Weird Finds While Cleaning Out Your Collection

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Weird Finds While Cleaning Out Your Collection

Post by nightsblood »

Does this happen to other people too? Ever find albums in your collection that you completely forgot you owned?

So with work, having a baby, buying a house, and working at other hobbies, my music collection has gotten less attention during the past several years. Yell "your steel is not true!" all you want, but check back with me when you're in your 40s, working about 50 hours a week, and taking care of a hyperactive child, and THEN tell me how often YOU get to crank up Witchfinder General while flipping through your shelves of old vinyl and CDs :P

Anyway, I recently noticed that some CDs I thought I had ripped apparently never got ripped, which is a problem b/c I sold them a couple of years ago- looks like I'm listening to 'In the Court of the Crimson King' on YouTube for awhile :( So I'm now embarking on a mission to dig through my collection, item by item, and double check what I do and don't have and how much of it I actually did get converted into mp3 files.
I got started last night, and found a couple of things that I had completely forgotten about. This both amuses me and irks me as I have a fairly good memory, so it was surprising to already find some things that prompted a response of "what the hell is that?".

The first batch of rediscovered items is listed below. I'll try to add replies to this thread as I come across more forgotten items. This is just for fun more than anything; perhaps some of you will enjoy reading about what great (and not so great) things got lost on my shelves and hard drives.

#1 Legioned Marcher demo
How the fuck did I forget about this? This is GREAT! How the FUCK did I forget about this?!?! I talked about it on this forum, loved the demo.... and completely forgot it existed. To make it even more inexplicable that I'd forget about this gem, my notes indicate I downloaded this in the same week as the BLIND ASSASSIN demo. BA still gets into my play list regularly. I frequently cite is as a favorite among US demos. I got their anthology CD when it came out a few years ago. LM is every bit as good, yet it just completely vanished from my memory.
So, files added back onto ipod, yay!
And yes, I keep notes on things like when I get new music. Apparently I need to review my notes more often!

#2 Two versions of DANGER DANGER 'Cockroach'
Danger Danger is a sentimental favorite of mine (ok, NOW would be the time to yell "your steel is not true!") because their s/t debut was the first even remotely 'metal' album I ever bought (teenagers thought it counted as metal in 1989, that is my only defense). Their first 2 albums are part of the soundtrack of my high school years. But grunge quickly swept away all these hair bands and I moved on to heavier Metal fare, having absolutely no interest in whatever-the-fuck was wrong with Jeremy (worst fucking music video ever) or what Teen Spirit actually smelled like. I DO remember finding out at some point that DD had recorded some more albums later on, and I DO remember getting a 90-minute cassette in a tape trade with 'Cockroach' and 'Four the Hard Way' on it, just for curiosity's sake (old habits die hard). I do NOT remember if I even played the entire tape, and I sure as hell don't remember getting a digital copy of these albums. But it gets better! Apparently I didn't just get one digital copy of 'Cockroach', I got the version with original vocalist Ted Poley AND the version with his replacement, Paul Lane, singing. it was one of those deals where the vocalist was kicked out after the album was recorded, so the original recording couldn't be released until later on (similar to Tokyo Blade's 'Night of the Blade' situation with the Vic Wright and Alan Marsh versions). I seriously doubt I have ever played these mp3s. Is Danger Danger really so ingrained in my subconscious that I reflexively downloaded their entire catalog at some point? I don't think so, but the evidence may weigh against me on this one....

#3 AC/DC Powerage original version
Why are there three folders labelled 'Powerage' in my AC/DC mp3 folder? One is the regular version, the second is the regular version (hello delete button), and the third one is a different version used for the original pressing that was latter spiffied up before the album was released overseas.
I do remember obtaining this and thinking that the differences were awfully minor besides the inclusion of an extra track, 'Cold-Hearted Man'.
Fun trivia for those of you from outside the USA: 'Powerage' is practically nonexistent in America. It's weird b/c the band is HUGE here, and all their other Bon Scott albums have sold millions upon millions of copies and are revered as essential listening for pretty much every single teenager in this country.
Except for 'Powerage'.
I have no idea why this one got bypassed so hard in America. Sad really, as it's a great album; one of their most consistent from Bon's years. I'll take it over 'Let There Be Rock' any day of the week, and over 'Highway to Hell' most of the time too. I only knew about it b/c John Allinson, an oldschool metal vinyl dealer who had a thing for AC/DC, Venom, and Motorhead, mentioned the song, 'Gone Shootin'' to me at some point, and I almost went nuts trying to figure out which AC/DC album it was on because NO ONE KNEW 'POWERAGE' EXISTED. I FINALLY stumbled across a copy in the Imports bin in a small mom & pop store. having looked for it for years, I gladly plunked down the insane price for the import CD and I've loved it ever since. Soon thereafter i was talking to a guy at work who was a huge AC/DC fan claiming to have everything they ever recorded. I asked him what he thought of 'Powerage' and he just stared blankly at me. I proceeded to pop in the album and play it, and I thought he was literally gonna collapse at the realization there was an entire ACV/DC studio album he didn't know existed!
But even I had forgot about the files on my hard drive presenting the original version.

