47 fanzine(s) found featuring cirith ungol:

Aardschok #9 Holland (1981)

Anti-Poser #4 Canada (1986)

Baphomet #5 Italy (1990)

Barst #5 Belgium (1984)

Enlightened Chaos #19 USA (1990)

Enlightened Chaos #22 USA (1991)

Escape #4 Germany (1985)

Escape #5 Germany (1986)

Fireball sep/oct '84 Italy (1984)

Forearm Smash #2 England (1983)

Giants Lore #1 Germany (1988)

Godzilla #2 Italy (1981)

Headbanger #10 (USA) USA (1985)

Heavy Metal Demons #9 Holland (1984)

Heavy Metal Times #1 USA (1982)

Heavy Metal Times #3 USA (1983)

Hot Rockin' #5 Denmark (1984)

Hurlant Militia #0 Italy (1988)

Inferno Rock #4 Italy (1987)

Kick-Ass #29 USA (1985)

Marshall Stack #2 England (1985)

Metalism #2 Finland (1985)

Metallised #6 Belgium (1986)

Metal Battle #4 Belgium (1985)

Metal Detector #2 USA (1984)

Metal Madness #7 USA (1986)

Metal Madness #9 USA (1986)

Metal Paper #9 Belgium (1986)

Midwest Militia #1 USA (1984)

Midwest Militia #3 USA (1984)

The New Heavy Metal Revue #3 USA (1981)

The New Heavy Metal Revue #4 USA (1981)

The New Heavy Metal Revue #6 USA (1982)

Orkaan #4 Belgium (1983)

Rock Brigade #15 Brazil (1985)

Rock Brigade #22 Brazil (1987)

Rock Hard #7 Germany (1984)

Rock Hard #10 Germany (1985)

Shock Power #2 Germany (1983)

Shock Power #10 Germany (1986)

Sledgehammer Press #8 USA (1984)

Speed Zone #2 Holland (1986)

Sucks #11 Belgium (1983)

Suck City #12/vol. 8 USA (1986)

Total Blur #4 Belgium (1984)

World Metal Report #3 USA (1984)

World Metal Report #4 USA (1984)


Other 'zine-related features:

Corroseum forum stalwart Nenad "Noisenik" Kobal has granted us with this interview w/ Ray Dorsey, one of our all-time fave 80's/early 90's zines...

An interview with Markus Nick, co-editor of the old German fanzine Dark Tales, performed by Leslie Dávid of the Hungarian Metal webzine Rattle I.N.C.

A long interview with Peter Markham, editor of the old Danish fanzine Metallic Beast, once again performed by Leslie Dávid.

The third part of our series of interviews with old fanzine editors c/o Leslie Dávid (Rattle I.N.C.) is with Scott Heller of the much kült Metal Madness fanzine.


Don't miss out on LD's older fanzine-related interviews with William Hale (Metal Mania, Metal Rendezvous) and Bob Nalbandian (Headbanger), available at his blog.)

Text-in-image translation tools:

Just dying to read that interview/review/bit of trivia of band X, but the language of the zine is unfamiliar? Do not despair - there are a number of tools out there that can help! I haven't delved too deep into this tech yet, but one really simple and easy-to-use tool I've found is Yandex Translate. Just right-click and save the hi-res picture of the page you want to read, drag it into the center of the page, chose the from/to languages and then highligt the text for an instant translation, or click "Open in Yandex Translate (...usually resulting in the same garbled mess as you get from Google Translate, but it's better than nothing.)

Some recommended links to pages & blogs with similar content:

"For the preservation and dissemination of the world's fanzines, we intend to create a large virtual library dedicated to the subject" says the spanish subtitle, and as of the fall of 2019 they've pretty much grown into the largest blog out there dedicated to the preservation of fanzines. Includes material from from all over the world, from all sorts scenes and time periods, but with its main focus on Metal and South America. (English-by-google)

France Metal Museum's "Revues & Fanzines"-dept. is one of the largest Metal mag/fanzine-archives on the web - over 500 featured publications! Most of it written in french though, but how can you not be impressed by the massive work behind this section?

A new contender in the fanzine-archiving world and an excellent site on all fronts. Old Vital Wound fanzine editor Plix is currently presenting over 300 searchable zines in pdf format, mostly from the 90's and from all over the world, but the Lithuanian selection is especially impressive. There's also a number of interviews and specials featured, all worth checking out.

Subtitled "Metal History Through Fanzines" this blog has pretty much the same ambitions as this part of The Corroseum (and it's definitely been an inspiration) albeit a bit more focused on the NWODM scene. Killer work! For downloadable pdf's, click the Downloads link at the top, otherwise you can scan the zines page by page just by scrolling down.

As the name implies, this site is dedicated to the exploration of Brazilian Metal zines, from the 80's up until today. A really promising new contender in the world of fanzine-preservation you don't want to miss out on - especially if you have old relics like this in your collection and are willing to contribute!

Amongst tons of writings on all things Death Metal and plenty things Heavy Metal in general, this very olde site hosts one of the largest fanzine resource on the net, the Underground Metal Zine Archive (UMZA) with over 300 publications featured. Just a simple text directory tree, but there's lots to read and not all featured zines are pure Death. Don't miss the Kerrang!-folder, featuring the 50 first issues from the years 1981-1983 - a fantastic discovery for NWOBHM-connoisseurs!

