9 compilation(s) in selection:

Always Catchin Snot In The Wind MLP 1988

Iron Tyrants LP 1984

Iron Tyrants Waging War (Iron Tyrants II) LP 1986

Iron Tyrants III - The European Blitz LP 1987

Metal That Matters LP 1987

Metalgon MLP 1987

No Substitute For Steel LP 1985

War Declared CD 1990

Warriors LP 1982


"In a world of streaming media, even downloadable CDRs are true"

smart famous person

With the amount of original material amassed during the many years of working with this encyclopedia, the opportunity to compile this music in a more 'completist' manner has arizen. Thus, the "Veterans Of The Various-Wars"-series is born! These compilations-compilations won't have quite the same Best-Of.. approach as the previous series, but will instead strive to unearth the most obscure Steels there are, namely those that only appeared on obscure mixed compilations produced by local music organizations, radio stations and/or d.i.y. labels. These volumes will have a country-by-country theme for as long as it's possible, and some overlapping of tunes from the previous series are bound to happen for patching-reasons. Also note that practically everything that qualifies as Metal or Heavier Hard Rock will be included, so listener discretion is advised...

Volume 5 out now!

(click to download)

...and don't forget the previous volumes:

Vol. 4: "Knallhård Betongrock!"

(click to download)

Vol. 3: "Old Eclectic Warriors"

(click to download)

Vol. 2: "Not Just Spaghetti And Minotauro!"

(click to download)

Vol. 1: "Teutonic Evasion"

(yeah, you still click to download)

...and the original series of comp-comps are of course still available for download. Check 'em:

The 2nd volume, published 2015-08-22

The previously "unofficial" volume, as presented on the forum in 2013.
All selections by Keir + sleeve design by bigfootkit.

The 2nd volume, published 2011-03-04

The 1st volume, published 2009-10-30

Cheers & creds to the following who have lent/ripped/scanned/co-reviewed records for this list:
Stefan Mattisson, Rob Preston, Patrik Carlson, AlaNightsblood, Joakim Westerlund, Mattias Rubarth, Kristian Knutsson.

...and some exta-special Hails! to Patrik of the awesome musikon.se website for invaluable help with the php-coding of the filter function!