US imports v/s Euro imports in the 80s?

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US imports v/s Euro imports in the 80s?

Post by DaN »

Bit of a collector-nerdy topic I guess, but the Q! just struck me:
What was more common in the 80's: European import pressings in local US small-town stores, or US import pressings in local Euro small-town stores? Just curious how exposed fellow HM fans from my own age-group were, to cool/rare HM records from the rest of the world back in the day.

For reference, I do remember seeing stuff like Jag Panzer, Black Death, Ripper etc at the local vinyl peddler of my old Swedish Home Town X of <80K populous, but it's not like anyone I knew actually picked up these records on purpouse..

..and of course I'm curious of similar situations in Asia/So-AM, if anyone has stories.
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