A quite incredible real-world fanzine resource! If you're ever passing through the French city of Poitiers, do swing by the Fanzinotheque, located in the local culture centre Confort Moderne. Even while all themes and styles are represented, their Metal-content is quite impressive, as the Metal-tag-search of their catalogue proves. And uoi, pdf downloads aplenty!

I guess this is what I've always dreamt all fanzine editors of olde would do: Build a HUGE site where you meticulously preserve all writing and images in searchable (!) html-form and make all that work MATTER. Apart from featuring all old issues of the great Underground Empire fanzine-come-webzine it's also an exceptional resource when researching underground bands from the late 80's and 90's.

From the makers of Witchcraft Magazine comes this blog "..invoking the spirit of sinister paperwork" by way of zine distribution, trading and archiving. The Fanzine Downloads-dept. hosts dozens of pdf's including a handful of beautiful oldies!

Apart from hosting no less than 162 Danish Metal demos from the late 80's up until the 00's, all available for download, they also have an impressive collection of Danish fanzines available in pdf format.

A neat & dedicated little blog with several olde Thrash, Death and Black Metal zines available for download, even more band interviews preserved from other zines as well as olde kült demo-downloads.

A site that is what it's called and being really good at it at that - how rare! Check out the ZINES dept. for a small but hopefully growing section of Irish zine scans.

This site dedicates itself to the promotion and conservation of Greek fanzine culture of all sorts & scenes. After finding the "Metal"-tag you can browse info on tons of old & new Greek Metal zines (english-by-google), though unfortunately only a handful is available for download. Note that there are several Metal zines where the "Metal" tag is missing, so if you really want to dig in deep you'll need to look around some...

The sibling-blog to the Spanish general Metal-blog Metal80. Plenty of info on zines, mags & books related to Metal/Hard Rock.

"Extreme Chilean Metal" deals with all things ...yeah, you guessed it. In their "Literature"-dept. you'll find plenty of scans of olde Chilean zines.

"Zinoteka" is (was?) a Polish blog documenting the Polish Metal fanzine scene. Mostly Death/Black-oriented material and there's no full scans or downloads, but on the upside it's a quite extensive site and there's lots of info about the actual zines themselves as well as cover pictures.. (English-by-google)

That's "Trash" and not "Thrash", mind you... An interesting but sadly abandoned(?) blog about a little bit of everything oozing out of the underworlde, including a number of fanzine posts. Not all zines are scanned in their entirety though.

[....YOUR link tips here!]


This HUGE projects of ours is by no means a one-man/DaN-only project, but a collective effort of dozens of collectors, fanzine editors, archivers and 80's Heavy Metal fans from all over the world, so here comes the mandatory Thanx & Credits list:

  • Stefan Mattisson for lending the first few dozen zines that started it all.
  • Rainer Krukenberg for letting go of his great archive of old European zines, enabeling the first major growth spurt of this part of The Corroseum.
  • José "rumblefist"/"Ze" Gomes for sharing his immense digital archive that made this part of The Corroseum truly explode. R.I.P. my Brother In Steel ;(
  • The rest of all ye industrious fanzine bastards: Gregor Martin @ La Fanzinotheque (Scanning Warrior & Archiver God!), Giuseppe "Pino" Risica Carella (Praise hail Cuero Negro!) @ Fanzines Del Mundo, Jason Netherton @ Send Back My Stamps! (MAJOR inspiration, obviously..), Roman Greindl (Bavarian Swordbrother!), Ray Berkis, Giedrus & Plix @ Press Of Darkness (U Rule!), Marco "Nonseinormale" Gulino, Rob Preston, Asmus Thomsen @ Danish Demo-Dungeon, Miguel Angel @ Musica Impresa, Peter Lelgemann (KIT beerbro'!), Nicholas Vahdias & co. @ deathmetal.org for sharing their archive, Rick Perry (Gammacide), Rick Thor, Stefan Löns @ Schattenmanns/Witchcraft Magazine, Göran Jacobsson, Janne Stark, Lennart "Phantom" Larsson, Jay "Robot" Robon", Joakim Westerlund, Patrik "Cronis" Cronberg, Mauricio Headbanger, Johan Pettersson, Erik "Tyrant" Gustavsson, Ronny Van den Cruyce, Alessio Riccio (Time Escape), canadaspaceman, E. Von, Kristian "Khnud" Knutsson, Edilson Pichiliani, El Toluco, Metal Bastard, Metal Sam, Musto Delic, Jonas Granvik, Erwin van Faassen, Luciano Elias, Levi Van Dijck, Ragnarock'n'Roll, Scott Heller, Steven "Stel" Redant (Metallised) and many more...


If you own any old Metal zines, know how to use a scanner and think you have the time to contribute, please get in contact (forum thread or e-mail). IMPORTANT: Do NOT start scanning until we've been in contact and I've sent some instructions.

...and finally the issue of ©opyrights:

It's often very difficult to track down the original editors and/or legal owners of these publications, but if YOU happen to be that person and don't want your work archived in this manner, just send me an e-mail with your concerns and all hi-res images will be removed.