Helvetets port, In Solitude, Enforcer Gig

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Helvetets port, In Solitude, Enforcer Gig

Post by Uno »

Helvetets port www.myspace.com/helvetetsport
Enforcer www.myspace.com/enforcerswe
In Solitude www.myspace.com/insolitudeheavymetal

this trinity will deliver heavy metal in Uppsala 25/5
the veneu: Sågargatan 9
30 skr
mandatory drunkenness

You guys who can´t find the way to the venue. mail me at: Unobru@hotmail.com
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Post by DaN »

HEAVY METAL is alive and well in Sweden! Awesome evening, killer gig 8)
IN SOLITUDE delivered (as expected), upsidedown crosses aplenty, great songs and stage-presence that leave oh so many bigger bands way behind. HELVETETS PORT was... well, I really don't know what to say because it will sound like a total suck-up, but I can't remember when I had so much fun on a Metal gig. Their music simply rules, and so does their whole outlook. 2 GOTHAM CITY covers and 10 HP originals - could a Metal show possibly get any better? The ENFORCER show was intense. A perfect mix of rugged DIAMOND HEAD/TRESPASS-style NWOBHM and EXCITER/SAVAGE GRACE Speed Metal. Mosh pit dementia all the way...

Cheers to all the bands and hangarounds for a great evening. Dawnwatcher's tape deck surely saved the evening. How often do you really visit a party where you can drink beer and listen to stuff like DANGER ZONE, ARKANGEL, WITCH CROSS, GOTHAM CITY, THE HAND OF DOOM, BLASPHEME, BLACK HOLE and the likes?
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