a few years again still is the baby of Lutz Hommel from Merseburg (between Halle and Leipzig), a former ex-GDR Death/Thrash veteran, who’s been a member of extreme Thrashers M.A.D. since already late 1986. When he returned from the army in 1989, he still played a few shows with M.A.D. and then was asked to leave due to musical deviations. He immediately baptized (in blood of corpse) his little boy „Overlord“ right in early 1990 and began to record new songmaterial, to realize his deepest Death Metal visions, that burned inside his mind for quite a while already. Still playing all instruments himself on the debut, he soon would find Uwe Nolte on vocals, the Manos drummer Carsten Rothweiler and ex-Panther Sven Halm on bass to record the 2 track Demo „Sinister path“ in 1991. Nolte and Halm wouldn’t remain for long in Overlord and had already left the band, when the 3rd Demo "Birth of descendants" was about to be produced, so that was Hommel’s former M.A.D. friend Robert Eilenberger signal to fill the spot on bass and vocals right away, building a strong backbone now for the band, that resulted in positive responses everywhere in the underground press, culminating in the offer to record their selftitled debut album in 1993. The CD in the meanwhile got extremely delayed and wasn’t available before 1996, when D&S finally threw it onto the market. Carsten Rothweiler already had quit Overlord right after those recordings and Andreas Wünsche (ex-Mortal Impact) joined in just briefly, when the duo Hommel/Eilenberger eventually could recruit the ex-MCB/M.A.D. drummer Jörg Borchert (ex-Fam) still in 1993, who appeared firstly on their 93er Promotape. During the following months, waiting for their debut to finally behold the light of day, Overlord recorded another Demo ("The Orient's breath") in 1994, that sadly offers a groove infected sort of Death’n’Roll now. Despite of “Overlord” being available at last during 1996, the guy’s different opinions for the future lead into their disintegration lastly in mid ’98. Lutz Hommel though returned with a selfmade Promo CDR during 2018 once again, but seems that the chapter Overlord finally was put at rest, since he’s playing actively in the reformed Musical Massacre now.


"Volume one" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)
"Sinister path" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
“The sinister path” Comp.-MC Track 1991 (Visions Of Canalization Compilation Tape Volume One)
“Thrashing East Attack Vol. I” Comp.-MC Tracks 1991 (selfreleased)
"Deaf Tape Sampler No. 1" Comp.-Tape Tracks 1991 (Morbid)
"Birth of descendants" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)
“Promotape” Promo 1993 (selfreleased)



Ralf Mikula (vocals)
Sven Halm (guitar)
Ulf Mäder (bass)
Steffen Klotz (drums)


A Thrash band that was originating from Halle (ex-GDR) and started playing in 1986. The guys seen by their technical skills must be counted to the upper league of the GDR Thrash acts, especially during the late 80's the Panther gigs was overcrowded events. Mike Kähler (ex-Hercules) replaced Ulf Mädler during 1987 on the bass guitar and also another Hercules axeman (Dieter Woyderski) joined Panther for about a year, but again left during '88. The guys was favorizing a speedy sort of Metal and after winning a national band contest in 1988, the band could produce the professional studio track "Höllenfeuer", that turned out to be a total rager with wild guitars and raw Speed Metal sound, almost hard to imagine that song was indeed produced at Jürgen Matkowitz's studio. The band naturally adopted a raw Thrash sound a bit later on and performed Kreator, Destruction and Sodom coverversions on stage, which led into a temporary stage ban after playing Sodom's "Bombenhagel". Ralk Mikula and Maik Kähler therefore left Panther (both either left the country later), who hired Maik Schmidt for the vocals and Ronnie Dümke on the bass, to record their first Demo "Total chaos" later in 1989, which turned out to feature Death/Thrash, sounding like a cross of Slayer, Sadus and Kreator. Early 1990 the guys still recorded one more Demo ("Empire of death") of the same brutal kind, but later went into a rather Death Metal/Grindcore direction and eventually split up 1991. 2 of their Demo trax ("Andalusien Terror" and "Burial of president") was featured on the underground compilation tape "Schreie der Angst". Guitarist Sven Halm joined the Death Metal band Overlord afterwards. 2019 the German Democratic Recordings label, re-released Panther's Demos and rehearsal recordings on the CD "Höllenfeuer".


"Total chaos" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)
"Empire of death" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)
“Thrashing East Attack Vol. I” Comp.-MC Tracks 1991 (selfreleased)
"Deaf Tape Sampler No. 1" Comp.-Tape Tracks 1991 (Morbid Records)
"Schreie der Angst" Comp.-MC Tracks 1991 (Götterwind)

Broadcast Recordings:
"Höllenfeuer" (1988)




Pathologie from Eberswalde (ex-GDR) was a Grind/Noisecore outfit that formed and was active only during the beginning of the 90’s. Surprisingly they couldn’t at least record any single, since all these funny Nothingcore troops got caught by underground labels to waste tons of vinyl this way. Nevertheless Pathologie either performed live on stage, supporting acts like Necrophiliacs, W.B.I., B.G.T. Extreme Noise and others in 1991, when they also mentioned plans to record a Demo tape. If it’s indeed released is uncertain yet, the www remains completely silent anyway.




Torsten Simmert (vocals)
Frank Lehmann (guitar)
Jörg Hahn (guitar)
Jörg Jahn (bass)
Thomas Lorenz (drums)


Pent was formed 1980 by the schoolfriends Torsten Simmert (vocals), Frank Lehmann (guitar), Jörg Hahn (guitar), Jörg Jahn (bass) and Thomas Lorenz (drums) in Pirna (ex-GDR) and was besides Titan one of the 2 Metal bands of that city. Inspired by western Hard Rock acts like AC/DC, Black Sabbath and Deep Purple the quintet during the following 2 years worked hard and rehearsed about 25 cover songs, that led into first local gigs. With the rise of the NWOBHM inside the GDR underground, Pent restructured their musical direction and now bands like Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Saxon or Van Halen took the lead. Jörg Jahn left in 1983 and the much older Joachim Rietz joined on bass guitar. 1984 Jörg Hahn also quit and Frank replaced him shortly but left the band too a while later, who continued as a fourpiece nevertheless. Drummer Thomas Lorenz was forced to leave Pent in 1987, since he officially tried to relocate to western Germany and the GDR officials wasn't amused at all. He first played with Titan and then joined Doctor Rock, before he eventually left the country for good in summer '88. Peer Anders replaced him. With him the guys recorded 2 of their very few original trax, namely “Heavy Metal Music“ and “Der Totentanz ist nicht mehr weit“ at a studio in Berlin, that featured a quite typical for GDR bands Hard Rock influenced sort of Heavy Metal with too clean production. November 1st in 1988 all the 4 Pent members had to attend for fatherland duties and that's been the end of the group, as when they got released in 1990 all of them had to find their own way through the chaos caused by the political change. Just about 10 years later Frank Lehmann and Thomas Lorenz met up with ex-Titan members and decided to play old Heavy Metal classix on stage under the monicker of Pentan.

Check out Pentan's Homepage


Studio Recordings:
"Heavy Metal Music" (1988)
“Der Totentanz ist nicht mehr weit“ (1988)



Michael Barakowski (vocals, guitar)
Peter Voges (guitar)
Volkmar Ebel (bass)
Michael Schubert (keyboard)
Bernd Fleckner (drums)


Not really being a pure Hard Rock band in the first instance, the Rock band Perl should get a quick mention here as well, since their song material was at least countable to the Classic Rock/AOR spectrum, delivering with the timeless AOR classic „Zeit, die nie vergeht" the megahit of the year 1985 in the ex-GDR. The band was formed 1979 in Berlin as Jazzrock unit by Michael Barakowski (vocals, guitar), Peter Voges (guitar), Volkmar Ebel (bass), Michael Schubert (keyboard) and Bernd Fleckner (drums), who shortly afterwards integrated Thomas Posselt (violin) as well. During the first years Perl was only active live on stage and busy with finding a style that suits them the most, until 1981 the band got completely restructured when Voges, Ebel, Posselt and Schubert left. With André Drechsler on guitar, Barakowski and Fleckner continued, playing as trio for a while till 1983, when Sven Hertrampf (son of the Puhdys Dieter Hertrampf) replaced drummer Bernd Fleckner and René Niederwieser moved on André Drechsler’s position on the guitar. The guys was even lucky to find Wieland Apelt on bass in 1984, to participate on several local contests like the „Werkstattwoche in Suhl”, where they could convince the jury to propose Perl for one of the coveted sponsored recordings sessions. At the studio of Gunter Wosylus (ex-Puhdys) the guys later in the same year recorded the track „Oh, Amore", that opened the way for more recordings during 1985, when „Zeit, die nie vergeht", „Zwischen Traum und Wirklichkeit" and the very rough „Schulzeit" was produced. From out of nothing the Classic Rock number „Zeit, die nie vergeht” entered national hitparades, storming on top and either became the number 1 hit of the year 1985 in the final assessment of that year. With the hard rocking „Schulzeit" Perl could promote themselves even in TV in the national Pop/Rock show „StopRock!". Besides "Zeit, die nie vergeht" earning such an overwhelming success, Michael Barakowski earlier already had decided to leave the band and start a solo career instead, their paths disjoined still in 1985. The remaining Sven Hertrampf, Wieland Apelt and René Niederwieser would try to follow their successful start with new vocalist Wolfgang Franke (ex-Perl) still throughout 1986, but then disbanded Perl for good. Wolfgang Franke was hired by Prinzip to sing on their „Phönix” album and Perl's main songwriter Barakowski went to join Smokings Rockshow in 1986 till the end of the 80’s. Afterwards in 1990 he replaced Wolfgang Franke in Prinzip shortly till their decline a few months later. Wolfgang Franke and Sven Hertrampf revived Franke's old band PVC during spring '89. The 3rd song of their famous recording session „Zwischen Traum und Wirklichkeit", another AOR number, still made it on a 4 way Split EP with the title „Startschuss", released in 1986.


„Zeit, die nie vergeht" Comp.-LP Track 1985 (Rock-Bilanz 1985)
„Zwischen Traum und Wirklichkeit " Split 7" EP Track 1986 (with Condor/Forum/MEX, „Startschuss“)

Broadcast Recordings:
„Oh, Amore" (1984)
„Schulzeit" (1985)



Reinhard Lehmann (vocals)
Michael Jurischk (guitar)
Frank Müller (drum)
Fred Ullmann (guitar)
Christian Dallmann (bass)


Pharao is in a way the continuation of Regenbogen/Countdown, as after Andreas Schwendemann of the last Regenbogen line up left the GDR, Reinhard Lehmann (ex-Plattform), Michael Jurischk (ex-Plattform) and Frankie Müller started with Pharao early 1986 in East Berlin (ex-GDR). The band got completed by Fred Ullmann (later in Defcon/Chor Chorea) and Christian Dallmann. They recorded "Feuer der Liebe" and "Reich der Finsternis" for the national broadcast service in fall of 1986 which proved them to set the standard for other Metal bands quite high. Pharao played way heavier than Regenbogen, a midpaced melodic Power Metal with small hints of Helloween and Jackie Lehmann proving that he's one of the best singers in the Republic while the axework was simply brilliant. The 2 songs got airplay at the national radio stations and even an appearance for the Live Beatkiste (a kinda hitparade radio show by listeners voting every thursday, that in the second part played Heavy Metal) followed featuring "Metal Baby" and "Geboren im Feuer". After Formel 1 disbanded the ex-Formel 1 members Detlef Dudziak (bass) and Michael Sündermann (guitar, ex-Mephisto) replaced Ullmann and Dallmann in 1987. Michael Jurischk left in 1987 as well to join melodic Hard Rockers Charlie. Pharao got invitations to appear in the national TV music shows in 1988. But then they decided to only use english lyrics and the eastgerman culture bosses ended co-operation with the band. This whole crap ended in the situation that after getting offers from outside GDR to produce a full album, the government hindered them to answer those requests. Sundermann (he joined B.O.R.N.) and Dudziak left Pharao in late 1988 due to that and got replaced by Rainer Schmidt (guitar) and Thomas Rohrich (bass), who got briefly replaced by Frank Kube. The band recorded a 3 track Demo in 1989 with songs from the later album but in much heavier and more unpolished sounding versions than on the album, that just screamed the word Power Metal from all of its pores. In early '89 Amiga tried to contact the band again for a possible LP release, but demanded german lyrics. Lehmann denied and escaped from the GDR in mid '89 and organized Pharao a record deal in Stuttgart where he re-located. The other members followed him after the fall of the wall and they started recording the "Bad boys from east" album for Gama records in 1990 with Jackie Lehmann (vox), Rainer Schmidt (guitar), Frank Kube (bass) and Frankie Müller (drums). The album was released on CD and Vinyl while the LP version for a strange reason was only available in Italy. But their luck didn't last much longer, due to legal problems with Gama the band had to quit and after a last show with Dan Uhden on the second guitar they disbanded in 1991. Lehmann would join Sanvoisen and later went back to Berlin to form progressive Power Metallers Resistence with former Tarot members and Franky Müller. "Bad boys from east" still up till today is a prime example of how melodic Power Metal has to sound like.


"Demo 1989" (selfreleased)
"Bad boys from east" LP/CD 1990 (Gama/Hot Blood)
Broadcast Recordings:
"Reich der Finsternis" (1986)
"Das Feuer der Liebe" (1986)



Thomas Fritzsching (guitar, vocals)


A Hard Rock band originating from East Berlin (ex-GDR), that was active during the late 70's till the early 80's, when Thomas Fritzsching joined the later famous GDR Pop/Rock band Silly. Phoenix's style was influenced by international 70's Hard Rock acts. If you got more info, please get in touch.




