Lesser known 80's Doom...

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Lesser known 80's Doom...

Post by DaN »

...or at the very least "Doom'ish" records/singles is what I'm after. I'm trying a new Special Selection-feature for the site:

https://thecorroseum.org/rev/index.php (scroll down to "Special Selections")

...and would like to hear what rare & forgotten titles you think is missing or just generally enjoy.

I'm also working on a similar function for the Compilopedia, to single out comps w/ rare tracks from various "special" genres. To be continued..
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Re: Lesser know 80's Doom...

Post by Warepire »

Turns out unknown 80s doom is not my speciality, so I will keep an eye on this list.

Had a quick look and only one thing struck me as missing, it definitely (to me) has passages that are more doom:
* The A-side of the Aleksandr Nevskij 7"

And a 70s "doom" track that might make the grade anyway:
* Closing track (Dead Meat) of Bolder Damn - Mourning.
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Re: Lesser know 80's Doom...

Post by malegys »

Rapid Fire (Swe) 1983 :

Manslaughter (California) 1986 :
"Do you like Wenom?"
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Re: Lesser know 80's Doom...

Post by Cochino »

Should we just recommend "new" stuff to review and then include, or point out possible candidates from the reviews that are already there?
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Re: Lesser know 80's Doom...

Post by DaN »

Cochino wrote: Mon Apr 04, 2022 3:47 am Should we just recommend "new" stuff to review and then include, or point out possible candidates from the reviews that are already there?
The thread's open for all discussions on the subject. For me personally - yes, both those kinds of tips are very welcomed. For instance I just realized The Mezmerist doesn't turn up in the selection, so will fix this now.

'Leftfield' stuff like The Mezmerist and first Lester Maddox has always been among my faves. It's hardly Traditional Doom, but the music has so many of the classic Doom-markers they kinda get that honor-badge by default..

Cheers for the tips so far. I did find a few lines about RAPID FIRE in HMM #1. It doesn't give us much additional info though, other than mentioning some more song titles like "Gate Of Hell", "Only Can See Your Face" and "Rapid Fire".
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Re: Lesser know 80's Doom...

Post by tbieri »

Dwarr, Novy Zavet, Stillborn - Nocturnals, Condemnation - Entering the Gates of Doom, Psycho - On the Loose
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Re: Lesser know 80's Doom...

Post by Prowler »

some more Doom and doomish vinyl stuff, a few are already in your reviews archives... :wink:

Alexandr Nevsky (Rus) - same 7”EP 88
Arc (UK) - War of the ring 7" 81
Black Death (US)"Black Death" LP 84
Black Jack (Aus) - Five pieces o'eight - 12" 85
CAB (US) - Just another day 7" 86
Calibre 38 (Bra) - same LP 88
Cassle (US) - Midnight fantasy Shape 83
Count Raven (Swe)
Crucifiction (Swi) - The War 7" 90
Cryer (UK) - The single 7" 80
Defi (Fra) - same LP 81
Demon Flight (US) - same 12" 82
Dr. Doolittle (Bul) - Every Man Needs A Woman 7" 91
Druid (US)"4 curses" 7" 86
Druid (US)"Vampire cult" LP 88
Exidus (US) - Reaper 7" 83
Future Tense (Hol) - Condemned to the gallow MLP 84
Joe Hasselvander (US) - Ladykiller LP 85
Lost Breed (US) - The Desert Fox 7" 89
Mercy (Swe) - any
Nemesis (Swe) - The Day Of Retribution MLP 84
New Testament (Rus) - any
Paul Chain - any
Penance (US) - The Road Less Travelled LP 92
Pentagram (US) - any
Requiem (UK) - Angel of sin 7" 80
Requiem (Ita) - any ("Soldiers of death" is the ultimate Doom anthem!!!)
Run After To (Ita) - same 12" 88
Sacred Few (US) - Beyond the iron walls LP 85
Sangre Humana (Gua) - Vision Satanica 7" 87
Shelder (Fra) - God of vikings LP 88
Stillborn (Swe)
Solitude/Solitude Aeternus (US)
Taist Of Iron (US) - Resurrection LP 84
Tarkus (Peru) - same LP 72
The Hand of Doom (Ger) - Poisonoise LP 79
The Twisted Few (US) - All they want is your money 7" 83
Trotyl (Bul) - Lunatic 7" 91
White Night (Bel) - Death Rendez-Vous 12" 85
Witchfinder General (UK)
Witchfynde (UK)
Last edited by Prowler on Thu Jun 23, 2022 6:22 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Lesser know 80's Doom...

