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Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 11:39 am
by BlackStele
Avenger wrote:
BlackStele wrote:but there's no suck lack here, nightlock..

ANYWAY, shall we stop here? Is it tiring for the other users who may want to return to the original subject, and talk bout Culprit?? :roll: Yes it is, I suppose...
You're the one that went off topic to begin with by claiming that Titan Force doesn't have jazz influence.

Yes, let's please put an end to the hypocrisy, double standards, and ignorance and just go back to the original topic at hand...

The only hypocrite here is YOU, who is claiming to be a "kind", objective interlocutor, and the only thing you do hear is to use all the time ironical and insulting smear-words, for someone who thinks different, and perceives different some things. I never forced anyone to follow my thoughts, I'm saying my opinion, and I will keep on supporting it till the end! I never forced myself to agree with the majority, just to present myself as the kind of the"objective" person, and I won't do it in that case too! It is obvious that I think different from the other users, but I didn't see anyone to insult me the way you do. You are one of the most unpleasant persons I've ever met, that's truth..

P.S: Oh, and sth else, since you like so much editing your posts without warning...I'll say that NOTHING is taken for granted, and sometimes may the clouds that are in the sky be so small, that they don't seem to exist, if you want to use your example, you can't pass from the head of a needle a rope, and can't say that a tiger is a cat just because they're both felines(you can see the reverse of the coin here, I don't mind it's the same). See, everything is relative, and nothing can be considered as a"fact" as long as it exists in small quantity, everyone has the right to see it in a different way, and NOBODY has the right to put him/her at the stake, for this, thank u and good night._

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 8:26 am
by Avenger
BlackStele wrote:
Avenger wrote:
BlackStele wrote:but there's no suck lack here, nightlock..

ANYWAY, shall we stop here? Is it tiring for the other users who may want to return to the original subject, and talk bout Culprit?? :roll: Yes it is, I suppose...
You're the one that went off topic to begin with by claiming that Titan Force doesn't have jazz influence.

Yes, let's please put an end to the hypocrisy, double standards, and ignorance and just go back to the original topic at hand...

The only hypocrite here is YOU, who is claiming to be a "kind", objective interlocutor, and the only thing you do hear is to use all the time ironical and insulting smear-words, for someone who thinks different, and perceives different some things. I never forced anyone to follow my thoughts, I'm saying my opinion, and I will keep on supporting it till the end! I never forced myself to agree with the majority, just to present myself as the kind of the"objective" person, and I won't do it in that case too! It is obvious that I think different from the other users, but I didn't see anyone to insult me the way you do. You are one of the most unpleasant persons I've ever met, that's truth..

P.S: Oh, and sth else, since you like so much editing your posts without warning...I'll say that NOTHING is taken for granted, and sometimes may the clouds that are in the sky be so small, that they don't seem to exist, if you want to use your example, you can't pass from the head of a needle a rope, and can't say that a tiger is a cat just because they're both felines(you can see the reverse of the coin here, I don't mind it's the same). See, everything is relative, and nothing can be considered as a"fact" as long as it exists in small quantity, everyone has the right to see it in a different way, and NOBODY has the right to put him/her at the stake, for this, thank u and good night._
Are you religious by any chance?

Jesus-freaks use that exact same ideology to justify their "beliefs".

Claiming that facts are now irrelevant in place of personal interpretation and opinion puts you right along side them.

Oh, and sorry about the edit, if you weren’t so busy trolling this thread in fear that I may type a rebuttal to your ignorance and then respond with the same tiring gibberish that you have been no longer than five minutes after I finally did post, you would have given me time to finish.

In all honesty, are you done yet?

Because all I've been reading in your last 3-4 posts is: "I don’t know what I'm talking about" over and over again in attempt to get the last word.

Seriously, take my advice this time and instead of trolling perhaps study jazz theory while you're at the next church gathering then come back and we can have a civilized Titan Force discussion.

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 12:54 pm
by BlackStele
Avenger wrote:
BlackStele wrote:
Avenger wrote:
You're the one that went off topic to begin with by claiming that Titan Force doesn't have jazz influence.

Yes, let's please put an end to the hypocrisy, double standards, and ignorance and just go back to the original topic at hand...

The only hypocrite here is YOU, who is claiming to be a "kind", objective interlocutor, and the only thing you do hear is to use all the time ironical and insulting smear-words, for someone who thinks different, and perceives different some things. I never forced anyone to follow my thoughts, I'm saying my opinion, and I will keep on supporting it till the end! I never forced myself to agree with the majority, just to present myself as the kind of the"objective" person, and I won't do it in that case too! It is obvious that I think different from the other users, but I didn't see anyone to insult me the way you do. You are one of the most unpleasant persons I've ever met, that's truth..