Michael Schramm (vocals, guitar)
Jens Peter Langheinrich (guitar)
Kenneth Bwalya (guitar)
Frank Wunderlich (bass)
Steffen Svoboda (drums)


A Hard Rock/Metal band from Aue/Saxony (ex-GDR), which was originally founded in 1985 as a Classic Rock band that covered songs of the Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Neil Young or ZZ Top. When Steffen Svoboda 1986 saw Argus live on stage with their newly targeted Heavy Metal live set, the desire rose up to play similar music, so the lads immediately started rehearsing songs of Accept, Judas Priest, Saxon, UFO, the Scorpions, Faithful Breath etc., with Jan Mehlhorn replacing Michael Schramm as new vocalist. Phonex played several local shows throughout Saxony and Thuringia between 1986 and 1987, till the band eventually split up in autumn '87 due to internal issues. Jens Peter Langheinrich and Steffen Svoboda joined the band Sirius from Affalter, Kenneth Bwalya and Frank Wunderlich went on to play with Rezeptfrei from Schneeberg, while Jan Mehlhorn joined Zyklon from Zwönitz. Both Jan Mehlhorn and Steffen Svoboda later in September '90 would co-found the Thrash Metal band BÖLK. Phonex got revived in 2000 with most of it's original members on board again, but the band doesn't performs any Heavy Metal tunes anymore.
(Thanx to Steffen Svoboda for info and pictures)




Oli (vocals)
Pefke (vocals)
Stinky (guitar)
Ed (guitar)
Spitze (bass)
Kay (drums)


Pilsator originally formed already back in 1988 still inside the ex-GDR, when kids from Treffurt/Eisenach had the idea to start a band. Unfortunately none of them was able to play any instrument, nor even had any. Personal influences of the band members being the ones of Venom, Celtic Frost, Priest and Maiden at that time. During the political change early in 1990, when everything got easier to buy stuff like that (or Metal records), Oli (vocals), Pefke (vocals), Stinky (guitar), Ed (guitar), Spitze (bass) and Kay (drums) eventually realized their dream. Due to their limited DIY skills the early material was rather sounding punky. Their first gig happened in Treffurt, in June 1991, their first Demo "Political destruction" was recorded 1995 and a second one in 1996, both with Uli on guitar and Matze on bass. Their sound had changed towards a rather Thrashcore related sound, but after these Demos Kay, Uli and Matze formed Coax, Ed and Oli joined Black Dawn, where also their old bass player Spitze was playing. Pilsator reformed 2006 once again. The guys back in the mid 90's also had a side project running, being called "Die lustigen Hattengehau-Musikanten of Death". Further info is welcome.




Jerry (voc)
Ecki Bartzsch (guitar)
Detlef Kotte (bass)
Uli Schenker (keyboard)
Michael Bronke (drums)


The eastgerman Heavy Metal legend Plattform was founded in Cottbus (ex-GDR) early 1980, when the bands Seguin and Novativ merged and the musicians Jerry (voc), Ecki Bartzsch (guitar), Detlef Kotte (bass), Uli Schenker (keyboard), and Michael Bronke (drums) started rehearsing a set of wellknown Rock and Blues songs. In autumn '82 Uli Schenker was obliged to solve his military service and some of the guys tried to lead the band's musical direction into heavier territory, which meant Gerd Wollermann (guitar) and new drummer Ulrich Ulbrich was hired. Their very first studio production "He Doktor" (originally the track was called "Krankschreibung", but that title wasn't approved from higher position) was recorded at the studio of ex-Puhdys drummer Gunter Wosylus in 1983 and offered quite neat NWOBHM Heavy Metal in the vein of Saxon. The band's new direction and conditioned that their music got even heavier, in autum '83 vocalist Jerry quit and got replaced by Reinhard Lehmann (later in Pharao), but most of the guys went to the army that year so Plattform was put on ice for a while. Band leader Detlef Kotte used that break to play in a different band, waiting for Wollermann and Ulbrich's return in 1985. Together with second guitarist Uwe Rublak in spring '85 Plattform finally returned live on stage again, with a Maiden and Priest inspired programm and Kotte doing vocals himself. But he quickly recognized that singing wasn't his appointment and therefore female vocalist Michaela Burkhardt joined instead. For the band's sake that was probably the most ingenious move, as what attracts young headbangers better than a hot female on stage who either can sing? The two trax "Zieh Leine" and "Fliegen" was recorded in spring '86, that helped Plattform to participate on an important radio show (the "Beatkiste"), which was broadcasted live, and led to another recording session for the national broadcast service in August, featuring the trax "Heavy Braut" and the speedbanger "Haut und Haar", that both claimed high positions at the national Rock hitparades. The band at that moment was perfoming material in the vein of Warlock with slightly british touch and due to the slightly applying success, Plattform was invited to perfom at national music TV shows like "rund", "klick" and "STOP! Rock". March '87 "Lichter der Nacht" and "Feuer" was recorded plus a new version of "Heavy Braut" and "Sechzehn" (originally entitled "Abgehaun", but that title got rejected) a bit later on, which all was used for their part of the Kleeblatt No. 22 Split LP with MCB and Cobra still in 1987. During the peak of their national success and after recording two more songs, the bluesy "Gefahr" and the instrumental "Truck" (originally called "Orient Express") in early '88, Micky Burkhardt left Plattform to start a solo career. The remaining Gerd Wollermann, Uwe Rublack, Detlef Kotte and Ulrich Ulbrich hired new vocalist Andreas Schenker and could record two more songs in 1989 ("Kalt und heiß", "Stapellauf"), which both was focussing again on the heavier side of Metal before the original band eventually split up with the new freedom that captured the GDR in late '89. Both guitarists Wollermann and Rublak relocated to the western part and also Schenker quit, which meant for Kotte and Ulbrich to completely restart Plattform from zero in 1990. The ex-Countdown/Charlie and Pharao guitarist Michael Jurischk (who already was playing with Plattform in 1983 for a short period) and new vocalist Tom Browski would complete the newly arisen Plattform and some Demo tracks got recorded with "True & down" (1990) and "Listen to the voice" (1992), that both showed certain Hard Rock influences again. But the time was over for classic Heavy Rock bands in the early 90's and to survive as band, the guys fully concentrated on playing live gigs that mainly included cover versions. Either the band name got altered to Platvorm at around 1992. Detlef Kotte kept Platvorm alive with changing musicians till Decem


"Kleeblatt № 22 - Hard & Heavy" Split LP Tracks 1987 (Amiga)
"Lichter der Nacht" Comp.-LP Track 1987 (Rock Bilanz 1987)
"True & down" Demo Track 1990
"Listen to the voice" Demo Track 1992

Broadcast recordings:
"He Doktor (Der Simulant)" (1983)
"Zieh Leine" (1986)
"Fliegen" (1986)
"Haut und Haar" (1986)
"Truck" (1988)
"Gefahr" (1988)
"Stapellauf" (1989)
"Kalt und heiß" (1989)



Walter Kletzander (vocals)
Andreas Hecht (guitar)
Frank Dittrich (bass)
Lutz Dittrich (drums)
Andreas Hartung (keyboard)


Poker got formed in late 1986 in Leipzig (ex-GDR) and was previously known as Kristall. After winning a workshop week in Halle 1989 with 8 bands participating they got sponsored a 3 days studio production that the band used to record 2 songs which they later used as a Demo, released autumn '89. They sent the track "Ariane" of that Demo to a national radio show and it got airplay there. The song's a keyboard dominated epic Hard Rock/Metal hymn of quite high standard with some powerful doublebass parts, much alike some well known US bands. The other track of the Demo was an instrumental. One year later they tried to produce another track for the radio called "Cry of children", that they also used as Demo because they wanted to have english lyrics now. This song too offered quite above standard Hard Rock/Metal, keyboard driven though, but still powerful sounding. It was sad this band quit in 1991 due to lack of interest and the political change that forced all known clubs to close their gates.


”Poker" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)
"Cry of children" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)



Marcus Marth (guitar)
Michael Brümmer (guitar)
Michael Däne (bass)
Martin Pfeiffer (drum)


The idea to form a band for 4 young Slayer fans arose already in December ’86, when they decided in Berlin Weißensee (ex-GDR) to do the very same in a bar. None of the four protagonists at this pub table had ever owned an instrument or even had one between their fingers! Inspired by "Reign in blood", the name Postmortem was chosen and without much discussion it was clear who should play which instrument. Other musical influences were Celtic Frost, Motörhead and Venom. This first line up at the time included: Michael Brümmer (guitar), Martin Pfeiffer (drums), Michael Däne (bass) and Marcus Marth (guitar). After a short time, Renè Köhler already replaced Michael Däne on bass. However, the band only existed on paper, they never ever rehearsed together and rather focussed on drinking beer, instead everyone tried to organize instruments and amplifiers on their own to learn their first skills. Being part of the East Berlin Metal scene, the guys also knew some people who knew musicians and so they finally started taking lessons towards the middle/end of 1987. Renè Köhler was taught by the bassist of Blackout Andy Bahr, while Michael Brümmer and Marcus Marth had the opportunity to learn the basics from Desaster Area guitarist Martin "Ötzel" Windelschmidt. When Uriah Heep played at the Werner Seelenbinder Halle in Berlin in February 1988, there was a small stand where you could have business cards made. A friend of the band said that Postmortem absolutely had to have business cards and had them printed, which were quickly distributed. As a result, the name Postmortem was quickly on everyone's lips, even though no music had ever been heard anywhere, let alone a joint rehearsal. Over the next few months, Martin Pfeiffer (drums) also lost interest, but became a real drummer indeed in Fatal Embrace years later. What remained were Michael Brümmer (guitar), Marcus Marth (guitar) and Renè Köhler on bass, who were really serious and practiced their instruments diligently, but they were always missing a drummer. However, Marcus Marth was completely on it's own in the fall of '89 because the other members tried their luck elsewhere in the course of the political change in the GDR. After a short break, he finally found another Berlin band without a name during the summer of 1990, that badly was in need of a guitarist and it was agreed to merge the two bands and adopt the name Postmorten. Marcus Marth also had the idea to try Peter „Pluto“ Neuber (the owner of Poserslaughter Records btw.) as vocalist, which wouldn’t work out so well. But shortly afterwards, Lemmy, the drummer, already left after just a very few rehearsals, leaving Marcus Marth (guitar), Sven Gohdes (guitar) and Matthias Rütz (bass, vocals) without a drummer until the end of 1990, when Marko Thäle came from Darkland, who brought his Darkland buddy Tilo Voigtländer (bass) with him as well, Postmortem's classic line-up was eventually completed in early 1991. Matthias Rütz from this day only took care of the singing. Stylistically, the band played Death/Thrash, with clear musical influences from Darkland, early Incubus and Desecrator. With this working line-up, the Demo "Secret lunacy" was recorded in the summer of 1991 and officially released on November 2nd 1991, when Postmorten played their first live show in Hohen Neuendorf in front of 350 people. The demo was completely sold out that evening and there were many new editions. In total, between 1900 and 2100 copies must have gone into circulation over the following three years. The second Demo "Last aid to die" was recorded a year later in September '92, which the band was able to finance by winning a band competition in Ludwigshafen in May '92. After the release of "Last aid to die", the Berliners began recording their debut album "Screams of blackness" in August 1993, which was produced by Harris Johns at Music Lab Studio. Sven Gohdes left Postmorten after these recordings and joined Dayzolate instead, while ex-Enslaved Dirk Olesch switched from Dayzolate to Postmortem. "Screams of blackness" can best be compared to the British Desecrator in terms of style and the way the songs are played. The album was finally released on CD by Husky Records in 1994, while the band had already been appearing more and more live since 1993 and were also constantly supporting bigger acts such as Morbid Angel, Protector, Crematory or Atrocity. Postmortem then signed with Morbid Records and in spring 1996 started working on the new album "The age of massmurder" (1997) without Dirk Olesch though (he had already left Postmortem in 1995), which had already been preceded by the MCD "Der Totmacher" (1996). In contrast to the early releases, and especially "Screams of blackness", the band's musical concept had changed a lot and now got a much more modern touch, more in the Death'n'Roll vein, which the album "Repulsion" (Morbid Records) underlined once again in 1998. After the MCD "Storm force" in 2000, again released on Morbid Records, the longtime drummer Marko Thäle eventually left the band and was replaced by Andreas Grant (ex-Bonestorm), who, however, threw in the towel during the recordings of the "Join the figh7 club" MCD in 2003. The EP was completed with Marko Schröder (ex-Murderers Row) on drums instead and a second guitarist, Ekkehard Wolff, was also recruited. The overall sound of the band changed again, but Marko Schröder was not able to fulfill his duties as the band's drummer all the time, which caused Ekkehard Wolff to leave Postmortem in the end. After a final concert in June 2005, the remaining members decided to close the Postmortem chapter for the time being.
Since spring 2006 Matthias Rütz, Tilo Voigtländer and Marcus Marth have been back from retirement and, together with ex-First Aid drummer Max Scheffler, have started all over again. From this constellation, the band released 4 more albums between 2008 and 2014.

(Thanx to Marcus Marth for band info!)


„Secret lunacy“ Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
„Last aid to die“ Demo 1992 (selfreleased)
„Neverending hate" Comp.-MC Track 1992 (Thrashing East Attack Vol. II)
"Sadistic war" Comp.-MC Track 1992 (Mortification 2)
„Thrash to the bone“ Comp.-MC Track 1993 (Hell Spawn Tapes)
„Screams of blackness“ Promo Tape 1993 (selfreleased)



Conny Wollek (vocals)
Bodo Mackebrand (guitar)
Ulf Klingner (guitar)
Hans-Jörg Wollek (bass)
Reiner Selge (drums)


A female fronted Power Metal band from Rathenow (ex-GDR), that was originally originating from Premnitz when Ulf Klingner, Hans-Jörg Wollek and Reiner Selge started in 1984, but soon relocated to Rathenow. January '86 Conny Wollek and Bodo Mackebrand joined and the guys played a sort of Warlock, Ozzy, Maiden and Scorpions influenced Metal, till Jens Alex replaced Reiner Selge in autumn '87, while also Mackenbrand's army service was highly required. Hans-Jörg Wollek and Jens Alex left the band after internal issues in 1988, while the rest reformed with new members and recorded the excellent Power Metal Demo track "The wonder of the night" during the following year. The band still participated on the "Heavy gegen AIDS" festival 1990 in Berlin, as reviews mentioned a bit more Thrash influenced than previously, but split up afterwards. Conny Wollek subsequently formed the band Supremacy. If you got more info, please get in touch.


