L'ame De Fond #10
(Submitted by La Fanzinothèque) Info:
Year: 1988 /
Country: France /
Language: French /
Size: ? /
Pages: 34
Voivod, Kreator, Trop Feross, Samson, Vengeance (HOL), Dumpy's Rusty Nuts, Highway 69, Desmatron, Insaniac, No Shame, Angel Dust (FRA), Black Night (FRA).
Viken, Pulsion, Legend (FRA), Meganoise, Drifter (FRA), Revelation, Scarcrow, Finest, Open Fire (POL), Werewolf (FRA), Khrom, Desmatron, Killing Axes, Puss'n'Boots, Necropolis (USA-PA), Jerod, Scherzo, Bloodlust, Majesty (USA-NY), No Shame, Kraze, Thalia, Insaniac, Marauder (FRA), Last Descendants, Angel Dust, Gypsy Queen, Exodus, Whiplash, Sacrifice, Tigertailz, Kreator, Vulcain, Agnostic Front, Zoetrope, Necrophagia, Dream Death, The Great Kat, Candlemass, Vengeance, Joey Tafolla, Celtic Frost, Dumpy's Rusty Nuts, Post Mortem, Hellion, Death's Angels, Joe Satriani.
Other articles & features:
News, live reviews (Voivod, Kreator, Marillion, Motörhead), Death's Angels, Pulsion, Jerod, Khrom, Revelation, Touched, Anyway, Legend (FRA)..
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