
Discussions and comments on The Corroseum website, its articles, features and reviews.
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Post by Avenger »

So, just for the hell of it I did a google search for The Corroseum the other day and noticed that the actual site is not listed or at least in the first 4-5 pages.

bigfootkit wrote:"Your Steel Is Not True"
stormspell wrote:"I hate all my releases. I only listen to Korn and Limp Bizkit, don't you know..."
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Post by MetalRulesTheNight »

it is not on the first page of Google if you search for "The Corroseum" or "The Corroseum Forum"... Google has been messing up with their algo lately and their results are indeed odd and funny. Many legitimate and old websites are buried down the search results while loads of crap comes up on the first page.
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Post by Khnud »

Yeah, I noticed that too.
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