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Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 3:14 am
by nightsblood
Some things merit lurkers speaking up for a moment....

Very sorry to see that your blog has come to an end. As you said, given the increased rate of blog targeting in the past year, it's not surprising this occurred :( You ran a wonderful site my friend; I always found more and better information on your site than any other blog out there. I honestly had never fiddled with d/ling music AT ALL prior to finding your site; it was the incredible trove of great, long out-of-print music and info on NILOB that convinced me to figure out the whole mp3 thing :)

To one of 'The Good Ones', cheers & best wishes in your future endeavors.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 9:34 pm
by bigfootkit
Thank you all for the kind words regarding the blog, it's very much appreciated, and i'm pleased you all enjoyed what i and the other contributors did there.
You never know, if the spirit moves me and the prevailing climate changes, there may yet be more to come, likely in some other shape or form, but for now i'm gonna have a break and go toast my arse by the fire.

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 7:08 am
by GJ
I just noticed the blog was gone. :cry:

Thanks for all the pleasures brought through the years!

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 7:07 pm
by bigfootkit
GJ wrote:I just noticed the blog was gone. :cry:

Thanks for all the pleasures brought through the years!
Thanks GJ, i very much appreciate the kind words about the blog.
For most of the time it was a genuine pleasure to do.
I may yet re-enter that world in some shape or form eventually, i'm waiting to see which way the wind blows regarding the plausability and sustainability of music-sharing online in these post-Megaupload times.
I did manage to rescue most of the exhaustively researched writings i'd done for the blog down the years, so i'm considering possibly writing a book concerning the NWoBHM.
There's no way it could compete with the MacMillan book as a reference, so i'm thinking of making it a bit different in style, combining personal recollections and anecdotes with the reference work and attempting to put it all into some kind of historical socio-political context.
Sounds like a lot of work, doesn't it?
That's the tentative idea at any rate.
I don't even know if there's a need or market for such a thing, but i do want to do something constructive with all that work.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 8:25 am
by GJ
I'd like to pre-order one copy. :lol:

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 12:34 pm
by Khnud
Just refrain from using the word "hopefuls", that way you'll never risk being accused of copying Mr. Macmillan. :)

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 8:17 pm
by bigfootkit
Khnud wrote:Just refrain from using the word "hopefuls", that way you'll never risk being accused of copying Mr. Macmillan. :)
Well, that gonna be a tricky thing to do.
Obviously i'm gonna rewrite and update most of the biographical band details, and although i've never read Malc McMillan's book, i'm sure much of his research has now trickled down to most internet sources.
In short it's gonna be hard not to end up appropriating facts that he discovered in any new work on the same topic.
So i thought i'd better get the first accusation of plagiarism in now, before i've written a single word.
"This (currently non-existent) book is nothing but a blatant rip-awf off Malc McMillan's far superior tome".

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 3:32 am
by bigfootkit
I was just able to access the old New Improved Live & Otherwise Blog for the 1st time in about a year.
What i don't know is wether i'm automatically logged in as an author or wether everyone can now access the page again.
Could someone give it a try and see if they can get the page up and let me know?

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 6:28 am
I have access to the blog too.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 9:14 am
by Ernest Thesiger
Yep, you're visible again.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 5:08 pm
by Noisenik
triple check! positive.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 5:28 pm
by omen of hate
Glad you're finally back !!! :)

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 12:01 am
by bigfootkit
Thanks for the confirmation folks.
Wonder how that happened?!
I'd appealed against the suspension & removed all the working d/l links, but that was a year ago, i didn't think it would be back after all that time.
But nice.
I just posted a varied mix of download links over in the comments section at the blog, so feel free to grab yourself a little something & it'll also give me an opportunity to see how vigilant blogger is being about link posting.

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 9:59 am
by Ernest Thesiger
bigfootkit wrote:I just posted a varied mix of download links over in the comments section at the blog, so feel free to grab yourself a little something & it'll also give me an opportunity to see how vigilant blogger is being about link posting.

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 10:54 pm
by bigfootkit
Added yet more links to the comments section of the blog last night, fill yer boots boys & girls.