OK, two CD shelves and a handful of hard drive folders down, about 3,837 items to go.

Fuck. :evil:
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Re: Weird Finds While Cleaning Out Your Collection

Post by Cochino »

nightsblood wrote:'Powerage' is practically nonexistent in America.
Wow, really? It's always been my favorite AC/DC album. My brother gave me the CD as a birthday gift back when I was getting into metal at 12/13 and I think it's still the only one I can't start listening without finishing it, without skipping any songs.

Nice read, btw. I'm not really a collector, so this has never really happened to me (I've forgotten about owning some CD's a few times but they were mostly stuff given to me that I never really wanted in the first place), but I like reading this kinda stuff to see if I find out about some hidden gem or something.
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Re: Weird Finds While Cleaning Out Your Collection

Post by bigfootkit »

Cochino wrote:
nightsblood wrote:'Powerage' is practically nonexistent in America.
Wow, really? It's always been my favorite AC/DC album. My brother gave me the CD as a birthday gift back when I was getting into metal at 12/13 and I think it's still the only one I can't start listening without finishing it, without skipping any songs.
I'm surprised to hear this too, particularly as from what i've read 'Powerage' was the first of their albums that the band felt the US wing of Atlantic really got behind & pushed properly, and their American touring schedule at the time had them playing with higher profile acts & appearing on big bills like the Day On The Green festivals in support of the album.
When i first heard 'Powerage' as a 10 or 11 year old in the early 80's, it didn't quite grab me the same way that 'Let There Be Rock', 'High Voltage' and 'Highway To Hell' already had, but gradually it worked it's way up my estimations to become my favourite Acca Dacca album too.
If i ever need to get a job done, whether it's painting a ceiling or whatever, it's one of my go-to soundtracks coz it drives you on relentlessly without ever dropping in intensity. It's guaranteed to get 40 minutes of uninterrupted hard graft out of me every time.
Nightsblood, you probably got the original UK mix of the album from me, and it still sounds superior to the more common one to my ears, but then, that's the one i've lived with the longest. Both versions are awesome.
The album turns 40 this year (!) and it still sounds fantastic.
On a different note, this may be the first time in recorded history that anyone anywhere has discussed having a record collection that contains both King Crimson and Danger Danger.
I admire your unabashed moxy sir. :D
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Re: Weird Finds While Cleaning Out Your Collection

Post by wicked keeper »

I thought only Aussies referred to them as "Acca Dacca"....though it would be appropriate if it turned out the term originated in Scotland....:lol:
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Re: Weird Finds While Cleaning Out Your Collection

Post by nightsblood »

'Kit- "Moxy", yeah, let's go with that! Sounds a lot better than saying I have weird-ass musical tastes :)

Re: 'Powerage', the ONLY explanation I can offer as to why the average US hard rock fan doesn't know about the album is that it contains absolutely ZERO songs that went on to become long-term staples in their live performances. Every other Bon Scott era album has at least a couple of songs that became a standard part of every "best of"/live project, but somehow none of the songs from 'Powerage' ever attained the same status as 'TNT', 'Dirty Deeds', 'Big Balls', 'Whole Lotta Rosie', 'The Jack', 'Highway to Hell', 'It's a Long Way to the Top", 'Let There be Rock', etc etc etc etc. Maybe a band with such a long legacy and so many hits can only sustain so many songs over long periods of time, and eventually some things just get lost in their wake.
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Re: Weird Finds While Cleaning Out Your Collection

Post by Khnud »

Powerage is the best AC/DC album, and Sin City is the best song they ever recorded.
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Re: Weird Finds While Cleaning Out Your Collection

Post by GulliverFoyle »

DD rules majorly, probably I prefer the versions with Ted Poley (Still have a mancrush on him). Also the albums they did with Paul rule (except Dawn which has alterantive/grunge elements, still 3 awesome tracks). I have a DD tattoo (I wished it was bigger but I'm too parsimonious for stuff like that) and vest.

Paul Laine's solo lp + 1st DD are in my all time favorite short top 15 (from the moment, while I'm in the process of assessing my whole collection).

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Re: Weird Finds While Cleaning Out Your Collection