”The wonder of the night” Demo track 1989 (selfreleased)



Jack Stein (vocals)
Simon De Brouier (guitar)
Jörg Powileit (guitar)
Robert Hanke (bass)
Lutz Brauer (drums)


Originally the members of the early 1989 founded Preussen played already together for several years, till everyone of them joined other Berlin acts like V2 (Simon De Brouier, Robert Hanke) or S.A.D.O. (Jörg Powileit, Simon De Brouier). Lutz Brauer and Jörg Powileit in the early 80's was both members of the ex-GDR band Regenbogen, before they left the country and went to West Berlin. When Powileit, De Brouier and Hanke left their former bands, they decided to try again from zero and started the project Preussen. The guys themselves claimed to play somewhere between Maiden and Dio, while living witnesses who saw them live on stage confirmed serious commercial influences being part of their style as well. Not sure if they ever recorded something officially, but further info is welcome.




Jürgen Matkowitz (guitar, vocals)
Frank Czerny (bass)
Reinhard Mihatsch (drums)


Jürgen Matkovitz after leaving the Uve-Schikora-Combo in the early 70's teamed up with his ex-bandmate Reinhard Mihatsch and formed his own band Prinzip in 1973 in East Berlin (ex-GDR), which was predestined right from the start to indulge the heavy side of Rock. Frank Czerny became their bassplayer and the lads started writing own songs and covered classics of Steppenwolf or Golden Earring, till the GDR's most important record company Amiga produced a first 7" with the guys entitled "Beschwerde" in 1975. Reinhard Mihatsch in the following year left the republic and went to West Berlin, while Klaus Scharfschwerdt replaced him. 1977 they added keyboarder Rainer Kirchmann and with the line up Scharfschwerdt, Matkovitz, Kirchmann and Czerny their first album "Feuer-Rock" was ready in 1978, featuring a mix of AOR, Rock and Hard'n'Heavy Rock songs, with f.e. the title track or "Sieben Meter Seidenband", that could well hold up early NWOBHM bands standards as well, delivering twin leads like they'd hail from the british isle. Klaus Scharfschwerdt 1979 joined the Puhdys, who’ve been searching for a new drummer and he became one of the GDR's most famous drummers in the following years. His place in Prinzip covered Bernd Haucke and the second album "Der Steher" appeared 1980, crammed with more Hard Rock, led by the heavy incredible epic Prog/Hard Rock hymn "Sonnensage". Rainer Kirchmann left Prinzip after the album was released and went to Berlin Pop/Rockers Pankow. He wasn't replaced, but the ex-Regenbogen vocalist Ralf Bursy was recruited to the play guitar and handle the vocals. 2 singles with him was produced in 1981 and '82, before 1983 the 3rd Prinzip LP "Wir reiten mit dem Sturm" was published, with new bassist Bodo Huth (ex-Elefant). The band's sound became more modern and featured beside a very few Hard Rock songs, mainly rocking and either bluesy old AC/DC influenced stuff with even a few punky hints. After the album there came a long silence, probably the guys stepped on any official's necktie. "Phönix", their last album, was available 1988 with a completely different band and sound. Bursy already had left in 1986 to start a successful solo career as Pop/Rock artist and also Bernd Haucke as well as Bodo Huth wasn't in the band anymore and got replaced by first Ingo Politz (1986, drums) and eventually shortly later by Michael Hoffmann (drums), while Smokings Rockshow bassist Uwe Geisler (ex-PVC) joined 1988. Bursy's part took Wolfgang Franke (ex-PVC, Perl), whom they already recorded an single with ("Halt mich fest") in 1987, that featured a non album track on the flipside, which I remember that it got aired on the national radio stations, while the 7" itself was only released in the Soviet Union, and marks the band's most rare release nowadays. The title track of that single also appeared on the "Phönix" album, which featured several more of equal Heavyrockers ala Berluc or Babylon, with in places either old Bon Jovi touch, that nowadays is called AOR. With the political change Prinzip's star started sinking as well and Franke left to revive his old band PVC once again in spring/summer '89. He got replaced by Michael Barakowski (ex-Perl/Smokings Rockshow) for a very last try in 1990. But Matkowitz disbanded Prinzip the same year and moved to Moscow where he produced russian Hard Rock and Heavy Metal bands at his own studio. One interesting fact, Jürgen Matkowitz either had his own studio in the GDR too and produced several Hard Rock/Metal bands. Since he wasn't a friend of recording drums in the studio, the bands (like Biest, Splitt, Babylon) had to send him their songs before the recording session would start and he programmed the drums on his drum machine. You can easily find out who recorded at his studio, by just listening to the plastic drum sound like it's heard on the "Phönix" album as well.
Please note, there are tons of Prinzip singles being pressed in the early years and either the band was featured on countless compilations. We only feature their regular discography here.


"Beschwerde" 7" EP 1975 (Amiga)
"Feuer-Rock" LP 1978 (Amiga)
"Supernummer" 7" EP 1978 (Amiga)
"Wir werden immer mehr" Split 7" EP 1978 (with Karat, Amiga)
"Charlie gute Nacht" 7" EP 1978 (Amiga)
"Sonnensage" 7" EP 1979 (Amiga)
"Der Steher" LP 1980 (Amiga)
"Hallo, Mary-Lou" 7" EP 1981 (Amiga)
"Hallo, Mary-Lou" Comp.-LP Track 1981 (Rock Bilanz 1981)
"He, Girl" 7" EP 1982 (Amiga)
"Kommt alle her" Comp.-LP Track 1982 (Rock für den Frieden)
"He, girl" Comp.-LP Track 1982 (Rock Bilanz 1982)
"Wir reiten mit dem Sturm" LP 1983 (Amiga)
"Wir reiten mit dem Sturm" Comp.-LP Track 1983 (Rock Bilanz 1983)
"Halt mich fest" 7"EP 1987 (Melodija)
"Phönix" LP 1988 (Amiga)
"Phönix" Comp.-LP Track 1988 (Rock Bilanz 1988)

Broadcast Recordings:
"Die Eile (1976)
"Nachtgespenst“ (1976)
"Ich hab Dich lieb“ (1977)
"Motorradtraum“ (1977)
"Such ein kleines Gefühl“ (1977)
"Sehnsucht“ (1986)
"Halt mich fest“ (1986)
"Jeden Tag, jede Nacht" (1986)
"Flieg flieg Engel" (1989)



Kerstin Radtke (vocals)
Thomas Feiler (guitar)
Jens Hellmann (bass)
Karl-Heinz Schüller (keyboard)
Gerrit Pennsler (drums)


The band Prinzz was founded late 1982 in Erfurt (ex-GDR) by manager Lutz Mielke who tried to cast a new Pop band. Jens Hellmann (bass), Thomas Feiler (guitar), Kerstin Radtke (vocals), Karl-Heinz Schüller (keyboard) and Gerrit Pennsler (drums) built the first line up at that time. During their early years they also could place a few songs on several compilations till 1985 Thomas Feiler due to health problems had to pause for about a year. When he returned in late 1986, the core of the band decided to play heavier music. Since his former band Macbeth during that time just got prohibited, the drummer Frank Viehbach agreed to join Prinzz as well, so the line up featured Kerstin Radtke (vocals), Thomas Feiler (guitar), Jens Hellmann (bass) and Frank Viehbach (drums). After a short phase that the band spent with covering Mötley Crüe and Van Halen songs at gigs, they started writing own songs like "Es treibt mich die Gier", "Leichte Beute", "Die Titanic sinkt", and could record some songs for the national broadcast service like the Speed Metal hammer "Tarantella" (german version) and the instrumental "EL 34". More and more Prinzz' style got heavier and 1988 their repertoire contained Metallica, Helloween and Anthrax cover versions as well, while the band saw it as neccessary to change the band's name to Blitzz, to avoid confusions with the pop star Prince. A live broadcast of the band during a festival in Berlin 1988 was noticed by Gama Records who got interested to release an album of Blitzz. While the band either was trying to sing only in english and that's been one of the requirements of Gama's offer, the GDR officials agreed and Blitzz recorded their "Money rules the world" album during 1989. After the recordings was finally finished in late '89, Gama wanted the album to be remastered, which caused the GDR officials to ask for more money and that's been the end of the cooperation of both part companies. To defend Gama, indeed the album mix wasn't much compatible for the western market at all, though the album featured a few speedy Power Metal pearls like "Tarantella" or "Lucifer". During the days of the political renewal inside the GDR, Blitzz became friends with Holy Moses and shared the stage together, so it happened when Holy Moses was recording one of their albums at the Horus Sound studio in Hannover, Blitzz had been invited to visit them, which in the end led to Steamhammer signing the band. In April '90 their "Do the Blitz" mini album was recorded at the same Horus Sound studio where they got introduced to Steamhammer. The album featured re-recorded songs of the unreleased album btw, this time with the "correct sound" and sold more than 10000 copies in the western part of Germany and the world, while inside GDR the demand had been "manageable". During 1991 after hiring Kai Tenneberg as second guitarist, the band paused for a while due to the new situation inside the country. They recorded their "Dive" Demo 1992, which was originally meant for their record company as Demo for the "Do the Blitz" follow up album. But instead Steamhammer released them of their running contract and fired the band. Though they still got offers by smaller labels, they declined every single one of them and eventually understandable frustrated called it a day in 1994. The unreleased album was finally released on the label German Democratic Recordings in 2013 under the title "Tarantella" on CD.
Please note, none of Prinzz' songs recorded before 1986/87, was connected with Hard Rock or Heavy Metal at all.


"Ich steh auf DT 64" Comp.-LP Track 1983 (Auf dem Wege 3)
"Kleeblatt № 11 - Junge Rockbands" Split LP 1984 (Amiga)
"Die Titanic sinkt" Demo Track 1987
"Kill" Demo Track 1987

Broadcast Recordings:
"Es treibt mich die Gier" (1987)
"Leichte Beute" (1987)
"Tarantella" (german version, 1987)
"EL 34" (1987)

Purulent Obduction


Tino Röder (gitarre)
Andreas Schwach (bass, drums, vocals)
Tino Mothes (gitarre, drums, vocals)


A Schneeberg/Saxony (ex-GDR) based Death Metal trio that kinda evolved from the ashes of the Grindcore band Bloodbrain when guitarist Tino Röder (ex-Septic Terror) joined both Bloodbrain guys Tino Mothes and Andreas Schwach in the fall of 1990. They changed name to Purulent Obduction and started playing a doomy sort of Death Metal with deep grunts influenced by bands such as Paradise Lost, My Dying Bride, Asphyx or Obituary. The lads rehearsed together with the band BÖLK in the famous Tanztreffpunkt Aue club (all Metalheads from Erzgebirge region met there) till it got closed in early 1991. 2 Demos was recorded plus 1 live tape that was cut at one of their 3 live gigs that they played in 1991 (with f.e. BÖLK and Civil War) and those Demos was spead only locally to friends of the band. In early 1993 the name was changed to Demoniac and a second vocalist (Mirko Schmat) was added after summer the same year, when they stylistically went into a more Black/Death Metal direction before the band did split into 2 other bands in early 1994. Andreas Schwach and Tino Röder formed Andras while Tino Mothes and Mirko Schmat changed the band's name to Moonblood. Schwach would later form the band T.H.O.R. and also had a side project called Arkham going till 2019. Tino Mothes formed his own Viking Metal project Nachtfalke in around 1998.


"Rotting corpse" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"Live in Unterheinsdorf 1991" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"Addictive" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)



Wolfgang Franke (vocals)
Kay-Andre Stock (guitar)
Andreas Klix (bass)
Sven Hertrampf (drums)


An old Rock band from Berlin, the capital of the ex-GDR, that formed during the early 80’s and could be seen a sort of stepping stone for local musicians, who later would become kinda famous while joining well known national acts. It didn’t seem the band ever recorded any material for the national broadcast, but both the early songs “Rock'n'Roll Radio" and "Neumond" are passed on being silent hits of the group. During 1985 vocalist Wolfgang Franke joined the band Perl and would hold their singer’s position throughout 1986, before he joined national Hard Rock legend Prinizp. At that point PVC ceased to exist. Other members of the first phase of the band had been female singer Ines Paulke, guitarist Michael Otter (later Smokings Rockshow/Barakowski Band), keyboarder Carsten Mohren (later in Rockhaus) and Uwe Geisler (bass), who joined Smokings Rockshow and would became Prinzip member in 1988 as well. When Franke left Prinzip in early ’89, he revived PVC once again with Kay-Andre Stock (guitar), Andreas Klix (bass) and his ex-Perl mate Sven Hertrampf (drums), to start once again with a new freshly Classic Rock realigned direction that also included several Bryan Adams and Cheap Trick cover versions on stage, and now featured either english sung material.




Marco Wegener (guitar)
Ronald Czyrny (bass)


A Heavy Metal band of the ex-GDR, formed in East Berlin back in 1984. If you got more info, please get in touch.





Rockers from Karl-Marx-Stadt (Chemnitz), that appeared on local stages in their wider area of the ex-GDR during the mid 80’s, influenced by the classic 70’s Hard Rock sound. From Led Zeppelin’s "Stairway to heaven", as well as other Led Zep material, Deep Purple or Neil Young the band mainly covered Blues and Hard Rock classics.