Post by Herkus Monte »

I am far from being a doomologist so you can just tell me if "Penitential Sermon" belongs here:

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Re: Lesser know 80's Doom...

Post by Cochino »

Well, from the existing reviews I was gonna mention Dwarr, which tiberi already did, and from other mentions Paul Chain is an obvious one (I was pretty sure you had done one for the Highway To Hell picture disc), and Run After To, as Prowler just mentioned as well.

From the odd ones, seeing that stuff like Sarcofagus made it in, maybe Coven's "Worship New Gods" would fit as well?

And even more leftfield but that I would definitely considered if it was my own list is Germany's Warning LP from 82. I'd say that about half of it is proto Goth/Doom, and at times heavier and than plenty of metal albums at the time. I know it's not gonna make it here, but I just have to namedrop it at any chance I get 8)
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Re: Lesser know 80's Doom...

Post by DaN »

Oh doG YES :shock: the debuts of STILLBORN and German WARNING are huge ancient faves!
...though of course only Stillborn could be considered Doom Metal in the traditional sense. Need to add this one to the archive just because it's sooooo bloody underrated.

..and thanx for reminding me of Masterwork - made me replay that beautiful B-side for the first time in at least a decade. I guess I just have to own up to my old Pagan Altar-comparisons in the old review and slap on that Doom-tag :mrgreen:

Detroit-COVEN certainly has heavy Doom-appeal, but for some reason I'm having a harder time to shoehorn them into the Doom-niche than the aforementioned Mezmerist, Lester Maddox or Dwarr... Maybe the lack of really slow songs?

..and as always an interesting list from Prowler. Some frown-inducing stuff (The Hand Of Doom?) but a lot I need to give a proper re-listen asap. Cheers!
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Re: Lesser know 80's Doom...

Post by DaN »

Btw, here's a fun idea:
Who's up for a collective project of putting together a mix-CDR of one-off Doom/Doom'ish tracks from olde kült trad HM vinyls? I'm talking about "that ONE Doom track on the album"-type stuff, like for instance


...or other stuff already mentioned here.
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Re: Lesser know 80's Doom...

Post by Cochino »

DaN wrote: Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:25 pm Btw, here's a fun idea:
Who's up for a collective project of putting together a mix-CDR of one-off Doom/Doom'ish tracks from olde kült trad HM vinyls? I'm talking about "that ONE Doom track on the album"-type stuff, like for instance
I was thinking about this because other than some big names that were already mentioned, I had trouble thinking about bands that would qualify, even more so those with legit releases but there's plenty of great doomy tracks in otherwise not-Doom albums.
The first one that popped to mind was this:

Would've loved a whole album in that style.
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Re: Lesser know 80's Doom...

Post by Warepire »

DaN wrote: Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:25 pm Btw, here's a fun idea:
Who's up for a collective project of putting together a mix-CDR of one-off Doom/Doom'ish tracks from olde kült trad HM vinyls? I'm talking about "that ONE Doom track on the album"-type stuff, like for instance
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Re: Lesser know 80's Doom...

Post by vesselofbalon »

Deliverance - “turn me to stone” came to mind when considering this topic.
Curious to see what else turns up.
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Re: Lesser know 80's Doom...

Post by J. »

DaN wrote: Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:25 pm Btw, here's a fun idea:
Who's up for a collective project of putting together a mix-CDR of one-off Doom/Doom'ish tracks from olde kült trad HM vinyls? I'm talking about "that ONE Doom track on the album"-type stuff, like for instance
Apologies if they're not exactly obscure or "kült" enough but these are the ones that immediately sprung to mind:

Exciter- Delivering to the Master

Judas Priest - Monsters of Rock

Manilla Road - The Riddle Master

Overkill - Skullcrusher

Manowar - Hatred

Dio - Lock Up The Wolves
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