P.S: Oh, and sth else, since you like so much editing your posts without warning...I'll say that NOTHING is taken for granted, and sometimes may the clouds that are in the sky be so small, that they don't seem to exist, if you want to use your example, you can't pass from the head of a needle a rope, and can't say that a tiger is a cat just because they're both felines(you can see the reverse of the coin here, I don't mind it's the same). See, everything is relative, and nothing can be considered as a"fact" as long as it exists in small quantity, everyone has the right to see it in a different way, and NOBODY has the right to put him/her at the stake, for this, thank u and good night._
Are you religious by any chance?

Jesus-freaks use that exact same ideology to justify their "beliefs".

Claiming that facts are now irrelevant in place of personal interpretation and opinion puts you right along side them.

Oh, and sorry about the edit, if you weren’t so busy trolling this thread in fear that I may type a rebuttal to your ignorance and then respond with the same tiring gibberish that you have been no longer than five minutes after I finally did post, you would have given me time to finish.

In all honesty, are you done yet?

Because all I've been reading in your last 3-4 posts is: "I don’t know what I'm talking about" over and over again in attempt to get the last word.

Seriously, take my advice this time and instead of trolling perhaps study jazz theory while you're at the next church gathering then come back and we can have a civilized Titan Force discussion.
trolling around and distorting my words is sth YOU do, and not me. I quoted your post, and then, all of a sudden I saw new words added. You did it cause you hoped that I won't see it, and that's a matter of fact, but you're a bit unlucky my "friend"! Everything I wrote is relative with the subject, and no, there's not any religious message in my words. There are 2 ways to explain your words: 1. You're stupid and 2. You don't wanna see what I'm implying, or trying to say if you want, bacause this is not to your advantage. I'll choose the second one, cause it is obvious. Get a life and stop trying to pass your hideous characterizations with fake"conclusions"!You try to sting your own tail, like a scorpion surrounded by flames, and try to give wrong impression to everyone around here. You can't accept someone who is different, and you have communication problem, but you won't get away from this by giving wrong advices to wrong persons. You have the title a the"jazz expert", it is all yours, I endow it in your"majesty". You are the king of stupidity, and immaturity, cause you're on a"struggle" to have the last word. Look, nobody cares about the "last word", however everybody sees what's being written before it. So stop backbiting others beliefs or lives, and look yours, and try to accept diffence.. :roll:

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 1:39 pm
by Nightlock
This is all getting a bit too intense, maybe it should be cropped back down to size.

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 1:46 pm
by BlackStele
Nightlock and the rest people here, you're right, I'm really sorry, but I can't let this user spoil my reputation, and distort what I'm saying with the worst way..

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 2:29 pm
by Helm
Spoil your reputation?

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 2:35 pm
by BlackStele
yes Helm, if you don't understand this, try to make a picture from the words:"odd","hypocrite","religious freak","ignorant", etc, etc..

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 4:26 pm
by mordred
Titan Force is a very gay and boring band either way, so subject closed.

Not that I really know what you were talking about, there is simply no way I would read that amount of text about Titan Forzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... wait, this sounds familiar... zzzzzzzzzzzz ... yes, it's the very same sound I was making while they were playing Keep it true this spring. 8)

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 8:21 am
by Avenger
BlackStele wrote:
Avenger wrote:
BlackStele wrote:
The only hypocrite here is YOU, who is claiming to be a "kind", objective interlocutor, and the only thing you do hear is to use all the time ironical and insulting smear-words, for someone who thinks different, and perceives different some things. I never forced anyone to follow my thoughts, I'm saying my opinion, and I will keep on supporting it till the end! I never forced myself to agree with the majority, just to present myself as the kind of the"objective" person, and I won't do it in that case too! It is obvious that I think different from the other users, but I didn't see anyone to insult me the way you do. You are one of the most unpleasant persons I've ever met, that's truth..

P.S: Oh, and sth else, since you like so much editing your posts without warning...I'll say that NOTHING is taken for granted, and sometimes may the clouds that are in the sky be so small, that they don't seem to exist, if you want to use your example, you can't pass from the head of a needle a rope, and can't say that a tiger is a cat just because they're both felines(you can see the reverse of the coin here, I don't mind it's the same). See, everything is relative, and nothing can be considered as a"fact" as long as it exists in small quantity, everyone has the right to see it in a different way, and NOBODY has the right to put him/her at the stake, for this, thank u and good night._
Are you religious by any chance?

Jesus-freaks use that exact same ideology to justify their "beliefs".

Claiming that facts are now irrelevant in place of personal interpretation and opinion puts you right along side them.

Oh, and sorry about the edit, if you weren’t so busy trolling this thread in fear that I may type a rebuttal to your ignorance and then respond with the same tiring gibberish that you have been no longer than five minutes after I finally did post, you would have given me time to finish.

In all honesty, are you done yet?

Because all I've been reading in your last 3-4 posts is: "I don’t know what I'm talking about" over and over again in attempt to get the last word.