Olaf (guitar, vocals)
Günter (bass)
Jürgen Ochmann (drums)


A quite good Southern Rock band that formed of course in the southern part of the ex-GDR in 1982, in Karl-Marx-Stadt (Chemnitz) to be exact. Moshquito’s Ingo “Igor” Lohf was either part of these bluesy Heavyrockers in their early stage during 1983/84, before he got enlighted and joined forces with the much heavier acting Argus. Rapunzel was often playing live in their area and besides playing own material like “Auf der Überholspur”, “Lady Whisky”, “Der Lügner”, “Hau endlich ab” or “Ich bin müde” (they had about 10 own songs), performed mainly covers of ZZ Top and Molly Hatchet, Blackfoot, Canned Heat and such. After the political collapse of the communist system 1989/90, the, in the meanwhile, to a fourpiece grown band disbanded in 1991. 2018 some of the remaining members tried a reunion, but nothing concrete happened anymore. Studio recordings aren’t known to exist at all.


Reapers Domain


Tim Hofmann (guitar)
Konsti Tabakov (guitar, vocals)
Alex Leipold (bass)
Andreas Wellbach (drums)


A Power Metal band from Plauen/Saxony, that also formed during the political change inside the ex-GDR during September 1990, which made things easier to start bands seen by the option to finally buy affordable instruments and technics. Not sure if some these guys, except of Tim Hofmann who came from the band Hammers, was previously playing in other bands in their area since they right in 1990 debuted with their first Demo "Unprotected", which surprisingly offered respectable approaches in the songwriting department, but suffered a bad soundquality. Also Demo # 2 "Escaping!" from 1991 was just recorded with practise room sound, but also underlines the first positive impression, that the guys left with the debut, by performing a very playful sort of technical yet melodic Power Metal with own identity, that reached it's peak with the 3rd and last Demo "Do not believe your eyes", recorded during early 1993 and featuring songs from the previous 2 Demos in re-recorded versions with new vocalist Roger Voigt and solid Demo sound this time, that framed the technical skills of both guitarists in the right way. Reapers Domain split up around 1994 and Tim Hofmann joined Ignis Fatuus, while he also was playing in the Tormentor follower Dynamic Front since 1993.
(Thanx to Rumblefist for material)


"Unprotected" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)
"Escaping!" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"Do not believe your eyes" Demo 1993 (selfreleased)



Mario Noll (bass, vocals)
Holger Richter (guitar)
Manuell Noll (drums)


A Metal band from Zeitz (ex-GDR), not to be confused with Regenbogen from Berlin, that was active in the early 80's. These guys fell more into the second half of the 80's and changed name to X-Ray Examination in August 1990. Regenbogen's sound was most probably rather Thrash Metal influenced. If you got more info, please get in touch.


Regenbogen (Berlin)


Ralf Bursy (vocals)
Detlef Brauer (guitar)
Wolfgang Hoffmann (bass)
Hans-Christian Weise (key)
Lutz Brauer (drums)


Regenbogen (Rainbow) was founded by Ralf Bursy, Detlef Brauer, Wolfgang Hoffmann, Hans-Christian Weise, Lutz Brauer 1977 in Berlin (ex-GDR) as a classic Rock group who covered songs of Uriah Heep and Deep Purple and right 1 year later they could produce some first songs for the national broadcast service, having a first national hit with the Rock song "Du machst mich verliebt". Despite the coming success, Ralf Bursy left Regenbogen together with Detlef Brauer (later found in Berluc) and joined the band Keks (Sebastian Baur, later in MCB, was playing in that band too). Bursy after quitting Keks joined the Hard Rockers Prinzip and started a successful solo career in the mid 80's. For Bursy came Ralf Dohanetz (later found in Berluc and Mephisto) on vox and he got replaced by Ronald Pilgrim (ex-Mephisto) later. Also Wolfgang Hoffmann left and got replaced by Robert Hanke (bass), while with Andreas Schwendemann a new guitarist joined who got replaced by Jörg Powileit a while later. Jens Kuge came for Lutz Brauer on drums. The bands style till early 1984 with all the new members that came and go, had changed towards a more melodic Hard Rock/Metal sound and playing Maiden and Priest songs at their live shows. With another national broadcast recording "Eiskalt" (ice cold) they entered the hitparade 1984 once again, a fine melodic midpaced Heavy Rocker who's opening riff is ripping off Survivor's "Eye of the tiger". Beside the studio track the band recorded a Demo the same year with songs like "Der Träumer" or "Der alte Fan". There are also Live recordings with good quality known including songs like "Großmaul", "Lass uns fliegen" and "Die Blinden" that's showing Regenbogen's sound in '84 was close to Maiden's. But in fall of 1984 except of Ronald Pilgrim all musicians left the country. Ex-Regenbogen guitarist Andreas Schwendemann tried to revive the band together with Countdown musicians but he left the GDR too in late 1985 and Regenbogen's story ends here. Ronald Pilgrim was active afterwards in Berluc and Jens Kuge was co-founding melodic Metallers Cobra in 1986. Jörg Powileit hooked up with S.A.D.O. for a while and 1989 founded Preussen together with Lutz Brauer.


"Du machst uns allen etwas vor" Comp.-LP Track 1979 (Auf dem Wege...)
"Demo '84"

Broadcast recordings:
"Du machst mich verliebt" (1979)
"Eiskalt" (1984)

Rest In Pain


Ronald Schuch (guitar, vocals)
Uwe (bass)
Michael Schlichter (drums)


Rest In Pain from Tröbnitz, south of thuringian city of Jena, started out back in March 1988 originally as a Punk unit under the name of “Dolfburgs Rache”. Thommy and Gunnar shared vocals, Kermit on guitar, Ronald Schuch on bass and Michael Schlichter behind drums, in this form they tortured their surroundings until summer, before Thommy decided to quit, while the rest of the bunch raised speed and went into a brutal Hardcore act instead, combined with a name change to Rest In Pain. Besides diverse private garage gigs and spending the following 2 years with intense rehearsing, the band somehow survived the decline of the ex-GDR and had their first official club gigs in spring '90, while a bigger audience was waiting at the Pausaer Sommerrock Open Air 1990. At this time Rest In Pain still performed their brutal Hardcore, but the band started stagnating in October 1990, because it's only been Michael and Ronald who permanently rehearsed together on conventional base. This resulted in Ronald learning to play guitar and taking over vocals as well, while new member Uwe was found on bass instead already in February '91. In the summer of ’91 then guitarist Kermit and singer Gunnar eventually had to leave the band for good, that now became a trio with Ronald Schuch (guitar, vocals), Uwe (bass) and Michael Schlichter (drums) building Rest In Pain’s new core. In July 1991 their first Demo "Screaming decomposed disorder" was recorded, presenting the band with a new, midpaced, rather technical Death Metal sound, reminding slightly of finish Xysma. The first gig of R.I.P.’s new incarnation already happened in September then, before the second Demo "Insalubrious sights from the dark half" was recorded right in the next year. The doomy, but rather progressive style of the band spiked with grind parts and vocals in the Prophecy Of Doom/Carcass vein, invited the new label Invasion Records to produce an EP during 1993 with the guys, entitled "Intense tremor", that was released as a MCD, which couldn’t really draw interest of bigger labels due to their complicated and almost unapproachable style. 1994 Rest In Pain once again still could release a Split 7” with Grindcore geeks Vaginalmassaker on Regurgitated Semen Records, featuring the songs "Possessed by mouldy" and "Insalubrious sights from the dark half", but here their story ends as well.


"Screaming decomposed disorder" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"Insalubrious sights from the dark half" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)
"Execrable visions from a morbid brain" Comp.-MC Track 1992 (Thrashing East Attack Vol. II)
"Intense Tremor" MCD 1993 (Invasion)



Tobias Nehmer (vocals)
Maik Hoffmeister (guitar)
Heiko Axt (guitar)
Michael Steglich (bass)
Ralf Michels (drums)


Rochus from Erfurt, beside Blackout and Argus/Moshquito, belonged to the well known Thrash acts of the ex-GDR back in the day. After Tobias Nehmer left Macbeth in autumn '85, he formed the band Rochus with Maik Hoffmeister, Heiko Axt, Michael Steglich and Ralf Michels during early 1986, that in the beginning was more like a classic Heavy Metal troop, but switched sound during the following year. Their first bassplayer Michael Steglich soon was fired and Gerd Willnauer replaced him till 1988, when he decided to leave the band. But Hans-Ulrich Wilke (ex-Cosmos) had just moved to Erfurt and joined the Thrashers immediately in April '88. Right in May the band recorded their first 5 song Demo tape, that yet was not officially for sale. It also includes an early version of the band's hit "Let's trash", besides other songs being "Excalibur", "Nur ein Traum", "St. Rochus" and the impressive "Mithridates". Rochus' sound was highly influenced by bands such as Kreator and Slayer at that time, while technically they also performed on a higher level than other GDR bands back in the day. When Heiko Axt had to follow the call of the army, Howlin' Mad's guitarist Silvio Skoberle joined to replace him in November '88, till Axt returned from the army in late 1989. During January '89, after graduating the level of an extra class amateur band, they could record the song "Let's trash" for the national broadcast service, which was later used for both the national Rockbilanz sampler and either was sold internationally to appear on the well known "Thrash the wall" Roadrunner compilation. After recording another unofficial 4 track Demo during late 1989, the band got invited by the broadcast service once again to record one more song ("Haunting in your brain") during January '90, which in the end due to some recording still time being left, ended up in another song ("Frankenstein) being recorded during that session as well. The band during that time was in it's most productive phase and also recorded the "Years of ignorance" Demo right spring 1990, that gained them attention by several labels, but Rochus signed a contract with West Virginia Records for the planned album "Between the worlds", which either West Virgina Records officially announced together with Moshquito's album on their promo flyers during 1990, but just like Moshquito's album, "Between the world" wasn't realized at all. Then Hans Ulrich Wilke left Rochus due to health problems and Tobias Nehmer for a short time played the bass as well, till he also left Rochus to join Howlin' Mad as second guitarist on their european Tour in 1990. The band then found Christoph Rompf on bass guitar and Lutz Issermann used to perfom the vocals during the last year of Rochus existence, till the band already split up in 1991. German Democratic Recordings fortunately re-released the important Rochus recordings from 1988-1990 on the CD "Haunting in your brain" in 2012.


"Let's trash" Comp.-DLP Track 1989 (Das Album - Rockbilanz 89)
"Years of ignorance" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)
"Let's trash" Comp.-LP Track 1990 (Thrash the Wall)

Broadcast Recordings:
"Haunting in your brain" (1990)
"Frankenstein" (1990)

unofficial Demo Recordings:
Demo May 1988 (5 tracks)
Demo late 1989 (4 tracks)



Werner Baumgart (keyboard, vocals)
Wolfram Löser (guitar)
Udo Lenk (bass)
Lothar Brückner (keyboard)
Klaus Müller (drums)


Rock-Phonie from Leipzig (ex-GDR) formed during October 1979, much impressed by Queen’s classic (Hard) Rock sound and mainly performed their songs during their own concerts. Already during the 5. FDJ-Werkstattwoche Jugendtanzmusik in Suhl the band convinced the jury and earned an appearance on the “Auf dem Wege … 2” compilation with their original song “Menschenaugen”, that could be described as a mix of Free and Deep Purple, much 70’s Hard Rock inspired. Despite the higher quality level that Rock-Phonie delivered, it doesn’t seem that more studio productions happened anymore. It’s just known that Rock-Phonie had split up in 1988. The band though at a later timepoint got reanimated by some of it’s original members, but under the monicker Rockfonie now and yet is still active as a Queen cover band.


"Menschenaugen" Comp.-LP Track 1981 (Auf dem Wege ... 2)




A local Hard'n'Heavy troop of the early 80's, active in the ex-GDR, whose influences was ranging from Judas Priest, the Scorpions, Iron Maiden, Saxon, Krokus and Whitesnake. In 1983 the guys besides covering the aforementioned bands, also had at least 6 own trax in their repertoire, featuring song titles like "Step to the hell", "Devour yourself" or "Metal Rock, Metal Roll". Further info is welcome.

(Thanx to Obsessedbycruelty for the band pic)




Frank Eichhorn (vocals)
Ralf Wittstock (guitar)
Jens Loose (guitar)
Jürgen Sattler (bass)
Michael Schreiner (drums)


Rocket's a Halberstadt/ex-GDR based Speed/Thrash Metal band, that featured the former Hardzrock guitarist Ralf Wittstock, who joined the band around late 87/88. The band was already formed around 1984/85 and Frank Eichhorn (ex-Mephisto/Love Gun/Vantom) used to be their vocalist for about a year during 1985/86, before he moved to Berlin and founded Cobra. Olaf Bismarck then came into the band, taking the micro. During their early days more Heavy and Power Metal inspired, Rocket later played a brand of the old Slayer and Metallica sound with solid musicianship. Unfortunately the german sung lyrics are utterly silly. Nevertheless the band belongs to the chosen ones of the few Metal bands that was allowed to produce songs for the GDR radio broadcasting and these 2 being "Herzlichen Glückwunsch" (Congratulations) and "Damenwahl" (Ladies' choice). The band later during 1989 or 1990 disbanded and some of the guys went to Capt'n Metal. If you have more info please get in touch.


Broadcast Recordings:
"Herzlichen Glückwunsch" (1989)
"Damenwahl" (1989)



Markus Reinheckel (vocals)
Marcus Graupner (guitar)
André Klengel (guitar)
Ralf Möbius (bass)
Steffen Bär (drums)


St. Metal was a Hard Rock band from Dresden (ex-GDR), officially founded in 1983 as Rockmetal, by some guys of the Dresden scene, who was previously playing together since already 1978. Influenced by Krokus and obviously AC/DC the band started writing own material during 1984 and debuted with playing live during 1985, when they also recorded their first Demo "The spider". On the Demo recording Ralf Möbius (army!) got represented by Kay Rühmer. Also drummer Steffen Bär, who left the country a bit earlier, got shortly replaced by vocalist Markus Reinheckel. After the Demo was finished the band changed their name to St. Metal.


