Satan / Blind Fury / Pariah Appreciation Thread

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Satan / Blind Fury / Pariah Appreciation Thread

Post by Helm »


Satan - Court In The Act : 1983
(name change) Blind Fury - Out of Reach : 1985
(back to being) Satan - Suspended Sentence : 1987
(name change) Pariah - The Kindred : 1988
Pariah - Blaze of Obscurity : 1989
Pariah - Unity : 1998

I have had Satan's debut 'Court in the Act' for a decade or so and I've always found it a very pleasing listen, mainly because from a historical point of view, by 1983 it's very innovative, very driving, very powerful (often called proto-power metal because of that) but also because there's no filler (which is near unheard of in most NWOBHM albums I've experienced), but something always rubbed be a bit wrong about the vocalist. About a month ago I decided to check out if Satan did anything else/changed their vocalist and as you might anticipate being more knowledgeable than I was, I was up for many surprises.

Satan went on to do a variety of projects. Before they did a second Satan album 'Suspended Sentence', they changed their name to Blind Fury and attempted what appears to be a more commercial venture. There's something really melancholic about how Blind Fury sound to me today, which gives their more simple and straightforward songs extra charm. The NWOBHM aspect is very much there... they sound like Cloven Hoof during their similar transformation from NWOBHM to power metal, but in my opinion classier (yes, please don't hurt me). Every guitar lick is worth study here. The singer isn't as intimidating as Russ from Cloven Hoof for sure, but... few singers are. Blind Fury sounds like a pretty commercial band to me, I mean, as if it's intended to be easier to listen than 'Suspended Sentence', certainly. Still very Heavy, very Metal, but with a rocking sensibility. It is strange that this album didn't do well, I guess because of the name change? In a more just world this would be bona fide popular music.

I guess things didn't go like they expected so they reverted back to Satan and did Suspended Sentence, along with the EP 'Into The Future' . Things begin to change here and it's interesting to note. Thrash has begin to rear its head and it seems like Satan are jumping to that bandwagon... but not exactly! This album seems to me like a purely UK sort of thrash, similar perhaps to Sabbat or early Skyclad in that it has the thrash bite but it's not trying to be as base as say, Slayer, at any rate. It's lyrical and ambitious, like a power metal record. At the same time there seems to be an aura of cold technicality in the song structures and rhythmic riffing that would carry on to almost all future records they did. Techno-thrash, lyrical power metal and yet a very respectful to traditional HM aura. It's a very interesting combination that as far as I can readily recall, very few other bands pursued.

While not as ahead of its time as 'Court in the Act' was back in 1983, the mixture is certainly unique and the songwriting is still extremely competent. I started there to realize what the theme of Satan's music would be for all the rest of their renamed bands and projects: great composition, little filler and amazing guitar pyro.

I can't classify 'Suspended Sentence' as it deserves because I haven't listened to it as much as 'Court in the Act' and then Pariah quickly took my notice. If I had to judge hastily I'd say I rate 'Suspended Sentence' lower than the Blind Fury debut and Court In the Act because it has not stricken a balance between the thrashy context and the lyrical flourish. Pariah I think did that form to perfection in their sophomore effort.

So, Pariah. Yet another name change, but the material in their debut 'The Kindred' isn't far off from 'Suspended Sentence'. A bit more thrash, even more demonic shredding, double leads every little thing the Pariah guitarists decided to play is worth attention, it seems. Was this, more aggressive thrash record, perhaps also an attempt to cash in on a trend? Even if so, it seems to me these two guitarists just didn't have it in their hearts to make a record not filled to the brim with excellent compositions and amazing solos even if their intention wasn't pure.

Perhaps however their attempt to 'cash in' was felt by the listeners on some subconscious level and they didn't make it big no matter how many great songs and solos they put in there. Along with the frequent name changes that's what I'd attribute that to.