Seriously, take my advice this time and instead of trolling perhaps study jazz theory while you're at the next church gathering then come back and we can have a civilized Titan Force discussion.
trolling around and distorting my words is sth YOU do, and not me. I quoted your post, and then, all of a sudden I saw new words added. You did it cause you hoped that I won't see it, and that's a matter of fact, but you're a bit unlucky my "friend"! Everything I wrote is relative with the subject, and no, there's not any religious message in my words. There are 2 ways to explain your words: 1. You're stupid and 2. You don't wanna see what I'm implying, or trying to say if you want, bacause this is not to your advantage. I'll choose the second one, cause it is obvious. Get a life and stop trying to pass your hideous characterizations with fake"conclusions"!You try to sting your own tail, like a scorpion surrounded by flames, and try to give wrong impression to everyone around here. You can't accept someone who is different, and you have communication problem, but you won't get away from this by giving wrong advices to wrong persons. You have the title a the"jazz expert", it is all yours, I endow it in your"majesty". You are the king of stupidity, and immaturity, cause you're on a"struggle" to have the last word. Look, nobody cares about the "last word", however everybody sees what's being written before it. So stop backbiting others beliefs or lives, and look yours, and try to accept diffence.. :roll:
Alright, all I got out of that was yet again: "I don't know what I'm talking about" and "I know you are, but what am I".

Seriously, just admit to your faults and I will drop the subject.

You are as far from the "cult metal inquisitor" as you so terribly try to portray yourself as that I've ever seen.

If your postings aren't about the last word, then why do you keep repeating yourself and continually keep coming back to post?

Grow up.

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 1:05 pm
by BlackStele
Avenger wrote:
BlackStele wrote:
Avenger wrote:
Are you religious by any chance?

Jesus-freaks use that exact same ideology to justify their "beliefs".

Claiming that facts are now irrelevant in place of personal interpretation and opinion puts you right along side them.

Oh, and sorry about the edit, if you weren’t so busy trolling this thread in fear that I may type a rebuttal to your ignorance and then respond with the same tiring gibberish that you have been no longer than five minutes after I finally did post, you would have given me time to finish.

In all honesty, are you done yet?

Because all I've been reading in your last 3-4 posts is: "I don’t know what I'm talking about" over and over again in attempt to get the last word.

Seriously, take my advice this time and instead of trolling perhaps study jazz theory while you're at the next church gathering then come back and we can have a civilized Titan Force discussion.
trolling around and distorting my words is sth YOU do, and not me. I quoted your post, and then, all of a sudden I saw new words added. You did it cause you hoped that I won't see it, and that's a matter of fact, but you're a bit unlucky my "friend"! Everything I wrote is relative with the subject, and no, there's not any religious message in my words. There are 2 ways to explain your words: 1. You're stupid and 2. You don't wanna see what I'm implying, or trying to say if you want, bacause this is not to your advantage. I'll choose the second one, cause it is obvious. Get a life and stop trying to pass your hideous characterizations with fake"conclusions"!You try to sting your own tail, like a scorpion surrounded by flames, and try to give wrong impression to everyone around here. You can't accept someone who is different, and you have communication problem, but you won't get away from this by giving wrong advices to wrong persons. You have the title a the"jazz expert", it is all yours, I endow it in your"majesty". You are the king of stupidity, and immaturity, cause you're on a"struggle" to have the last word. Look, nobody cares about the "last word", however everybody sees what's being written before it. So stop backbiting others beliefs or lives, and look yours, and try to accept diffence.. :roll:
Alright, all I got out of that was yet again: "I don't know what I'm talking about" and "I know you are, but what am I".

Seriously, just admit to your faults and I will drop the subject.

You are as far from the "cult metal inquisitor" as you so terribly try to portray yourself as that I've ever seen.

If your postings aren't about the last word, then why do you keep repeating yourself and continually keep coming back to post?

Grow up.
..Seriously, what's your age? Ok you're mentally numb, or you have serious perception problem, I can't explain it otherwise. I WON'T let you go on with this, ok? You"understand" what you want, with the way you want, I've never "portrayed"myself, I just try to defend myself from your unfair judgement, and words...

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:06 pm
by BlackStele
fuck double-posts, sorry my connection again... :oops:

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 5:47 pm
by StygianBlade
I am boring to read all the thread but why so much discussion about Siren? :p

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 6:47 pm
by great_knuthulhu
StygianBlade wrote:I am boring to read all the thread but why so much discussion about Siren? :p
It's a pretty good album and they may or may not play jazz or pop :wink:

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 12:47 pm
by Piotr Sargnagel
I'd be very interested in this album actually! Anyone know where I can find a copy?

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 4:16 pm
by sagrotan
it's not very rare, you can get it on ebay quite often, here's one, for example:

I have the impression this has always been a record you could shoot for 1-2 EUR until some weeks ago, but who knows how big The Corroseum's influence on the market is.. :wink:

the album is really great, even if I have to admit I expected something completely different, maybe due to not reading attentively and being mislead by the strange cover, I thought it would be more like LAST CRACK or similar..