"The spider" Demo 1985 (selfreleased)



Carsten Tauchert (bass)


Rocksack seemed to be from the Erfurt area, as their bassist Carsten Tauchert replaced Michael Fleischmann in Macbeth in the summer of ‘86. We guess they’ve been active since at least 1984/85 and also supported Formel 1 live on stage in the ex-GDR during 1986. What happened afterwards to them we can’t tell yet.




Axel Klemm (vocals)


A Hard'n'Heavy band of the southern ex-GDR, founded in 1984 and originating from Karl-Marx-Stadt (now Chemnitz). Axel Klemm, their vocalist, previously was member of the 70’s Prog/Hardrockers Modern Formation, who recorded a bunch of exciting and heavy songs during 1973 and most probably some other ex-Modern Formation members built the spine of Rockwärts as well. The guys are known to have supported Pharao and Nobody at the "FDJ Pfingstkonzert der Jugend" in 1988, while their programm also featured cover versions of acts like f.e. Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, as well as Uriah Heep, Deep Purple or ZZ Top. André Nebel, formerly of Moshquito fame, after the Thrashers hiatus joined Rockwärts still during 1991 on bass and vocals and remained there till 1993, before he went to front the band Thorun. We guess they probably collapsed at that time. Since 2004 Axel Klemm and some other original members reactivated Rockwärts once again to perform a Hard Rock program live on stage. They’ve been around till at least the late 2000's.


Rosa Rock


Sven Zimmermann (bass, vocals)
Lutz Dammann (guitar)
Christian Hänsel (guitar)
Kai Bünger (keyboard, vocals)
Jean-Peter Koberstein (drums)


Originally formed as the hobby band EFB (Elektrik Firebirds) back in 1982 by the schoolfriends Sven Zimmermann (bass, vocals), Lutz Dammann (guitar, vocals), Christian Hänsel (guitar), Helfried Wildenhain (keyboard) and Jean-Peter Koberstein (drums), this band from Rostock (ex-GDR) went through a few line up changes till 1984 when they changed name to Rosa Rock. Late '83 Kai Bünger (vocals, keyboard) replaced Helfried Wildenhain and after getting officially graded a "middle class band" in autumn '84, Lutz Dammann left the band and Peter Grützmann (guitar) joined instead. Right in spring '85 Rosa Rock upgraded to an "upper class" band due to Grützmann and went through several national contests, that gained them first moments of fame. The guys insisted to be called a Hard Rock band, being influenced by Bon Jovi, Saxon and Judas Priest, later also by the sound of Europe. First Demo recordings was made in 1986, featuring a solid, and compared to other bands of the GDR, quite international sound with mid 80's Judas Priest hints all along plus a strong edge of the classic melodic US Hard Rock. During early 1987 Michael Gröper (ex-Ceylon) was hired as lead singer and Rosa Rock could produced the song "Nevada", that already appeared on the previous Demo, at the MTS-Studio in Lengenfeld for the national broadcast service. Gröper then after just one year left the band again in spring '88 and the rest of Rosa Rock went on a tour through Poland. Later the same year after summer Kai Bünger quit and Steffen Gräver (keyboard) joined. During a national contest later in 1988 the guys finally reached the Profi status and was invited to record 2 more songs for the national broadcast service early '89, being "Song for Sarah" and "Wir wollen nur Rock'n'Roll". Their drummer Jean-Peter Koberstein couldn't know that later in 1989 the wall would fall and tried to escape the GDR illegally in summer, but got caught and jailed, so Holger Makarowski had to cover his empty spot. During that time Rosa Rock started writing english lyrics, but the political change kinda stopped them too, like many other bands in the country. Due to different views of the bands further direction Sven Zimmermann left during December '89 (he joined Jack Mc Tiger in 1990), which brought back former vocalist Michael Gröper and new bassist Frank Maertin (ex-Crystal). But during early 1991 the band split up and some of the guys tried to play in Berluc, which did not work so well, so in summer '91 Rosa Rock reformed under the new name of Dead Bang.


”Demo 1986” (selfreleased)

Broadcast Recordings:
"Nevada" (1987)
"Song für Sarah" (1989)
"Wir wollen nur Rock'n'Roll" (1989)



Frank Göpfert (vocals)
Andreas Vlachidis (guitar)
Sven Hartmann (bass)
Annegret Morgenstern (keyboard)
Bernd Leucht (drums)


Originally the ex-GDR band Rübezahl from Karl-Marx-Stadt (Chemnitz) started 1984 as a Rock band, till Andreas Vlachidis had to join the army and his substitute Thomas Junior (ex-Pent) was responsible that the guys went into a slightly more Hard Rock based direction, by covering songs Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple. Annegret Morgenstern left focussed more on background things of the band and when Sven Hartmann 1986 had to suffer the same fate like Vlachidis before, Gunter Pasler first and shortly later Thomas Steinz (ex-Frontal) joined on bass guitar. That was the starting shot for Rübezahl's Heavy Metal career, influenced by Accept and Judas Priest tunes, original songs like “The lion man” was created. In Autumn '87 Sven Hartmann returned to the band and drummer Bernd Leucht quit his drummer job to get replaced by Uwe Eckert (ex-Frontal). Rübezahl's live repertoire featured several tunes of Judas Priest, Accept, Deep Purple, UFO, ZZ Top, Motörhead, Samson, Ted Nugent, Led Zeppelin or Black Sabbath. During that time Thomas Junior decided to leave the country and the guys found replacement for him in once again an ex-Frontal member, Thomas Walther on the guitar. While the sound of the band became a bit more Motörhead and Black Sabbath inspired, they changed name to Charon in 1988.




Bernd Prybusch (guitar, vocals)
Holger Benzner (guitar)


A classic Blues/Rock band from the southern ex-GDR, that was formed in 1983 in Grünhain/Schwarzenberg. The yet already deceased Bernd Prybusch (previously playing in Cord) and Holger Benzner belonged to the very first line up of the band. This live act during the mid 80’s on stage performed cover versions of several international Rock classics like Gary Moore, Deep Purple as well as national hits of Udo Lindenberg and either Accept’s “Princess of the dawn”, a diversified program so to say. After 1989 Bernd Prybusch became Saitenspring’s main vocalist, while their musical direction changed to keep the band going after the political change. Like so many other bands they focussed on performing mainly oldies and either developed an entire separate Pink Floyed set. During 2023 Saitenspring eventually after 40 years on stage decided to call it quits.




Michael Nelebock (vocals)
Michael Nimmergut (guitar)
Mario Kurt (guitar)
Mirko Brauer (bass)
Sven Noak (drums)


An East Berlin (ex-GDR) based Thrash band that was founded in the mid 80's but was asked by the grading commitee to change it. After changing name to Sixtus they recorded a Demo track in December '89 that got airplay on the national Heavy Metal radio broadcast. It's not confirmed that Sarkophag ever recorded anything. If you got more info please get in touch.


Sarkophag (Annaberg)


Karsten Breitung (guitar, vocals)
Jörg Leitner (bass, vocals)
Rico Hein (drums)


Sarkophag was a Doom/Black Metal band from Annaberg-Buchholz (ex-GDR), formed by Jörg Leitner and Karsten Breitung already early in 1987. After collecting ideas and creating some first own songs, though the guys had no drummer at that time at all, Karsten “Zwerg” Breitung shortly later had to join the army and Sarkophag was put on ice, whenalso Zwerg and Jörg “Harriz” Leitner kept contact during those lost years. Nevertheless, Jörg Leitner in 1988 together with his friend André Morgenstern formed the band Wodan, who wrote their own chapter in Annaberg’s local Metal history. When Zwerg returned late in 1989, he firstly formed the band Eminenz together with other local metalheads, but when Harriz and Zwerg started rehearsing for fun during 1991, playing their old material, they decided to reform Sarkophag once again and now added the Wodan drummer Rico Hein. Their first recording "The end" was done at the wellknown local Annaberg Digan Tonstudio in August '91, featuring the 2 tracks "Zweitgeboren" and "Leichenzug zur Hölle", and was limited to just 13 copies. During May '92 another 6 song tape was recorded at the Digan Studio, this time the tape was spread within the underground, offering like the previous recording a doomy style of Black/Death Metal with influences of Asphyx and especially the finish Unholy, that Sarkophag sounded probably closest to. The lads also played several gigs in their area, but disappeared again around late 1992. Zwerg then besides still playing guitar in Eminenz, formed Opacity during 1993 and Belmez. Jörg Leitner was active in the obscure band Sharon during 1993 as well, but afterwards didn’t appear in any other band anymore.


"The end" Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"The sign" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)
"Zweitgeboren" Comp.-MC Track 1992 (Thrashing East Attack Vol. II)



Steffen Grau (vocals)
Mirko Richter (guitar)
Max Kundisch (guitar)
Heiko Köhler (bass)
Uwe Korm (drums)


Locals from Meerane (ex-GDR), who've been active between 1987 and 1989. The lads didn't compose own material and at their few local gigs they mainly performed Running Wild songs. Steffen Grau later after the political change played in T.S.C. Further info is badly needed.




Marco Ritter (guitar, vocals)
Matthias Wiewiorra (bass)


This band from Suhl (ex-GDR) was originally founded in 1984 as JFM as a shortlived schoolboy Rock band, but first during around 1985 Marco Ritter (guitar) and Matthias Wiewiorra (bass) formed Schreckschuss to play a much more Heavy Metal inspired sound. In the very beginning the duo used to play with a drum machine and already played a few local live gigs. The guys first found Jörg Wackes as vocalist, but it took the guys till April '88 to eventually pass the grading of a basic level amateur band. Afterwards Gerald Maak (vocals), Martin Köhr (guitar) and Jörg Aschenbach (drums) joined and the band was renamed to Tantrum. If you got more info, please in touch.




Bernd Abelmann (guitar, vocals)
Sven Götze (guitar)
Thomas (bass)
Andreas Ziegler (drums)


Screamz was originally founded in Luckenwalde (ex-GDR) as Viper, who started early trying form a band, back in 1984, not far from Jüterbog where Biest was originating from, south of Berlin, but officially appeared under the name of Viper firstly in August 1985 on the local scene. Less Thrash influenced than in their later prime phase, the band covered several NWOBHM acts like Judas Priest and mainly Iron Maiden, before Thrash Metal started getting bigger and bigger and infected the lads as well. Olaf Gassan originally fronted the band between 1987 and ‘88, who also went on stage to perform live during that time, but had to leave again, so guitarist and songwriter Bernd Abelmann took over vocals. It took a while for the first tape to be recorded, since the band wasn’t chosen by the GDR’s officials to produce material for the national broadcast service, surely connected to the fact that Viper used to sing in English, not German. During the political change in autum '89 "Rules of weakness" and the "Cry for justice” Demo was produced in 1990, both presenting a raw Thrash style quite close to Kreator on their late 80's albums, but less polished sounding, while either the guys themselves officially claimed to be influenced by bands such as Metallica, Sodom and the aforementioned Kreator. The lads received good feedback by the local press and started recording their debut album "Bringers of disaster" independently in summer '91, that would follow consequently the direction of the previous demos. The Viper sound had developed into an even more Death/Thrash style now with more breaks like Moshquito, Sadus or Incubus. Due to legal issues with a bavarian band of the same name the Viper guys had to change the band name to Screamz in August 1992, while only Bernd Abelmann (guitar, vocals) remained of the old line up, that now additionally featured Sven Götze on guitar, Thomas on bass and Andreas Ziegler on drums. These 4 Thrashers right within 1992 recorded the debut Demo of Screamz, entitled simply “It’s scream…”. The second tape “Stay alone” was produced the following year at the Musiclab Studio in Berlin and gained some good responses, so Screamz decided to produce their first album “Cash” independently with Jan on guitar replacing Sven Götze and Marc (bass). The guy’s style also had changed towards a more Power/Thrash inspired sound during the past years, much reminding of the very late 80’s, when classic Thrash elements more and more started fading. But either the newly joined Jan and Marc left Screamz right during the recordings for the second album in 1996. Abelmann and Ziegler paused Screamz for a while and united late in 1997 again with guitarist Uwe Klotz (ex-Biest), but only performed cover versions from that point on. Klotz then 2003 moved to Canada, causing another break for the band, while Bernd Abelmann recruited new members afterwards and continued with Screamz as a cover act.


"It's scream..." Demo 1992 (selfreleased)
"Stay alone" Demo 1993 (selfreleased)

Secret Attack


Runhardt Scheffler (bass)


A shortlived Heavy Metal band from Spremberg (ex-GDR), that mainly covered NWOBHM bands like Iron Maiden, Motörhead or Judas Priest in the beginning when they formed in 1987. Their own material was rather Power Metal inspired and the guys either played a few live gigs at that time. But during 1988 Secret Attack split up and Runhardt Scheffler learned to play guitar instead in order to form something more brutal sounding. He tried several times to gather musicians for that purpose but always failed, till he met drummer Jean Schulze in early 1990 and both formed Necromance.


Septic Terror


Torsten Seifert (guitar)
Tino Röder (guitar)
Torsten Oettel (drums)
Mirko Oechsner (vocals)


Septic Terror was a shortlived east german Thrashcore/Crossover project formed in Schneeberg/Saxony (ex-GDR) in early 1989 by the schoolmates Torsten Seifert, Tino Röder, Torsten Oettel and Mirko Oechsner. They got influenced by bands such as Slayer, Kreator and also S.O.D. but musically viewed this band can't be taken too serious at all. None of them had learned to handle his instrument before. The boys wrote 2 songs till their decline in 1990, called "Satan unser Herr" (Satan our lord) and "Runaway". A rehearsal recording should exist as well but for the moment this recording is missing since they lost contact to each other over the years. The band broke after they finished school and Tino Röder in late 1990 went on to play with local Schneeberg Death Metal act Purulent Obduction and later formed the wellknown Pagan/Black Metal band Andras.