Pariah then did 'Blaze of Obscurity' (somewhat ironic and fitting title :( ) where they scale back on the thrash a bit and attempt to do everything they seem to be into, on a single disk. There's choppy thrash rhythmics and great catchy songwriting, melodic leads and really left-field double leads/solos. No filler to be found anywhere also. Besides 'Court in the Act' this is the record by these people I've listened to the most and in my opinion it's one of the better from the late eighties. I wonder again why they never made it big, given the strength of the material, only to have to remind myself that great songs aren't enough to make it big.

Pariah put out a reunion record in 1998 but I haven't heard of it yet. Is it any good? I'm kinda wary of reunion albums and I'm afraid to tarnish the good memory I have of Satan/Blind Fury/Pariah by picking it up.

So, what are your impressions of these records? Any favorites? Any disappointments? Why do you think they never made it big? Interesting anecdotes from you wiser men? I hope to spark discussion about these overlooked gems and the circumstances that served as their context.
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Post by Black Axe »

I love all the records. The fact that they didn't make it big is probably because they didn't follow up CITA with another album the following year. And CITA was already overlooked by too many people, that they joined up with Lou Taylor and changed their name to his old band (previously with Kevin Heybourne) is mind-boggling. I doubt Blind Fury was more of a household name then Satan. :)
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Re: Satan / Blind Fury / Pariah Appreciation Thread


Helm wrote: Satan - Court In The Act : 1983
(name change) Blind Fury - Out of Reach : 1985
(back to being) Satan - Suspended Sentence : 1987
(name change) Pariah - The Kindred : 1988
Pariah - Blaze of Obscurity : 1989
Pariah - Unity : 1998
"Court in the act" is timeless, a true classic. Great vocals, great songs, intense and powerful. That WAS power metal in 1983.

"Out of reach", another great one with the outstanding Lou Taylor whose voice is quite similar to the one of Russ North. Title track = Eternal masterpiece.

"Suspended sentence": my least favourite SATAN album which has many average moments, the previous EP was much much better. Michael Jackson is no Ross or Taylor, but i really dig his voice.

I always found PARIAH quite boring, and pointless at certain parts. I blame the riffing which became more complex and thrashy there. Their songs just don't sound that good in my ears.
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Post by DTP »

CitA: what more can be said? all of the superlatives in the universe still can't do this masterpiece justice; to me it's just as flawless as the debut MAIDEN, Brian Ross's vocals are transcending and classy, no pretenders to the throne can usurp this guy..

BLIND FURY: i actually just picked this up not long ago sealed, and it's much better than expected; good solid meat&potatoes melodic HM, makes me wanna burn rubber in a rented Trans Am (T-Tops, ov course!)

SS: despite some promising moments, this one leaves me mostly cold; the music's ok but kinda disjointed, and Mr. Jackson's vocals are the weak point, just a mediocre performance overall...whatta shame...

still haven't heard PARIAH.
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Post by pzman »

Thanks for starting this thread Helm as Satan/BF/Pariah surely deserve an appreciation thread.

Satan is without a doubt among my fav bands. I love their 1981 demo, 1982 KOD 7", and of course the absolute classic CITA (can't keep track of how many times ive played this one).

Blind Fury didn't blow me away like satan did, maybe because for me satans stuff was pretty ahead of its time whereas by 1985 metal had expanded so much that compared to most of the years releases i've heard BF just didnt stand out much (maybe i was expecting too much).

SS is probably my least fav Satan material (although i'd like to think of anything satan did with mike jackson as pariah and not satan) but i quite like the preceding 1986 demo.

Pariah i feel continued what Satan did from 1986 onwards musically and of the two pariah stuff ive heard, i like BOO possibly their best for me since CITA.
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Post by DMR »

Court in the Act is one of those albums I've never been able to get into. I don't know why. There's nothing wrong with it, but it just doesn't do anything for me. The only song I really liked was Trial By Fire, and Blind Guardian's version is better. I've never heard anything else by Satan.
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Post by pzman »

DMR wrote:Court in the Act is one of those albums I've never been able to get into. I don't know why. There's nothing wrong with it, but it just doesn't do anything for me. The only song I really liked was Trial By Fire, and Blind Guardian's version is better. I've never heard anything else by Satan.
:shock: Wow a little surprised here but everyones got their own opinion
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Post by Stormspell »

I'm one of the minority here (as usual) which totally worship later SATAN with Michael Jackson (86/87) and first two Pariahs.