Post by bigfootkit »

nightsblood wrote:'Kit- "Moxy", yeah, let's go with that! Sounds a lot better than saying I have weird-ass musical tastes :)
You're very welcome my friend, i'm trying to bring 'moxy' back, it's a great little word that's on the verge of undeserved extinction, so try & slip it into a conversation sometime if you have the moxy to do so.
Re 'Acca Dacca', i've no idea where the term originated, but i reckon we Scots can stake some claim to it, much like the band itself.
This forum was the last place i expected to see Danger Danger championed, but they say if you live long enough you see everything eventually. I was therefore reminded of this amusing story which Ted Poley told an interviewer about their European dates supporting Kiss on the 'Revenge' tour:
"One night after our set I was backstage walking down the corridor toward our dressing room, when suddenly Paul Stanley entered from the other end! When I saw him approaching, I really wanted to say hello and introduce myself… but I got starstruck and lost my nerve! So I ended up just looking down at my shoes and walking past without saying anything. But when I got to the other end of the hallway, I heard Paul belting out my name at the top of his lungs… to the tune of their new single “Unholy!” The words and melody just fit perfectly. “Ted Poh-laaaaayyyyy!” I don’t care if this sounds lame, but that was one of the greatest moments of my life!"
Ted's tale then apparently chimed with some fella with the unlikely name of CC Banana, (i think someone from Savatage was involved in his band?), who later recorded 'Unholy' as 'Ted Poley', (with the altered chorus), for a tribute album to Vinnie Vincent called 'Kiss My Ankh'.
You can hear it below:

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Re: Weird Finds While Cleaning Out Your Collection

Post by Aiden »

I'm not sure about 'weird' but a few years back I was putting in new shelving for my LP's while thinking that I really needed to get the Emerald reissue from Iron on Iron records and hey presto, it was right there!
I guess I must have picked it up along with a load of other records at some festival and just forgot.

I woke up in my tent at KIT a few years back to find a few Queen records that I must have bought in a drunken state the night before. No recollection of buying them!
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Re: Weird Finds While Cleaning Out Your Collection

Post by nightsblood »

Nice vest!

'kit: so you're trying to bring back 'moxy'? You're quite the clever clogs, aren't you? :-)
That's an awesome story about Paul Stanley & Ted Poley!!!
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Re: Weird Finds While Cleaning Out Your Collection

Post by Prowler »

After searching something in the S section I saw I also have the 12" of this: ... c71KZG87X4

However, after all these years it's still a great song.
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Re: Weird Finds While Cleaning Out Your Collection

Post by Astra Wally »


Someone sent this to me for free yeeaaars ago. Played the flip side "Dick In The Dirt" non-stop at that time... completely forgot about it then just re-found it, as it was stuck between some magazines that I sorted out some days ago.

Still love that track, a real foot-tapper... actually the only one I ever heard from Sammy Hagar, as I think I never even bothered to listen to the A side :lol:

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Re: Weird Finds While Cleaning Out Your Collection

Post by humus »

Mostly stuff that I had multiple copies off without knowing. Found a misplaced second copy of Sabbat - Live batan-q lp a few months ago. And was happy to get an Exmortes 7" last year. Only to find out I already owned one when I wanted to put it away.

When it comes to shirts I can discover something new every time I open my closet. I have so many that after a while I forget that I own certain shirts. I also got rid of quite a few over the years and sometime I'll find one which I thought I had traded away, but apparently didn't.
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Re: Weird Finds While Cleaning Out Your Collection

Post by nightsblood »

humus wrote:Mostly stuff that I had multiple copies off without knowing. Found a misplaced second copy of Sabbat - Live batan-q lp a few months ago. And was happy to get an Exmortes 7" last year. Only to find out I already owned one when I wanted to put it away.

When it comes to shirts I can discover something new every time I open my closet. I have so many that after a while I forget that I own certain shirts. I also got rid of quite a few over the years and sometime I'll find one which I thought I had traded away, but apparently didn't.
Yeah, I sold off most of my shirts last year; I never get to wear them and the were taking up too much space. I had forgotten how many black metal shirts I bought in the late 90s! Immortal, 2 Burzum, Mayhem, Darkthrone, etc. Coolest one I found was probably an Obituary shirt from 95/96 with the 'woods of the suicides' motif front & back.

Stumbled across mp3s of STEEL ASSASSIN 'In Hellfire Forged'. Took my brain a couple of minutes to come 'round to the realization that, oh yeah, SA actually DID record another album after 'War of the 8 Saints'. Probably got this from emusic. Good for me!
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Re: Weird Finds While Cleaning Out Your Collection

Post by nightsblood »

So, did all copies of the Praying Mantis 7" come with an iron-on patch inside the pic sleeve? Why didn't I remember having one inside the pic sleeve?

Angel Witch released a live disc from '82 with an unreleased EP tacked on at the end. Huh. Nifty.

Skatenigs....... WOW, now THIS took a moment to register. Hard band to describe, sort of a joke band mixing bad 90s metal trappings, such as sampling and rapping, with ridiculous OTT lyrics. Maybe like BUTT TRUMPET if they were a Crossover Thrash band? If anyone remembers BUTT TRUMPET, I'm both impressed and feel sorry for you :)
Anyway, Skatenigs' 'Stupid People Shouldn't Breed' is a great album title, and tracks like 'Horny for Evil' are still good, friendly, braindead fun to play extremely loudly when you want to feel like a 14-year old prat all over again. If this had come out a bit later, when nu metal was all the rage, these guys might have been a thing, though I'm not sure any of their songs could ever have been played on the air.
"I'm sorry Sam, we had real chemistry. But like a monkey on the sun, our love was too hot to live"
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