Winfried Katscher (vocals)
Rainer Schossig (guitar)
Marcus Schloussen (bass)
Detta Herm (drums)


Even for Heavy Metal kids from ex-GDR like myself, the band Setzei from Fürstenwalde is quite unknown. Founded in 1977 as Pathos by Marcus Schloussen, Detta Herm (ex-Neumeyer Blues), Winfried Katscher and Rainer Schossig, Katscher didn't stay for long and quit already in 1978, to get replaced by Carlo Schröder. After relocating to Berlin around 1978, the band name was changed either to Setzei, which, said under 4 eyes, must be the most stupid name for a band ever. In the beginning the lads focussed on covering big Rock bands like ZZ Top, Rory Gallagher etc. Peter Scheffler became their second guitarist in 1979 and when Matthias Lauschus replaced Carlo Schröder on vox in 1980, Setzei started working on own material. With "Hallo Setzei" and "Der Mond und ich" two first songs was recorded for the national broadcast service still in 1980, while the first one mentioned was either used for the sampler "Auf dem Wege ... 2", released in 1981 and would remain the band's only vinyl appearance till their dissolving in 1984. New drummer Dietmar Ahrens joined for Detta Herm in 1980 and got also replaced by Jürgen Legal a year later. A couple of more songs was recorded for the national radio stations, but since the band still was rated an amateur band, they couldn't release any albums. Therefore 1982 Marcus Schloussen joined the profi band Reform, whose ex-bassplayer Mike Demnitz just had quit to form MCB as we all do know. Schloussen's substitute was Thomas Hergert. With Matthias Lauschus, Rainer Schossig, Thomas Hergert, Peter Scheffler und Jürgen Legal the band worked till 1984, when Legal left. After trying 3 more new drummers in shortest time, Lauschus called it a day and went on to play with Tutti Paletti, which caused the disbandment of Setzei. Hergert and Scheffler joined the band Mona Lise. Was the early sound of the band still Rock oriented stuff, their following recordings from 1982 to 1983 went obviously heavier ways and must be called a sort of Heavy Metal inspired Hard Rock like Regenbogen. Fortunately the lads was invited to perfom on stage for the eastgerman TV, so you better make your own picture of Setzei


"Hallo, Setzei" Comp.-LP Track 1981 (Auf dem Wege ... 2)

Broadcast Recordings:
"Der Mond und ich" (1980)
"Fliegst du weit"
"Onkel Grimmig"
"Wer ist von Zweifeln frei"
"Lust zu zweit"
"Falsches Spiel"

Shark Attack



A raw Thrash Metal band in the Kreator/Carrion vein originating from the ex-GDR, that was active during the late 80's. There is a live recording from 1989 known to exist, featuring songs like "I'm your hunter" and "Killer shark". If you got more info, please get in touch.




Jörn Spill (vocals)
Andreas Schatz (guitar)
David Gärtner (bass)
Harald (drums)


A Speed/Thrash Metal band from East-Berlin, formed 1983 by David Gärtner in the ex-GDR, plus additionally Jörn Spill and drummer Harald building the core of this troop, that worked with alternating guitarists throughout the following years. During the mid 80's Shout's sound went heavier, influenced by mainly Metallica. Despite the band is confirmed to play own songs in front of the national classification comitee 1985/86, live on stage they mainly performed cover versions. Recordings aren't known to exist, but the guys was playing several live shows. During summer '89 right withing the beginning political change, some of the members left the country, so Shout shortly afterwards collapsed around 1990 as well. If you got more info, please get in touch.




Michael Nelebock (vocals)
Michael Nimmergut (guitar)
Mario Kurt (guitar)
Mirko Brauer (bass)
Sven Noak (drums)


An East Berlin (ex-GDR) based Thrash band that was founded as Sarkophag in the mid 80's but was asked by the grading commitee to change it. They recorded a Demo track in December '89 that got airplay on the national Heavy Metal radio broadcast. The song offers a not uninteresting midpaced thrashy Power Metal with a few hints of mid 80's Venom and some for that time typical Mosh parts. Sixtus also participated at a local Berlin benefit festival during early 1990, where they presented a very Metallica/Slayer/Exodus and Sodom inspired program. If you got more info please get in touch.


”Love and horror” Demo Track 1989 (selfreleased)

Solar Flares


Bosa Hennig (vocals)
Wolf (guitar)
Jorkuweit (guitar)
Jörn Darkow (drums)


A band from East-Berlin, that most probably found together still in ex-GDR times around 1990. The band's rather unknown, yet their Demo "Interlude" got fabulous reviews back in the early 90's, getting compared to a mix of Megadeth and Annihilator, yet slightly more progressive Power Metal with also hints of Depressive Age. They possibly split up around 1995. Further info is welcome.


"Interlude" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)

Sonic Seducer



A Thrash band (most probably) from ex-GDR, that was active in the late 80's, playing live shows. If you got more info, please get in touch.




Jens Meinl (guitar)


A Thrash Metal inspired band from Markneukirchen, in the southern part of the ex-GDR that was at least active around 1987-89 and featured the later Nobody guitarist Jens Meinl.




Mike Schmidt (vocals)
Jürgen Graf (guitar)
Robert Eilenberger (bass)
Christian Ludwig (drums)


Founded early 1986 in Bad Dürrenberg by Mike Schmidt, Jürgen Graf, Robert Eilenberger and Christian Ludwig, the guys soon would rename the band to first MAD, and then finally M.A.D., before they in the following years would rise up to the top of the ex-GDR's underground Thrash scene.


Speed Metal King


Hexer (guitar)
Skelleton (drums, vocals)


Originally founded as Speed Metal King in Weimar (ex-GDR) by Hexer on guitar and Skelleton on drums during x-mas 1985, who soon would change name in 1986 to Hurricane and later to "Die Schleifers", before the final band name Disaster K.F.W. (stands for Klassischer Friedhof Weimar) ended their desperate endeavor to pick out the right one.





Splitt from East Berlin (ex-GDR) existed as a Metal band from 1985 to 1990, but it's not much known about them. They could produce a slower Metal rocker called "Der Chirurg" in late 1988 or early '89 for the national broadcast service, that went kinda successful on the national youth radiostation, but around 1990 the guys completely altered their musical direction and went on a classic Hard Rock path. Additionally the a female vocalist was added, coming from the band Ladys First. During the following decade the band's stage repertoire was altered as well, leaving Hard Rock paths and turning into a pure Rock cover act, mainly performing old GDR songs. Splitt is still active nowaydays.
Check out Der Chirurg


Broadcast Recording:
“Der Chirurg“ (1988)




A quite obscure ex-GDR Heavy Metal band from Leipzig/Saxony, that is known to share the stage with two other locals bands Victim and Stahwerk at the “Open Air im Stötteritzer Wäldchen“ happening on September 20th 1987 in Leipzig. Further info could be useful.


St. Metal


Markus Reinheckel (vocals)
Marcus Graupner (guitar)
André Klengel (guitar)
Ralf Möbius (bass)
Steffen Bär (drums)


St. Metal was a Hard Rock band from Dresden (ex-GDR), officially founded in 1983 as Rockmetal, by some guys of the Dresden scene, who was previously playing together since already 1978. Influenced by Krokus and obviously AC/DC the band started writing own material during 1984 and debuted with playing live during 1985, when they also recorded their first Demo "The spider". On the Demo recording Ralf Möbius (army!) got represented by Kay Rühmer. Also drummer Steffen Bär, who left the country a bit earlier, got shortly replaced by vocalist Markus Reinheckel. After the Demo was finished, the band changed their name to St. Metal. Kay Rühmer 1987 then joined the heavier Doctor Rock and also the new guitarist Thomas “Bachmann” Walther went into Doctor Rock's direction during 1988. For a short time Marcus Graupner switched from guitar to the bass, before he left the country also. Uwe Meinhardt joined on drums and the ex-Na Und guitarist Galina Semenichina plus Ralph Hoeltzel (bass) in the meanwhile strenghtened St. Metal's rows, who recorded one more AC/DC inspired Demo "Touch down" during that time. But the chemistry inside the band wasn't pleasant, so a big break happened, causing that Reinheckel left and managed the band, while drummer Meinhardt should take care of the vocals in the future and either Galina Semenichina had to leave the band. Falk Möckel got the position of the new drummer, and with the line up Uwe Meinhardt (vocals), Ralph Hoeltzel (bass), Falk Möckel (drums) and Andre Klengel (guitar) the guys recorded their "Fun maker" Demo in early 1989. Since one the songs got airplay at the national Heavy Metal radio show, the Amiga had plans to feature a track of St. Metal on one of their samplers, but it wouldn't come to that anymore at all. After having changed their name to just STM during autumn '89, the band announced their end early November the same year. The track “Sex & violence” that appeared on the “Dresden History 1981-87” tape compilation (Zieh Dich Warm An Tapes) was recorded together with members of the band Kaltfront already in 1987. Falk Möckel subsequently joined Death Metallers Purgativ in 1991.


"Touch down" Demo 1988 (selfreleased)
"Fun maker" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)
“Sex & violence” Comp.-MC Track 1990 (Dresden History 1981-87)



Jens-Uwe Nobst (drums)


A quite obscure ex-GDR Heavy Metal band from Leipzig/Saxony, that is known to share the stage with two other locals bands Victim and Squealer at the “Open Air im Stötteritzer Wäldchen“ happening on September 20th 1987 in Leipzig. Stahlwerk continued playing gigs till at least 1988, but seem to have disappeared afterwards. Their drummer Jens-Uwe Nobst was also playing in several Hard Rock/Metal bands like Weissheim, Badboy and Fairplay, as well as in several local Punk troops, while Gelee Royal seemed to be his main act there in the genre.


Step Out



A Metal band from ex-GDR, that was active in the late 80's, playing live shows. If you got more info, please get in touch.




Uwe Meinhardt (vocals)
Andre Klengel (guitar)
Ralph Hoeltzel (bass)
Falk Möckel (drums)


A very shortlived Hard Rock band in the AC/DC vein from Dresden (ex-GDR), that was previously known as first Rockmetal and later as St. Metal. After St. Metal had recorded their 2nd Demo "Fun maker" early '89, they changed their name to just STM during summer/autumn '89, before the band already announced their end early November the same year.


Strange World


Jens Kleuckling (vocals)
Peter Weinold (guitar)
Frank Nekat (bass)
Steffen Grafe (drums)


Strange World was a band hailing from Frankfurt/Oder (ex-GDR) and existed since 1988 and decided to focuss on a classic Hard Rock style in April 1990. The guys had been more busy with writing own material and started playing live mainly after the political change during 1990/91. Frank Nekat was also playing with the band Boundless during that time. If you got more info, please get in touch.




Cornelia Wollek (vocals)
Torsten Boese (bass)
Ulf Klingner (guitar)
Ilja Funke (drums)


After the former Power Metal and later Thrash band Powerage from Rathenow (ex-GDR), a bit east of Berlin, had abruptly found an end in the middle of 1990, their female vocalist Conny Wollek and guitarist Ulf Klinger decided to form another band, but much heavier and rather Death Metal influenced. They found new members for this very aim in Torsten Boese (bass) and drummer Ilja Funke and strictly began to record songs for their first selftitled Demo still in the fall of 1990, yet finished to the whole eventually in early 1991. In contrary to the rather thrashy Powerage material, Supremacy took influences from bands like Death and Benediction to shape an at that time modern Death/Thrash driven sound, either following their intention up to the second output in form of “Together in the death”, recorded right one year later. Torsten Boese then in between until Supremacy’s 3rd and last Demo “Aggressional tendencies” was released in March ’94, quit or was exchanged with Lars Eggert respectively, and the band either involved a second guitarist, Alvar Schulze. The fivepiece still lasted till 1996, when the musicians in the end was scattered by the wind.


“Supremacy” Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
“Together in the death” Demo 1992 (selfreleased)

T and A


Andreas Schwach (guitar, vocals)
Tino Mothes (drums, bass, vocals)


A Grind/Noisecore band, which was formed still during ex-GDR times in late 1988/early 1989 in Schneeberg/Saxony by Tino Mothes and Andreas Schwach, but soon changed name still in 1989 to Bloodbrain. According to their own statement the name "T and A" stands for "Terror and Agnostic", though accidentally both their names started with "T" and "A" as well...




Ron Schaffer (vocals)
Raimo Junior (guitar)
Thomas Pfeffer (bass)
Thoralf Jachtner (drums)


A local Crossover troop from Prenzlau, north of Berlin, that formed sometime during 1989 within the political change inside the ex-GDR, still with Ron Schaffer on vocals, who though left in 1990 to form his on band Necrosist. M.F. Waschk replaced him afterwards, who got then replaced himself by M. Kundt in 1992. TMK released 2 Demo tapes between 1992 and '93, that both featured Motörhead inspired Hardcore Metal with Speed Metal influences and Thrash parts. The band most probably split up during the mid 90's. Thomas Pfeffer later played in Schweineröck and Thoralf Jachtner joined the Dark Wave band Kinski. TMK stands for "Totaler Mützenkrach" btw.


"Symphony of Onanie" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)
"Ultimate ferocities" Demo 1993 (selfreleased)



Kalle H. (drums)


Locals from the Meerane area (ex-GDR), who've been active sometime between 1987 and 1990. Further info is badly needed.




