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27 reviews found:

Agata - Mas Alla LP 1992

Ardoz - Ardoz Mini-LP 1991

Astaroth - Guerra de Metal 7" 1987

Ataque de Sonido - E.P. 7" 1991

Athanator - Engendros de Muerte 7" 1992

Carbure - s/t 12" EP 1983

Danger - Grito De Libertad 7" 1988

Darkness - Espias Malignos Mini-LP 1989

Herpes - Medellin 7" 1991

Holocausto - Inferior 7" 1993

Inquisition - Anxious death 12" 1990

Kraken - Kraken LP 1987

Kraken - Todo Hombre Es Una Historia/Muere Libre 7" 1987

Kraken - II LP 1989

Kraken - T.R.E.S. LP, CD 1990

Kronos - Kronos LP 1988

Kronos - Fuego en mis Venas 12" 1990

Kronos - Volver a Empezar LP 1993

La Fe Ciega - En Vos Confio Mini-LP 1990

Lluvia Negra - Lluvia Negra 7" 1991

Nemesis - Hombre-Oxeja Negra del Universo 7" 1988

Parabellum - Sacrilegio 12" 1987

Parabellum - Mutacion Por Radiacion 12" 1988

Perseo - No Es Tan Sencillo 7" EP 1990

Reencarnacion - Acompaname a la Tumba 7" 1988

Terra X - Destellos Calcinantes 7" 1991

V/A - No Futuro LP 1990

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"Hey man, you've got impeccable taste and write like Lester Bangs and James Joyce rolled into one, please review our band!"
No, fuck off. However, if you're in the business of re-releasing old, rare 80's Metal you are welcome to submit your releases for review. Get in contact for further details.