Court in the Act is very good, but for some reason never really clicked with me to the extend that Suspended Sentence did. A monumental album I have to revisit asap! 92nd Symphony, Suicidal Justice, Avalanche of a Million Hearts, here I come!
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Post by The Sentinel »

Court In The Act is a perfect album, maybe my favourite LP from Brittain. The twin guitar attacks are just mindblowing and Brian Ross vocals are one of the best I ever heard on an album, it's just perfect. I'm not much into later works of Satan/Pariah/etc, but it's not bad stuff at all. I loved Satan live at Wacken so I'm more then glad I saw them live once. The double live LP at the Dynamo club is also something I spin regularly and absolutely recommendable; real raw metal the way it should be!!
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Post by DaN »

Hats off to Helm for "reminding" me of this band. Until yesterday I don't think I've played CitA for 1-2 years. It's hard to add something to what's already been written - it's truly great NWOBHM-on-the-way-to-becoming-Power-Metal. "Broken Treaties" = best song for me. I think the album as a whole could have been even better if they've squeezed in a few more old demo-songs though.

Putting on the BLIND FURY lp directly after made me enjoy it a lot more than the few times I've played it before. It's no masterpiece, but it has a couple of real Melodic Metal gems for sure. I can't help wondering how I would experince it, had it been released under the SATAN-monicker, with better cover art and less clean-cut line-up pix. It's METAL so shit like this is important! :D

...And so a Here-Here! to Iordan: Jacksson was their greatest vocalist imo, one of my top faves from the UK actually. Had "Into The Future" been a full-lenght I'm sure it would have been my fave SATAN & Co. release. Just perfect 80's Power/Heavy - all 4 songs slay!

SATAN-marathon continues tonight.
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DaN wrote:Had "Into The Future" been a full-lenght I'm sure it would have been my fave SATAN & Co. release. Just perfect 80's Power/Heavy - all 4 songs slay!
Hell yes, an amazing and pretty overlooked EP. It actually has my favorite SATAN track, the mighty "Ice Man"!
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Post by Helm »

Heh I guess I'm partial to the more thrashy stuff because well... technothrash. Strangely when it comes to Satan and co. I sorta prefer the more melodic stuff. They're just so good as guitarists, man! I actually checked out Unity as well and it seems like an interesting median between the thrash stuff and the melodic stuff. Lighter weight than Blaze of Obscurity but not as much as Blind Fury. It's worth a few listens for sure.

Jackson is also my favorite vocalist that was involved with these dudes and their bands. He has a very perfect grainy voice for aggressive music, but can also hit notes! Similar to Martin from Sabbat but more tuneful, I'd say.
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Post by Black Axe »

Helm wrote:Heh I guess I'm partial to the more thrashy stuff

I sorta prefer the more melodic stuff. They're just so good as guitarists, man!

Jackson is also my favorite vocalist that was involved with these dudes and their bands. He has a very perfect grainy voice for aggressive music, but can also hit notes!
I agree wholeheartedly!

SS is my favourite Satan album, though I might put one of the Pariah albums above it. Perfect music with awesome vocals and excellent lyrics.
Haven't listened to Into The Future in quite some time. I'll put that one on this weekend.
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Post by Korgüll »

Best thing about this band/s was they had brilliant fucking guitarists, great fucking songs, awesome vocalists & a killer band name!!!!!
Ahhh, there are many more reasons all that have been touched on in previous posts.

Well done Helm!

Is it ok if I post these pics again? :P :P
Still missing a few things...
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Post by Keir »

Great thread! I actually love everything from Satan up through Pariah and even Skyclad too. My favorite era of Satan is the first with Trev Robinson. The single and Roxcalibur tracks are the best!
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