Gerald Maak (vocals)
Marco Ritter (guitar)
Martin Köhr (guitar)
Matthias Wiewiorra (bass)
Jörg Aschenbach (drums)


This band from Suhl (ex-GDR) was originally founded in 1984 as JFM as a shortlived schoolboy Rock band, but first during around 1985 Marco Ritter (guitar, vocals) and Matthias Wiewiorra (bass) formed Schreckschuss to play a much more Heavy Metal inspired sound. In the very beginning the duo used to play with a drum machine and already played a few local live gigs. The guys first found Jörg Wackes as vocalist, but it took the guys till April '88 to eventually pass the grading of a basic level amateur band. Afterwards Gerald Maak (vocals), Martin Köhr (guitar) and Jörg Aschenbach (drums) joined and the band was renamed to Tantrum. Tantrum's sound was clearly Speed/Thrash inspired, while during 1988 still Motörhead, Metallica or Anthrax played a big musical role, the band during the times of the political change turned into a Thrash act, with hints of Kreator and Metallica, while the remaining live recordings of the band indeed would have had justified a studio recording, which never happened at all. Jörg Aschenbach still had to leave for army duties during 1989 and Matthias Wiewiorra after the change in 1990 quit also. Aschenbach was replaced by Torsten "Haase" and the band's rehearsal/live recordings from 1989/90 feature him on the drums, but after a few more gigs in late 1990 or early '91 the band was history as well. If you got more info, please in touch.




Lutz Schwartz (vocals)
Nick Jaudzims (guitar)
Uwe zur Kammer (guitar)
Andre Mosler (bass)
Jens Baldauf (drums)


Shortlived band from East Berlin (ex-GDR), that existed shortly from 1987-89. Bandleader Uwe zur Kammer (guitar) already played with drummer Jens Baldauf in the band "Das Linke Ohr" (Punk and Metal). Andre Mosler (bass) previously was in a band together with Merlin's Mario Schneider. Guitarist Nick Jaudzims came from the ZZ Top cover band Blue. After Mosler, Baldauf and zur Kammer had rehearsed for fun they saw Nick Jaudzims with his band Blue on stage and asked him to form a new "Texas Rock" band. Since he was tired of playing only covers and wanted to play own songs, they agreed to form Tequila, who combined the classic ZZ Top sound with Hard'n'Heavy stuff. Lutz Schwartz who previously sung in other Berlin bands joined the guys on the micro. But Jens Baldauf was shortly afterwards called to arms and ex-Dynastie Marcel Thiele took his drumsticks. The quintet produced 3 songs privately at the studio of the Rock band Lucie, that got airplay and highest positions in local newcomer hitparades. The entire repertoire of Tequila featured only about 12 songs and either livewise the guys wasn't much active and performed about 10 x on stage only. 1988 Uwe zur Kammer officially applied to leave the country and therefore the Stasi began to show interest in the band. After he had went to West Berlin in March '89, Tequila shortly afterwards disbanded and Marcel Thiele joined Merlin.


Studio Recordings:
“Manchmal" (1987)
“Er hatte sie geliebt“ (1987)
“Es hat dich gepackt“ (1987)




Most probably band from the wider Leipzig area of the ex-GDR, that was seen playing live together with several Thrash bands in early 1990, so we assume Testate being Thrashers as well. Further info is needed.


The Fog


Andre Botta (bass, vocals)
Sven Lieser (guitar)
Jörg Hüttenrauch (keyboard)
Mario Ströhl (drums)


From Ballhausen north of Erfurt (ex-GDR) came the melodic Hard Rock band The Fog, whose first steps reach back to 1983 when they started learning to handle their instruments. At around 1987 it seems the young band already officially operated as "The Fog" and could catch interest of local officials who’ve been in charge of musical talents in their area. At a later point drummer Mario Ströhl got replaced by Maik Haun. The foursome was allowed to professionally produce the powerful Melodic Rock number "Irgendwann", that in 1988 entered the youth channel DT 64’s hit parade at rank 20. The sound of the 4 lads strongly reminds of the heavier songs of Perl, acting somewhere in the middle of Classic Rock/AOR and original melodic Hard Rock with german sung lyrics. All in all quite a catchy, professional sounding number. Not sure when The Fog split up, but we guess around 1990 during the political change as well. Sven Lieser their guitarist resurfaced with Erfurt Power Metallers Misery during the very early 90's once again.


Broadcast Recordings:
„Irgendwann“ (1988)

Thrash Attack


Thomas Hollmann (guitar, vocals)
Frank Hannak (guitar)
Mario Wagner (bass)
Rene Jauernik (drums)


Thrash Attack was founded during late 1987 in Hettstedt by a bunch of teenagers, who mainly covered songs of Tankard, Sodom, Slayer, Kreator and Metallica. Drummer Rene Jauernik joined the guys a while later during 1988, when their former drummer had quit. They either composed 3 own titles, but the crowd was more eager to listen to cover versions back in the day, so they didn't work out those songs further. Thomas Hollmann escaped the ex-GDR via Hungary during second half of 1989, so the rest of the guys continued with another vocalist, but Thrash Attack ultimately disbanded at the end of that year. Rene Jauernik and Frank Hannak met again in 1991 and decided to form a new band, named Influence right in March ‘91, that performed a fully Death/Thrash Metal influenced style. A Demo tape (“Demo”) was either recorded in 1992, but Influence just lasted till around late 1993 before they split up due to internal issues. Jauernik joined Flaming Anger afterwards.


Tishvaisings, The


Thomas Meitsch (vocals)
Jörg Adler (guitar)
Rajko Gohlke (bass)
Ingo Gutmann (drums)


The Tishvaisings was a band from Leipzig (ex-GDR), founded by Thomas Meitsch (vocals), Jörg Adler (guitar), Rajko Gohlke (bass) and Ingo Gutmann (drums), who started in 1988 playing rather punky stuff on their first Demo "Fast food" from 1989. In 1990 Dirk Feckenstedt replaced Ingo Gutmann and Jörg Adler handled the vocals besides guitar, which also meant that their name slightly changed to The Art of the Legendary Tishvaisings and even their sound turned into thrashy Crossover from that point. A 7" EP "Trief" was recorded in September '90 and 1MF Records gave the band a chance. Seems the experience worked so far as the Tishvaisings was allowed to record their only album "Catharsis" in 1991 on 1MF Records as well, with Jörg Adler (guitar, vocals), Dirk Feckenstedt (drums) and Rajko Gohlke on bass. The sound once again turned more into technically developed almost proggy but raw Thrash, with a few Anthrax influences, still offering some Crossover parts as well. Though the album sold well for an indie release, the band was disbanded to form Think About Mutation in 1992.


”Fast food” Demo 1989 (selfreleased)
"Hundred bottles huntly" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)
"Trief..." 7" EP 1990 (1MF)
“Thrashing East Attack Vol. I” Comp.-MC Tracks 1991 (selfreleased)
"Catharsis" LP/CD 1991 (1MF)
"A piece of bloodless nought" Comp.-MC Track 1992 (Thrashing East Attack Vol. II)

Titan (GDR)


Matthias Eschrich (guitar)
Rico Kaps (bass)
Kai-Uwe Schneider (drums, vocals)


The band Titan was officially founded early 1983 in Pirna (ex-GDR), but originally Matthias Eschrich and Kai-Uwe Schneider are playing together since 1981 till someday Rico Kaps was nominated to play the bass. 1983 they baptized their band "Titan" and played their first gig. Since they couldn't find a second guitarist at all, but Silvio Zornsch was eager to play drums, Schneider switched over to guitar and thaught Zornsch the drum business instead., till Silvio Zornsch right when he went 18, decided to leave the GDR and it took till mid '84, when Dirk Dawid wanted to join on the drum position. The line up Matthias Eschrich (guitar), Kai-Uwe Schneider (guitar, vocals), Rico Kaps (bass) and Dirk Dawid (drums) would remain the classic Titan formation till the band's decline in 1989. In autumn '84 the guys recorded their first Demo, that still featured a rather AC/DC/Judas Priest/Maiden (un)inspired Hard Rock/Metal sound with NWOBHM influences though, but the skills of the guys yet haven't been that developed to justify bigger duties. Already with the second Demo, recorded during 1987, which wasn't sold, but only given away to friends and used for promotional purposes, the Titans presented a completely mature sound, while the band stylistically adopted an at that time classic melodic Power/Speed Metal of Helloween/Iron Maiden and sounded close to bands like the excellent Merlin or Metall from Berlin. During later '87 Dirk Dawid had to officially pause for a few months after having trouble with the cops, so Thomas Lorenz replaced him till Dawid had returned again, while Lorenz went to join Doctor Rock afterwards. During the following year Titan's sound got a bit thrashier, influenced by mainly Slayer the guys first recorded an instrumental Demo during early '89 and later started recording their 3rd Demo tape with the title "Crusaders of death", which fell into a time of total chaos inside the GDR and wasn't finished at all. After the band got harassed by the police and Stasi officials, which resulted in cancelled gigs etc., Kai-Uwe Schneider during mid '89 legally left the GDR and in late summer also Kaps and Eschrich secretly escaped. The Demo recording of "Crusaders of death", finally released on the CD "Metal fever" in 2007 (German Democratic Recordings), contains vocals though, but those are just improvisational, without lyrics even being finished. When Schneider and Eschrich met again in Pirna during 1994, they decided to form the band Saxorior and since that day are active under that new monicker.


"Demo Nr. 1" Demo 1984 (selfreleased)
"Demo Nr. 2" 1987 (selfreleased)

"Instrumental Demo" Demo 1989
"Crusaders of death" Demo 1989

Tormentor (Plauen)


Ron (vocals)
Holger (guitar)
Oschmann (bass)
Jan Schönweiß (drums)


Typical Death/Thrashers from Plauen in the southern ex-GDR, who started in the fall of 1989. Tormentor as the name might suggest played a straight forward rude Thrash, that often reminds of the early ruthless Kreator sound, though the lads themselves claimed their influences being Nuclear Assault, Metallica, Carnivore, Cro-Mags etc. They didn’t often play live, but till 1991 11 gigs could be counted, happening mainly in their local area. Since March ’91 the line up featured Ron (vocals), Holger (guitar), Harry (guitar), Oschmann (bass) and Mang on drums. After the 3rd Demo "Divide et Impera" they already changed name to Dynamic Front, everything still happening within 1992.


"Death by Konsumbrot" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)
"Impetus to suicide" Comp.-MC Track 1991 (Thrashing East Attack Vol. II)
“…Excess” Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"Divide et Impera" Demo 1992 (selfreleased)



Thorsten Henning (vocals)
Jürgen Schmidt (guitar)
Hubert Ranft (bass)
Fränki Matthes (drums)


Hardrockers from East Berlin (ex-GDR), active only during the early and mid 80's. Their original bassist Hubert Ranft decided to play with Babylon in early 1985 and Christian Merz joined Triolog instead. The guys could even produce 2 songs for the national broadcast service, with "Wilde Wochen lang" either getting airplay at national rating programs. Triolog's sound was influenced by Ozzy, Van Halen, ZZ Top and Saxon. If you got more info, please get in touch.


Boardcast Recordings:
"Wilde Wochen lang" (1986)
"Die Puppenspielerin" (1986)



Jens Schuwerk (vocals)
Michael Sündermann (guitar)
Reinhard Repke (bass)
Thomas Kühn (drums)


A Hard Rock band from East Berlin (ex-GDR), that was founded by ex-Mephisto musicians Jens Schuwerk, Michael Sündermann and Reinhard Repke in 1984. Usually the band's sound was focussed on a Van Halen inspired sound, but the guys either played Saxon and Judas Priest cover versions on stage. 1985 Reinhard Repke changed bands and went to Reform, before later joined the famous GDR Rock band Rockhaus. Uwe Pfenninghaus was the new bass player then. 2 of their trax got airplay in autum '86 at the national Metal radio show "Tendenz Hard bis Heavy", but we strongly guess those have been live recordings (info anyone?). When Jens Schuwerk quit, Cobra's Frank Eichhorn (vocals) joined for a short while from early '87 till summer, when he returned to Cobra again. But Vantom's fall already started during early '87 and the band eventually split up during the beginning of 1988. Though early '87 Vantom already was officially allowed to record their song "Alleine durch die Nacht“ professionally at Dieter Birr's studio (Puhdys), it never came to that anymore. Michael Sündermann was working with Formel 1 already during 1987 and later joined B.O.R.N.


Broadcast Recordings:
"König der Nacht" (1986)
"Innerer Schweinehund" (1986)



Michael Kaspar (vocals, guitar)
Maik Gerullis (guitar)
Jörn Gerullis (bass)
Thomas Stief (drums)


A melodic Heavy Metal with some post-NWOBHM tendencies from Leipzig in the ex-GDR. Michael Kaspar formed Victim together with drummer Thomas Stief early 1984, having the aim to compose own material, instead of covering western bands like most of the eastgerman bands did at that time, and trying to sound like a western band. In contrary to other eastgerman bands Victim entirely sung in english right from the start. During September '84 he met Maik and Jörn Gerullis who joined immediately. 1985 when Thomas Stief left, another Gerullis brother, Dirk, joined on drums. The guys composed a number of songs to compile a first Demo tape in 1986, entitled "Hard to hold" which was recorded at Maik Gerullis’ flat. Due to the english lyrics of their songs, Victim had problems to pass the national classification standards, which they finally could achive in spring '87. A second Demo "Second warning" was produced, now with Stephan Kaspar on bass, who jumped in to replace Jörn Gerullis (in the army now), that either 2 of it's songs got broadcasted in the weekly GDR's Heavy Metal show, gaining the band alot of attention by national fans. Musically Victim could be compared to british bands such as Cobra with Dokken influences as well. Michael and Stephan Kaspar decided to form their own band Badboy in December '87, while Victim shortly after disbanded as well.


"Hard to hold" Demo 1986 (selfreleased)
"Second warning" Demo 1987 (selfreleased)



Lars Sehm (vocals)
Ulf Dahlmann (guitar)
Steffen Kröpfel (guitar)
Sven Schüssler (bass)
Kai Rehm (drums)


Local Thalheim Power/Thrash Metal outfit from southern ex-GDR, near Stollberg/Chemnitz. The band was founded by vocalist Lars Sehm during 1986 and acted on a quite professional level on stage, performing Slayer and Manowar cover versions, while their own material sounded like a cross of early Slayer and the heavy Running Wild stuff. Despite the GDR officials actually had mentioned plans to support their musical career, Villain broke apart within the political change during 1990. There was a 5 track Demo tape available though, recorded at this time as well and members being Lars Sehm (vocals), Ulf Dahlmann (guitar), Steffen Kröpfel (guitar), Olaf Schisler (bass), plus session musicians Ulf Reinhardt (drums) and Peter Viertel (keyboard). Lars Sehm afterwards joined the band Danger.


“The first” Demo 1990 (selfreleased)



Olaf Gassan (vocals)
Bernd Abelmann (guitar, vocals)
Jens Katterwe (guitar)
Olaf Heilmann (bass, vocals)
Frank Jedrzy (drums)


Viper started early trying form a band, back in 1984 in Luckenwalde, not far from Jüterbog where Biest was originating from, south of Berlin, but officially appeared under the name of Viper firstly in August 1985 on the local scene. Less Thrash influenced than in their later prime phase, the band covered several NWOBHM acts like Judas Priest and mainly Iron Maiden, before Thrash Metal started getting bigger and bigger and infected the lads as well. Olaf Gassan originally fronted the band between 1987 and ‘88, who also went on stage to perform live during that time, but had to leave again, so guitarist and songwriter Bernd Abelmann took over vocals. It took a while for the first tape to be recorded, since the band wasn’t chosen by the ex-GDR’s officials to produce material for the national broadcast service, surely connected to the fact that Viper used to sing in English, not German. During the political change in autum '89 "Rules of weakness" and the "Cry for justice” Demo was produced in 1990, both presenting a raw Thrash style quite close to Kreator on their late 80's albums, but less polished sounding, while either the guys themselves officially claimed to be influenced by bands such as Metallica, Sodom and the aforementioned Kreator. The lads received good feedback by the local press and started recording their debut album "Bringers of disaster" independently in summer '91, that would follow consequently the direction of the previous demos. The Viper sound had developed into an even more Death/Thrash style now with more breaks like Moshquito, Sadus or Incubus. Due to legal issues with a bavarian band of the same name the Viper guys had to change the band name to Screamz in August 1992.


"Rules of weakness" Demo 1989 (selfreleased)
"Cry for justice" Demo 1990 (D.i.T.S. Promotion)
"Bringers of disaster" LP 1991 (D.i.T.S. Promotion)

Voice (Markneukirchen)


Oliver Glas (vocals)
Rainer Wild (guitar)


Voice from Markneukirchen/Saxony (ex-GDR) was founded by both ex-Nobody members Oliver Glas and Rainer Wild in 1988, to play a melodic, Iron Maiden and Queensryche inspired Metal style, since Nobody went into a rather Thrash oriented direction during that time. The bigger success for the band should just be achieved in 1996, after Oliver Glas (vocals), Thommy Neuhierl (guitar), Rico Hendel (guitar), Sören Glas (bass), Mathias Löscher (keyboard) and Arndt Otto (drums) recorded their debut CD "Prediction" independently, published on the mini label Blue House Records. The band so far recorded 4 more albums in the meanwhile, that all got released on the AFM Records label, all offering a melodic Power Metal style, before the band went on hiatus around 2003 and wouldn’t return before 2017, when their so far last album “The storm” was eventually available and released on Massacre Records. Only Oliver Glas (vocals), Thommy Neuhierl (guitar), Sören Glas (bass) remained of the classic line up so far, while Stephan Stockburger got recruited as their new drummer. Voice in the meanwhile are still active, but remained rather quiet yet during the past few years. If you got more info about the early phase of this band, please get in touch.




Olaf Korth (vocals)
Scholler (vocals)
Tarri (guitar)
Schnauf (bass)
Norris (drums)


W.B.I. stands for Wismars Bart Inferno and was an extreme Noisecore act from northern Germany. The band was actually formed in Wismar (ex-GDR), but adresses printed on their later releases mentioned first Flensburg and later Hamburg. Guitarist Tarri previously had a band called Pentagramm. They recorded some Demos and Split EP's with Necrophiliacs (with members of W.B.I.), Meat Shits and the Cripple Bastards before their debut MLP was recorded in 1992 and released 1993 on Rödel Records/Schnauf Records. Stylistically W.B.I. pretty much sounded like Napalm Death on "From enslavement to obliteration" with even some Death Metal hints on the later releases. The title on "Arschbombe des Monats" was refering to the Rock Hard Magazine, that each month nominated the worst release for the title "Assbomb of the month". Guess they knew themselves they wouldn't make it into the top ten with their noise...


"Arabischer Sackmantel" Demo 1990 (selfreleased)
"Stichpimpulibockforzelorum" 7" EP 1990 (Schnauf)
"Nekromantik-Themes/So!...Das haste nu' davon!" Split 7" EP 1991 (with Necrophiliacs, Schnauf)
"W.B.I./M.D.M.A. Gift" split live Demo 1993 (selfreleased)
"W.B.I./Meat Shits" Split 7" EP 1993 (Regurgitated Semen)
"War spoils/W.B.I." Split 7" EP 1993 (with Cripple Bastards, Useless)
”Arschbombe des Monats!” MLP 1993 (Rödel/Schnauf)



Thomas Rosanski (guitar)
Jens-Uwe Nobst (drums)


Weissheim was founded by Thomas Rosanski, who’s been previously playing in Foclas (1980-1982) and later Dead Head Crew (1984), together with Jens-Uwe Nobst in May '85. The guys was active till late 1987, when Rosanski formed the band Badboy with members of Victim. Weissheim drummer Jens-Uwe Nobst (ex-Gelee Royal, Stahlwerk, Quido, Fairplay) followed him a bit later on as well. The band name was chosen by Thomas Rosanski after a Rainbow song, which is almost giving you a hint of the sound that this band from Leipzig (ex-GDR) was trying to achieve.


Wild Witch


Rico Sauermann (drums)


A highly obscure and rather unknown female fronted Heavy Metal band, originating from the Erfurt region (ex-GDR), featuring the later Caiman drummer Rico Sauermann. These guys would have had remained forgotten forever, if not a tape of them would had been found in the inheritance of the 2021 passed away ex-hoster of the “Tendenz Hard bis Heavy” radio show Matthias Hopke. Wild Witch “secretly“ had recorded a 4 track Demo in May ’88, stylistically influenced by Warlock/Accept with german vocals, that makes them appearing accidentally sounding slightly like Plattform, but way heavier though. Sauermann then during late ’88 went to Caiman, so Wild Witch probably found an end that time as well.


“Wild Witch” Demo 1988 (selfreleased)



Jan Hubert (vocals)
André Morgenstern (guitar)
Jörg Leitner (guitar)
Roy Berghäuser (bass)
Rico Hein (drums)


Death/Thrashers from Annaberg/Saxony (ex-GDR), founded already in 1988 by André Morgenstern and ex-Sarkophag Jörg Leitner. In the summer of ‘89 Rico Hein joined the duo as drummer, and in October 7th the guys had their first live performance. Wodan together with Eminenz, who appeared slightly later on the local scene, built the skeletal structure of the Erzgebirge Metal scene. Roy Berghäuser completed the band on bass. They started playing a rather doomy influenced Thrash style in the beginning and later changed towards hyperspeed death/thrashing chaos ala Sadus with ex-Eminenz Jan Hubert, who had joined during December ’89, grunting like a wild boar, while still falling back into those Doom parts occasionally. The guys quite often was seen on local underground gigs in the surrounding areas, often with Eminenz naturally, but also shared stages with Deathtrap, Morbid or international acts like Benediction and Dismember in Aue, as well as being one of Mayhem’s support acts on their small Germany trip in November ’90, when MCB, Eminenz and Wodan opened the evening for the later BM legend. Prior to the legendary Mayhem gig, the fourpiece had recorded a private Demo/Rehearsal in May 1990, entitled “Don’t mosh”, that though never was spread at all. When the Digan studio eventually opened it’s gates in Annaberg late in 1990, the band right in February '91 recorded the "Chemical death" Demo, with only 6 songs of that session becoming the official Demo, while the other 5 trax they had recorded as well, remained unreleased and then Wodan once again entered the studio during August for the recordings of their "Brain decay" Demo. Untill the beginning of 1991 Roy was still playing bass, but he relocated to Hannover, so Jörg Leitner switched from guitar to bass instead. Sometime then in 1992 most of the guys lost interest in continuing the band and Wodan was over. 2 of the guys reactivated the Doom/Black Metal band Sarkophag, while Jan Hubert went to join Carcinoma, another legendary Annaberg Death Metal act.


“Don’t mosh” Demo 1990 (unreleased)
”The “Chemical death” Session 2/91” (unreleased)
”Chemical death” Demo 1991 (selfreleased)
"Asgard/Wodan" Comp.-Tape Track 1991 (Thrashing East Attack Vol. I)
”Brain decay” Demo 8/91 (selfreleased)

X-Ray Examination


Mario Noll (bass, vocals)
Holger Richter (guitar)
Manuell Noll (drums)


A local band from Zeitz (ex-GDR), that was originally founded as Regenbogen (not to be confused with the band from Berlin), but changed name to X-Ray Examination on August 24th 1990 and played their first show in September. Sometime during the early 90's this Megadeth, Voivod and Bathory influenced band recorded at least one 6 track Demo. If you got more info, please get in touch.





A Hard/Southern Rock act from East Berlin (ex-GDR) that was active at around 1985 and was influenced by ZZ Top. If you got more info, please get in touch.





A local, quite unknown Heavy Metal act from Wittstock in the northern part of the ex-GDR, between Rostock and Berlin, that was just shortlived





A completely unknown local Heavy Metal act hailing from Perleberg, in the north of the ex-GDR, between Berlin and Rostock, who formed during the late 80’s and existed just shortly. Zeus didn’t record any material, but performed live on stage as contemporary witnesses say on a higher level of quality. Further info is needed.

(Thanx to Jens-Uwe Bernd for info)





A Metal band from ex-GDR, that was active in the late 80's, playing live shows. If you got more info, please get in touch.


Zoe Band


Klaus Dieter Grummt (vocals)
Wolfram Löser (guitar)
Wolfgang Nixdorf (bass)
Reiner Schottstedt (keyboard)
Klaus Dieter Probst (keyboard)
Klaus Müller (drums)


Despite acting technically on the same level and musically almost in the same fairway as other prestigious early ex-GDR (Hard) Rock acts like Prinzip or Berluc in the very beginning, the Zoe Band from Altenberg in the Leipzig region never, not even nearly, got the same recognition in terms of vinyl releases by the eastgerman authorities. Founded in 1978, the lads soon would gain attention at the Werkstattwoche in Suhl October 1980 with their Hardrock inspired sound, ending up instantly with the professionally recorded track “Himalaja” on the compilation LP “Auf dem Wege ... 2. Either Hans-Jürgen “Charlie“ Ludwig (ex-Magdeburg) put his stamp on Zoe’s sound shortly between 1980/81, when he was member of the band, replacing Wolfram Löser on guitar, before he would become founding member of the well respected MCB and later formed his own combo Charlie’s Crew. Besides “Himalaja” two more tracks had been recorded at the same time as well, while “Traumpilot” was already a kinda Metal rocker of MCB format! Manfred Votrubec since 1979 had been the band’s bassist and band leader and on the drums could be found Jörg Franke now, who also just would stay until 1981, before Christian Hofmann would take his place. Tom Leonhardt (ex-Schwarzer Pfeffer) then 1981 replaced Charlie Ludwig, but already one year later followed the call of the bigger Karussell from Leipzig, so Zoe had to start searching for a new guitarist once again, till they eventually found Jürgen Hofmeister in 1983, a year that meant a lot of trouble for the band, since half of the team left Zoe, namely Klaus-Dieter Grummt, Klaus-Dieter Probst and drummer Christian Hofmann as well. Schottstedt and Votrubec completely restructured the group, adding Achim Pöschel (drums) and Bernd W. Wuttke on vocals. Their early Hard Rock sound had now after Ludwig’s department changed towards much more Classic Rock/AOR inspired tunes, despite the Hard Rock guitar parts wasn’t ever completely banished at all and the guys would keep on playing in that AOR style for the rest of their days. By reaching the profi status in 1984 the Zoe Band gained several TV appearances as well as official recording sessions throughout the following years for the national broadcast service, till Hofmeister went to join Karussell too in 1985, making "Benno" Singer joining as guitarist immediately. During 1986 Stefan Schulze and Bernd Fleischer then handled the guitars, before they got replaced in 1987 by first Andreas Hoge and shortly after Sven Dietrich, while the latter would remain long time member until 1992. Falk Kotulla came in 1988 for Bernd W. Wuttke on vocals and the rather stable line up for the next years now looked like Falk Kotulla (vocals), Sven Dietrich (guitar), Achim Pöschel (drums), Reiner Schottstedt (keyboard), Manfred Votrubec (bass). One last change though happened 1992, when guitarist Jörg Lesse joined instead, because Sven Dietrich quit and with this very line up Zoe continued until the final end of the band in December 1998. The CD “Revisited” contains almost all of Zoe’s 80’s broadcast recordings and could be purchased directly at the band’s website.


"Himalaja" Comp.-LP Track 1981 (Auf dem Wege ... 2)

Boadcast Recordings:
„Traumpilot“ (1981)
„Gretchen“ (1981)
„Blaues Fenster“ (1984)
“Vorbei” (1985)
“Mancher Augenblick” (1986)
„Wenn du willst“ (1986)
„Halt' mich fest“ (1986)
„Weil man zum reden jemand braucht“ (1987)
„Eiszeit“ (1987)
„Telefon“ (1989)




A Metal band from ex-GDR, that was active in the late 80's, playing live shows. If you got more info, please get in touch.


No Corroseum-feature would be complete without some proper sampler CDRs!
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download ~Volume West~
download ~Volume East~

(For more obscure German goodies, check out "Teutonic Evasion", the German edition of the Veterans Of The Various-Wars samplers...)

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